his guide contains a set of questions for discussing Multiplier ideas as a team. As you plan your discussions, you might look for ways to create a Multiplier experience while discussing Multiplier ideas.
: The Multiplier Effect
Discussion Questions
- Should a successful Diminisher try to become a Multiplier? Why?
- Can you be a Multiplier if you work for a Diminisher?
- Are there certain people who bring out the Diminisher in you? Why?
: Talent Magnet
Discussion Questions
- How long does it take to develop a reputation as “the boss to work for”?
- When should you hire new people versus develop the talent of the people you already have?
: Liberator
Discussion Questions
- A liberating climate gives a lot of space and expects a lot at the same time. How do you know when you have gone too far with either element?
- Does being a Liberator mean you have to be both “loathed and loved” the way Mr. Kelly is at his school? (See Chapter 3)
: Challenger
Discussion Questions
- How can you share your own knowledge and opinions without diminishing the people you lead?
- What one thing could Richard Palmer do to shift from leading like a Diminisher to leading like a Multiplier? (See Chapter 4)
: Debate Maker
Discussion Questions
- Imagine you have only thirty minutes to make a high-stakes decision. Should you still approach the decision as a Debate Maker? If no, why? If yes, how?
- Being a Debate Maker means driving sound decisions through a rigorous process. How do you know when there has been enough debate and it is time to make a decision?
: Investor
Discussion Questions
- What is the difference between being detail oriented and micromanaging?
- How can you give people full ownership without becoming disengaged yourself?