More Stories to Make You Blush (16 page)

BOOK: More Stories to Make You Blush
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“Maurice, thirty-six, architect. He likes going for walks in the forest, water sports, and nature in general. He's looking for a woman who's available, a nonsmoker, for conversation and romance. Overweight and over thirty need not apply.”

Again I was discouraged by the photo. Maurice was wearing glasses so thick that it was hard to see what his eyes really looked like. I wanted my child to have perfect vision.

And the list went on. Sure, some of the men looked interesting at first view, but there was always some detail that was not quite right. My initial enchantment gradually faded as I read on. Either his teeth were a bit crooked (think of the orthodontist bills!), or he had no hair. A bald man could be very sexy, but not when you could see his nose hairs, even in a computer photo! Another man, Greg, might have suited me, except he had to travel a lot for his work. The lack of availability might prove tricky. Peter lived with four cats, and I can't stand those two-faced, unpredictable animals. As for Michael, the dog trainer, I'd been allergic to every kind of dog since I was little. Then there was that charming doctor, but he specified that he was looking for a woman who could dominate him and make him her slave—definitely not a character trait I wanted my child to inherit! To make a long story short there was nothing very exciting in this bunch, and I started to get sick of it all, until I came upon someone who was decidedly appealing.

“Louis, thirty-nine, contractor. He likes intimate meals and is an excellent cook. His favorite sports are swimming, inline skating, and downhill skiing. Louis is looking for a female companion to share these pleasures with, and maybe others too.” Judging from the photo, he had the physical assets that most appealed to me. Without waiting another instant I left a message on his voice-mail, hoping he would phone me back quickly.

He phoned me the next day, and our conversation, though brief, was very pleasant. He had a charming sense of humor and a soft, warm voice. As he was talking I could hear children laughing in the background. I asked him if they were his children.

“No, unfortunately. My sister left them with me for the evening.”

We made a date for the next day at a popular café.

I was sitting at a little table in the corner when he appeared. Curly light brown, almost shoulder length hair; bright, impish hazel eyes; a straight nose with a few pale freckles; sensual lips; and perfect teeth—he was splendid!

I got straight to the point; it's my habit to be direct.

“How come you're using a dating agency? You must not have any trouble meeting pretty women.”

“Not as pretty as you! Anyway, I might ask you the same question.”

I flashed him my most charming smile as he sat down at the table. We spent several pleasant hours together and went our separate ways with regret, making a date for the following day.

* * *

Over the next few weeks I had plenty of time to get to know the man behind all these charming assets. Jovial and energetic by nature, he was knowledgeable on all sorts of subjects, which made him a fascinating conversationalist. But conversation, though pleasant and important, was not where he excelled most. Louis was an incredible lover. He had a cozy little house in the Laurentians, and took me there as soon as he knew we were attracted to each other. Our first night together was extraordinary, and I remember it fondly to this day.

He made me a delicious meal, serving it in the big living room by a roaring fire he had made in the stone fireplace. The decor was simple, but so welcoming! The meal was exquisite, from soup to dessert— especially dessert! All evening we looked into each other's eyes, lingering gazes that hinted at the very pleasant night ahead. He kissed me just before he cleared the table, and came back with a big bowl of strawberries, whipped cream, and champagne. He made me dance to soft music in his arms by the fire, undressing me slowly, letting his hazel gaze penetrate deep into my eyes. His eyes were lit with a special glow, full of tenderness. He drew me down onto a bearskin by the hearth, admiring the reflection of the flames on my skin, and slipped strawberries into my mouth one by one, daubing whipped cream with his other hand on my erect nipples, belly, and thighs. He licked my skin with avid flicks of his tongue, making swirls in the thick cream.

He seemed to be having a real feast, and told me my skin was exquisite. When the heat of his breath made the cream slide down my thighs, he sighed and tasted the mixture, which he said was sublime. Certainly, the sensation was delectable to me.

