Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found (15 page)

BOOK: Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found
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“I’m sure this will be over quickly, and this time, we’ll be rid of him for good. Please write me, darling. Your letters mean the world to me. This will all be over with soon, and then we’ll go up north and have a very happy life. I promise!” Henry pulled her close and kissed her one last time, and then he left the room.


When Melody woke up the next morning, she remembered that Henry was gone. She did not feel well, so she decided to stay in bed for the day. Helen came to check on her, but Melody just told her that she wanted to be alone. She promised she would be up and about tomorrow.

The next morning, she got up and was resolved to not be morose. She went downstairs to the breakfast room, and Helen and Kathryn were already there. Melody filled her plate and joined them at the table. As they ate their breakfast, Helen mentioned that she needed to go into the village that day and pick up some things from the dressmaker and Melody agreed to go with her. While they were in the village, they also went to the bookshop and the confectionery. Over all, it was a pleasant morning, and the time went swiftly by. That afternoon, Melody went to Helen’s room so she could model all her new clothes she would be taking with her to London. Again, the afternoon went by quickly. Melody appreciated what Helen was doing. She knew she was trying to take Melody’s mind off Henry. At four o’clock, they went down for tea. The duke and duchess were already in the drawing room when they arrived.

“I see you have finally chosen to join us, gel. You have been avoiding us, I do believe,” stated her grace.

Melody smiled pleasantly and said, “I haven’t intentionally been avoiding you. I just haven’t been feeling well, but I’m feeling much better today. Are you looking forward to going to town next week?”

“I’m ready to leave the country. I enjoy the season every year, but this one will be particularly busy, what with Helen’s come out and presentation at court. I just hope she will meet someone this season, and we can marry her off,” she said.

In frustration, Helen said, “Mother, I told you that I don’t want to get married yet. I want to just enjoy myself this year and not take anything too seriously.”

Melody put her arm around Helen as she said, “Helen, you’re going to have so much fun. I know you’re going to be well received. You’ll have dozens of beaus, and you may meet someone very special, just as I did when I met your brother. I didn’t go to London with the expectation that I would meet someone and be married seven months later. Sometimes, it just works out that way. I want you to be happy, so just keep an open mind when you get there.”

“I guess you’re right, Melody. I wouldn’t mind finding someone like you did. Someone that I could love and that would love me as Henry loves you.” Helen looked over at Melody with determination in her eyes. “I wish you would change your mind and come with me. We would have so much fun, and you could help me navigate through the ton. Please change your mind and come with us. I think it would be better for you. It would help keep you from worrying so much about Henry. Please say you will come?”

Melody could tell this was important to Helen. So she said, “Well, maybe I’ll go for a few weeks, just to help you adjust, if it’s all right with your parents.”

The duchess turned to her and said, “You can come with us. I know you would help entertain Helen and keep her busy, so I can enjoy myself with my friends. At least, until the season gets fully under way and Helen makes her curtsey at court. Yes, I think it would be a very good idea for you to come, so no more discussion.”

They finished their tea and biscuits, and everyone went upstairs to rest before dinner. Melody thought Helen was probably right and that going to town would help take her mind off Henry, now that he had left for the continent. Once she got there, she might change her mind and stay for the entire season. They went to the schoolroom and told Kathryn that Melody was going to London after all.

“I’m glad that you decided to go, Melody. I think it will be good for you. It will take your mind off Henry, and I know he would want you to go and have a good time. He won’t worry that you’re sitting here alone feeling blue and worrying about him. You need to write him and let him know you’re going.” Kathryn wistfully hugged Melody and then said, “I wish I could go. Even if I’m too young to be out in society yet, I would love to be able to visit all the museums and go to some of the other attractions that are available in London. I’ve never been able to go there.”

Melody wanted to help Kathryn feel better, so she said, “Helen and I will see if we can convince your mother to let you go and just stay while I’m there. I’ll tell her that I’ll help to keep you entertained and will chaperone you so she doesn’t have to do it herself.”

Kathryn hugged her tightly as she said, “Oh, thank you, Melody! I hope she’ll say yes. Will you ask her tonight after dinner?”

“Yes, Helen and I will both do our best to persuade the duchess to let you come with us,” she said. “Well, I need to go to my room, so I can read. I’m at a good spot in my book and want to finish it before dinner.”

