Montana Wild (17 page)

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Authors: Roni Hall

BOOK: Montana Wild
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Chapter 20

Jamie slept restlessly. Her thoughts kept going back to the incident at the bar last night. Dwelling on it would do no good, she had to let it go. Forcing herself to think about something completely different, something positive, she decided to concentrate on how it felt when she was riding Jack when they broke out into a full run. Never had she felt so free before, as if she were a bird in flight. There, now she was in a much better frame of mind.

Feeling better, she got up, dressed, and headed out the door for her cup of tea. However, when she opened the door, there sat Kevin, perched on her stoop. He was unshaven and looked like he hadn’t slept.


He held a thermos mug and handed it to her. “Your tea.”

“Thank you. You look awful.”

“Can I talk to you? Can I come in?” He asked.

“Sure.” She held the door open and he closed it behind him.

“Jamie, I’m sick about what happened last night. It's my fault, I shouldn’t have left you. I’m so sorry.” He looked at her with a look of failure on his face.

His guilt angered Jamie and her voice was firm. “Kevin, what are you sorry for? You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to apologize for. It was those bastards’ fault, not yours.”

“I should have been there for you.”

“Unfortunately, we can’t protect everyone all the time, no matter what. And you did help me because from what I understand, you threw Rick a ‘go check on Jamie’ look and he did. So thank you.”

“I’m still sick about it.” His face was lined with guilt.

“I was too . . . last night. But I decided to let it go and I have. So you can let it go too,” she said softly and reached for his hand.

“I don’t think I can let it go that quickly but I’ll shut up about it. However, for the record and for the future, nothing, I repeat nothing is too important to interrupt me. I love music but I will gladly interrupt it for anything to do with you.” He made eye-to-eye contact. “Understood?” he held her gaze, and she nodded.

“Understood,” Jamie answered appreciatively. Neither spoke for a minute, then she changed the subject. “Let’s get some breakfast. Consuelo’s cooking makes everything better.”

After working a full day in the barn, Jamie needed some Jack time. Catching Hector’s attention, she winked as she tip-toed past him toward the stallion’s stall. Quietly leading Jack outside, she mounted him and set off on the trail.

Riding for about forty-five minutes, she came to a stream where she rested and watered Jack. He seemed to have an uncanny sense of a person’s basic personality, good or bad. What an amazing animal! She laughed out loud. “Who would have thought a city girl like me has a horse for a BFF!” Enjoying nature’s show she could feel the day waning.

“We better get back before it gets late.” They reached the barn and Jamie looked around as she led Jack toward his stall still conversing with him.

“That was fun, Jack, we’ll do . . .” She stopped in mid-sentence as she spotted Kevin leaning against the post at Jack's stall as if waiting for them. Knowing she was caught red-handed, she didn’t know what to say so she said nothing. Leading Jack into his stall, she undressed him and began to brush him as Kevin watched her silently. Once she finished with Jack she exited the stall to face the music. Kevin still waited.

“I’m sorry, Kevin. I know Jack is your horse and I should’ve asked you first. I’m sorry.” She looked up at him.

“Jamie, it’s not that he’s my horse. I don’t care about that. I care about your safety, first and foremost and Jack is unpredictable.” Kevin was firm and unsmiling.

“I know you think that, but Jack is a gentle horse to those that are gentle to him. He trusts me. I know you don’t believe it but Jack wouldn’t hurt me. I don’t know how I know that but I do. I trust him more than any horse on this ranch. I know I only have a few weeks of horse experience, but this goes beyond knowing horses. It’s a connection with another living being. I know I sound crazy.” Jamie pleaded her case.

Kevin stood silent. He looked at Jamie then at Jack who was nuzzling Jamie right this second. Jack looked at Kevin as if to say
see, I won’t hurt her. I’ll be careful.

Kevin’s gaze softened. “I must be crazy. Okay, but you two better behave. Jack, I’m holding you personally responsible for her safety. And, Jamie, you better take all precautions.” Kevin shook his head from side to side. “I must be crazy.”

