Mr. Smith's Whip (3 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

BOOK: Mr. Smith's Whip
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A moan escaped her lips as she slipped on the dress and it slid over her bare skin. It grazed her nipples like the barest of soft caresses. She shuddered, knowing she was in for a night of sensual torment. The balls inside her thudded against each other at her aroused movements and further stimulated her swollen passage.

Colin might wish her on her knees, but with her intense reactions to his toys, she might melt at his feet.

He’d never seen her with her hair down so she unpinned the dark tresses she’d kept up while she’d showered. They fell low, on her back and she brushed them until they shone in lustrous waves.

She’d just finished her eye makeup and a light touch of gloss to her lips when the doorbell rang. Exactly seven o’clock. A glance in her full-length mirror showed what Colin would see in a moment—her face naturally flushed, her nipples pressing to the soft fabric, the gentle curves of her body, a long length of leg with a glimpse of the lace at the top. She’d never felt so sensuous or alluring. Was this really her?

Quickly, she slipped into her shoes and raced to the door, unwilling to let Colin wait.

Slowing and taking a deep breath, she pulled open the door in a controlled movement. His eyes immediately darkened, and his lips turned up in a small smile of appreciation. He wore a dark suit and black shirt that hugged his powerful body to such perfection, she knew they’d been custom tailored for him. A wool overcoat completed the picture of fashionable savoir-faire, wealth and common sense.

“May I come in?” he asked.

Mutely, she nodded and took a step backward, opening the door wider to admit him.

Colin immediately stepped into the foyer and shut the door on the frigid air outside. His black leather shoes moved silently across the faux-marble entryway as he crossed to her.

Olivia watched him, without moving, unsure what she was supposed to do, if she was supposed to do something or how she was expected to respond. Her lips parted, and she knew her eyes were wide. She tried to stay still while she waited, but a tremble worked through her, triggering a low moan as the weighted balls vibrated.

He smiled, knowing in his eyes. His hand cupped her head and his mouth covered hers.

Her moan intensified as pleasure sank through her, making her lightheaded and drawing her awareness completely to the sensation of his firm body against hers. Her fingers curled in the soft wool of his coat while his tongue coaxed its way into her mouth. Slowly, he stroked inside, tasting and exploring her. He filled her senses, enveloping her in a web of sensuality she’d imagined but hadn’t believed could exist. It was as if his magnetism had attracted all her ions and consumed them, making her part of him.

Colin stepped back, gathering himself when all he wanted to do was lose himself in this woman. Livvy was the one. He’d suspected it the first time he’d seen her in the library, but today had confirmed it. She’d submitted to him—not complacently, but with a fight within herself.

That was the very quality he’d been looking for in a submissive. As long as they didn’t bollocks things up, they might find mutual satisfaction for which they’d both apparently searched.

The fight inside Livvy made this all the sweeter. She’d submit, but it would never be a mindless response. When she’d gotten on her knees for him today, he’d almost lost it. He’d had to take several moments to collect himself. It had proven a good testing ground for how she’d react to not getting her way. He’d give her what she wanted more often than not, but
all the time and
without her working for it. Pleasure and release were rewards for good behavior, though Colin Smith and Noah Webster had differing views on how “good” was defined.

“Have you followed all my instructions?” he asked, cupping her chin and gently wiping away a trace of gloss that had smeared beneath her lip.

Her brow furrowed then she nodded. “The toys, no undergarments… Yes, Mr. Smith.”

“Good girl. And how are you feeling now?”

She squirmed a little, her thighs pressing together. She’d slid her wrists behind her back when he’d stepped back and her luscious nipples poked against the soft silk of the dress. He’d have them in his mouth before the night was over. Just the thought stirred his cock. He forced back his reaction, needing to remain in control.

“I…I feel…hot,” she replied.

“You look hot,” he complimented.

She shook her head. “Melty,” she clarified. “Shuddery—”

“Aroused?” he filled in.


His forefinger trailed down her bare arm, taking care to graze over her tender inner elbow. “And how will you feel when I tell you I intend to spank you for disobeying me?” he asked her. “For improper address.”

