Most Eligible Spy (18 page)

Read Most Eligible Spy Online

Authors: Dana Marton

Tags: #Contemporary romantic suspense, #Harlequin Intrigue, #Fiction

BOOK: Most Eligible Spy
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“It’s like the next level in a video game,” Mo told him, his voice steady and gentle. “That’s the level that takes us out of here. Then we win.”

Logan nodded at last and took the flashlight from him, angled it at the hole below them.

Mo took her hands, lowered her, swung her toward the opening. She lunged for her target, landed on her knees, probably lost some skin, but it was the least of her worries. An inch or two of water covered the bottom. Other than that, she couldn’t see much of the shaft.

“Ready?” His voice came from above.

She moved back to the opening, caught the flashlight Mo tossed her and set it down so it illuminated the entry and he would know what to aim for. “Yes.” And then she caught Logan as Mo swung him.

He came next, lowering himself handhold by handhold while beams fell above.

“Come on, Skipper. Jump!” He held out his arms as soon as his feet were on solid ground.

Skipper whined above.

“Jump!” Logan shouted.

And the dog lunged into the hole while Molly held her breath.

Mo caught her, dragged her into the shaft with them.

And then the mine shuddered around them once again. It felt like an earthquake. Rocks fell down the drop they’d just come down. Dust filled the space as the upper level collapsed, everything shaking.

They held their breaths, Mo sheltering them from the falling debris with his great body. But that was all, just some earth and small rocks. Their level held.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said as soon as the tremors stopped.

Skipper led them, and they followed her, coughing up dust, sloshing through rising water. Must be raining up on top, on the surface. It didn’t look good. In fact, it didn’t look as if they were going to make it.

She squeezed her son’s hand. “Good job. I love you.”

Logan looked up to her. “I love you, too, Mom.”

She bit her lip as she turned to Mo. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Kenny. I’m sorry about everything.”

It needed to be said. She had never been as happy as when she heard Mo’s voice calling for her back there. “I know you’re mad at me, but I can explain—”

“I’m not mad at you.” He took her hand and held it. “Are you okay there, buddy? You’re not scared, are you?” he asked Logan.

“It’s like a video game, right?” Logan asked with a measure of uncertainty, but he held it together.

Skipper stuck to him like glue. That probably helped a lot.

“It’s exactly like that,” Mo reassured her son with full confidence. “And guess what? We’re definitely winning.”

“We are?”

“Do I know about video games or what?”

And then Logan gave a little smile, and Molly’s heart melted. Whether they were really winning or not, he took her son’s fear away and that was a big thing.

They slogged forward for what seemed an eternity, found other tunnels. Mo moved forward without hesitation each time. Now and then, he let Skipper guide them.

“How do you know which way to go?” Logan asked.

“I have a pretty good sense of direction. And so does your dog. If there’s fresh air coming in anywhere up ahead, she can smell it.”

Molly gave thanks for that. Maybe they did have a slim chance. If they could outrun the water.

“How many entrances to the mine?” Mo asked her.

“Half dozen, but other than the one we came through, the rest are sealed.”

“They can be unsealed. We have backup. If we can’t find a way up, they’ll come for us. Very likely most of the shafts are connected.”

Okay. That made her feel better.

He stopped when they reached air that wasn’t so filled with dust. It seemed the explosion hadn’t shaken this section. He pulled out his phone.

“No reception down here,” she told him.

“That’s fine. I’m activating an emergency beacon.”

“Will that work?”

“You bet. It’s new technology we just started testing. A new generation of the technology they use in black boxes in airplanes.”

That sounded encouraging. Authorities could find black boxes all the way on the bottom of the ocean after planes crashed. They should be able to find them here. A little more hope came to life inside her.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone,” Mo said to the both of them. “It’s still experimental and kind of a government secret.”

“Sure,” she promised.

While Logan said, “It’s like a spy video game,” looking wide-eyed and impressed.

Truth be told, she was no less excited about the gadget. But as they moved on, it occurred to her how strange it was that he would have something like that. Why would a policy-recommendation team test top technology such as this?

