Mr. August (8 page)

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Authors: Jan Romes

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Mr. August
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“Completely sure.” Libby smiled. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to experience Max in every sense of the word.

Max swept her up in his arms and carried her into the cabin. The second he stood her up, they dove at each other. Hands, arms, and mouths were a blur of activity. Max broke the kiss long enough to kick off his shoes. Libby unzipped her half-boots and tossed them in the corner.

Max returned her to his arms and Libby felt the passion that fired through her at the bar and again at Mallard Lane blaze hotter than ever. He moved to her mouth and moved under her shirt at the same time. She shivered with delight when he located the hooks of her bra and with deft fingers released them.

Libby moaned urging him on. Max captured her nipples with his thumbs and forefingers, gently rolling them between his fingers. “I want you so much,” he whispered huskily at her throat.

Libby was aroused to the point of no return, but she was lucid enough to detect “but” in his voice. She understood it. Intimacy changed everything. But she needed this closeness with Max—wherever it took them. “I’m yours,” she simply said, letting him make the decision whether or not to proceed.

When Max released her nipples, disappointment lingered at the top of her throat. She swallowed hard to push it down.

He toyed with her choker. “Did I mention how sexy this is?”

“I had a hunch you liked it.”

Max held her eyes for a second and moved in for another kiss; a hot, melt-your-socks-off kiss that said he wasn’t calling anything off. Libby’s heart danced for joy. Every inch of her came alive and pulsed with anticipation.

Skillful fingers slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Argh! Why did she have to wear a shirt with so many buttons? By the time Max got to the last few, she could feel his patience splinter. Libby splayed her hand across his chest to stop him. With the cockiness of a woman about to be made love to, she issued Max a sexy grin, gave the bottom of her shirt a significant tug and popped the last three buttons. She chuckled inwardly at having done the same thing to his shirt a couple of days ago.

Max nuzzled her neck and trailed his tongue down to the swell of her breasts, while gently working the shirt from her shoulders. The straps of her lace and satin bra fell down around her arms, exposing her breasts. Libby bit her lip to stifle an outcry of delight.

He pulled back just enough to let his eyes roam. “You’re so beautiful.” His words were gritty and sensuous, and Libby felt explosive currents detonate inside of her. Her heart beat wildly and her body ached for fulfillment.

In a fevered rush, they were lying on the rug in front of the fireplace, embracing while tugging down their jeans, whispering each other’s name.

Max abruptly sat up with a dazed look. “I don’t have a condom. When I packed up and left Columbus, condoms were the last thing on my mind.”

Libby tried to make sense of the moment. They were both so turned on they could barely breathe yet they had to power down to make a responsible decision. “I’ve never had unprotected sex.”

“Neither have I.” Max held her close, his lips trailed across her forehead.

Libby didn’t want things to stop. She needed Max, needed him in ways she couldn’t explain. “It’s okay, Max, really. Just this one time.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, we have to make a trip to town.” He reached for his jeans.

“Seriously, we’re fine.” It took all the strength she could muster to share the truth. “I can tell you with complete certainty that you won’t get me pregnant.” The discussion, or rather, discussions she’d had with Doctor Stevenson barreled into her thoughts. Tears pooled in her eyes and her insides twisted. She didn’t want to deal with the information, much less share it, but she had to.

Max’s brows pulled to the center. “Libby, I…”

Please, don’t make me tell you everything! Please, please, have mercy!
Libby pleaded silently.

Max felt the strain of what he should do and what he wanted to do. The desire in Libby’s voice and in her eyes wasn’t helping. With every fiber of his being he wanted her as much as she wanted him. In fact, he was so turned on he hurt. But he had to man-up and do the right thing. No protection, no loving Libby. That whole pregnancy fiasco with Shari left him more than a little cautious. Dammit! Why didn’t he have a condom?

Libby’s eyes filled with watery emotion. Damn! The passion in those hazel orbs were begging him to keep going. Argh! He was torn. But he had a feeling if he put on his jeans, it would be hard to rekindle the moment. Libby would have enough time to come to her senses and return to her cabin…without him. This was a fragile new beginning for them, if he left to buy protection…

Max’s conviction snapped in two. He was going to make love to Libby, and he’d deal with the fallout later. “Oh, sweet Libby,” he said, gently kissing her mouth and running his hands along the supple contours of her body, memorizing each delectable curve. Ever so lightly, he skimmed her nipples with his palm. Libby arched to get closer. She closed her eyes when he filled his hands with the fullness of her breasts.