Jamie hugged Kevin and then Jack. “Thank you. Thank you. I’ll take good care of him, I promise.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.” Kevin stroked Jack’s nose like a handshake to seal the deal between two guys. He patted Jack’s neck then turned to Jamie.

“Let’s go eat.”

“Sounds great. I’m hungry. Good night, Jack.” She gave him a quick hug then turned to leave with Kevin as she took hold of his arm.

“You won’t be sorry. At least you know Jack will be getting his exercise when you’re too busy.”

They kept walking. Kevin was still shaking his head from side to side. He repeated, “I must be crazy.” But this time he smiled.

Chapter 21

Kevin and Jamie entered the mess hall and sat down next to Ben and Rick and caught up on the latest news. Jamie asked about Tommy and found out he was spending a couple of days with his maternal grandmother. When they finished their meal, Jamie cleared her plate and approached Consuelo who gave her a quick hug and some girl chat before she rejoined the guys at the table.

“Jamie, we’re going to the Wild Boar tonight. Want to join us?” Ben asked. Jamie looked from Ben to Kevin to Rick.

“Are you sure this isn’t a male-bonding event?”

“Of course it is, but you’re one of the guys!” Ben answered, and they all laughed.

“Thanks . . . I think. Sure, I’d love to go.”

“Okay, meet at the truck at 8. See you then.” Ben got up and Rick soon followed leaving Kevin and Jamie alone.

“You okay with this . . . or is it too soon after last night?”

“Last night is over. I love hanging out with the guys.”

“Okay then, if you're sure.”

“I better go and freshen up a bit . . . or is that not acceptable for one of the guys to do?”

“No, cleaning up is acceptable. We are guys after all, not animals.” Kevin laughed.

They entered the bar, greeted by Kenny and some of the locals. The place seemed warmer than usual and Kenny commented that the air conditioner was on the blink. As a result, ice-cold beers were on special tonight. The bar began to fill which made it even warmer. Kenny set some stand-up fans around the room, which helped but did not alleviate the heat. Even though it was warm inside, none of them thought of leaving early. Kenny would probably have some costly repairs so he needed the business. Being a little warm was the least they could do for a friend, that’s how these people were here. If a bar or restaurant’s air broke down in the big city, the patrons would leave, not wanting to experience any discomfort
. We’re a pampered society,
Jamie thought, and shook her head.

Kevin caught her shaking her head and raised his eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?”

“Actually nothing, nothing at all.” She smiled.

The conversation flowed and jokes about the heat and hot bodies were the topic of the night. They gave Kenny some good-natured flack but he took it in stride and gave it back to them. They were there for the evening so they might as well have fun with it. Kenny started passing out cloth napkins floating in an ice bath, which proved a big hit. People got creative, some wearing them around their foreheads, around their necks, or under their cowboy hats. The crowd had fun with it. Glad she’d worn a sleeveless tee, Jamie still felt very warm and was perspiring. In fact, Ben made a comment that it was the first time he’d ever seen Jamie sweat. Jamie corrected him firmly.

“First of all, Ben, I do not
. I

“Oh pardon me,
. I stand corrected.” He bowed.

“And secondly, I have
many a time sweeping out the barn.”

“I stand corrected . . . again.” Ben laughed and bowed again.

“Glistening, huh?” Kevin looked at her with a devilish grin.

“I warn you not to come too close when I’m glistening. I hope my perfume holds out.” She exaggerated a worried look.

“I like a woman who glistens. That means she’s real.” Kevin eyed her flirtatiously.

“Well then, I'm real!”

The night wore on and the temperature rose but it did not dampen their spirits. The juke box played nonstop. Percy Sledge’s “When a Man Loves a Woman” started up. Kevin touched Jamie’s shoulder and slid his hand down her arm to grab hold of her hand. He led her and she followed him onto the empty dance floor.

Kevin pulled her close for a slow dance. She started to protest because she worried that the sweat that covered her body might turn him off, but one look at Kevin with his damp shirt told the story. Their two hot bodies, holding close and moving to Percy Sledge was above petty perspiration worries. Holding her near, they were touching from chest to knees. In this crowded bar, they were alone, moving as one. The heat in the room seemed to heighten the tension that was palpable between them. She could feel his heart beat and her breath quickened. The external temp in the room was not an issue; they wanted to be even closer. The words of the song were not lost on either one of them . . . it spoke of a man loving a woman, unable to keep his mind on anything else . . .