Not for the first time, she had the sneaky suspicion his team was more than what they seemed. Not a topic to bring up in front of Logan, obviously.

They’d been sloshing through water that was an inch or two deep, but suddenly it was reaching to midcalf, rising rapidly now. Either the tunnel slanted down or rain was coming down pretty hard above. She tightened her hold on Mo’s hand.

He looked back at her, then at the water and squeezed back as if saying
It’s fine.
He had noticed her apprehension. She should have known. He missed little.

He kept on moving forward, and she followed, instead of backing up to higher ground. She had decided she would trust him, and so she would. She would trust him with her life and with her son’s, because he’d earned her trust and because she was in love with him.

The admission shook her as hard as the explosion had.

But she was jarred out of her daze when his cell phone pinged.

“What’s that?” Logan asked as Skipper let out a woof.

“A sign that the rescue team is coming for us.” Mo looked at the screen. “From that direction.” He pointed straight ahead. “Might as well meet them halfway, if you can keep going.”

“Yep,” Logan said.

“We’re fine,” Molly added. The sooner they were above ground, the better.

But the going was slow over the uneven ground. Here and there they had to crawl over old rubble. Nearly an hour passed before they met the rescue detail, Ryder and Shep. By then, the water was up to their knees.

Ryder scooped up Logan.

Mo scooped up Molly.

And then the going got quite a bit faster. The men moved like a well-oiled machine.

They reached a shaft that led up, a rope hanging down, Jamie looking down on them from above. Ryder climbed easily with Logan on his back. Shep tossed a squirming Skipper across his shoulders and Skipper lay flat, if whining a little.

Mo put Molly down and turned his back to her. “Piggyback ride. Get on.”

She hesitated.

“We don’t have time for this,” he reminded her gently.

The water reached midthigh.

She set aside her pride and climbed on, her arms around his neck, but not too tight. He took them up without effort and didn’t put her down when they reached the top, just started running with her.

As the light of his flashlight wobbled in front of them, she could see why. Several support beams had fallen. The tunnel could collapse at any second.

And then it did, just as Mo dived through the opening with her, out into the night lit up by car beams all around them.

Rain lashed at her face as they lay side by side, gasping for air. Hands reached for them, Logan plowing into her before she had a chance to stand, knocking the both of them into the mud. Mo pulled them up.

Grace was there somewhere, asking how they were, what she could do to help. Skipper was licking Logan’s face.

“I got them,” Mo said, his voice rough.

Grace got in a hug anyway. “Friends don’t give friends gray hair,” she groused before she stepped away, her eyes brimming with relief.

Molly could barely breathe. She was covered in mud and bruises. So was her son. She hugged him tight as rain lashed them.

Mo put a hand on her shoulder. “Better get into the car. I’m going to take you over to the hospital.”

She nodded and followed him. She was fine, but she wanted to make sure Logan was all right. She sat in the back of the SUV with Logan, not wanting to let go of him.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized to Mo again once Logan fell asleep, exhausted from his ordeal.

Skipper snored on the seat next to them, her head on Logan’s lap, smelling like wet dog. She didn’t mind in the least. She could have hugged her. She’d saved their lives.

“You did what you thought was best in order to save your son.” His gaze cut to hers in the rearview mirror. “But don’t ever do it again. If you are in any kind of trouble, you call me first.”

“Yes.” She’d learned her lesson. “I wanted to trust you. I do trust you...” She bit her lip.

“What is it?”

“I’m a terrible decision maker. I’ve done so many stupid things over the years.”

“I doubt that,” he said mildly.

“You barely know anything about me.”

“You have deep, dark secrets?” He sounded skeptical.

If only he knew... She squeezed her eyes together for a second. “My mother had affairs. A lot of them.”

“You’re not your mother.”

“My father drank. I blamed her. We had a big fight one day. I told her we’d all be better off without her. She left. Instead of getting better, my father drank himself to death.”

“Not your fault. He was the adult. You were the kid.”

Oh, but he didn’t know all of it. “Then I was...stupid with a guy a few years older than me. Got pregnant.” She drew a deep breath, about to tell him something she’d never told anyone. “Mikey Metzner is Logan’s father.”

