Mortal Crimes: 7 Novels of Suspense (246 page)

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Authors: J Carson Black,Melissa F Miller,M A Comley,Carol Davis Luce,Michael Wallace,Brett Battles,Robert Gregory Browne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Crime

BOOK: Mortal Crimes: 7 Novels of Suspense
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"MIND IF WE join you? Or is this table pro-defense only?"

Hutch looked up, surprised to see Monica Clawson and Tom Brandt approaching their booth. He, Matt and Andy had taken one that faced the entrance of a crowded bar and grill called The Jury Box, which was located about a block from the courthouse. Matt had suggested the place, and Hutch figured it would be a nice change from his usual vending machine sandwich.

Over the last several days he had been reluctant to venture outside the courthouse at lunchtime, for fear he'd be hounded by aggressive reporters and their video cameras. But to his surprise—and relief—their interest in him seemed to have waned. He wasn't sure why, but figured there must be some other poor fool, much higher on the celebrity food chain than him, who had gotten himself in trouble and would be dominating the news tonight.

Probably some human train wreck vying for a reality show.

The Jury Box was nothing more than a glorified hamburger joint, but its close proximity to the courthouse—and its name, no doubt—made it the lunchtime hotspot for attorneys, trial watchers, jurors and even judges. With their booth facing the door, Hutch saw several people from the courtroom wander in, searching for a place to sit, but had somehow missed Tom and Monica.

"We promise not to bite," Monica continued, then smiled. "Unless you want us to."

"Speak for yourself," Tom said.

Andy, who was staring openly at Monica's chest, patted the spot next to him. "I've got no problem with it. Have a seat."

Matt didn't seemed too thrilled by this intrusion, but they had plenty of room and he said nothing as Monica slid in next to Andy, and Tom took the spot next to Hutch.

"When did you guys get here?" Hutch asked. "I didn't see you in the courtroom."

"We couldn't find a seat," Monica said. "Place was packed."

Andy's eyebrows went up. "And you stuck around anyway?"

"We hit a couple museums to kill some time. Figured we might be able to squeeze in after lunch." She looked at Hutch. "So is it true? You're back on Ronnie's team?"

"How did you know?"

Tom said, "We saw the three of you coming out of the courthouse together, so we figured you'd had a change of heart."

Hutch nodded.

"Mind telling us why?"

"Mostly because of Matt here," Hutch said. "He's seen the police reports first hand and the evidence is largely circumstantial and doesn't really hold up. But I think what really sealed the deal is when I realized how much of what the prosecution has been doing over the last four months is nothing but crass PR."

"What do you mean?" Monica asked.

"Think about it. It's as if they've been running a political campaign rather than looking for justice. Leaking just enough information to pique our interest, but always in control of the message. They painted the picture of Ronnie they wanted us to see and the media gobbled it whole like the careless bastards they are." He looked at Matt. "No offense."

Matt shook his head. "None taken."

"So," Hutch went on, "I had to step past all that and realize that, at her core, Ronnie will always be Ronnie and she just isn't capable of doing what was done to Jenny."

Andy nodded agreement. "She may be nuts, but she isn't

They all looked at him.

"What? I can't say something nice once in a while?"

Hutch just shook his head. "Anyway, it's been a bit of a roller coaster, but I'm finally on steady ground."

Tom smiled. "It's funny, but you aren't the only one riding that roller coaster. You've pretty much summed up exactly the way
been feeling."

Matt looked surprised. "Seriously?"

Monica said, "Do you know how many meals we've shared with Ronnie. How many times we've laughed together? Cried? So what if we haven't seen each other in a few years? She's still Ronnie and God knows she's never judged
." She paused. "I'm ashamed I ever doubted her."

They sat in silence a moment, then Hutch said, "So we're all in agreement now? That she didn't kill Jenny?"

Nods around the table.

"So then the question remains," he said. "Who the hell did?"



THEY SPENT THE entire meal contemplating the question.

Hutch told them how he had sat in the courtroom, looking around at the faces of the spectators in the gallery, wondering if any of them could be the culprit—as Waverly had suggested.

The idea seemed pretty ludicrous on its surface, but it was an intriguing one.

Monica said, "I think Ronnie may have been right. That this was a random murder. Some slasher who saw Jenny and killed her to get his rocks off."

"Which makes it unlikely he'd be in the courtroom," Tom said. "Why would he bother?"

"Why else?" she snorted. "To get his rocks off again. Relive the moment. Trust me, I've been running a cam girls website long enough to see some pretty screwed up people."

They all thought about that, then Hutch said, "That's only one of the possibilities. Do any of you know if Jenny had any enemies?"

