Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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“This has to stop Mum. You cannot
hide away anymore – it’s enough. Dad died not you.
Not you
!” Jess was shouting now. “We need you Mummy; come back to


Rachel stopped crying and looked
up through watery red eyes. “God, she’s magnificent when she’s angry” was
Rachel’s first thought. Her heart lurched at the sight of her beautiful
daughter all pink in the face and looking so much like her father right now.
Jess was on a mission and just like Nate; Rachel knew she would not back down
until she got the result she desired.


Rachel opened her mouth to respond
but paused. Now was not the time to make an enemy of her child; she knew that
the problem was hers not her daughters’ and she quickly realised that this was
their way of trying to perk her up.


“I’m sorry” Rachel croaked. “I
didn’t mean to be rude. He’s not what I was expecting and it threw me for a


Jess’s mouth rose up on one side
in a smirk. “You can say that again Mum………he’s fucking breath taking isn’t he.
Abercrombie model material if ever there was one!”


“Oh Jess – I can see your
language hasn’t improved. And yes – even I can see he’s very handsome.”


Jess flopped onto the bed next to
her mother determined not to let this rare light hearted moment go.


“Luc is our fall guy, Mum! If
another bloke gets too friendly and we don’t want it; Lucy and I just give Luc
the nod and he comes and rescues us. It’s hilarious when the other guys see him
– they know they don’t stand a chance! Funny thing is; neither of us
fancies him anymore. He’s just Luc. You‘ll love him Mum – he’s gonna make
you smile…………he can’t help it - he’s very ‘entertaining’”


The way she said entertaining made
Rachel giggle and in turn Jess raised her eyebrows at her.


“Ha! There you are – now
come on down and make us some tea, mother!” Jess bounced back off the bed and
out the door leaving Rachel smiling and for the first time in the longest
while; her heart felt a little lighter.




Pausing before she entered the
sunny breakfast room, Rachel took a deep breath and plastered a happy face on.
She had changed into a pair of her favourite old jeans and a loose white linen
shirt leaving her feet bare, as was her preference. She loved to feel the hard,
wooden floor beneath her feet – for some reason it made her feel grounded
and secure – a reminder of a happier time. Rachel had brushed her hair
and put a little clear gloss on her lips. She found a small pair of diamond
studs to put in her ears and finally admitted to herself that it was ok to feel
a little bit human again. She had even put on some pretty lingerie rather than
the old comfy stuff she had been living in for months.


“I can actually remember hiding
under this table – that’s so weird.”


Luc’s voice reached her from
behind the door – his voice had a slightly husky quality to it, not as
deep as Nate’s but lovely all the same. The sort of voice you wanted to listen
to; Rachel could imagine all the girls loved it.


“Who’s up for a game of hide and
seek now then?” he asked; the huskiness pronounced, as he got louder.


Rachel padded into the room
greeted by the sight of tight white cotton straining over broad male shoulders
and back. Luc was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with the twins but
hearing her enter he turned his head to look over his shoulder and Rachel felt
all the air leave her lungs just like that from one smouldering look in her


Gathering herself, Rachel headed
over to the kitchen adjacent to the breakfast room – it was one big space
really – the heart of the house when the twins were growing up. She could
feel Luc’s eyes on her and it made her uncomfortable for many reasons. The last
time he was here he was in school uniform for god’s sake! Now look at him all
grown up taking up space around the table having no business looking like every
housewives secret fantasy!


“Ridiculous; get a grip” She
muttered to herself appalled. One sexy glance and she’d come over all Mrs
Robinson. The niggling feeling of somehow betraying Nate by just thinking about
what she wouldn’t mind doing to Luc made her uneasy and somewhat bemused. Her
body was responding one way to his presence; but her mind was battling against


Luc meanwhile was having a
fabulous time. The twins were happily chatting away getting more excited as
they regaled their mother with stories about uni life. He was fascinated by
them and never tired of watching them together. They were animated and
enjoyable to be with but he particularly loved how they instinctively knew what
the other one was going to say before they actually said it. Jess was always
finishing Lucy’s sentences and vice versa – they were such a double act.
He cast his mind back to when he’d first bumped into them at uni. His head had
filled with entirely inappropriate thoughts and it was the longest time before
he could look at them without imagining having them both wrapped around him
naked at the same time. Luc had never had twins and it was still on his bucket
fuck list, but definitely not with Jess and Lucy. As sexy as they were, they
were off limits once they had remembered they were all childhood friends.


“Their mother mind you…” Luc mused
then chided himself; the woman was grieving for God’s sake. However, it didn’t
prevent him from watching Rachel in the kitchen preparing them some food. How
many times as a boy had he done the very same thing from the same spot? He had
loved Rachel then – she was the perfect mum in his schoolboy mind and
he’d had a massive crush on her. To his surprise those feelings came flooding
back even knowing she was a mum, all be it much younger than his own but even
still. She definitely had that milf thing going on in her sexy tight jeans and
see through shirt. Her bum and tits looked perky and enticing and Luc wondered
exactly how old Rachel could be – she didn’t seem to be sagging for sure!
He noticed she looked weary but no other visible signs of aging and he guessed
her lifestyle afforded her the luxury of doing anything she could to stay looking


Luc knew she was off limits not
just because she was the twins’ mum but also due to her recent bereavement
– if only his cock would feel the same way. Every time the sun shining
through the kitchen window illuminated her spectacular tits, he hardened in
response. Shifting in his seat to try and alleviate the accelerating ache in
his balls,
the chair scraped loudly
on the hard floor causing all three women to stare at him as if they had
forgotten he was there at all.