He’d been the most eligible bachelor in town, son of the owner of the wire mill. Now in jail for trafficking. She winced. A long silence stretched between them before she continued.

“I thought he’d be happy with the baby. I thought we’d be getting married. First he told me he didn’t believe me that he was the father. Then he told me that if I repeated my dirty lies to anyone, he would make sure the baby was taken away from me. He has money to burn. He could hire every lawyer in the county.”

Even now, if he ever decided he wanted a son. Even with him in prison, he could petition that custody be given to his mother. Grandparents had rights. With all his money, he could take Logan away from her, a fear she’d lived with for the past eight years.

“You were what, a teenager?” Mo asked, his tone clipped.


It sounded as if he was swearing under his breath, but she wasn’t sure.

She didn’t even want to know what he was thinking of her. That she was the village idiot, probably.

Which was so unfair. Because he was great, and she was completely in love with him.

Pitiful, really.


One week later

“If you want me to come get you, just give me a call,”
Molly said into the phone, standing in the middle of her foyer, looking out at
the front yard where her three dogs were wrestling.

“No way, Mom,” Logan said on the other end. “Aunt Grace needs

Yes, she was sure Grace made her son feel wanted. It was nice
of her to offer to have him over for the birth of a foal that was coming into
the world tonight. Logan was a tough little kid, but the kidnapping and escape
from the mine had rattled him. He needed some new happy memories to push the bad
ones away.

He’d been sticking to her like glue since the mine incident,
even missed a day or two of school. And she’d been sticking to him, truth be
told, not wanting to let him out of her sight. But she had to.

Even if she would be lonely tonight.

Or not, she thought as she saw Mo’s SUV pull up her driveway.
Her heart leaped.

“All right. Be very gentle and do whatever Grace tells you,”
she told Logan.

“Okay, Mom.”

“I love you bunches.”

“I love you, too.”

Even if he thought he was too old to hold hands, he still
thought saying
I love you
was okay. That was
something. She was determined to enjoy what she could get before he reached the
surly teenage years.

She hung up then went to let Mo in. She’d been locking her
doors, a newfound habit.

They hadn’t seen each other since the rescue. The team was
working around the clock to track down a new clue Kenny provided them with,
although Mo wouldn’t tell her what it was.

He had asked whether Dylan had a friend named Coyote, but he
wouldn’t tell her who Coyote was, either. If her brother had known anyone like
that, she knew nothing about it. Still, he did mention progress, which was nice
to hear. She had a feeling his team was working on something big and it had
nothing to do with policy recommendations.

“Hi.” Mo came through the door, looking handsome and smelling
like soap, probably fresh out of the shower.

The dogs were jumping all over him. He was handing out squeaky
toys left and right. “I got some mighty big bones, too, in the car. Skipper gets

She’d missed him. Stupid. He was probably only here to read her
the riot act over her stunt with Kenny. He’d said he’d understood, but then he
hadn’t come out to the ranch since.

She’d broken his trust. Of course, he was about to break her
heart. She’d fallen for him and he would be leaving for the next step in his
career as soon as his project here was finished.

She tried not to show how much the thought of that killed her.
“How is work?” she asked as the dogs ran off with their toys.

“We’re moving forward. Not as fast as we’d like, but it’s
something.” He reached out and took her hand, sending her temperature up a

It was ridiculous that all he had to do was touch her to make
her go weak in the knees. He meant nothing by it. He’d seen her at her worst. He
couldn’t possibly want her.

So they’d had great sex. He’d probably had that with a lot of
women. He probably wasn’t dreaming of her every night, as she was dreaming of

“Sweet tea?” she asked by way of a distraction.

“Later,” he said and kissed her.

Thank God
was all she could

He tasted like prickly pear jelly.

He pulled away too soon. “I’m sorry I haven’t come sooner. I
missed you.” He glanced toward the stairs. “Where’s Logan?”

“Spending the night with Grace.”

The grin that spread across his face was downright devilish. It
sent her heart racing.