Now naked himself, he slid onto my body, his movements becoming a sort of languorous rubbing. He hovered over me, his pointed sex tickling my face without getting close enough for me to taste it, then my breasts, which I squeezed around him. He gently slid between them, then continued down to my belly, resting a moment at the place my body opened to him. Finally, with a single stroke he slid inside me and made love to me, at first tenderly, then with mounting ardor. My pleasure was intense and I didn't want it to end. I tried to slow his movements, wrapping my legs around his taut waist. I held him still for a moment, trying to guess as I looked deep into his eyes if he appreciated me as much as I did him. What I saw reassured me; the spark in his eyes blazed more brightly than ever. Now I wanted to taste the mixture of his skin and whipped cream. I made him lie down beside me and generously spread the cream over him, taking care to cover every inch of his impatient member, belly, and thighs. His taste in my mouth was sweet, delicious. He filled me completely, crushing against my jaw and sliding down to my throat. The cream, now liquid, trailed down my neck to my breasts, which he eagerly started licking.

Kneeling over him, I guided him back to my moist slit, welcoming him with gratitude and greed. His legs rocked me gently while his hands grabbed my buttocks, lifting me and lowering me down onto his cock like some divine sort of swing. We were a single entity, two parts of the same organism. Louis slipped out of me and plunged his mouth down between my thighs. He tasted me slowly like a succulent meal, nibbling and sucking with precise, artful movements. I could see my body reflected in the big windows, illuminated by the bright flames. My hair almost completely covered my face, and his head poked out between my spread thighs. I watched him like this for a moment, stroking my quivering breasts, fascinated by this man's head working over the most sensitive part of my body. His tongue lapped at me. He kissed me so much and so well that I came between his lips, my own lips opening in a long shuddering sigh.

I lay down, breasts crushing against the soft fur, letting my lover penetrate me deeply until his sap mingled with mine, and all the other flavors on our burning skin.

Huddling together, we fell asleep by the fire. It was fantastic.

That night I decided Louis was the ideal man to make me the child I wanted so badly. There was only one cloud on the horizon. I was struggling with a serious dilemma. I could tell him my intentions and risk seeing him run away as fast as he could. Or I could just not say anything, let nature do its work, and decide later, depending on how our relationship was going. I spent a few days thinking about it and finally decided on the second option. I wouldn't say anything, but just enjoy making love without taking precautions; you never knew! Once again I started calculating what dates would best serve my purposes. The next month I took a break from my lover a few days before I ovulated. Of course I missed him, but I wanted this wait to make our desire (and his sperm) as strong as possible. I had assured him that I was planning a dynamite weekend for us, and phoned him Friday afternoon to make a date— but just got the answering machine.

“Hi, you've reached Louis and Dan. Leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!”

“Louis, it's Caroline. I hope you're not busy tonight. I really want to see you as soon as possible. I'm at home, and I'm not moving, except to take off my clothes … BEEP!”

Dan? Louis had barely mentioned this brother with whom he shared his apartment in the city. I'd never met him during the times I'd stayed at Louis's place instead of the house in the Laurentians. I was getting a bit curious, but figured I'd meet him sooner or later.

I took a bath and lay happily soaking for almost an hour, then slathered myself with fragrant body lotion. I took extra special care with my appearance, choosing a pretty little silk negligee and a long dressing gown. Time passed and Louis hadn't shown any sign of life. But that was okay! He wouldn't phone unless he really couldn't come over after that very clear message I'd left him!

I picked up a book I'd started the day before. About half an hour later I heard a knock at the door. I turned off the lamp, creating the desired atmosphere in the room, and went to open the door, light of heart. He was standing there with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He pulled me against him and kissed me passionately. I was flattered to see that he'd been in such a hurry that he hadn't even stopped to shave! His cheek was rough against my skin. I drew him inside and without even giving him time to take off his coat, started undressing before him.

“Will you greet me like that every time I come over?”

“If you want …”

“Promise me! Every time!”

“I promise.”

His wish confirmed, he stripped off his clothes, drew me onto the sofa, and plunged his mouth between my naked thighs. He licked me until I was streaming, and I begged him to make love to me hard and fast. I was gasping with pleasure, but wanted to delay my orgasm until I could finally feel him inside me. He had to come a lot, as deeply as possible inside me. He absolutely had to.

