Mr. 365 (8 page)

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Authors: Ruth Clampett

BOOK: Mr. 365
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“Let’s go.” Jeremy nods to Susi and they head out.

“Come meet my wannabe roommate.” Will teases as he takes my hand and leads me to the den.

“Hey, Liza, this is Sophia,” Will says as we step into the room.

I notice Liza smile when she sees Will until she realizes he’s holding my hand. Her eyes narrow ever so slightly as the edges of her mouth turn down.

“Hello,” I say, smiling.

“Are you a friend of Will’s?” Liza asks boldly.

“I guess you could say that. Are we friends?” I ask Will.

“Special friends,” he says, squeezing my hand.

I step closer to Liza. “Can you show me what you’re doing? I’m going to help too.”

Liza looks like she’s going to protest but then thinks twice about it. She stands and smooths down her T-shirt. “Actually I think I better go. I have a final to study for, and I really wasn’t in the mood for pizza anyway.”

“Okay. Thanks so much for all your help,” Will says politely.


I smile. “And before you leave, I brought some cupcakes, so take one with you on your way out. They’re in the kitchen.”

Once she’s gone I turn to Will. “Should I feel guilty? We crushed that poor girl’s dreams.”

“I’m sure she’ll survive. Besides, she couldn’t have been too heartbroken. She didn’t even put up a fight.”

“What a slacker. I’d fight for you.”

“I think you just did. It was a little subtle for my taste—no hair pulling or anything.”

“I’m classy!” I say, laughing. “So, tell me, Mr. Saunders, how many other pretty young girls do I need to chase off tonight before I have you all to myself?”

“A few. Just a few.”

I sweep my arm toward the door. “Well, go on then, lead the way.”

“Where’s our designated driver?” Susi asks.

The kitchen is littered with beer bottles and empty pizza boxes.

“I’m here,” Steph answers as she enters the kitchen. “You guys ready to go?”

Susi grabs onto Jeremy. “Can he come too?”

He pulls her onto his lap, looking hopeful. “You want me to come to your place?”

“Yes. A thousand times, yes,” Susi whispers.

“She’s an English major. She always quotes Jane Austen books when she’s tipsy.” Steph explains.

“Is it true you’re going to be on one of the style channels? I want to make sure and watch it.” Susi asks Will.

“Not me, the house.”

Steph glances at me, surprised, before focusing on Will. “You know you’re going to be on it too, right?” she asks.

I realize Steph’s nervousness is unsettling Will.

She turns back to me. “Sophia, you did explain all of that to him, didn’t you?”

Before I can answer, Will jumps in.

“Well, we haven’t gone over too many specifics. Maybe I’m a little casual about everything. It’s like another day at the studio for me.”

“Just remember it’s different when it’s not
office. At the end of the day you can’t just walk away like it’s someone else’s place,” Steph retorts.

“He’ll be fine, Steph,” I tell her, feeling irritated.

Will frowns. “What are you saying, Steph? And aren’t you the one who suggested me for this show?”

She pulls out her car keys and looks down. “Forget I said anything. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

Will walks everyone to the door, hands them each a small gift wrapped box and thanks them profusely for all their help. When the door finally shuts, he leans against it and sighs.

“As grateful as I am for the help, I swear I thought they’d never leave.”

“I didn’t either,” I reply from just inside the entryway.

We stare at each other for a few long seconds.

“I want a cupcake.” I announce. He follows me as I return to the kitchen.

I bend over the kitchen counter to consider my options when he steps up close and wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

I pluck a cupcake from the platter and slowly, gently, remove the paper wrapper with intricately folded edges. When the cupcake’s bottom is naked, I lift it to my mouth, open wide, and take a bite full of frosting and soft cake. He rests his chin on my shoulder and sighs. I lick my lips slowly, making a production of it.

“I want some,” he says, with a sexy sounding longing in his voice.

