Murder by Candlelight (37 page)

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Authors: Michael Knox Beran

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Penny, John, 181

Pepys, Samuel, 30, 31

Phillimore, Mr., 36

Phillips, Charles, 165–170

Pilgrim's Progress, The
, 85

Piolaine, Charlotte, 166–170, 177

Planck, Max, 221

Plato, 132, 202, 205, 219, 238

Plutarch, 176

Poe, Edgar Allan, 224

Polidori, John William, xviii–xix

Pope, Alexander, xvi, 71

Priapus, xviii

Priest, Ann, 212–215

Princess Casamassima, The
, 37

Probert, Betsy, 23, 43, 47–49, 52, 55–56, 62, 69

Probert, Bill, 23–26, 29, 33–36, 42–49, 52–64, 66, 69

Psychopathia Sexualis
, 202, 207


Qualtrough, R. M., 195

Quarles, Francis, 164


Radcliffe, Ann, xvi, xix, xxi, 62

Radcliffe, Houstonne (The Venerable), 212

Radcliffe, Houstonne John, 212–215

Radcliffe, Rev. John, 213

Radcliffes of Leigh Lancashire, A Family Memorial
, 215

Radlett murder, 68

Rais, Gilles de, 199

Rann, John “Sixteen-String Jack,” 36

Recollections of the Lake Poets
, 172

, 132

Rexworthy, Mr., 7–8, 16, 26, 28, 31, 34

Reynolds, John Hamilton, 67

Ripper murders, 183, 225–226, 233, 238

Road to Wigan Pier, The
, 195–196

Rollet, Jacques, 199

Romantic Age, xi–xxi, 62–63, 154, 233–239

Romasanta, Manuel, 199

Rose, Constable, 151–152

Rose, David, 198

Roughead, William, 126, 194

Roulet, Jacques, 198

Ruskin, John, 42, 207

Russell, Lord John, 111, 147, 153, 155

Russell, Lord William, 139–155, 158–162, 168, 171–177

Russell, Lord Wriothesley, 163

Ruthven, George, 64


Sade, Marquis de, xvi

Sanson, Charles-Henri, 121

Santayana, George, 33

Sartor Resartus
, xvii, 134

Sayers, Dorothy, 154, 237

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 113–117

Scott, Lady, 62

Scott, Sir Walter, xiii, xvii, 62–64, 67–68, 129, 171, 194, 234

Scribe, Eugène, 132

Selden, John, 17

Select Trials at the Sessions-House of the Old-Bailey
, 119

Sellis, Joseph, 158

Selwyn, George, 120

Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 10

Shakespeare, William, xv, 16, 47, 49–50, 57, 76, 137, 149, 191, 196, 198, 234, 236–237

Shelburne, Lord, 14

Shelley, Mary, xviii, xx, 206

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, xviii–xxi, 8, 171, 206

Sheppard, Jack, 119

Simmonds, Miss, 100

Skeats, Walter William, xi

Smith, Captain, 224

Smith, Emma, 225

Smith, Perry, 130

Sophocles, 238

Southey, Robert, 196

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets Who Lived about the Time of Shakespeare
, xiii

“Spring-Heeled Jack,” 80

Steadman, William, 24

Stendhal, xviii, 37

Stephen, Leslie, 234–236

Stillwell, Kitty, 192–193

Strachey, Lytton, 38

Stride, Elizabeth, 226

Stumpp, Peter, 199

Swift, Jonathan, 156

, 171

Symmachus, 223


Tabram, Martha, 225

Tacitus, 206

, 171

Taylor, Grace, 198

Taylor, Jeremy, 99

Tedman, Inspector, 152, 154–155

Tetsall, Mr., 24

Teufelsdröckh, Diogenes, xvii

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 5, 10, 179, 180

Thanet, Lord, 8

Thoreau, Henry David, 221

Thornton, Mr., 90

“Three Memorable Murders,” 172, 185, 202, 207

Thurtell, Jack, 1, 6–8, 12–39, 41–59, 61–67, 69, 105, 120, 185, 217

Thurtell, Tom, 22, 26–27

Times, The
, 4, 101, 127, 166, 179, 206, 208, 216, 219–220, 222

Tindal, Sir Nicholas Conyngham, 108, 165–166, 171

Tom Jones
, 36

Tory theory, 201, 203, 221, 229

Tothill Fields Prison, 107, 160–163

Tourneur, Cyril, xiii

Trilling, Lionel, 37

Turn of the Screw, The
, 224, 230

Turner, John, 192

Turpin, Richard “Dick,” 36–37, 59, 60


Ullathorne, Sarah, 83


Vampyre, The
, xix

, xvi

Victoria, Princess, 135

Victoria, Queen, xii, 154, 155, 218, 223

Victorian Age, 103, 207, 217, 233–235

, 231

Villiers, Charlotte Anne, 140

Vision of Ezekiel, The
, 168

Voltaire, 38, 92, 119


Waistcott, John, 119

Wall, Joseph, 120

Wallace, Julia, 195, 196

Walpole, Horace “Horry,” xv, 10, 62, 120

Walpole, Sir Robert, xv

Wapping murders, 185–191, 194–202, 223, 229, 233

Wardour, Sir Arthur, 194

, 63

Weare, William, 7–8, 13, 16–17, 26–35, 41–53, 58, 62, 67–69, 185, 217

Webster, John, xiii

Welsh, Jane Baillie, 28, 41.
See also
Carlyle, Jane Welsh

Welsh, Jeannie, 131

Westminster Review, The
, 13

Whibley, Charles, 224

Whig theory, 216–218, 221, 229

Whitechapel murders, 206–207, 225–231, 234

“Why Do People Read Detective Stories?,” 236

Wignal, Mr., 92

Wilde, Oscar, 169

Williams, George “Gilly,” 120

Williams, John, 195, 201–203, 214

Williamson, Elizabeth, 192, 196

Williamson, John, 191–193, 196

Wilson, Edmund, xi, 236–237

Winks, Elizabeth, 216–217

Wiston, Sarah, 105.
See also
Gale, Sarah

“Witches, and Other Night Fears,” 93, 235

Wodehouse, Lord, 82

Woods, Major, 23–25, 29

Wordsworth, William, xvii, xviii, 18, 68, 93, 171

World as Will and Representation, The
, 113, 115

Wren, Sir Christopher, 92


Yates, Mary Ann “Annie,” 222

York, Mr., 141–142, 145–146, 151

Young, Mr., 151, 162


Zola, Émile, 229

About the Author

is the author of a number of books, among them
The Last Patrician
, a
New York Times
Notable Book of 1998. He lives in New York with his wife and daughters.


Pegasus Books LLC

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Copyright © 2015 Michael Knox Beran

First Pegasus Books cloth edition August 2015

Interior design by Maria Fernandez

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a newspaper, magazine, or electronic publication; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-60598-820-7

ISBN: 978-1-60598-821-4 (e-book)

Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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