He finally answered my prayers, taking hold of me roughly, then turning me around and penetrating me— grinding at my open sex and plunging deep inside me with almost brutal thrusts. I sensed he was close to the blessed moment when he would come inside my body. I tried to follow his rhythm, his pleasure. Just as he was about to explode, the phone rang. I was about to tell him I wasn't going to answer, but didn't get the chance. Startled by the ill-timed ringing, he pulled out for a second, and just at that moment came with a powerful gush on my butt and lower back. I made a supreme effort not to show my disappointment. No, no, I wasn't disappointed by his performance—far from it! But today was one of those “potentially fertile” days, and he had wasted precious ounces of fluid on my behind rather than inside me, where it should have gone! Well, too bad; I'd try again later.

Unfortunately, Louis had to go back home that night because he was waiting for an overseas phone call. I sadly watched him get ready to leave and asked him to come back the next day, emphasizing that he would get the same sort of welcome. I watched him leave with regret, promising myself that I would have my way with him the next day—and not just once!

* * *

The next day I was irritable and nervous. I realized that my lack of honesty with Louis was bothering me. But at the same time I didn't want to spoil my chances of making my secret dream come true. It was as if I had an intuition that the next time it would work, that this would be the month when the long-awaited event would finally occur. I would worry about his reaction afterwards; if I had to, I was ready to take sole responsibility for my actions.

The minutes ticked by. The afternoon seemed to last forever. Would he come back that evening? He had to come, and this time come in the right place! To make him understand how much I wanted to see him, and ensure that he would visit, I phoned him late in the afternoon. Again I got the answering machine, which annoyed me! I froze, not knowing what kind of message to leave, then just hung up. The message couldn't be too intimate, in case his brother heard it first, but it also had to clearly convey how much I desired him. Well, too bad for the brother! Let him think what he liked! I dialed the number again, patiently waited for the message to come to an end, and got right to the point.

“Louis, I miss you! I absolutely have to see you tonight! If you only knew how impatient I am to see you! I'll greet you at the door the way I promised, the way you like it. Don't be long … BEEP!”

“When he hears that,” I thought, “how could he not come straight over?”

The wait was even shorter than I thought. I barely had time to take a quick after-work shower and change clothes before I heard someone banging at the door. I ran to open it, ready to strip off my clothes as soon as he got in. He was so handsome! His hazel eyes, with what seemed like an unusual glow, went right through me, sweeping up and down my body, full of mischief and desire. He undressed me with his eyes, and my breathing quickened; I was almost breathless before his appraising stare that was both impudent and flattering at once. I pulled him to me without waiting another second. His dizzying cologne made me pull back, and then it was my turn to be impudent. I let the light garment slide off my shivering shoulders. Louis picked me up a little roughly and let me fall back on the couch. He tore off his jacket, shirt, and pants with frantic gestures and bent over me.

“I didn't dare hope you'd get here so fast.”

“When I got your message nothing could've held me back. But I can't stay long. You won't be mad if I leave right after?”

“Not if you do what I've been wanting you to do since you left.”

To show me he understood he kneeled down between my legs and kissed my already damp lips. Then his hand took over and he caressed me roughly, almost chafing the delicate flesh—but what a sweet pain! Spreading the folds of my inflamed sex, he became more insistent, inserting a finger, then another, between the velvety walls deep inside my body. The sensation of his finger moving in and out was sharpened by a firm pressure on just the right spot, which threatened to make me come at any second. He had never turned me on this much before! Lifting my hips between his powerful hands, he pushed his cock into me; it felt huge, thrusting into the depths of my body while continuing the circular movement of his finger on my sex, which was pulsing to the rhythm of my heart. I was about to come fast and furious when he pulled me up and made me kneel over with elbows on the back of the sofa. He pulled my hips back so my spread buttocks were displayed before him. He continued stroking me, letting his hand slide in front, then between my trembling lips that he spread before thrusting again, forcing his member in to the hilt. I cried out with pleasure. I couldn't hold myself back any more, and came with an intensity that almost drove me out of my mind.

BOOK: More Stories to Make You Blush
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