“Sorry” he mumbled causing the twins
to frown at him. “Pins and needles……….”


Lucy and Jess raised an eyebrow
each then got up to help their mum bring the food to the table. They sat back
down in the same seats and Rachel tucked herself in next to Luc on the bench
seat. She often sat there next to Nate but instead of allowing the memory to
make her sad in no time at all Luc’s easy manner and inclusive conversation
style had Rachel fully engaged in the moment. As he spoke he moved in time with
his words causing his arm to brush hers and their thighs to bump together. In
the first instance Rachel naturally recoiled from his unfamiliar touch but then
she noticed he wasn’t doing it on purpose so she relaxed and just went with the


Luc was telling a particularly
funny story about the three of them attempting to persuade two overzealous
young men pursuing the twins, that they were a threesome and was so caught up
it in that it gave Rachel another chance to appreciate his beauty close up. He
was truly spectacular and she could imagine him as an Abercrombie or Calvin
Klein model gracing the covers of magazines. His smile elicited a small dimple
on each side of his face and exposed perfectly straight white teeth behind full
soft looking lips. He had a strong jaw covered in fair stubble; cheekbones that
looked like they could cut crystal and his blonde floppy fringe fell over his
blue eyes adoringly. He had a little habit of flipping his head to move his
fringe and then running his fingers through his hair to keep it back. It was a
sexy move as it exposed his muscled underarms and caused his abs and pecs to
move against his t-shirt enticingly.


Luc’s booming laugh brought Rachel
out of her daydream with a little jump and she silently admonished herself for
her somewhat inappropriate observances.


“Sorry Nate – but a girl can
look! “


She smiled to herself. It was a
joke between them that Rachel lusted after many a good-looking boy stud that
crossed her path. The recent trend for mildly erotic romance novels had
re-ignited her libido with a vengeance and Nate had certainly benefitted from buying
her a kindle and letting her indulge her reading habit. Nate would have teased
her relentlessly about Luc and it made Rachel wistful and definitely horny just
thinking about how she used to re-enact her fantasies with her husband.


Rising abruptly from
her seat Rachel proceeded to busy herself with clearing the table – she
had made great strides today trying to remain firmly in the present but it was
taking its toll and she needed to be escape back to the solitude of her own
company very soon. .


It did not escape
Luc’s attention that the captivating smile on Rachel’s face had slipped to a
weary expression and it pulled on his heartstrings to see her so bereft. He was
certain they had made an unspoken connection during the course of the afternoon
and he was determined to build on that slowly, pitifully aware of how
vulnerable she was in the wake of her loss. There was one thing he had never
failed at and that was making a woman happy and boy did Rachel need some TLC.
It pained him to witness her sorrow; she was a beautiful woman in the prime of
her life and she needed to be reminded she was still hot.






The house fell into
a loose routine over the next few days. The three kids would wake late and
meander into the kitchen one by one where Rachel would feed them before they
spent the majority of the morning and afternoon studying. They all had exams
when they returned to university and it pleased Rachel that they were
conscientious about their learning.


The evenings
however, were a different story and to begin with the twins dragged Luc to all
the trendy London nightspots, proudly showing him off to their friends. It
wasn’t long though before Lucy and Jess took up the offers from their many male
admirers and it didn’t escape Rachel’s notice that Luc was more than happy to
stay home in front of the TV or playing on his X box when the twins were out


On these occasions,
Rachel often found herself seeking out the opportunity to peek at him from
behind the door just drinking in the sexy sight of him. The boy could wear
anything and look good enough to eat but Rachel was partial to his low riding
sweats and tight white t-shirts. The hint of skin at hip level made her mouth
water and if she was lucky enough to catch him stretching, the tantalising line
of his happy trail drove her quite mad.


One particular time
she had gone into Luc’s bedroom mistakenly thinking he was out to collect his
laundry but walked in to find him in the process of undressing. With his back
to the door Luc had no idea Rachel was in the room which was quite fortuitous
as she was frozen to the spot gaping as he gripped the edge of his t-shirt and
pulled it over his head.


drooling as his naked upper body was revealed to her in glorious Technicolor 3D
she was captivated by his tribal tattoo decorating his shoulder finding the ink
surprisingly sexy..
She bit her lip
to stop the whimper that threatened to expose her while her body began
throbbing with need like a bloody teenager on heat. She knew she should feel
guilty; her stalker like tendencies were getting a little out of hand but she
managed to justify it to herself by the way Luc left her feeling so tormented.


In truth, Rachel
found she enjoyed the persistent hum of her body reminding her she was very
much alive, and subsequently she began to feel a little revived. She laughed at
the amusing memory of Nate complaining when they were first married that he was
walking around with a permanent hard on feeling constantly horny as she drove
him insane being around him all the time. Rachel kind of felt the same way with
Luc in the house. Containing the deep sigh of appreciation that would have
revealed her presence to Luc, Rachel silently tip toed back out of his room.


For his part, Luc
was not completely ignorant to Rachel watching him, but nor did he think she
was ready for him yet. So he continued to tease her with his little displays of
skin here and there. Somehow he could usually sense when she was watching him
and rather than freak him out it made him really fucking horny.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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