Libby moaned and it was almost Max’s undoing. He pressed his erection against her thigh in warning.

“Now or never, August.”

“So bossy,” Max teased. Libby’s command sent him over the edge. In one fluid move, he rolled her beneath him and descended on her mouth. He kissed her long and hard, before using his knees to part her thighs. They gazed into each other’s eyes waiting for the magical moment when they joined. Max kissed each of her eyelids and the tip of her nose, and in the breadth of their next heartbeat he entered her. Libby’s eyes widened. He felt his widen too.

Raw, primal longing took over. They moved slowly at first to adjust to their new circumstance. With each stroke, the momentum picked up until they were in wild rhythm, grappling, groaning, and calling out one another’s name. Ecstasy came at them fast. Libby was the first to ride the billowy cloud of joy and Max joined her soon after. They’d made love fast, like two teenagers getting their first taste of the opposite sex. But it was incredible. And they had all the time in the world to become skilled lovers.

Libby lay panting. “You were wonderful,” she said between broken breaths. She clutched Max’s hand.

Max rolled to his side and toyed with Libby’s choker. “When I came to Celina, my only expectation was to finish my novel. In no way did I foresee that I would find someone who would turn my world upside down.” Max gave her a toothy grin. “I’m glad you almost nailed me with your Jeep.”

“Me too.” Libby ran her hands over the mat of dark curls on his chest.

Max kissed her chin and inched down until he was at the hollow of her throat. He nipped the tender skin with his teeth and trailed his tongue to the swell of her breasts. Each of his hands circled a breast while his tongue lathered the nipples with strict attention. Libby moaned with renewed need.

“Max,” she begged, “is it possible to…”

Max answered without speaking. He rolled to his back and brought Libby on top of him.

With calculated slowness, Libby lifted herself up and down. Max clutched her bottom and moved with her. They stared into the depths of each other’s eyes, the cadence of their movements—perfect.

Chapter Eight

Max propped himself up on his elbow and studied the quirky blonde who was smiling while she was sleeping. So this is what it felt like to have a give-and-take relationship. He’d given his all yesterday. Libby took what he offered, and in turn, gave him a day and night he’d cherish forever. They’d made love three times; twice within an hour and a third time shortly after midnight. Before the last time, they sat on the loveseat, their arms and legs intertwined, making small talk.

Libby loathed canned peas, loved the frozen ones. She wanted to get a tattoo but was deathly afraid of needles. Her favorite color was black. She loved the feel of denim. Hated politics. Her hazel eyes fired with passion when she said if she could change one thing in the world it would be that no one had to go to bed hungry.

Surprisingly, her dream wasn’t to become the number one designer in the world. She just wanted to do what she loved—design some great clothes. If she happened to gain worldwide recognition, that would be cool too. She finally admitted that Slayte Designs cut her loose. Her voice had cracked when she said that Amanda didn’t as much as blink when she fired her. Max felt Libby’s pain. He wanted to hop in his car, track down Amanda Slayte, and give her a piece of his mind.

Libby loved dogs. She’d always begged for one but her parents thought they were too much of a bother. Dogs had a keen sense about people, and Max noticed how Rory nuzzled against Libby.

Max seldom talked about himself, but with Libby he didn’t hold back. He talked about growing up in New Hampshire as an only child and the great camping trips he and his parents used to take. He went to college at Ohio State and liked the Columbus area so he decided to stay after graduation.

He loved peas, canned, or otherwise. Despised mushrooms. And was addicted to coffee. When Libby prompted him to talk about his Rottweiler ex-wife, he hedged. He didn’t want to ruin the mood by talking about Shari. It was too soon after making love to go down that path.

Max continued to watch Libby sleep, but he wanted to kiss her awake. He loved talking to her because she was a glass-half-full woman. Full of expectation. Ready to move her life forward. Such a tiny person, with big ideas. She told him about her best friend, Steph, and he tried to imagine the two of them together, trying to take on the world with their unusual styles.

