MrTemptation (4 page)

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Authors: Annabelle Weston

BOOK: MrTemptation
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Preston’s expression remained blank. Did he know this part
of the story? Would he tell her why his mother no longer worked for the Burke

She pressed on. “I was sent off to boarding school when
Victoria and the evil twins moved in.” Cadence checked his reaction. He
remained attentive but neutral. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called them that.”

“You were being honest.”

“I was. Just, I should’ve kept quiet.”

“I’m your lawyer. You should tell me everything. I’m bound
by law to keep anything you tell me confidential.”

“I know but that’ll take some doing. I don’t like talking
about my private life.”

“How can I help you if I don’t know what you’re up against?”

Even though confiding went contrary to what she’d been
taught, it did feel good to talk. Mother had entrusted Night and Night,
International with her welfare. Cadence would too.

“Well, as soon as the graduation party was over—I won’t get
into how oddly Victoria and my stepsiblings Sybil and Cyrus acted or pretend
that we’re a close, loving family—Victoria handed me that envelope. As I
mentioned, it contains legal documents that I had never seen before.” She
paused to take a deep breath and another sip of her water.

His eyes focused on her, causing Cadence’s breath to catch
in her throat. She didn’t look away. She couldn’t.

“I’ll look these documents over more closely,” he said.

“Thank you. If you find so much as a ‘T’ hasn’t been
crossed, I want whatever powers you attorneys have to have the new will

Preston narrowed his eyes. “I’ll do what I can. I’ll need a
copy of the first will.”

“Of course. I have it in my safety deposit box at school.
You’ll see I’m named a beneficiary along with Victoria and her kids.”

“This new will excludes you completely.”

“It can’t be legitimate. My father wouldn’t have taken me
out of his will. Kind of convenient for Victoria, wouldn’t you say, to inherit

Preston smiled for the first time. Her heart did a little
tap dance.

“Your mother was a very smart woman, Miss…Cadence.” He
opened the folder he’d taken out of his briefcase. “She must have known this
was going to happen. She asked my mother to handle her affairs. I didn’t have
the privilege of talking with her myself because, at the time, I was away at

“Do you think I have a case?”

“Don’t worry, we will make sure that everything gets
straightened out. But I don’t want to keep you in suspense too long. Let me
explain your mother’s final wishes.”

Cadence nodded.

“Your mother had a penchant for lost causes and to be frank,
Victoria Hahn was one of them.” At this, he paused and waited for Cadence’s

Why was he telling her what she already knew? She squirmed.
Any talk about Victoria was torture.

“I know my mother did a great number of charitable works.
She put Victoria through school and was the reason the woman became so
successful and eventually came to work for my father. Why are you giving me a

If only Mother had known then the kind of woman Victoria
would turn out to be. Cadence crossed her arms.

“I didn’t mean to offend you but in my file it says that I
have to make sure you completely understand the history. Please accept my
apologies.” His expression showed he was sincere and not just saying
meaningless words.

She appreciated he understood the agony her stepmom had

“Before your mother died, she had suspicions about your
father and Victoria.”

Cadence met his gaze. She didn’t want to hear what Preston
had to say. “What kind of suspicions?”

“She had reason to believe Victoria and your father were
romantically involved.”

Cadence shook her head. “Father loved my mother.”

“Your mother wanted you to know. Things she kept from you
because you were too young to understand.”

“Please continue.” She straightened. There was no reason to
candy coat anything for her. What she’d been through in the last decade had strengthened
her hard as steel.

Preston set the papers she’d given him on the table. He
looked so serious, she braced herself for the bad news.

“Your father and Victoria had an affair while your parents
were married,” Preston said gently.

She pressed her hands to her temples. “People make this
stuff up. Enemies, you know. My father was a powerful man. I’ve heard plenty of
sleazy rumors growing up. All of them false. Do you know I’ve been engaged
fourteen times according to the papers? Married at least five?”

