Mountains of the Mind (42 page)

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Authors: Robert Macfarlane

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Samuel Butler,
Life and Habit
(London: Trübner, 1878)

Frank Cunningham,
James David Forbes, Pioneer Scottish Glaciologist
(Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1990)

James L. Dyson,
The World of Ice
(London: The Cresset Press, 1963)

James David Forbes,
Travels through the Alps of Savoy
(Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1843)

Edward Peck, ‘The Search for Khan Tengri’,
Alpine Journal
, vol. 101, no. 345 (1996), 131–9 Richard Pococke,
A Description of the East and Some Other Countries
, 2 vols. (London: J. & R. Knapton, 1743–5)

Robert Ker Porter,
Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylon, etc.
, 2 vols. (London: Longman, 1821–2)

John Ruskin,
The Collected Works
, ed. E. T. Cook and A. Wedderburn, 39 vols. (London: G. Allen, 1903–12)

Percy Bysshe Shelley,
Peacock’s Memoirs of Shelley: with Shelley’s Letters to Peacock
, ed. H. F. B. Brett-Smith (London: H. Frowde, 1909)

John Tyndall,
The Glaciers of the Alps
(London: John Murray, 1860)

Mark Twain,
A Tramp Abroad
(London: Chatto & Windus, 1901, first published 1880)

William Windham,
Account of the Glacieres or Ice Alps in Savoy
(London: 1744)

Chapter 5 Altitude: the Summit and the View

Richard D. Altick,
The Shows of London
(Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press, 1978)

John Auldjo,
Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc
(London: Longmans, 1828)

Gaston Bachelard,
Air and Dreams
, trans. Edith R. Farrell and C. Frederick Farrell (Dallas: The Dallas Institute Publication, 1988, first published 1943)

Mick Conefrey and Tim Jordan,
Mountain Men
(London: Boxtree, 2001)

Alain Corbin,
The Lure of the Sea
, trans. Jocelyn Phelps (Paris, 1988, London: Penguin, 1990)

John Evelyn,
The Diary of John Evelyn
, ed. E. S. de Beer, 6 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955)

Bruce Haley,
The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978)

John Muir,
My First Summer in the Sierra
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1911)

Jim Ring,
How the English Made the Alps
(London: John Murray, 2000)

Percy Bysshe Shelley,
The Poems of Shelley
, ed. Geoffrey Matthews and Kelvin Everest, 2 vols. (London: Longmans, 1989)

Joe Simpson,
The Beckoning Silence
(London: Jonathan Cape, 2002)

Andrew Wilson,
The Abode of Snow
, 2nd edn (Edinburgh: London: William Blackwood & Sons, 1876)

Geoffrey Winthrop Young,
The Influence of Mountains upon the Development of Human Intelligence
(London: Jackson, Son & Company, 1957)

Chapter 6 Walking off the Map

J. R. L. Anderson,
The Ulysses Factor
(London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1970)

Colonel S. G. Burrard and H. H. Hayden,
A Sketch of the Geography and Geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet
(Calcutta: Government of India, Geological Survey of India, 1907–8)

Joseph Conrad,
Heart of Darkness
(London: Penguin, 1973, first published 1902 as a novella, 1899 as a serial)

Joseph Conrad,
Lord Jim
(Edinburgh: Blackwoods, 1900)

George Eliot,
, ed. W. J. Harvey (London: Penguin, 1985, first published 1871–2)

Douglas Freshfield,
The Exploration of the Caucasus
, 2 vols. (London: Edward Arnold, 1896)

R. L. G. Irving,
The Mountain Way
(London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1938)

Richard Jefferies,
Bevis, the Story of a Boy
(London: Duckworth & Co., 1904)

Jon Krakauer,
Into the Wild
(London: Pan, 1999)

Barry Lopez,
Arctic Dreams: Imagination and Desire in a Northern Landscape
(New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1986)

Roderick Nash,
Wilderness and the American Mind
(New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1973)

Colonel R. H. Phillimore,
Historical Records of the Survey of India
, 4 vols. (Dehra Dun: Survey of India, 1958)

J. B. Priestley,
Apes and Angels
(London: Methuen & Co., 1928)

Arthur Ransome,
Swallows and Amazons
(London: Jonathan Cape, 1930)

Eric Shipton,
Blank on the Map
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1936)

Susan Solnit,
Wanderlust: a History of Walking
(London: Penguin, 2000)

Wilfred Thesiger,
The Life of My Choice
(London: Collins, 1987)

Chapter 7 A New Heaven and a New Earth

Abbé Pluche,
Spectacle de la Nature … Being Discourses on Such PARTICULARS of Natural History as Were Thought Most Proper to Excite the Curiosity and Form the Minds of Youth
, trans. Mr Humphreys, 3rd edn (London: L. Davis, 1736)

Charles Dickens,
Little Dorrit
, ed. J. Holloway (London: Penguin Classics, 1985, first published 1855–7)

