Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found (8 page)

BOOK: Montgomery Family 01 - Lost Pleasures Found
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The duke looked at Henry with disgust and said, “We will be polite, but we do not have to like her, nor like the fact that you have made her your wife. Keep in mind that you are only our second son, and we do not have to support you or your wife.”

“I don’t need you to support me or my wife because Grandmother left me her estate and enough income that I don’t need assistance from you to support Melody. I have also done quite well with my investments.” Thank God, he had been smart enough to invest some of his inheritance when he came into his majority. “I neither need nor do I want anything from you, other than a place for Melody to stay while I’m finishing up my military career. I’ll be selling out my commission, just as soon as I get all my men settled back into civilian life. Melody will need to live here with you while I travel back and forth between here and my regiment in Kent. Can I at least count on you for this?”

His father nodded his head as he said, “We will allow her to stay here, but just know that we are not happy about this whole situation.”

“Thank you, your grace. We’ll try to stay out of your way as much as possible. Now if you will excuse me, I’ll go get Melody and join you in the drawing room for tea.” Henry then turned and left the study.


He returned to their suite to get Melody, and she could see that he was tense as soon as he entered the sitting room. She wondered if he had been speaking with his parents. He always seemed to tense up when he thought about his parents, and it was causing her to get quite anxious about meeting them. It was hard enough to even think about meeting a duke and duchess, but this was even more intimidating because they were her in-laws.

“Melody, my love, let me take you down to the drawing room. Tea is about to be served, and I want to introduce you to my family. You don’t need to be apprehensive, for I’ll be with you the entire time. You’ll like my brother and my sisters, and they’ll adore you, as I do. Come on, let’s get this over with, and then we can relax.” They went down the stairs and entered the drawing room. Henry’s parents were sitting on the settee. There was a man standing by the fireplace that Melody thought must be Henry’s brother. It was astonishing how much they looked like each other. His sisters were also there. Everyone looked up as they entered the room.

“Hello, everyone. This is Melody, my wife. Her father is the son of the Earl of Wyldwood, and her mother is the daughter of Viscount Millings. As I stated in my letter, Melody is from Little Smythington, Lincolnshire. I hope you’ll make her feel welcome. She’s very excited about meeting all of you.” Henry smiled over at Melody and took her hand as they walked over to where his parents were seated.

“This is my father, the Duke of Sanderford … and my mother the Duchess of Sanderford,” Henry said. Melody politely acknowledged the introduction and gave them an elegant curtsey, and then Henry introduced her to his brother, “Melody, this is my brother, Nelson.”

Nelson walked over, bowed, and said, “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you. Henry told me all about you when he was here last month. I welcome you to our family.”

Henry turned to his sisters and said, “These are my two sisters, Helen and Kathryn. I’m sure you’ll all get along splendidly.”

The older of the two girls said, “Hello, I’m Helen. I’m so pleased to meet you. Unlike Nelson, Henry didn’t tell me anything about you, but I can’t wait to get to know you. I’m sure we’ll become fast friends in no time.”

Kathryn timidly smiled at Melody and said, “I’m Kathryn, and I’m very excited to meet you. I wish you and Henry all the happiness in the world.”

They all made Melody feel very welcomed except for his parents. They looked at her with a condescending expression on their faces. She guessed that it was to be expected, after all; she was sure they thought she was not worthy of their son. Henry seated her in a chair close to his sisters, and the duchess began to serve tea. Soon everyone began to relax and enjoy their tea and biscuits. Henry ate several sandwiches as usual. After tea was over, Henry escorted Melody back up to their suite.

“Well, that went well. What did you think of my brother and sisters? I told you they would like you and be happy for us. I know that my parents were a little cool, but they’re like that with everyone. I’m just relieved that we’ve got that behind us. Come here, darling, you look as if you to could use a hug, and I know that I could.” Melody went into his arms as he lifted up her face and tenderly kissed her. She responded, and he deepened the kiss and pulled her close to him. She felt desire begin to blossom and tentatively kissed him back as passion took over. Henry picked her up and carried her into his bedchamber, and he undressed her as he continued to kiss her passionately. Soon, they were both naked and laying on the bed. Melody decided to be bold and began to touch Henry on the chest. She rubbed his flat male nipples, and Henry gasped with pleasure as she continued to run her fingers through the hair that grew on the center of his chest. He lowered his head to Melody’s breasts, took her dusky pink, engorged nipple into his mouth, and sucked gently. Then he started to kiss his way down her body and over her soft belly. He spread her thighs and began to lick her little bud of desire between her legs. Melody stiffened up with shock and embarrassment. Surely, this was too wicked, but then it started to feel so good that she just did not care if it were wicked or not. She began to tingle all over, and her nether region began to ache for fulfillment. Her breathing became shallow, and she was writhing trying to get as close to Henry’s decadent mouth as possible. She started to shake, and then she exploded as her body shuddered in ecstasy. Henry lifted his head and grinned at Melody, and she grinned back. He crawled up her delectable body and surged inside her. She reached her peak again, just as Henry found his release. They clung to each other and fell asleep.

They barely made it down to dinner on time as they rushed laughing into the drawing room. Henry’s parents looked disgusted, and they were obviously angry about something. His grace said, “Henry, you know what time we gather here for dinner, and you are five minutes late. You know how much I value punctuality. I do not expect to have to talk to you about this again.”

Simpson came in to announce that dinner was served. Everyone was quiet, and it was one of the most uncomfortable meals she had ever had. The food was superb, but it might as well have been sawdust, for all that Melody could taste of it. Finally, the duchess rose and requested all the ladies come with her so that they could leave the men to their port and cigars.