“I don’t think this is a rumor,” he said. “Your mother
didn’t either.”

“How do you know what my mother believed?”

“She confided in

Cadence turned and looked out the window. “No lie?”

“No lie,” Preston replied solemnly.

“I’d no idea. My parents seemed like such a loving couple. I
guess the only thing they had in common was me.”

“Appears that way.” There was a softness in his gaze.

“This whole deal stinks,” she said, looking away. She didn’t
want to be comforted.

“That’s why your mother went to her broker’s office in the
WTC that morning in September. She wanted an account set up for you with my
mother as the trustee until you came of age.”

Cadence turned and faced him.

“Your mother suspected Victoria wouldn’t do right by you if
Mayor Burke died.”

“She was right.” Cadence knew full well Victoria had
influenced her father.

“What I can’t believe is Father and Victoria had an affair
while he was in office. He was always so careful about his public image.”

Victoria had seduced her father. He had been easy prey, a
man with a gigantic ego. The self-serving bitch. That the woman could be so
conniving, so manipulating, sent Cadence’s blood pressure soaring.

Cadence sighed. She couldn’t help it. Victoria had screwed
everyone in her family.

“Your mother took steps to make sure you were protected from
the pair in case she died. She created a trust.”

“Mother never told me about another trust.”

“She never got the chance,” Preston said.

Cadence began to understand. Mother had fought back in the
only way she’d known how. She’d squirreled some money into an account no one
but Night and Night knew about.

“Why didn’t your firm let me know before now?” she asked,

“It was your mother’s idea. She wanted to keep these family
secrets from you as long as possible. She left instructions that you should be
told everything when you came to Night and Night for help with Victoria.”

Cadence rose and went to the window. What he’d told her
would take time to digest. Her mother had insisted on secrecy and her plan had

The morning sun glinted off the tallest building in

“You know I’ve lived in the city most of my life and I’ve
never been to the top of the Empire State Building?” she said.

“It’s a sight nobody should miss,” he said.

“Yeah. I’ve heard.”

“Sit down, Cadence. There’s more I need to tell you.”

“More? What else is there?”

One look and she saw how serious he was. Obediently, she sat

“I’m sorry. I know this isn’t easy for you,” Preston said.
There was a kindness to him she hadn’t expected.

Cadence shrugged. Victoria and the mayor? She hadn’t had a
clue. What other gems did Preston have to tell her?


Preston had taken this client because he’d thought it would
be textbook trust law and because he’d wanted to see Cadence Burke again, maybe
get to know her now that she was no longer the mayor’s daughter and he was no
longer a shy, skinny kid from the wrong side of town.

It’d been a mistake. He shouldn’t have stepped in for his
mother, who had worked the trust and intimately knew the details. Mother was so
much better at managing clients with emotional baggage. There was nothing he
could do to make this easy for Cadence.

As Preston had watched Cadence’s reaction to the news her
father was a cheat, how the man had omitted her from collecting her share of
his estate, how a stepmother had cunningly manipulated the Burkes for her own
gain, he had seen how close Cadence was to collapsing.

She looked fearful, even vulnerable, and his instincts to
protect her kicked in big-time.

Unfortunately, so did his male hormones. He’d seen the way
she looked at him when he arrived. She looked ready to jump his bones and fuck
him into next week—until he’d introduced himself. Then she’d clammed up tight.

Cadence was gorgeous, stellar, every bit the beauty he’d
remembered. He hid a raging hard-on, with the folders containing her files
placed strategically in his lap.

He hadn’t expected his reaction to her to be so strong. All
those years ago he’d wanted her but he’d given up. Now, having her next to him,
smelling her perfume, he was bitten bad. He wanted to pick her up, set her ass
on the table, spread her legs and show her exactly what he’d seen in her gaze
earlier—blazing hot desire, need, pleasure.

He struggled to keep his legendary cool.