Melody sat down on the chaise in her room and was soon lost in her book. Before she realized, it was time to get ready for dinner. She called Millie and was soon ready to go down. She arrived in the drawing room, just as everyone was ready to go into dinner. The duke gave her a hard cold stare. It was obvious that he was not pleased that she was cutting it close and had almost been late again. Dinner went well, and soon the ladies left his grace to his port.

Melody and Helen approached the duchess and Melody said, “Your grace, we would like you to consider letting Kathryn come to town with us. Now that she will be left all alone, except for her governess, she’ll be lonely. Remember that always before, she had Helen to help entertain her, but Helen won’t be here, since she’s going to town, and now I’ll be going as well. She’ll be all alone. Please let her come, just for the time while I’ll be there.”

Melody watched the duchess closely, hoping she would say yes, because she knew this was important to Kathryn. Then the duchess replied, “You make a very good argument for Kathryn. I agree she would probably get into mischief, if left on her own. She can come, as long as you take full responsibility and keep her entertained.”

Melody was shocked but so happy for Kathryn. She could not believe she had actually convinced the duchess! “Thank you, your grace, I promise to watch over her. I know it’s what Henry would want me to do, and besides, I love Kathryn very much and find her company delightful.”

Helen and Melody went to the pianoforte so Helen could play and Melody could sing. This helped to pass the rest of the evening, and at ten o’clock, they went upstairs to bed.

The next morning, they told Kathryn that the duchess had agreed to allow her to go to London. Kathryn ran to Melody and Helen and hugged them. She was overjoyed that she was able to go and started talking about all the wonderful things she would be able to do. Melody was pleased that she had been successful in persuading the duchess to allow Kathryn to go. Maybe the duchess was starting to accept her, because she had been a little nicer to her lately. She knew she was making the right decision to go with everyone, because it would help keep her mind off what Henry would be doing.

April 1815

HE NEXT WEEK went by quickly, what with getting everything ready to go to town. Before Melody knew it, they were off to London. The trip was pleasant, and soon they arrived at Sanderford House. Melody had never been there, so she was amazed at the size of it. It looked almost as large as Buckingham palace. There was a level of opulence she had never seen. It was somewhat overwhelming, and she was sure she would get lost before she learned her way around. Melody liked the library most of all, because it had floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, and she could just imagine spending many delightful hours curled up with a good book. After the housekeeper, Mrs. Stewart, finished the tour, she showed them to their rooms. The suite she would be using was beautiful. Melody could see herself spending many pleasant hours writing letters at the small delicate French desk in the sitting room. She loved the soft shades of mauve and cream in the sitting room, and the bedroom matched. Of course, what would have been Henry’s room adjoined her room. His room was very masculine with another large bed with heavy dark mahogany furniture, and she thought of Henry and wished he was there so he could make love to her in that big bed. She liked the colors used to decorate his room. The shades of deep green with beige accents were very restful, and then she felt a sharp stab of pain, remembering what Henry was doing and where he was. They would have had such an enjoyable time, just like last year.
That would only cause her to become melancholy, and she knew that Henry was counting on her to be strong. She was still waiting on a letter from him. It had only been a fortnight since he had left for the continent. She probably would not hear from him for at least another week.

The first week went by quickly. They went to the modiste, Madame Devy and were having new gowns made up for the season. Melody was pleased to see that the duchess seemed to be more pleasant ever since they had arrived in town. It had been her idea for Melody to have a new wardrobe along with Helen. She told Melody that she needed new clothes because, after all, she was now part of the family and needed to dress accordingly. The duchess was very controlling about what she would wear and was constantly making comments about Melody’s weight. She told Madame Devy to make sure that all Melody’s gowns hid her plumpness. This was quite embarrassing to Melody, but there was nothing she could do about it except maintain her dignity. Just when she thought she was making progress with the duchess, she found out that she was wrong. She realized that the only reason the duchess was buying her new clothes was that she did not want Melody to embarrass her. She did compliment Melody on doing a fine job of entertaining Kathryn, but Melody knew this was because she did not want to have to do it herself. They had all their new clothes by the second week. Melody just wished Henry could see her in all her new finery. Madame Devy was brilliant, and she did have to admit that her new gowns were very slimming.