“Some of this?” I hold up the plump cupcake tauntingly.

“Yes, that. Share with me?”

“I’d love to.” I turn in his arms and slowly run my hand up his forearm and over his shoulder before pressing the cupcake against his lips. “Take a bite.”

He sinks his teeth into the sweet moist pillow of confection, and his eyes roll back with pleasure.

I smile and skim my tongue over his lips, drawing up the spare crumbs and frosting.

“You like it?” I ask breathlessly.

“So much.” He pulls me close, pressing us together tight enough so I feel his body’s reaction to me and our undeniable chemistry. He slides his hands to my hips, lifts me onto the island counter, and kisses me.

“Sophia.” He moans as our lips meet. When he caresses my thigh, his hand catches a box on the counter next to me. He pulls away and looks around the room.

“What’s the matter?” I ask.

He sweeps his arm across the kitchen. “It’s a mess in here. If I get to kiss you like this it has to be someplace fitting, like under the stars.”

“Well, let’s go somewhere else,” I say. “We could go in the living room and make-out in the winter wonderland. You could take me into the sunroom and kiss me under the canopy of twinkly lights. Where do you want us to be?”

“Do you really want to know?” he asks, with a sexy sigh.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He kisses my forehead, my neck and along my shoulder. His fingertips press into the flesh of my hips suggestively.

“I can’t deny it, Sophia. I want you in my bed,” he whispers.

“Oh, oh my.” I moan as he kisses my breasts through my sweater and his hand works up my leg. I focus on the sensation and try not to pay attention to the warning light flashing in my head.

“Maybe this is too soon. What do you want?” He strokes my thigh and kisses me again.

“I want you too,” I whisper against his lips, but then pull back. “But yeah, it’s too soon.” I search his face for his reaction and give him a shy smile.

He pulls back and takes a deep breath. “That’s okay, we’ll wait. It’ll be worth the wait.”

I nod slowly as he steps back. He runs his fingers through his hair and grabs a bottle of water off the counter. He offers me a sip before chugging half the bottle. The tension in the room is thick.

“We weren’t even going to date until after the shooting.” I remind him.

He closes his eyes and nods. “Yeah, believe me, I know that in here,” he says, pointing to his head. “But don’t so much understand it here.” He points to his heart, looking disappointed.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come over this afternoon.”

He lets out a frustrated sigh. “Maybe not. Honestly, Sophia, you’re sending me mixed signals and it’s screwing with me.”

“I am?” I ask, not sure why I’m asking when I know he’s right.

“Yes, you are. I mean, what was with the cupcake show a minute ago? That was cupcake porn. You knew what you were doing.”

My stomach starts to sink. He’s on to me and my internal flip-flop. I bite my lip as my mind spins, trying to decide what to do.

“What do you want from me, Sophia… besides being on your show?” His expression is pained.

Did it hurt him to ask that? He’s made it clear that he always hoped there was more behind my interest in him than just work.

I decide to be honest. “Look, Will. I am wildly attracted to you. I have been from the moment we met, and at times I can hardly restrain my emotions.”

He’s fights back a smile, but his expression drops with my next words.

“But as far as getting involved, well, let’s just say we’re pretty different. I’m not convinced it could work.”

“Different?” He studies me for a moment. “It’s because of what I do here, isn’t it?” He gestures to the house.

“That’s part of it.” I admit.

“I see.” He shakes his head and slips his hands in the pockets of his jeans.


He clears his throat before looking at me so intently it makes me uneasy. “Look, rightly or wrongly, I live what is in my heart. If I feel it, I do it… two hundred percent. That’s just who I am. You’re flawed too, Sophia, but I look past that. I still want you so much.”

My entire body tenses. “Flawed?”

He shrugs. “I’m starting to wonder if you’re afraid of what you really want. It’s like you’re living on the surface, when I know you’re capable of so much more depth. You’re attracted to me, but you won’t let me into your heart. You want to make documentary films full of humanity and truth, yet you’re working in fake, reality TV. You want to travel the world, but you don’t seem to have much of a personal life at home. Do you ever worry that it’s kind of superficial?”