Matt shook his head. "Not that I can think of. But we weren't exactly bosom buddies anymore. What about you, Andy? You were probably the last one of us to talk to her."

Andy looked surprised. "You know about that?"

"Ronnie told us. Said Jenny told

"That was a few months back. But it was just a phone call. I was trying to see if she knew how to get hold of Hutch."

"You sure it wasn't more than that?"

Andy frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Matt said. "It's not important."

"Well you sure as hell meant
by it. So why don't you illuminate us?"

Matt suddenly looked uncomfortable. "It was just a stupid joke. I know you always had a thing for her, so…"

Andy's face reddened. "So… what? Now all of a sudden
a suspect?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then why even bother bringing it up?"

Matt seemed at a loss for words, but Andy was all too happy to supply them.

"I get it," he said. "Sweet little Ronnie can't be the bad guy, but that Andy, he's got killer written all over him, right? Jesus Christ, Matt, I thought we were friends."

Remembering his own suspicions—and not feeling good about it—Hutch held his hands up. "Take it easy, man, nobody thinks you're—"

"Excuse me, I gotta take a leak."

Andy gestured and Monica slipped out of the booth. Everyone was silent as he stepped past her and headed across the room toward a sign marked RESTROOMS. Hutch could tell by his walk that he was too pissed off for words.

And who could blame him?

Hutch looked at Matt. "Aren't you gonna go apologize?"

Matt shrugged. "For what? I never said I thought he killed her. That's just Andy getting his back up like he always does. He'll get over it."

"You're his best friend, man."

"Believe me, I'm well aware that. It's a burden I've lived with for years."

"Fine," Hutch said. "
go talk to him."

Tom got out of his way and he climbed out and crossed the room to a short hallway, heading for a door marked GENTLEMEN. When he got inside, Andy was at the urinal, doing his business.

Hutch said, "You okay, man?"

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just standing here thinking about who my next victim'll be."

"Look," Hutch said, "Matt wasn't accusing you of anything."

"Whatever." He zipped up, flushed, then moved to the sink and started rinsing his hands. "But I want it on record that I'm not the only jerk sitting at that table."

"Duly noted."

They were silent as Andy reached for a paper towel, then Hutch said, "By the way, I've been meaning to tell you, I read your script when I was back in L.A."

Andy turned. "I've been wondering about that. Figured you didn't like it."

"Actually, it's pretty damn good. I sent it to a friend of mine, a Swedish director who does crime thrillers, looking to break into the American market. I figured it was right up his alley."

Andy's face lit up. "Seriously? Are you fucking with me?"

"He's got some juice, so if he likes what he sees you may get lucky."

"That's fantastic!

"You got talent, man. A lot more than I ever will. Don't ever let anyone tell you different."

Andy suddenly went quiet. It may have been a trick of the light, but it looked as if he had tears in his eyes. Then he quickly finished drying his hands and held one out, saying, "Thanks, man, I really appreciate this."

Hutch shook it. "I just call 'em like I see 'em." He paused as a thought occurred. "You have anything against writing for television?"

"Uh… no. Why would I?"

"If you want, I can pass the script along to some of the show runners I know, see if it can generate some TV work."

Andy stood there looking shell shocked.

"Just be warned," Hutch said. "This business is full of asshats who'll use and abuse you without a second thought."

"Ha," Andy barked. "That's true of every job I've ever had."

"Point taken. Now get the hell out of here before people start talking."

His friend smiled and thanked him again, then headed outside as Hutch stepped over to the urinal and unzipped. He'd had two root beers during lunch and felt as if he were about to burst.

He stood there ruminating on the simple pleasure of taking a much needed pee, when a toilet flushed and the booth door flew open. A young guy with a crewcut and thick, black-rimmed glasses emerged, stepping toward the sink. Hutch remembered him from the courthouse, one of the trial junkies who regularly sat in on Ronnie's trial. The pasty-looking guy he'd pegged as the creepy next door neighbor.

He had a large hardback book tucked under his arm, which he shoved into his book bag and set on the counter as he washed his hands with more soap than he needed. He spent a good half minute or so, scrubbing them thoroughly, as Hutch zipped and flushed and waited to use the sink.

The guy glanced in the mirror, and for a moment, their gazes met. And in that moment, Hutch felt a sudden sense of dread run through him. Outside of a few agents he'd known, this guy had the deadest eyes he'd ever seen. Black and shark-like, magnified by those thick, coke-bottle lenses.

He quickly looked away, and a moment later the guy was finished and gone.

It was only then that Hutch realized he'd been holding his breath.


"YOU'RE RIGHT," TOM said, "He
look like a creep, but what are you thinking?"

Hutch was back in the booth now and it seemed that Matt and Andy had kissed and made up. Maybe the good news had done the trick.

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