Moon Kissed (14 page)

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Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #English, #To Read, #Romance

BOOK: Moon Kissed
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Delphine turned in a circle staring in confusion and anger at the witches and wolves closing in on her people, standing atop tombs and filling the spaces.

“Enough!” Delphine shouted.

One young witch with dark red hair standing atop the tomb Myles had been on spread her fingers as she held her arms out at her sides. “You don’t rule us. You’ll never rule us.”

The other witches spread their arms wide until they made one huge circle. Their eyes were locked on Delphine while they focused their magic. Delphine had no choice but to fight them.

It was time for the wolves. Myles was the first to launch himself over the flames and tackle Delphine to the ground. Right before he turned to go to Addison, he felt something sharp sink into his shoulder. Myles turned and snapped, but Solomon, Court, and Kane were already atop Delphine. Griffin and Gage soon joined in the fray.

Myles limped to Addison. He watched in surprise as both the girls dropped to the ground. Delphine had to conserve her power for herself, which freed Addison and Minka. He saw the blood on Addison’s wrists and licked them to help spur the healing. When he lifted his head, her hazel eyes were open and looking at him.

“You came.” She smiled and ran her hand over his head, sinking her hands into his fur. “I knew you’d come.”

Myles nuzzled her until she had both hands around his neck. Then he stepped back and helped her into a sitting position.

“Nice trick there, wolf,” Minka said with a groan. “Who the hell is going to help me?”

Addison reached over and helped Minka. Myles took the hem of Addison’s cut off sweats in his mouth and tugged, trying to tell her they needed to go.

“I think that means we’ve got to go,” Minka said.

Addison glanced at the wolves attacking Delphine. “Yeah. The sooner, the better.”

Solomon bumped against Minka and loped away. Minka quickly followed him. Myles ignored the pain of his wound and waited for Addison. As he ran behind her, he ensured there wouldn’t be any other surprises from Delphine that night with the Moonstone clan and the witches attacking her.

While Solomon ran them down quiet streets until they were out of the city and into the bayou, Myles saw Griffin and his wolves with them. The girls would never make it to the Moonstone camp, and Myles didn’t want Addison there anyway. He let out a sound that brought Solomon to a halt.

Minka and Addison stumbled to a stop, their hands on their knees as they bent over sucking in air. Myles circled them trying to think of a place to take them, because he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep going. His wound was weakening him significantly. Something that would only happen if silver were used.

Myles looked at Addison. At least she was out of Delphine’s grasp now. There was no sense in telling his brothers about his wound. Nothing could help him now. He was dying, slowly but surely.

Griffin and his wolves spread out, checking the bayou while Solomon remained on point, too concerned about an attack to realize anything was wrong.

After a moment, Minka lifted her head and looked at Addison. “I know a place we can go.”

“Where?” Addison asked breathlessly.

Minka straightened, a sad look coming over her. “The old Gilbeaux plantation. Or what’s left of it.”

Solomon let out a low growl and shook his head. Myles had to agree. That place wasn’t fit for animals, much less the girls.

“It’s where I’m going,” Minka stated determinedly. “There’s no other place for me. I can’t go back to the Quarter.”

Addison looked up then and shoved her short champagne locks out of her face. “No. There’s no going back to those who betrayed you. What about one of the other covens?”

Minka was shaking her head before Addison finished. “Not possible.”

“All right then.” Addison slid her gaze to him. “We need to go to the Gilbeaux plantation.”

Myles sighed and turned west, their course set.


Now that they had escaped the Quarter, Addison’s feet were throbbing. She was afraid to look down and see the damage done. They had been walking for another hour, and she was weary to her bones.

Myles suddenly bumped against her, halting her. Was it her imagination, or was he limping? Addison looked up from the ground and heard the roar of an engine. Suddenly, wolves closed in tightly around her and Minka. She tried to hold onto Myles, but he slipped away, going to stand in front of the pack with a white wolf and a gray one.

A 4x4 truck drove through the pasture they were crossing and came to a sliding stop. The headlights blinded her, but Addison was able to shield her eyes enough to see the door of the truck open.

“Which of my asshole cousins thought it would be a good idea to leave me out of things?”

“Riley?” Addison said with a smile. “Is that you?”

“Addison? Are you all right?” Riley asked and jumped from the truck. She raced to her, the wolves instantly moving out of the way. Riley wrapped her arms around her and held tight.

“Yes, thanks to Myles and all the other wolves.”

Riley stepped away. Her smile dropped as she glared at Myles and the white wolf. “That was shit. If I hadn’t seen the group of witches walking down the street talking about all the wolves, I’d never have known. Then I found these two jerks,” she said with a thumb over her shoulder.

Just then, a black wolf and one with tawny fur loped up.

“But that’s family business,” Riley said taking notice of all the other wolves. “Y’all must be from the Moonstone pack Kane talks about. Thanks for helping.” Riley then shifted her eyes back to Addison. “Where are y’all headed?”

“The old Gilbeaux plantation,” Minka said.

“Y’all look like death warmed over. Get in the truck. I’ll drive while you give directions. There’s some bottled water inside.”

Minka didn’t have to be told twice. She hurried to the 4x4 and climbed in the passenger side back door. Addison took a step and winced at something sticking in her foot.

“You don’t have shoes?” Riley asked in consternation.

Addison shrugged. “I was taken without them.”

Riley linked Addison’s arm around her shoulder and helped her limp to the truck. Addison got in and saw Myles standing by her door.

“Want to ride?” He took a step back, causing her to laugh. “I’m fine. Let’s just get to the plantation.”