The music ended but neither let go. Kevin looked her in the eyes then kissed her lips. He seemed reluctant to release her from his embrace and held onto her hand as they headed back to the bar. In fact he did not let go of Jamie for the rest of the night. After that dance, there was no denying that there was something between Kevin and Jamie. It was their coming out to the rest of the ranch workers.

The group stayed for about another hour then left the bar together. When they exited the bar and walked outside, it felt like Mother Nature had the air conditioner on. The breeze felt wonderful. They relished in it for a few moments before getting into the truck for the ride home.

Rick and Ben bid their good nights, which left Kevin and Jamie alone. He held her hand as he walked her to her cabin. As they turned to face each other Kevin pulled her close and kissed her long and hard, to which Jamie responded eagerly. While still entwined, Kevin took a couple of steps forward and backed Jamie against the wall of her cabin, pressing his body against hers. Even though the external temperature was much cooler, things were quickly heating up between the two of them. Their breathing quickened and pulses raced. Kevin’s hands left her shoulders and traveled down her back to her waist and then her hips. Pulling her closer, her body responded in ways she hadn’t known she could. She never felt this combination of emotional and physical desire before.

Who is this man that has come into my life and turned it upside down?
She looked up, lost in the kindness and integrity that flowed from him.
Why can’t I admit how I feel? Because he’s too good to be true, and I’m going to wake up from this dream and he will be gone . . . poof! I can’t believe that this wonderful man wants
. I’ve never been that lucky. Why . . . how could I be so lucky now?

“Kevin.” She spoke his name so softly but that was all she had to say . . . he knew what it meant.

“I’m sorry, Jamie. I just go crazy when I’m near you. I don’t want to scare you but I’m falling hard. I know you didn’t want to get involved so soon, but it’s too late. I am involved.” He looked at her, an open book.

“Kevin, I’m not going to lie to you. You do something to me, you do. I told you I'm not ready, but you’re moving into my heart in a way I’m not prepared for. My brain says no but my heart’s not listening. I need more time. I can only open my heart one more time and survive. I need to make sure it’s right this time.”

“Take your time. I’ll wait for you. And I’ll try not to pressure you. Tell me to back off if I am. But I’m a man after all and having you so close is very difficult for me.” He rested his forehead against hers. “But I will wait for you.”

They stayed there, foreheads touching for a minute. Jamie then put her arms around him and hugged him close. “I hope you do.” She kissed him on the lips, smiled up at him then went into her cabin.

Kevin didn’t move. He didn’t know if he should be happy about what had just taken place or not. She was not in the same place as he was as far as feelings but it sounded like she may be coming around the bend. He had meant what he’d said. He would wait for her. She was definitely worth waiting for. It pissed him off that he had to pay for that asshole Derrick’s behavior. But after Kevin thought about it, he should be grateful to the jerk because if he had treated Jamie right, she wouldn’t be here now with him.
So thank you, Derrick, thank you

Walking into his home, he had to remind himself that in all, it had been a good night. He laughed out loud at some of the funnier moments of the night due to the broken air conditioner; surely they would talk about this night for weeks to come.

As he lay in bed, staring into the darkness, his heart rate quickened as he recalled his steamy dance with Jamie. Holding her close, even in that heat, had felt like heaven and he was glad they were out in the open with their relationship now. He wanted everyone to know his feelings for her.

However, Kevin’s mood changed as he recalled the outsider in the corner of the bar tonight. He was hidden in the back booth but his sinister eyes had followed Jamie’s every move. Kevin had first noticed the man while they were dancing and the way he’d tracked Jamie’s steps unnerved him. His gaze had never left her. Kevin hadn’t mentioned anything to Jamie because he didn’t want to frighten her, especially after what had happened last night. Uneasy with the man’s presence, Kevin had kept her close the rest of the night. He had sighed with relief when he saw the dark stranger finally exit the bar, but an ominous premonition still lingered.

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