Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (14 page)

Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Placing her hands on his shoulders
to steady herself, Rachel prepared to sit down in front of him, but Luc’s hands
moved to cup her bum holding her in mid-air.


“Not there lovely lady, that’s too
far away.”


Teasing her closer to him, Luc
jerked his hips so the tip of his cock brushed against Rachel’s clit. They both
gasped at the contact and Luc did it again. Rachel was grasping his shoulders
tightly; her knuckles white with the effort but Luc didn’t seem to notice as he
continued the mutual torment until she couldn’t stand it any longer. Nudging
forward she impaled herself on Luc drawing him in to the hilt. He was slick
with sweat and they slipped against one another in a passionate embrace. Luc
held on to Rachel’s hips as he tried in vain to pace their rocking but she
clenched her internal muscles around his cock and his hands dropped to the
bench just behind him so he could brace himself.


Rachel paused to catch her breath.
The way Luc was inside of her filled her beyond anything she had ever
experienced and she wanted to imprint this feeling in case she never got it
back again. Her palms were now flat against his chest and she rubbed them over
his pecs in a circular movement. She felt him swell inside of her obviously
enjoying having his nipples stimulated. His head had fallen back between his
shoulder blades and his eyes were closed. The look on his face was one of pure
ecstasy and his breathing was fast.


“Oh god, Rach, you feel so good.
Your cunt is really hot. So deep like this. Squeeze me again.”


“Only if you let me see those baby
blues,” she purred up at him.


Luc raised his head and opened his
eyes. His gaze was heated and Rachel fell headlong into the intense glare of
the two pools of sapphire burning into her. Moving her hands from his chest she
cupped his face and lowered her lips to his humming her appreciation into his
mouth. She clenched her pussy around his swollen cock and with her feet on the
floor she raised her self up and down along the length of him occasionally
swivelling her hips so she could feel him everywhere. Luc hips jerked in
response and she felt him go even deeper inside of her. They kept up this
sensual dance working their way towards an explosive climax.


Luc’s senses were reeling with
Rachel on top of him. They were so close he could smell her and taste her and
he had never felt so connected with a woman – she was so fucking amazing
he couldn’t believe his luck. Right now though it was time to finish before his
arms gave way. Sitting up he held her around the waist and slipped a thumb
between their bodies through her pussy lips. He pushed against her engorged
clitoris sending Rachel soaring. She cried out his name as she went rigid
around him for a few seconds until her body melted into his and he felt her
cream flood his cock.


“Luc, Luc, fuck….” Her words
echoed around the empty garage and she clung to him as her orgasm flittered
away leaving her pussy pulsating around him. Luc felt his balls tighten in
anticipation of his own impending orgasm and he thrust his hips upwards as he
rammed into her twice more before yelling her name as he came harder than he
had ever done so in his life. Clinging to each other, sweat pouring off the two
of them, neither could move nor speak for several long moments.


“Rach” Luc croaked, “that was fucking
amazing. Seems like your Peeping Tom fantasy worked well for both of us eh?”


“It’s all on you garage boy. I’ve
been corrupted by a pretty face with a six pack.” Rachel smiled against the
skin over his afore mentioned six pack just as Luc continued, “and a huge cock;
and a wicked tongue; and clever fingers and a tight arse…I’m sure you said all
those things too just a few minutes ago.”


“Oh, very fucking funny.” She
tried to sound cross at him but failed miserably knowing it was all true.


“Oh, and I’m sure there was a
comment about dimples at one stage” he went on, but clearly this was a step too
far judging by the way Rachel jabbed him in the side none too gently.


“Enough!” she barked at him as he
flinched abruptly from her touch.


Rachel looked up at him narrowing
her eyes as she jabbed him again. This time he jolted and hissed ‘fuck’ at her.
Realising she had found a weak spot on this towering muscle bound hunk, she
decided to milk it for all it was worth. Keeping his movement limited as she was
still astride him, Rachel planted her feet firmly on the floor for balance and
mercilessly jabbed Luc in both sides at the same time. The result was as if
he’d been electrocuted and it made Rachel laugh out loud at his reaction. She
kept it up until Luc decided she’d had enough pleasure tormenting him and he
grabbed both of her wrists in one of his hands pinning them to her lower back.


“Oh Mrs R, I think that’s quite
enough don’t you?” Rachel began wriggling around trying to get him to free her
hands, but the effect of having her lush breasts swipe along his chest meant
Luc became instantly hard again inside her.


“Seriously?” she pleaded.


“I’m 22, Rachel” Luc offered by
way of explanation, “with a fucking sexy beautiful woman sitting on my prick with
her tits in my face. What d’you expect?”


Rachel snorted at Luc’s words and
would have given Luc a long list of reasons why Round Two in the garage on the
weights bench was not a good idea had she been able to think of a single one.
As it happened, it became a deliciously moot point when said man boy god licked
her from shoulder to neck across her lips and down her throat; through the
valley of her tits. Continuing down would have been a physical impossibility on
Luc’s part with his cock still lodged in her pussy but he wasn’t yet willing to
release her; she felt too good.


Preparing to get all hot and
sweaty again they were rudely interrupted by “I like to move it move it”
resonating out of the pile of Rachel’s clothes.


“Don’t answer it.”


“I have to Luc, it could be Jess
or Lucy; let me up.”