Finally, Melody received her first letter from Henry. He was very busy, and his men were impatient to get a chance at Boney. They landed on the continent and were making their way to Brussels. It would be a slow process, but they should be there by mid-May. The weather had been truly dreadful. Henry told her that it had been raining everyday since they landed. He seemed to be in a good frame of mind, and he reminded her that he loved her and missed her very much. She was relieved to hear from him and immediately wrote back. She let him know that she had been having a lovely time with Kathryn. They had gone to several museums so Kathryn could see art by some of the great masters. Kathryn enjoyed her art instruction and diligently worked on her lessons. The duchess had even consented to let her continue her instruction even though they were in London.

That evening, they were all going to the Duke of Ashurst’s opening season ball. Melody had a beautiful, new ball gown to wear. Once she was dressed, she noticed how nice she looked in her gown, which was a deep rose satin with gold trim on the bodice. The gown was simple yet elegant, and it definitely enhanced all of Melody’s best attributes. Millie did a remarkable job on dressing her hair in a new style, which was very flattering to her face. Nelson would be escorting them to the ball. It was so nice to see him again, and he looked happier than she had ever seen him. He had shared with her that he had been spending quite a bit of time with Mrs. Harrison, and they were getting to know each other very well.

Melody descended the stairs, and most of them were already in the entry hall. They turned to look at her, and she could tell that they were impressed with how well she looked. Nelson met her as she stepped down from the stairs. He bowed, raised her hand, and kissed her fingers as he said, “Melody, you look lovely. I may have to watch out for you. There will be quite a few men trying to get your attention this evening. I’ll have my work cut out for me, protecting you from them.”

Melody looked over at Nelson with astonishment in her eyes. Surely, he did not think she would want other men flirting with her. “Nelson, I would never give my attention to any other man. I only want Henry, you know that.”

Nelson laughed as he gave her a quick hug and said, “I do. I was just teasing you. Henry would be very proud of you if he could see how elegant you appear tonight.” Nelson turned to everyone and said, “Well, it’s time to be off.”

They all got in the carriage to travel to the Duke of Ashurst’s residence It appeared that the ball would definitely be a crush as they waited in line with all the other guests. A red carpet was rolled out to protect everyone’s evening attire, and finally, it was their turn. The footmen helped all of the ladies out of the carriage, and they went up the stairs. At the head of the stairs, the majordomo announced their arrival. Melody was slightly taken aback by all the heads that turned when her name was announced. They moved through the receiving line, and she made her curtsey to the Duke and the Duchess of Ashurst. The duchess was a lovely woman, only a few years older than Melody. She gave her a welcoming smile, told her she was glad she could come, and mentioned that Melody should come for a visit so they could have tea together and get to know one another. They eventually made it down the stairs, and Melody spied her friend Susan standing by Aunt Miriam. They greeted her warmly, gave her a hug, and kissed her on the cheek.

“My darling girl, you look marvelous, and where did you get that gown?” Aunt Miriam asked. “Obviously, marriage has agreed with you. I have never seen you look so happy. I was sorry to hear that Henry had to leave. I’m sure you miss him quite a bit. If you need anything, just let me know. Please come for tea tomorrow so you can catch me up on everything.”

“Thank you, Aunt Miriam. The gown is part of my new wardrobe, and it’s one of Madame Devy’s designs. I would be happy to come for tea. I look forward to it. I have so much to tell you.” Melody turned to Susan and said, “Susan, you look lovely tonight. How have you been?”

Susan looked over and giggled, then said, “I have so much to tell you! I’ve met someone. His name is Arthur Taylor, and his father is a viscount. He’s very handsome and also very funny. He makes me laugh all the time, and I really like him. He should be here soon. I want to introduce him to you. Are you going to have time to help with the orphanage while you’re in town?”

“Yes, Susan, I’m looking forward to seeing all the children again. I’m glad you’ve met someone. You deserve to be happy. I’m so happy with Henry, but I miss him terribly. I hope this conflict can be cleared up quickly, so he can come back to me. Here comes Nelson. He’s my brother-in-law, the Marquess of Wyndham, and he has been so helpful to me since I joined the family.” She smiled at Nelson as he joined them, and said, “Nelson, this is my best friend, Susan Wilton. Susan, this is Henry’s brother, the Marquess of Wyndham.”

Nelson made his bow and said, “It’s lovely to meet you. Melody has mentioned you several times. I’m pleased she has a good friend to help occupy her time while she waits for Henry’s return.” He looked over at Melody and asked, “Melody, may I have this dance?”

Melody smiled and said, “Of course, I would be pleased to dance with you.”

Then Nelson turned to Susan and asked, “Do you have room for me on your dance card, Miss Wilton?”

“Yes, my lord, I have a quadrille coming up. Would that do?” she asked.