“Is that what you think?” I feel as if I’ve been kicked in all my tender spots.

“Maybe, but I believe you want more. Together we can help each other be more.”

It’s all too much to process. “I think it’s time for me to go,” I say, wanting to cry.

He studies me and then helps me off the counter. We’re silent as we walk to the front door. I keep my head down to hide the tears.

He pulls me into his embrace and cradles the back of my head against his shoulder. His comfort almost breaks me, and I barely control the shudder in my sigh. He pulls back and brushes the tears off my cheeks.

“Why are you crying?” His voice is soft and gentle. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I meet his gaze, and his eyes search mine with a worried intensity. Taking a deep breath, I gather my courage. “You think I’m shallow? I can’t believe you said that…You are important to me, and I do care about you.”

“Oh, baby,” he says with a sigh as he pulls me into his arms and hugs me. This time I’m the one who presses my lips to his. He reacts instinctively, not holding back, and every emotion roars through us as we cling onto each other.

When we part after our kiss, he whispers in my ear. “I want you, but I need you to want me, in here,” he says, placing his palm over my heart. “Let’s lighten up with the deep thoughts and get through the shoot. Then we can figure it out. Okay?”

I nod. “Okay.”

He walks me to my car and seals the deal with one of his special Will kisses—the panty-dropping one. He’s ensuring I’ll lay in bed tonight with the heat of his kiss still burning my lips as I slide my hand between my legs and imagine all the things he would have done to me if I’d followed him to his bed.

I did the right thing, but there’s part of me that wishes I’d been brave enough to let him in.

Chapter Eight

he next afternoon at work I focus on making sure everything is ready for the shoot at Will’s tomorrow. I stop by Lindsey’s cubical.

“So we’re set for tomorrow, right?” I ask Lindsey.

“Yeah, I got Will’s final sign-offs at lunch. He was in an interesting mood, by the way. He asked about you.”

“And is everything else set?” I say, ignoring her comment.

“Aaron’s almost done with the schedule. I got sign-offs from all the neighbors except for the Hoffmeyers. I’m heading over there in a minute to go over the schedule and compensation
for the hundredth time.” She rolls her eyes. “They’re a wacky bunch. You’d think we were drilling for oil in their backyard. I think they’re trying to get rich from this.”

“Like that old TV show,
The Beverly Hillbill
” I laugh despite my concern.

Lindsey blinks. “I’ve never heard of that one, but I bet those hillbillies were a lot more charming than this motley bunch.”

My apprehension starts setting in. “Really? I hope they don’t cause more trouble.”

“Me too. I’ll call you after the meeting if they don’t sign.”

I head to Paul’s office next.

“Hey, Paul. Do we need to go over anything for tomorrow?”

He looks up from his computer and pushes away from his desk.

“I think we’re set. How’s the guy”—he pauses and glances at his notes— “Will. How’s Will feeling about this?”

he’s okay with everything.”

Paul furrows his brow. “Okay? Not happy? Not great? You know we want this to be an upbeat show.”

“I do. He was slow to come on board, and he’s not an attention seeker despite what he does.”

“What? That’s different. Most of our subjects are attention whores. So why’d he agree?”

I pause, wondering how to answer his question. I’m not willing to share that my influence is a lot of why Will is doing the show, or how we’re involved personally. Judging on how Paul seems, it could backfire later.

“He agreed, wanting to bring more support to his cause,” I say.

” His response drips with skepticism. “Aaron mentioned this Will fellow is
taken with you.”

My cheeks redden. “We do get along well.” My mind replays our kiss last night and the fantasies that resulted later, including my favorite—me on his sleigh bed with my legs wrapped around him as he thrusts into me so completely I can barely breathe.

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