When they arrived in the drawing room, the duchess indicated that she wanted Melody to sit beside her. This was not a good sign. She began to question Melody about her family. “Are your grandparents still living? I understand you are an only child. What are your prospects? Will you inherit anything from your grandparents? Speak up, gel, and answer my questions.”

Melody hesitantly replied, “My mother’s parents are still alive, but we don’t see them often because they’re in bad health. My father’s parents have passed away. My father has one brother. He inherited everything, and his children will inherit from him. While my mother’s parents are of the nobility, there is no money, so I don’t have a dowry.”

“Just as I suspected! You will not bring anything to the ducal coffers. I do not understand what Henry sees in you. You are not beautiful, and you are a little on the dumpy side. He will obviously grow tired of you quickly and do not expect anything from us. You are all on your own, and when he tires of you, which he most certainly will, you can just go back to where you came from. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, your grace, I shan’t expect anything from you. I think it would be best if I went up to my room now. Please excuse me.” Melody quietly turned around and left the room.

When the men joined them in the drawing room, Henry asked where his wife was, and the duchess told him that his scared little rabbit of a wife had scurried up to her rooms. Henry gave his mother an angry look and left. He found Melody in their rooms, and she was crying as if her heart were breaking. He went to her and gently put his arms around her.

“Don’t listen to anything my mother said to you. You are the light of my life, and you don’t need to even think for a minute that she speaks for me or my brother and sisters. She is a hateful, bitter old woman, and you are worth ten of her!” Henry said as he slowly rubbed her back.

“Oh Henry! She said you would get tired of me and cast me aside. I don’t bring anything of value to the ducal coffers. I couldn’t bear it, if you got tired of me,” Melody cried.

“Shush, love, I’ll never grow tired of you. I love you to distraction. Please believe me. I’ll love you for all eternity!” Melody sniffed and began to calm down. Henry held her in his arms until she fell asleep.


Once she was asleep, he carried her to her bed and carefully undressed her so that he would not wake her up. He slipped on her night rail and tucked her into bed.
There was no kinder or gentler person than his Melody. Henry went to his room and got undressed, and then he came back to Melody’s room and got in bed with her. As he lay there, he worried about how Melody would handle his parents. He knew she was not used to being treated badly, and he was not sure how he could protect her from their distain, especially when he returned to his regiment. He would definitely need to speak with Nelson and ask him to watch out for Melody while he was away and protect her from his parents. With a plan in mind, he pulled her into his arms and held her as he drifted off to sleep.


When Melody woke up the next morning, Henry had already left her bed. The pillow on his side still had a dent in it, and she could still smell his clean masculine scent, so she knew he had slept there, and she was comforted by that knowledge. She thought about what his mother had said last night and what Henry said, and she decided she would believe Henry. It would be best if she stayed out of the duchess’s way, as much as possible. Hopefully, she could avoid future unpleasantness. The drapes were open, the sun was shining in through the window, and it looked like a beautiful fall day. She hoped they could go riding because the weather was sure to turn colder soon. Her maid had been there, for there was a pitcher of steaming water for her to bathe in. She went about her morning ablutions and was soon ready to face her day. As she left her chamber, she realized she did not have any idea how to get to the breakfast room. She wondered how she had found her way back to her chamber last night. It was just by luck that she did not get lost last night, especially since she was so distraught over her conversation with the duchess. There was a maid coming toward her, and she asked, “Hello, could you please direct me to the breakfast room?”

The maid giggled and replied, “Of course, my lady. Just follow this hall to the end and then keep turning right until you get to the staircase. The stairs will take you to the right floor. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left, and it is the first door on the left. If you would like me to, I could take you there myself.”

“No, that’s all right. I believe I’ll be able to find it. I appreciate your help.” Melody proceeded down the hall, in the direction that the maid had pointed out to her, and soon, she was at the breakfast room. There was a sideboard filled with all kinds of breakfast foods. Melody took a plate and began to fill it with coddled eggs, bacon, and a muffin, as she was particularly hungry, for she had not eaten much the previous night.

As she went to the table to sit down, Nelson came into the room and started filling his plate. “Good morning. I hope you had a restful night,” he said. “I’m pleased that Henry married you because I know you’ll make him very happy. I want you to be happy here, so if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know.”

“Thank you, my lord. I appreciate your offer, and I may take you up on it. In fact, do you know where Henry is this morning?” Melody asked as she placed her napkin in her lap.

Nelson smiled pleasantly as he replied, “I believe he went for a ride, but I imagine he should be back shortly. Oh, by the way, please call me Nelson. And may I call you Melody? After all, you’re now my new sister.”

Melody gave him a beatific smile. It pleased her greatly that Henry’s brother wanted to be a brother to her. “I would be happy to Nelson, and certainly, call me Melody. I don’t have a brother, but I’ve always wanted one.” Once she finished her breakfast, she excused herself and went outside to find the stable. As she turned the corner, she ran into Henry.

“Good morning, my love. Where are you going in such a hurry?” Henry asked as he pulled her into his arms.

Melody gave him a sweet smile as she said, “Actually I was looking for you. I was hoping we could go for a ride, but Nelson told me you had already gone out today.”

“I’m sorry, if I had known, I would have postponed my ride and come and gotten you. I tell you what, why don’t we get the gig and I’ll take you to town.” Soon they were off to the village. As they drove through the countryside, Melody noticed how gorgeous it was with all the pretty fall colors on the trees. Once they arrived in the village, they got out of the gig and walked around. Cranleigh was a quaint little place, and surprisingly, it had quite a few shops. Melody was looking forward to exploring them, especially the bookseller. They talked and laughed as they walked along. They went into the confectionery and bought some candies. Then they got back in the gig and headed back to Sanderford Park. The drive back was pleasant, and Henry told her more stories about his youth.

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