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she blurted.

He shook his head. “But how do you feel?”

She swallowed, and he watched the movement of the nervous gesture. She wasn’t completely at ease, but there was no fear in her eyes. Having her off-balance fired him. This was what he’d desired since the day he’d met her. And now…he couldn’t wait to have her bent over and waiting for the sting of his whip. Her sweet cries would fulfill them both in ways she couldn’t yet imagine, ways he’d longed to experience again for years.

“Livvy?” he prompted when she didn’t answer.

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and her head bowed forward. “Excited,” she whispered.

“Good.” Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “You have a coat?” Her head popped up in surprise. “Yes…”

He grinned at her confusion. “Now, you could hardly expect me to take anyone outside in this frigid air without proper protection, could you? I always take care of the woman in my charge. I will always take care of
, Livvy.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she responded. She nodded to the door behind him. “It’s in that closet.” Colin nodded and went to grab the garment. “We’ll go to dinner first,” he told her, “and then to the club. At the club, you will address me properly, as a scene demands. At dinner, I’m just Colin.” He could nearly feel her surprise as he slid her coat over her shoulders. “I want to know you outside of the D/s play, too, Livvy. I’m not in the scene twenty-four-seven. For me, that would be exhausting and it would hamper building a real relationship.”

“You want more than just sex?” she asked as he moved in front of her again.

“Of course I do. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a smart, fascinating woman. And I’m not exactly into casual sex.”

“What kind of sex are you ‘exactly’ into?” she asked. Her eyes went wide and she clapped a hand over her mouth. Colin nearly chuckled at the adorable image. Livvy would be fun. He liked that she was new to the scene and wouldn’t be jaded to everything. He hoped she never would. Truthfully, that had drawn him. She had a somewhat pure air about her that belied any cynical views on sex and relationships. But she also had a strain of adventure running through her. Both qualities would ensure she’d enjoy this experience, and he’d stay close to her side to protect her and police her activities.

“What do I like?” he clarified as he walked her to his rental car, a luxury Lexus with all the bells and whistles, then handed her into the passenger seat. “I like the sharper side of sex,” he continued after he’d seated himself. He turned to face her, wanted to see her reaction to his words. “I like to give a good spanking. I like a woman to submit to me, deferring especially to me in sex. As you’ve learned, I like sex toys and you can expect you’ll experience a large range of them. With me so far?”

She nodded, heated interest in her eyes.

How would she take what was next?

“I enjoy sharing my submissive—”

“No!” she exclaimed. She looked shocked but her interest was plain on her face. He pressed his fingers to her lips.

“Another punishment,” he sighed with a tsk. “You didn’t let me finish, and we weren’t discussing what you want. Were we?”

“No. I’m sorry, Sir,” she murmured. He almost felt sorry for her. She had to feel adrift, but she had to learn. And she had to know where his predilections laid.

“I enjoy sharing my submissive,” he repeated. “But only when it comes to touching, pleasuring and occasionally punishing. No one but me fucks my woman.”

“Okay,” she conceded.

“And I like role-playing and exhibition. I enjoy being watched. I will especially enjoy people watching you.” He started the car, but he suspected she barely noticed. Her breathing came in quiet, shuddering gasps as arousal hit her hard. His words along with his toys were likely pushing her to the brink of orgasm and he intended to keep her there for awhile.

Cognizant of the slick driveway and roads, he carefully pulled from her driveway.

“Do you have any questions?” he asked.

“You like to spank and punish,” she ventured. “You’ll hurt me?” Pain was often a new sub’s concern. She’d soon learn the bliss it could bring. “There’s some pain, but I promise there’s more pleasure,” he told her. “Most of the time, anyway. There are various reasons to spank—and spank covers a whole category of activities. For me, the reasons are enjoyable sensation, punishment and trust. Never for sadistic reasons; always for the furthering and deepening of the relationship.”

He thought of the things in the bag in his trunk. It would take a lot of trust for her not to freak out when she saw the whip. He trusted that she’d fulfill his desires and prove she’d been the correct choice.