He dipped his head and this time kissed her deeper, claiming
her. A blissful eternity passed before he pulled away again, with a satisfied
look, and reached into his back pocket, pulledout an envelope and handed it to
her. “A gift for you.”

What? All she could think about was that kiss. She tore into
the envelope impatiently then unfolded the papers, thumbed through them,
stunned, her throat tightening.

Termination of parental rights.
Signed by Mikey Metzner.

Mikey gave up his parental rights to Logan, forever and
irrevocably. Logan was hers, only hers, and nobody could ever take her son away
from her.

Moisture flooded her eyes. “How did you do this?”

“Offered him a nicer prison than the one where he was

She flew into Mo’s arms, and he gathered her against him,
claimed her lips all over again. He explored her mouth, her face framed by his
large hands, then kissed her eyes, planted more kisses down the line of her
nose. He nudged her ear and nibbled his way down her neck, too.

When he backed her toward the kitchen counter, heat pooled at
the V of her thighs. And she cringed.

“What is it?” he asked immediately.

She hung her head. “I’m embarrassed.”

A puzzled look came over his face.

“I’m just like people say I am. Wanton and out of control.” Her
voice weakened as she admitted, “I’ve thought about this.”


“And I wanted it,” she whispered.

He looked as pleased as peaches.

She swatted at his wide shoulder. “It’s not normal. In the

“So you thought about the two of us? More than once?” He was
watching her closely.

She gave a sheepish nod. “I’m a mother. I’m not supposed to
think about naked men.”

“How do you think people get the second and third kid?” His
gaze searched her face. “So because of a few idiots who couldn’t mind their own
business, you locked your sensuality away.”

It sounded kind of silly when he said it. Yet... “I’m
completely out of control. I thought about you
. In worse places than the kitchen.”

His eyes darkened with heat. “Go on. You thought about us

She couldn’t look at him. “Under the stars. Who does that?
Maybe teenagers.”

“The woman I love, that’s who,” he said and left her
speechless. “Does that four-wheeler out in the garage have gas in it?”


He lifted her off the counter and took her hand. “Where are the

“What?” She felt the blood run out her face. Then it returned
in a rush. And her body was suddenly tingling all over.

He didn’t leave her time to hesitate, but drew her after him.
He glanced at the keys by the back door, grabbed the right one.

They were in the middle of the fields by the time she half
recovered, hardly able to believe that this was happening. He drove as if he was
in a hurry. She had her arms tightly around his body, as much to hang on as
because she liked the feel of him in her arms.

He finally stopped. They’d reached a high spot from where she
could see her rolling fields in the moonlight, the stars bright above.

He shut down the engine then did some super move so he ended up
with his back to the dashboard and her straddling him. She could feel his
hardness through his jeans.

“You can’t be serious.”

But he did look serious. Very. “I want you.”

She nodded weakly.

“I love you.”

She had a hard time accepting that. “How do you know? It’s too

“When you know something is right, you don’t have to think
about it too much.”

And she kind of understood what he was talking about, because
she felt the same way, as if Mo was right for her, just right, perfect.

wasn’t perfect. Never had

Getting pregnant as a teenager was the least of it. She’d done
worse things than that, much worse. She bit her lower lip. “I broke up my
parents’ marriage. I’m responsible for my father’s death.”

He took her hands. “How about you let them take some of that
responsibility? I think you’ve punished yourself long enough.”

She shook her head. “You sound like Grace.”

“You have some damn smart people in your life. You should start
listening to them,” he said, making her smile.

A moment of silence passed between them.

“Have you ever heard from your mother?” He reached under her
chin and lifted it.

She couldn’t bear looking at him as she confessed, “A few years
later she was beaten to death by a violent boyfriend.” She swallowed hard. “If I
didn’t run her off—”

“No.” He shook his head. “Your parents made their own choices.
None of it was your fault. You were a kid.”

His complete lack of judgment lightened some of the old
heaviness inside her.

He rubbed his thumbs over her hands in a comforting gesture,
then gave her a searching look, as if measuring her up for something. “I’m
moving out to the ranch. I don’t want you out here alone.”

“Grace is alone.”