Conrad Gesner,
On the Admiration of Mountains
, trans. W. Dock (San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1937)

C. S. Lewis,
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: a story for children
(London: Geoffrey Bles, 1950)

Claude Reichler and Roland Ruffieux,
Le Voyage en Suisse
(Paris, Robert Laffont, 1998)

Jacob Scheuchzer,
Itinera per Helvetiae Alpinas Regiones
(London: Vander, 1723)

Barbara Maria Stafford,
Voyage into Substance: Art, Science, Nature, and the Illustrated Travel Account, 1760–1840
(Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1984)

John Tyndall,
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
(London: Longmans, 1871)

Chapter 8 Everest

Roland Barthes,
, trans. Annette Lavers (London: Paladin, 1973)

Peter Bishop,
The Myth of Shangri-La: Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Creation of Sacred Landscape
(The Athlone Press: London, 1989)

Robert Bridges, ed.,
The Spirit of Man
(London: Longmans & Co., 1916)

C. G. Bruce,
Twenty Years in the Himalaya
(London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1910)

C. G. Bruce,
The Assault on Mount Everest, 1922
(London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1923)

John Buchan,
The Last Secrets
(London: Thomas Nelson, 1923)

Patrick French,
(London: HarperCollins, 1994)

Peter and Leni Gillman,
The Wildest Dream: Mallory, His Life and Conflicting Passions
(London: Headline, 2000). I publicly misjudged this fine biography when it appeared, a misjudgement for which I have apologized, but apologize again.

Michael Holroyd,
Lytton Strachey
(London: Vintage, 1995)

C. K. Howard-Bury and George Mallory,
Mount Everest: the Reconnaissance, 1921
(London: Edward Arnold & Co, 1922)

S. C. Joshi, ed.,
Nepal Himalaya; Geo-ecological Perspectives
(Naini Tal: Himalayan Research Group, 1986)

John Keay,
When Men and Mountains Meet: the Explorers of the Western Himalaya
(London: John Murray, 1977)

Kenneth Mason,
Abode of Snow
(London: Diadem Books, 1987)

John Noel,
Through Tibet to Everest
(London: Edward Arnold, 1927)

David Pye,
George Leigh Mallory
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1927)

Cecil Godfrey Rawling,
The Great Plateau, Being an Account of Exploration in Central Tibet, 1903, and of the Gartok Expedition 1904–1905
(London: Edward Arnold, 1905)

David Robertson,
George Mallory
(London: Faber, 1969)

Royal Geographical Society and Mount Everest Foundation,
The Mountains of Central Asia
(London: Macmillan, 1987)

Audrey Salkeld and Tom Holzel,
The Mystery of Mallory and Irvine
(London: Pimlico, 1999)

J. R. Smith,
Everest: the Man and the Mountain
(London: Whittles, 1999)

Walt Unsworth,
, 3rd edn (Seattle: The Mountaineers, 2000)

C. J. Wessels,
Early Jesuit Travellers in Central Asia 1603–1721
(The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1924)

Geoffrey Winthrop Young,
On High Hills
(London: Methuen, 1933)

Francis Younghusband,
Everest: the Challenge
(London: Nelson, 1936)

Chapter 9 The Snow Hare

James Joyce,
(London: Jonathan Cape, 1926, first published 1914)

General Sources

Alpine Journal
, a magnificent and venerable publication, has been an essential source of material, from its earliest avatar (as
Peaks, Passes and Glaciers
) through to the most recent issues. I have also drawn on, though not detailed, articles from
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Cornhill Magazine, Daily News, Philosophical Magazine, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
The Times

Many books have been of general secondary use. Among the most valuable are Phil Bartlett,
The Undiscovered Country
(London: The Ernest Press, 1993); Ronald Clark,
The Victorian Mountaineers
(London: Batsford, 1953); Fergus Fleming,
Killing Dragons
(London: Granta, 2000); Wilfrid Noyce,
Scholar Mountaineers: Pioneers of Parnassus
(London: Dennis Dobson, 1950); Keith Thomas’s superb
Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England 1500–1800
(London: Allen Lane, 1983); and Walt Unsworth,
Hold the Heights: the Foundations of Mountaineering
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1994). Jan Morris’s
Pax Britannica
trilogy (London: Faber, 1968, 1973, 1978) provided me with an unequalled sense of what the British nineteenth century was
, as well as a trove of information.

The spelling of the names of Scottish mountains is a vexed business. I have adhered to the names as they are given in Donald Bennet, ed.,
The Munros
(Edinburgh: The Scottish Mountaineering Trust, 1985).


Copyright © 2003 by Robert Macfarlane

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Vintage Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

Vintage and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the Pantheon edition as follows: Macfarlane, Robert, 1976– Mountains of the mind / Robert Macfarlane.
p. cm.
1. Mountaineering—Psychological aspects. 2. Mountaineering—History.
3. Mountaineers. I. Title.
GV199.89.M33 2003 796.52’2’019—dc21

eISBN: 978-0-307-53863-5


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