Livvy twined and untwined her fingers where they rested in her lap. He would tell she was deep in thought—hopefully, not thinking of a way to ditch him.

He was pretty sure that wasn’t it. He wouldn’t have approached her if he wasn’t sure she was the one for this period in his life and that she was ready.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.



“That I want to skip dinner and get on with things.” She chuckled and glanced at him, still grinning. “I know how to eat.”

“Not like this.”

He pulled into a restaurant close to her house, one he was sure she’d never been to. He’d discovered it shortly after he’d joined
The Dungeon
, after several of the club’s patrons had recommended it.
La Maison
catered to fringe sexual desires, and he had a menu of pleasure waiting for Livvy.

Chapter Three

The Maison
was plush. That was the only way Olivia could describe it. Her second thought was,
This is how the other half lives.

Thick, velvet curtains hung around the room, some partially enclosing the seating along the walls. Each intimate table was draped with white linen. Faux candlelight flickered around the room, gleaming off the polished silver and glass.

After their coats were checked, the maître d’ led them to one of the side tables. A curved seat made a semicircle along the curtain. Colin had her slide in then he followed. Before she could mention that there were no menus, a steward brought them white wine then slipped away after Colin had deemed it perfect.

It was then that she realized he’d preordered. She guessed he remembered the casual conversation they’d had once. He’d brought up different types of ancient foods and if she’d consider, hypothetically, trying them. She’d mentioned not being allergic to anything and how her mother had gotten both her kids to be adventurous eaters.

Colin took her hand and clasped it on the table, playing with her fingers. “I want tonight to be special for you. Before we start, we should have a few ground rules. I need to know if you absolutely don’t want to do anything or if something scares you—not if it makes you uncomfortable, because part of this lifestyle is about pushing your conceived boundaries.”

“I don’t want to sleep with some random guy I don’t know. When I’m with a guy, I’m
that guy. Know what I mean? I’m open to what you said, and I know you said no one sleeps with your woman, but…” Hell, she hoped she wasn’t sounding like a blithering idiot and drawing a line that would make him end this before it started.

He stroked the crook between her thumb and forefinger. “And you’re wondering if that applies to you when I say ‘my woman’? It does. No sharing, poppet. Just me.” Suddenly, the tablecloth brushed her leg, and a cool breeze momentarily grazed her skin.

She jumped as a large hand settled on her knee—a hand that was definitely not Colin’s since he was holding one of hers and the other was resting on the table.

Colin’s fingers tightened on hers. “Relax. It’s okay.” Relax, her ass… Lifting her foot, she pressed her shoe’s heel against the unknown person. He caught the spike then callused fingers circled her ankle. The man forced them apart then wedged his wide shoulders between her knees.

Her eyes widened. Total shock and arousal flooded through her body and filled her pussy with liquid. Colin seemed to be completely aware of what was happening. It surprised her that he’d planned this interlude of illicit pleasure for her, while he sat beside her and wasn’t receiving his own reward.

A disembodied palm skimmed up her thigh, pushing up her skirt and pooling the tablecloth around her hips. She wasn’t wearing panties. Whoever it was would find her naked cunt in a moment. Could anyone see what was happening? She couldn’t remember how long the cloth was nor could she figure out how he’d gotten under the table.

She expected him to touch her intimately as soon as he bared her, but instead, he grasped one of her unresisting feet and slipped it from the spiky pump. His fingertips traced along her sole, sending a full-body shiver down her spine. His thumb pressed firmly along her instep then slid up to her ball of her foot. She took a gulp of water to stifle a moan as he worked the crease behind her toes. Her breath shuddered as trembles moved along her thighs and into her core.

Colin leaned close to her ear. “It’s one of the waiters,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble that poked at the simmering fire in her core. “He’s a member of
The Dungeon
and enjoys role-play. This is his wish—to secretly pleasure a beautiful woman. It’s my wish to let him.” The man’s breath was warm on her bare skin while Colin spoke. Soon, her secret lover pressed open-mouthed kisses on the inside of her knee while his fingertips skated up her calves.

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