He watched as she sipped her water. He wanted to touch her
moist mouth, to lick her full, red lips. Those lips called to him to be kissed,
caressed, devoured.

The white, crisp blouse she wore was unbuttoned to where her
luscious breasts were just hidden from view. He couldn’t help glancing down to
see a hint of rounded flesh. Hoped for a turn of hard nipple. His cock
twitched, blood pumping through its length. He cleared his throat as if that
might help.

Despite knowing his response was all wrong and he’d be a
fool to pursue her, he wanted her.

He had to keep from groaning out loud. Here she was giving
him her trust, basic stuff in any client relationship, crucial in this one, and
all he could do was think about ripping her clothes off.

What the hell are you doing, pal? She’s a client, for crying
out load. She’s in a very vulnerable state right now and you are here to help,
not undress her!

Preston gulped down his ice water. The women he dated were
spoiled and rich, and every one a player. He gave as good as he got, treated
his ladies like goddesses, but he was always the one who walked away.

For God’s sake, man. What are you thinking? You’re going
to hit on the mayor’s daughter?

Oh, yeah.

He’d let her take the lead. If she wanted, he would show her
a good time. After business hours, of course. He doubted she’d be in the mood,
despite her earlier attraction, especially after he divulged this next zinger.

Meanwhile, he might need to drop a few ice cubes in his lap.

“Tell me,” she said. “I’m a big girl.”

He realized, with a start, that she’d been waiting. There
was no way to ease into his next statement.

“Don’t you need a moment?” Preston said, fighting the urge
to hold her hand, to take her in his arms. Kiss her. Spread her thighs…

She shook her head. “Hit me with all you got. I’m homeless
and broke and you’ve told me my father cheated on my mother. What else?”

Preston loved the spark of defiance in her. The complacent,
obedient teen had become a feisty, independent woman. He welcomed the
change—and all that it brought with it. She’d be a tiger in the bedroom.

He’d give her a strong shoulder to lean on when the burden
became too much.

“As I’ve told you, your mother established a secret trust.
She didn’t want to risk your father or Victoria bankrupting Sparkle Industries.
Since you were still underage, she turned her assets over to Night and Night to
manage. My mother has made certain that excellent people are running your
grandfather’s company.”

Cadence ran her pink tongue over her bottom lip. She wasn’t
coming on to him, no way. Cadence, the mayor’s darling daughter, had never
given him a second thought.

Even so, he didn’t look away. And he was, without question,
turned on.

His mind reeled with what he’d like to do with her. He
couldn’t, of course. What he’d told her was shocking, life changing. She was
vulnerable and he’d be taking advantage of a client in a highly emotional

One day this whole mess would be behind them. This morning
he must be on his best behavior. The difficult task of explaining the family
history was his.

And there was more.

“I’m confused,” she was saying. “My father told everyone
Mother had sold the company.”

“That’s what she wanted your father to think.”

“He was outraged when he found out,” she admitted. “He
claimed she sold it for less than it was worth.”

“What she actually did was sell part of the business. It was
that money that your father inherited when she died.”

“My grandfather’s company was left to me?” Cadence asked,
still mystified.

“Yes,” he answered. He had good news after the bad. He would
have the pleasure of delivering it to her.

Chapter Three


Cadence shuddered, suddenly cold. Her life was turning into
a freakin’ soap opera but the family drama wasn’t going according to the

Her parents’ model marriage had been nothing but one of
deceit and betrayal. Pretense and lies. She’d been put on display as the
perfect daughter, the light of their lives.

It’d all been for show.

“Your mother had many different assets,” Mr.
her. “Most of them went to your father. Fortunately, there were a few
investments she kept hidden from your father and those were left for you.”

He stopped and stared at her with his heart-stopping green
eyes. He wasn’t making this up.

Her father had been such a bastard her mother had taken
steps to protect her wealth. She’d pretended to sell her family’s business so
Cadence would have an inheritance Victoria couldn’t touch.

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