Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (21 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Looking decidedly forlorn Rachel
scurried to his door as they heard keys being jangled outside warning them that
the twins were home.


“Don’t go without discussing this
with me first Luc; please” begged Rachel as she left him once again alone in
his bed.






Rachel woke to a loud hammering
noise. Moving her head to look at the time was a massive mistake as she soon
realised the hammer was actually lodged in her head battering her brains from
the inside out.


“Oh god” she groaned, “I’m never
drinking again.”


Gingerly she sat up and waited for
the room to stop spinning – she felt sick. Dragging herself to the
bathroom required gargantuan effort and she was actually panting to combat the
jolts of pain in her head. Reaching the loo she lowered herself to her knees;
shoved her face in the pan and heaved out the remnants of her stomach. Sparks
of light jumped around behind her eyelids and she just wanted to die on the
spot. Lying down against the cool floor tiles Rachel sighed with relief as her
world gradually stopped still. She was such a lightweight honestly - who was
she trying to kid attempting to keep up with the younger generation?


Rachel eased her way to a sitting
position leaning up against the vanity unit for support. She was extremely
grateful for the dim lighting and black décor in her delicate state and decided
that she wouldn’t move for a bit. Her eyes fluttered closed and she ran her
mind over the events of the previous evening. It was certainly a mad one full
of ups and downs; at some points quite literally. Then she thought about all
the naughty things she had done with Luc and sighed as warmth blossomed in her
chest. The boy was magnificent – the best tonic she could have asked for.
The fact that he was a modern day Adonis
added to the delight – she never thought someone that attractive would
want to be with her. Something was niggling though and she rooted around in her
thoughts to wield out what was bothering her. Suddenly she remembered and her breath
hitched in her throat and her chest became tight. Luc was leaving.


Delicately manoeuvring herself up
right Rachel reached into a drawer of the vanity unit and fished out a packet
of ibuprofen. Glugging down 2 capsules with lots and lots of water – Rachel
sat on the loo knowing it wouldn’t be long before the drugs kicked in and
contemplated what to do. Her knee jerk reaction was to march into his room and
tell him not to be so stupid – they could talk and work things out. But
then she pondered on his reason for leaving; Luc was falling for her and
neither of them wanted that outcome to this fling they were enjoying. Rachel
adored Luc; every aspect of him was mighty fine and he was going to make
someone a wonderful husband, but as much as she lusted after him and hungered
for how he made her feel sexually – there was no way she could bring
herself to think of a future together. It was a ridiculous prospect full of the
obvious obstacles that come with such a big age difference, but mainly because
of the twins. Rachel knew that Luc felt the same but also had his finals to
focus on with his future all mapped out; and she certainly did not feature in
it. She had been using him as a crutch and an excuse not to get on with the
rest of her life. It had been wonderful but merely just a distraction that was
putting her off attending to her responsibilities. Grudgingly she admitted that
perhaps Luc was right – they couldn’t go on like this any longer; someone
would get too irreparably hurt.


Brushing her teeth to divest any
remaining nastiness from the head in the toilet episode, Rachel resolved to
seek out Luc and bring about closure to their affair. She popped on a pair of
black lounge pants and a matching vest top leaving her feet bare as was her
preference. She was still feeling pretty nauseous and couldn’t face wearing
anything tight so left her bra off with only a soft black cotton thong for
comfort. That was another thing that had changed since Nate – she never
normally wore thongs but Luc loved them on her and they made her feel sexy
knowing he knew they were on beneath her clothes, and she had gotten used to
them now.


It was still quite early in the
morning. Considering they hadn’t all gone to bed until the early hours, Rachel
wasn’t surprised that she couldn’t hear anyone up yet. Opening her door
quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone, she crept down the hall past Luc’s room
to check on the twins.


Peeking her head around Lucy’s
door she could see the sisters in the one bed fast asleep. She took a moment to
appreciate the sight of her beautiful babies wrapped in each other’s arms
sleeping deeply and her heart expanded with love until she thought it might
burst. Their long dark hair fanned over the pillows and they looked peaceful.
Closing the door softly Rachel headed for the stairs to go and put the coffee
on. Halting at the top step her mind flooded with the mouth-watering memory of
a half naked man boy god sitting at that exact spot only hours before waiting
for her. Without thinking too hard about what she as doing, Rachel quietly let
herself into Luc’s room closing and locking the door behind her.


“Oh my lord…” gasped Rachel
softly, not wishing to wake him up. The hammering in her head moved swiftly
down to her chest as her heart rate quickened at the sight of her man boy god,
Luc Vincent laid out before her.


Rachel tried to take it all in at
once and imprint it on her memory as she predicted she wouldn’t be privy to it
for much longer. Luc was fast asleep on his front with the bedclothes rumpled
low on his body teasing her with a partial view of his oh so tantalising tight
arse. The rise of his gorgeous round bum peeked at her begging to be worshipped


“Hmm” she thought, her eyes
twinkling in mischief “that can soon be remedied” and she gently pulled the
covers down to his thighs. He didn’t even flinch and Rachel was rewarded with a
mouth-watering close up of his tight bum cheeks. Licking her lips, she lingered
on his narrow waist and could hardly restrain herself from dipping her tongue
into each of the two dimples at the base of his spine – god they were
His back, which was lifting
slightly in time with his breathing, widened all the way up to his broad
shoulders, and she could see the tails of the tribal tattoo that crept over his
right shoulder. Rachel had traced that tattoo with her fingertips only a short
time ago – she knew how his smooth skin felt under her touch and she was
itching to reach out and stroke him. Desire pooled at the apex of her thighs;
her skin grew tight and hot she trembled with pure, unadulterated lust for the
man in the bed before her.
had absolutely no idea how she was ever going to let him go.