Once Myles trotted off and all the wolves disappeared into the trees, Addison closed her door and let out a sigh. She shut her eyes while Minka directed Riley through backwoods roads to the plantation. Addison didn’t need to look. She knew Myles was near.

The certainty of that, of knowing that he would be there for her was as calming as it was wonderful. She’d never been able to say that about anyone before, and she was hesitant to even think it with him.

It wasn’t because he was a werewolf and changed with the moon. It was because of who he was, what he did. He fought for the innocents of the Quarter, which meant he put his life in danger every day.

Her father had done the same, and look how he’d ended up. As much as that bothered her, Addison knew she couldn’t walk away from Myles.

He was everything she hadn’t even known she wanted or needed. His gentleness with her, coupled with his unwavering loyalty and defense of her against someone as evil as Delphine was staggering.

She didn’t know where their relationship might lead, but she certainly wanted to find out.

“How does it feel to be the woman of a wolf?” Riley asked.

Addison opened her eyes and smiled. Minka shoved a bottle of water at her that she opened and drank deeply from. “It feels...right. Is that how it’s supposed to feel?”

“I don’t know,” Riley said. “I think that could be the right answer for any couple.”

“I just don’t want to read too much into things. I suppose Myles was just doing his duty as a hunter.”

Minka gave a snort of laughter. “Girl, I’m seriously about to knock you in the head. Didn’t we have this conversation in the cemetery?”

“Yeah,” Addison said. “It’s just, everyone I’ve ever wanted in my life has left me. I don’t want to lose him.”

Riley shot her a smile. “The only way you would lose Myles is if you told him you didn’t love him, and even then, it would take months of him attempting to get you back and you refusing before he thought about giving up. Once a wolf chooses who is his, there’s no going back.”

“Really?” Addison asked as she sank further into the seat.

Minka leaned up between the two front seats. “Really.”

Addison let that knowledge settle into her mind – and her heart. It was almost too much to hope for, to think that she found someone who wouldn’t leave her.

“Chiasson blood runs through his veins just as much as LaRue,” Riley said as she continued to drive. “It was a Chiasson who left France and settled in Nova Scotia for awhile, bringing his sister and two brothers with him. They eventually made their way down to Louisiana. He settled in Lyons Point while his brothers decided to go different directions to see what the country held.”

Addison was transfixed listening to the history of the Chiasson and LaRue families.

Riley smiled as she glanced at Addison and then at Minka. “His sister came to New Orleans with him on a trip and fell in love with a LaRue. She married and taught her husband how to hunt the paranormal.”

“I wondered how the LaRues came to be hunters,” Minka said as she sat back.

The truck bounced over some deep holes on the dirt road as Riley shrugged. “Being in New Orleans has its perks, but also its drawbacks. Namely, all the beings with some form of supernatural ability.”

“I take exception to that,” Minka said, but there was no heat in her words.

Addison turned in her seat and said, “Yeah, but you’re not trying to kill people. I think Riley is talking about them.”

“I am,” Riley said. “We have witches in Lyons Point. Hell, Beau is dating one. But I think it’s the mix of all the beings in New Orleans that is so different. You see, one of the LaRue children did something to incur the wrath of a Voodoo priestess.”

“Oh my God,” Minka said with a sigh. “What is it with the LaRues and the priestesses?”

Riley shook her head. “I wish I knew. I don’t know what happened to cause the Voodoo priestess to become so angry, but in response, she placed a curse on all LaRues to become werewolves.”

Addison turned the water bottle in her hand. “How long will the curse be in place?”

“Forever,” Riley and Minka replied in unison.

Addison was outraged. “Are you kidding? That’s a little extreme, don’t you think?”

“Damn straight,” Minka mumbled.

Riley twisted her lips. “My cousins have managed to use it to their advantage. They’ve befriended witches who have used spells to help them be able to shift whenever they choose instead of only on a full moon. It comes in handy while they hunt in the Quarter.”

Minka leaned up again and pointed out the windshield. “There’s a live oak with its branches growing on the ground. Take a left there.”

Addison peered through the darkness to where the headlights penetrated the night and spotted the gnarly limbs of the large tree having grown so heavy that they did indeed touch the ground.

Riley slowed the truck and turned to the left just as Minka instructed. They rode in silence along the narrow road with thick brush growing up on either side as Myles and the white wolf ran ahead of the truck.

“Damn, girl,” Riley said to Minka. “Just how far back in the bayou are we going? This isn’t a road. It’s a path that hasn’t been used in years.”

There was silence as Minka remained leaning forward between the two front seats. “It was my great aunt’s. She never joined the coven. She didn’t trust them or agree with their methods. So she moved off to St. Louis for many years before she returned. She did it without any of the others knowing she was here, and she kept to herself.”

“Do the witches get mad if others don’t join the coven?” Addison asked.

Minka nodded. “Especially when the coven is made up of family.”

Riley and Addison exchanged a quick look.

“My aunt lived out her days on this land in peace,” Minka explained. “She left it to me when she died four years ago. I pay someone to keep the place up.”

At that moment, the brush cleared and what was left of a white plantation house came into view.

“Please tell me you’re not staying there,” Addison said when she spotted the second floor porch caving in.

Minka chuckled. “Nope.”

“There’s nothing else but land and water,” Riley said as she slowed the truck to a stop.

Addison followed the beam of the headlights to find Myles watching them. She started to smile, but it slipped when she saw something wet on his shoulder. Her heart missed a beat. “Please tell me that’s water and not blood.”

“What?” Riley asked as she looked from Addison back outside to Myles. There was a short pause before she said, “It’s blood.”

“He should’ve healed already,” Minka said. “Unless…”

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