“Ryder is with her as much as he can be. And Grace is an Army
veteran. I want to be with you, and not just for your protection. But make no
mistake, I will be protecting you. I don’t think you’re helpless, but I can’t
see you and Logan in danger. I’m just not made that way.”

She stared at him.

“And I’m not coming just to protect you. I want to be with

Her heart turned over in her chest. “People will think I’m a
total hussy if I shack up with you after barely knowing each other.”

“People will extend us all courtesy, I believe.”

“Why would they?”

“I’m about to become the town’s favorite son. You’ll be hosting
social functions at my side. Can you handle the society pages?”

She had a hard time picturing herself anyplace else but in the
gossip column at best. “I don’t understand.”

“I just talked my brother into building his new factory in
Hullett. The town is about to see some seriously improved employment, I

Her chin dropped. “You did that? Why?”

“I told you, I love you. I want to settle down here. What do
you have to say about that?”

She swallowed. “The mind boggles.”

* * *

exactly what I wanted to hear. Let’s try this again. I love you, Molly Rogers.
What do you have to say about that?”

“I love you back,” she said at last.

Warmth spread through his chest.

“Much better.” He leaned forward and pulled her head to

But she held back. “What happens when you leave? I don’t even
know how long you’ll be staying.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Hope filled her eyes. “What about that next level, the career
move you wanted?”

“My father’s dream. Here is the thing...” He rubbed his chin.
“I see how you are with Logan. You just want him to be happy. When it comes
right down to it, I think my father would have wanted that for me, too.” He’d
wanted to join the CIA to make his father’s dream come true. While his father,
if he was alive, would probably have wanted Mo’s dream to come true.

And Mo’s dream was Molly and a life with her and her son. “All
I want is right here,” he said. And then came the tricky part. “What I do...
What if I can’t really ever tell you about it?” Secrets could kill a
relationship. He’d seen that in his line of business.

“Then I’ll trust you that you have a good reason.”

“Just like that?”

“I know you’re working to stop people like Kenny. That’s enough
for me.”

“You liked him. I’m sorry he betrayed you.”

“He was only nice to me to be able to come and go at the ranch.
He was hoping he could find the drugs without having to resort to drastic

“You went on a date with him.” A wave of cold jealousy washed
over him even as he said the words.

“Worst date ever. I was thinking about you the whole time.”

He kissed her.

If he lived to a hundred he wouldn’t get tired of kissing her
lips. He savored her thoroughly, distracted her from everything else. She might
have fantasized about this, but it still made her nervous. First he made sure
she was comfortable, then worked his way up to mindless passion.

He began unbuttoning her shirt, button by button, claiming with
his lips every newly discovered inch of skin. Then the shirt disappeared. Her
simple cotton bra made him smile. She wasn’t given to vanity. But she was
mind-blowingly sexy even without accessories.

Right now, even the cotton bra seemed like too much, in fact.
He reached around and unhooked it with more finesse than the last time, then
bared her to his hungry gaze.

He covered one amazing breast with his hand, the other with his
mouth. Her head dipped back, her lips slightly parting from pleasure.
in the whole world was better than this.

She reached out to unbutton his shirt, timidly at first, then
more boldly. Her fingers splayed over his chest. She seemed to enjoy touching
him. Good. Because he suddenly felt as if he’d die if she took her hands

She stroked his heated skin gently, then more insistently, her
soft core rocking against his hardness as she straddled him. He wanted to drag
out the moment, the pleasure that nearly bordered on pain, and he did, but only
for a few minutes before he reached the point where he needed more, where he
needed it all.

He reached for the button on her jeans and she reached for his.
A flurry of activity followed, which left them both breathing hard and naked.
When he grabbed a foil pocket from his back pocket and took care of that, he
drew her onto his lap again so she straddled him like before, but then he stayed
still, letting her lower herself onto him when she was ready, wanting to let her
set the pace even if it killed him.

When her moist opening touched against him, the searing
pleasure stole his breath. But yet he held still. She braced her hands on his
shoulders, her slim fingers kneading his flesh. Her perfect breasts, the most
tempting fruit in the world, jutted forward inches from his face, the nipples
hard pebbles.

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