She sank herself in to the
armchair at the side of the bed and returned to her torturous inspection
relishing every inch of the male form sprawled out before her. Luc’s head was
turned to one side and his fringe covered half his face. What features she
could see were relaxed in slumber; his long blond eyelashes fanned his cheeks
and he was exhaling softly through his mouth making adorable breathy sounds
that made her insides turn to jelly. His long arms were resting above his head,
one under the pillow and one on top. This made all the muscles in his arms and
upper back stand out and Rachel was dying to run a finger over the shape of
each one. Instead she just sat there patiently and enjoyed watching him sleep.


After about 20 minutes Luc
stirred. Without opening his eyes he stretched and yawned, grunting a bit as he
flipped over to his back. He settled his arms by his side with one leg straight
and the other bent at the knee. Rachel noted his gorgeous face was covered with
fine blond stubble and she had an urgent desire to feel that hair scraping
along her inner thighs. Movement caught her attention and she grinned at the
twisted bed sheets tenting over an obvious erection. Luc rubbed himself through
the cotton fabric and moaned lightly at his own touch.


“I hope you are thinking about me
Luc” Rachel thought to herself, inexplicably jealous that he may be dreaming
about another girl – that Chloe perhaps. However, a mumbled “Rach”
escaped from Luc’s mouth and hearing this shot a spark of electricity right to
her sex causing her clit to throb at the husky sound of her name. Luc’s hand
action grew more urgent and Rachel thought it may well be possible just
watching him would make her come on the spot and she groaned loudly. Luc’s eyes
flew open at the sound and she was treated to those baby blues zoning in on her
writhing in the armchair.


Never one to have shown modesty up
until now, Luc did not immediately stop pleasuring himself just because he had
an audience. His sinful mouth turned up at the corners once he spotted Rachel
and without breaking eye contact he gathered up the sheet and tossed it to the
floor giving him full access to his own body. Rachel sat mesmerised by the
languid movements of his hands. One stroked his rock hard shaft from base to
tip while the other cupped and tugged his balls. Being under such close
scrutiny was turning Luc on more than he thought possible, and Rachel spotted
the tell tell gleam of pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock; a sure sign he
was close to climaxing. She squirmed in the chair – watching Luc do this
to himself was indecently erotic and she could feel her thong dampen as her
body responded to the scene in front of her.


Luc was in heaven – he
wasn’t quite sure if he was indeed awake or if it was a fantastic dream
starring his own hot woman. Rachel looked so goddamned sexy sitting there
watching him. Her cheeks were flushed and he could see her fantastic tits
rising and falling as she fought to control her breathing. Her nipples were
hard as pebbles clearly visible underneath her top.


“Rachel,” Luc rasped in a voice still
thick with sleep. “Do you like watching me wank, knowing it’s you who makes me
so fucking hard?” Rachel’s chest heaved in response and she moaned at his dirty


“Does it make you wet to watch me
stroke myself imagining I was in your pretty little mouth with your lips around
my cock?” Rachel dragged her eyes away from Luc’s intense gaze to watch as he
fisted his cock making it swell even further. God he was so close to coming she
didn’t know how he could control himself.


“Oh Rachel; oh yeah…….I’m so
close” rasped Luc pumping furiously away at his swollen cock. Rachel was so
excited at this point she couldn’t stop herself as she leapt up off the
armchair; knocked his hand away and went down on him as far as she could
without gagging, dragging her tongue up and around him as he bucked off the
mattress. Humming her pleasure sent vibrations from his balls to the tip of his
shaft making him writhe under her wet caresses, striving to reach his climax.


“Suck me Rachel. Suck me baby!” he
hissed at her wrapping his hands in her silky hair as he thrust into her mouth.
Rachel swallowed as deep as she could get him licking him and scraping her
teeth gently along the length of him until he exploded filling her mouth with
his seed. Swallowing every last drop as she eased him down, Rachel licked her
lips and grinned at him. She sighed and kissed his abs, laying her head on his


“Holy fuck – that was a
bloody fabulous way to wake up!” Luc chuckled to the top of Rachel’s head.
Staying in place, not daring to look him in the eye knowing what she was about
to say would ultimately hurt; Rachel took a deep breath and began.


“You are so beautiful Luc - it
feels strange to use that word about a man – but I just want to touch you
all the time when I see you. You’re like a drug that I can’t get enough of and
I can’t have that in my life right now. There is too much to be done. I have to
face this Joe Mason at Nate’s firm and I need to be focused entirely on that,
not worried about when I’ll be seeing you next, or how this is affecting you.”


She could feel Luc’s body stiffen
but she couldn’t cave in now – she had to finish. Gathering strength she
sat up and looked down at his precious face. She nearly faltered as his baby
blues grew shiny as the impact of her words hit him. Rachel stroked his cheek
affectionately and drew the pads of her thumbs over his soft lips.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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