Groaning, Luc eased out of Rachel
as she scrambled off his lap towards her discarded jeans for her iPhone.
Swiping across the screen to answer the call Rachel frowned as unknown number


“Hello, Rachel Renton
speaking…damn…too late.”


She looked frustratingly at Luc
abruptly awash with terrible thoughts of who the caller could have been. Maybe
a hospital or the police calling to tell her something bad had happened to the
twins. She knew her thought process was an irrational response to her recent
trauma but nevertheless she started to panic. Luc jumped up wrapping his long
arms around her in an attempt to curb her impending distress. Tears filled her
eyes as Luc’s embrace kept her steady; she wouldn’t be able to cope with any
more loss, she just knew she wasn’t strong enough.


“Ssssh Rachel, it’s ok, just call
Jess or Lucy; they’re fine I know they’re fine.“


Luc was stroking her hair and
cuddling her as she shook her head in fear.


“Give me your phone then Rach,
I’ll call.”


Rachel shakily handed him the
iPhone just as the voicemail alert pinged. “You listen” she whispered hating
herself for making a 22 year old boy take responsibility for the next crisis in
her life. Watching Luc dial in then press to listen she saw his forehead furrow
in reaction to the message.


Looking up at her he asked, “Who
the fuck is Joe Mason? He seems pretty pissed off you haven’t been responding
to his emails.”


Rachel’s knees buckled and she
slumped back into Luc’s chest with relief. “No one Luc; he’s no one.”




Crisis abated, Rachel took some
time out on the couch with her kindle catching up with her reading. She had no
need of her usual erotic fiction as she was actually living it for real, so she
downloaded the latest murder mystery from one of her favourite authors and got
stuck into that.


Luc was upstairs studying and the
hours passed peacefully. The words of her book blurred and Rachel dozed off for
a bit waking after a while with a start to find Luc snoozing in the armchair
opposite. He had coughed disturbing her, but she didn’t mind as it gave her an
unrestricted opportunity to watch him sleeping. He looked relaxed and
incredibly young and a pang of guilt lodged in her chest. She wasn’t sure what
she was feeling guilty for; whether it was Nate; the age difference; the fact
she could never be in a relationship with this boy, or that he was her
daughters’ best friend. Rachel pondered on it for a while, her eyes never
leaving Luc’s face and she realised he made her heart a little lighter, and
that feeling happy such a short time after losing her husband was probably
where the guilt lay. Sighing deeply, Rachel switched her kindle back on and
read until Luc woke up.




“Hey yourself” Rachel smiled at
sleepy Luc unfurling his body that had scrunched into the armchair. He
scratched his stomach – such a bloke – and stretched his arms.
Rachel sighed as a narrow strip of his golden skin revealed itself just above
the waist band of his sweats. She smiled realising she knew just what that
little piece of heaven tasted like.


“I’m starving – shall we get
a pizza?”


“Sounds like a plan” she agreed,
and they spent the rest of the evening eating junk food and watching telly
comfortably together.


Luc sensed Rachel was in need of
companionship tonight and he made a conscious effort not to be too flirty or
touchy with her. It wasn’t easy for him especially when she tucked herself into
his side to watch her favourite vampire series. Honestly, what was it about
immortal blokes with fangs that affected all chicks however old they were?
Every female he knew had subjected him to either Twilight; Vampire Diaries or
True blood depending on their tolerance levels. He just didn’t get it.
Nevertheless, he was willing to sit through an hour of blood sucking shit if it
meant Rachel clinging to him in the scary bits.


Judging by her mood, Luc didn’t
think they would be fucking again that night and he was right although he was
terribly disappointed that Rachel took herself off to her own bed making it
quite obvious she wanted to be alone. He didn’t know what had shifted in her
attitude towards their relationship; she wasn’t horrible to him, but Luc got
the message. He didn’t like the rejection and that bothered him; and the fact
that it bothered him irritated him even more. It wasn’t until the early hours
that he was able to finally fall asleep.




Over a long breakfast the
following morning, Rachel apologised to Luc for her mood last night and tried
to explain why she’d needed a bit of space. She was quick to reassure him that
the garage sex had been spectacular but she’d been overwhelmed with all the
different emotions and needed some time alone to clear her head. Luc looked
relieved and much happier than when he’d tentatively stepped into the kitchen
to join her.


“I understand, I do Rach, but I
can’t help wanting you so much. Do you feel like I’ve forced you into something
you should feel ashamed of?”


Rachel studied his hands that were
clasped on top of the table and laid her smaller ones over his gripping


“Don’t say that; don’t even think
it. You have been nothing short of perfect. I mean it honey. You have nothing
to feel badly about. I have loved every minute we’ve been together. Yesterday
when the phone interrupted us, it made me blindingly aware of what I was doing;
who I was doing it with and what the consequences would be to all of us if the
twins ever found out.”


They both sat silently for a long
moment contemplating that appalling scenario. Luc moved to sit next to her and
placed his hands on her shoulders holding her in place forcing her to look at


“Rach…do you want to stop?” Big
blue eyes bore into her with the intensity of his stare.


“Luc baby; I don’t think I can…”


As soon as the words were out of
her mouth Luc’s lips crashed into hers as his tongue barraged into her mouth.
He kissed her with everything he was feeling and she responded in kind.
Finally, the requirement to draw breath broke them apart. Luc grabbed her hand and
hauled her out the kitchen heading for the stairs.


“Thank fuck for that Mrs R; ‘cos
I’ve been hard since that bloody phone rang yesterday. Come on – let’s




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