Nelson smiled as he replied, “That would be perfect. I look forward to our dance, Miss Wilton.” They talked a few more minutes, and then Nelson said, “I believe this is my dance, Melody.”

They made their way to the dance floor and joined the line for the country-dance. As they danced, Melody asked, “Is Mrs. Harrison here tonight?”

“Yes, she’s over there with her mother,” he said. “I would like it if you would befriend Mary. She’s a little shy and doesn’t have many friends in town. She’s missing her brother, and I know you could comfort each other.”

Melody smiled up at Nelson, and said, “I found Mary delightful when I met her at Christmas and also when she came back to visit her brother in February, so I would be happy to make her acquaintance again.”

Once the dance was over, Nelson led Melody over to where Mary was sitting, and he introduced her to Mrs. Bronson. Soon they were chatting as if they were old friends. Melody liked Mrs. Bronson, and she enjoyed seeing Mary again. While standing by Mary, she said, “I volunteer at an orphanage when I’m in London. Would you be interested in helping?”

Mary replied, “I would love to help out. There are so many children less fortunate than my son. I know I would enjoy helping out very much.”

“I’ll be going there tomorrow at ten o’clock. Would you be able to come with me?” she asked.

Mary turned to her mother and asked, “Mother would you mind watching Roderick while I go with Lady Montgomery?”

Mrs. Bronson said, “I would be happy to watch him.” She turned to Melody and added, “I think it’s a wonderful thing you are doing, Lady Montgomery. Not many young women are willing to donate their time to the less fortunate.”

“Thank you, ma’am, I truly love working with all the children. It’s so sad that so many of them are left without their parents. I want to help them out anyway that I can. Oh look, here’s Susan Wilton. She also volunteers at the orphanage. Let me introduce you to her.” As Melody welcomed Susan into their group, she said, “Susan, this is my friend Mary Harrison and her mother Mrs. Bronson. Mary has offered to help us at the orphanage. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Susan enthusiastically replied, “I’m pleased to meet both of you. You’ll enjoy all the children, and I’m glad you’ll be joining us.”

They all stood there and talked for a while. Helen came over, and Melody introduced her. Once Helen found out about the orphanage, she told them that she would like to help also, and they all agreed they would go together. Melody looked around and saw Lord Weston walking toward her.

She smiled at Lord Weston as she introduced him to everyone. “Lord Weston, let me introduce you to Mrs. Bronson. I believe you know her son, and of course, you met Mrs. Harrison at our home at Christmas.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bronson. I think highly of your son. I’m sure you miss him, but he is one our brave heroes on their way to fight Bonaparte. I’m sure he’ll return to you soon. From all the news, this conflict should be over shortly.” Lord Weston turned to Melody and asked, “Lady Montgomery, would you care to dance this next set with me?”

“Certainly, my lord, I would be happy to dance with you.” They walked to the dance floor and joined the other couples dancing. It was a waltz, and it made Melody think of the last time she and Henry had danced together.

“How are you, Lady Montgomery?” Lord Weston asked, “I’m sure you’re missing Lord Montgomery. I was sorry to hear he had to leave for the continent to join Wellington. Have you heard from him since he left?”

Melody smiled and said, “Please call me Melody. After all, you’re Henry’s best friend. I received a letter from him yesterday, and he sounded in good spirits. He was complaining about all the rain they were having. He told me that his men were getting impatient waiting for something to happen. They’re ready to see some action. I dread it when they do because I worry that Henry will be hurt or even killed. I don’t know what I’ll do if anything were to happen to him.”

As he twirled her around the dance floor, he said, “Please try not to worry. Henry has been in the army for a long time, and he’ll make sure that nothing keeps him from coming back to you. I know he cares a great deal about you and will make sure he’s able to come home to you as soon as we defeat Bonaparte. If I’m to call you Melody, then you need to call me Weston. That’s what all my friends call me. If there is anything I can do to help the time pass easier for you, just let me know. In fact, how would you like to go for a drive in the park tomorrow afternoon?”

“Thank you, Weston. I would love to go. I have plans for the morning, but I’ll be free later in the day and thank you for offering to help me. Henry told me I could count on you to be there for me,” she said.

“I’ll come by to pick you up at four o’clock, and we’ll take a drive through Hyde Park. Will that be convenient for you?” he asked.

Melody smiled as she said, “That’s fine. I should be back from Lady Helton’s by then.”

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