A sleepy eye popped open. “Good morning.” Libby yawned and broke into a smile.

“Good morning, Lib.” Max moved a lock of hair that fell into her lashes.

“That’s what Steph calls me.” She pulled to a sitting position. “Would you like to meet her?”

“I would.”

“How about today?” Libby leaned forward and pecked his nose with her lips. “Sorry, getting ahead of myself. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I wasn’t planning on going home, but there’s no need to sit in the cabin while everyone else is eating turkey. We could pop in on Steph today and do the Thanksgiving thing with my parents tomorrow.”

“I would love to, Libby. Not sure I should though. I have to get my book done. My editor has been breathing down my neck.” Being with family during the holidays was important. And he’d contemplated taking off for New Hampshire to see his folks after the book was sent to his editor. Which meant, he needed to keep his butt in the chair until the blasted thing was finished.


Max merged off of Route 33 onto I-270 and grumbled under his breath that truck drivers were supposed to move over so people could get on the interstate without having to hit their brakes.

Libby shifted in her seat. He’d been quiet since they left Celina. On the rare occasion that he did speak, she could tell he was on edge. The road conditions were probably to blame. State trucks had plowed and salted, but they were fighting a losing battle. A heavy batch of fresh snow covered last night’s snow that had partially melted and refroze, making the trip a white-knuckle adventure. Max had taken precautions by loading bags of water softener salt in the back for weight but Libby had felt the car slide a few times. One false move would’ve put them in a ditch. “We’re almost there. Take the next exit.”

Rory was snuggled against Libby’s thigh and was almost as quiet as his master. He inched closer and let out a soft whimper when Max grumbled about the truck driver who didn’t move over so he could merge onto the interstate. Libby scratched him behind the ears and patted his side.

Max moved to the right-hand lane.

Shortly after leaving the interstate, Libby directed Max to a red brick house with white shutters and a rosy-cheeked little girl bundled up in a pink snowsuit throwing snowballs at the front of the house. Libby slanted Max a toothy smile. Steph’s kids were a challenge, but they were also amazing. She was sure their incredible imaginations would appeal to the writer in Max. “Let the chaos begin.”

The corners of Max’s mouth tipped up slightly. Libby studied him for a long few seconds and put a hand on his forearm. “Are you okay?”

Max nodded. “I should have stayed home but there was no way I was letting you drive in this stuff.”

So that was it. He was worried about the book. He’d mentioned the deadline was fast approaching but she didn’t realize he was feeling the pinch. “Thank you for getting us here safe and sound.” Libby rested her hand on his. “After we hang out with Steph for a while, we can hole up in my apartment until tomorrow. I can fix supper while you give your muse what it wants.”

Max let out a deep, guttural noise. “I was on a roll, thanks to you, but the last couple of chapters suck. The ending is supposed to take the reader by surprise.” He put his hands up in surrender. “I’ve got nothing to shock and awe.”

Libby winked. “Maybe the visit with Steph and her kids will give your brain a break.” She leaned toward him so their shoulders touched. “And when we get to my apartment later you can bounce ideas off of me.” Or he’d be so tired from being pounced on by a bunch of adorable hooligans that he’d fall asleep instead of writing.

Steph’s four-year-old daughter, Gretchen, muffled “Aunt Libby” with her nose flattened against the car window. Before Libby could get the door open, Gretchen knocked on the glass. “Why are you still in the car?”

“You’re going to love them, Max.” She opened the door and Gretchen threw herself into Libby.

“I missed you too, Gretch,” Libby said, hugging the little girl.

Max watched Libby interact with the child who had tufts of blonde hair peeking from the hood of her snowsuit and a runny nose from the cold air.

“Gretch’, this is Max.”

“Hi, Max,” Gretchen peeked from behind Libby’s thigh.

Max waved, but didn’t try to force his way in. Libby picked up the tiny scamp. “Let’s see what your mom’s up to.”

Gretchen’s brown eyes widened when she spotted Rory. “She’s trying to get red soda out of the carpet. Aww, Aunt Libby, you have a doggie. What’s his name? Does he bite? Can I pet him?” She didn’t wait for answers, just snatched the dog from Libby and cuddled him like a baby.

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