Murder Mamas (6 page)

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Authors: Ashley Antoinette

BOOK: Murder Mamas
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She spread her legs and dipped her fingers inside her honey pot as she masturbated in front of him, closing her eyes and working herself over. He watched as he stood in front of her, stroking his shaft gently, tugging on his tool while preparing to enter her.
He reached to grab a condom that sat in clear view on his nightstand, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him on top of her.
“I want to feel you inside of me. We don't need that,” she whispered.
“You trying to have my baby, ma,” he responded jokingly.
“Yes, daddy. Put a baby in me, Macy,” she answered, not caring if he planted a millions seeds in her, as long as he stroked her right.
At that moment, Case was the furthest thought from either of their minds, and when Macy entered her for the first time, he promised himself that no other man would ever enter her again, including Case. Her pussy was like heaven, and he wanted to be her only god.
She brought her hips up to match him stroke for stroke as he dug deep into her, knocking on her G-spot. Their bodies merged so well that it felt like they were meant for one another. Fatima didn't know if it was the fact that she was sexing a man that was forbidden to her or if Macy was just that good, but it was undoubtedly the best dick that she had ever had.
“This my pussy?” Macy asked her while putting his thing down. He was hitting her so good that her fingernails dug into his back, leaving her mark.
“Yes, Macy, it's yours,” she moaned.
“You gonna give my shit away?” he whispered.
“No, baby. Ooh, it's yours. I swear I'm never giving it away,” she promised. “I love you, Macy.”
They both stopped and stared at each other; Macy still filled her as her legs trapped him inside. They both breathed heavily and she rubbed the side of his face gently with her hand as she looked him in the eyes.
“What?” he asked, thinking he had heard her wrong.
“I don't want to be anybody's girl but yours, Macy. I love everything about you.”
Macy stole the words from her tongue as he kissed her deeply and took her to ecstasy as he continued to sex her until indeed his seed spilled into her.
He never said he loved her back that night, but in the months to come, they grew closer with each passing day. Their secret affair alienated Case, until eventually he was no longer a part of the picture.
It was a summer of change for all of them—one that they would never forget.
Chapter Three
“So you want him dead because of a woman,” Aries concluded once he had finished his story.
“No, I want him dead because of the blatant disrespect,” Case corrected. “By the end of that summer she was his girl. I caught her at his dorm room, sleeping naked in his bed one day while he was at class. They weren't expecting me. I just popped up. That was the first time he decided to touch what belonged to me. I let my issues with him go once before because I knew that she deserved a nigga like Macy. I took the higher road; this time I want what's mine.”
Aries nodded her head. She had gotten rid of people for much less. Money and women were usually the motivation for murder, and Macy was about to fall victim because of his trespasses. He had alienated the one man who had helped him reach legitimate success, and Aries was the Grim Reaper. It pained her to agree to the terms. Her road to redemption had been interrupted, and she would have to leave her family for a while to get the job done.
“I know that this may be too much to ask, but I'll need some financial stability to do this for you. I need a place—a nice place,” she added. “A presidential suite at the Ritz would be nice. I'll also need guns and a car ... on you.”
He nodded. “Done.”
“Now get out of my house,” she spat as she stood to her feet while glaring at Case in contempt.
“I'll be in touch,” Case said as he gave her a dazzling white smile and stood to his feet. He followed her to the door, watching her behind sway as it hypnotized him. He shook his head because it was a shame that Aries was who she was. If she were any other woman, Case would have definitely come at her. She would probably be wifey, but the path she had chosen made her spoiled goods.
No hustler could ever trust a Murder Mama.They were too ruthless, and Aries didn't exclude anyone from her wrath. Anybody could get it.
Including you,
she thought silently as she watched Case walk out of her home and pull away from the curb.
Aries stood in front of the mirror breathing heavily as she gripped the sides of the sink's vanity. Stress plagued her as she thought of Case's proposal. He was forcing her hand, making her go back to a lifestyle that she no longer believed in. Her mind spun as she thought of how to get herself out of the situation, but deep inside she knew that the only way out was compliance. She had to do what he wanted her to do.
She kicked herself for coming out of hiding and showing her face in California. Going to Robyn's execution had put her at risk; it had put her family at risk. It had been stupid. She was positive that it was how he had located her.
She thought of killing Case.
I should body that nigga for even coming to my doorstep,
she thought angrily as her head hung in indecision. Aries was seriously contemplating that option, but the reality was that Case was too powerful to touch. He had a crazy goon squad with numbers into the hundreds, and she was only one woman. She couldn't take on the world, and it hurt her pride to give in to his demands.
Back in the day, no one would have ever been able to come at her that way. She popped niggas like kernels and didn't think twice about whose boyfriend, son, or father she was putting to rest. Case, however, wasn't just any old mark. He was a boss—a boss who moved smart and who had enough resources to locate her after half a decade.
A hand on the back of her neck caused her to flinch. She turned around swiftly and grabbed the hand tightly, prepared for a fight.
“Rachel, it's just me,” Prince said.
She exhaled as she walked into his chest and rested her head against it. “Oh my God. You scared me,” she whispered.
Just that quickly, an inclination to take a life had come back to her, but when she realized it was only her husband, she calmed down. She knew the emptiness that came along with committing that type of crime. It had taken her so long to fill her soul and truly live again. Once she went back to her old ways, she wasn't sure if she would make it out. Rachel Coleman would die in the world that Aries used to dwell in.
“You're trembling. What's wrong?” Prince asked.
“I just had a bad dream. I can't sleep,” she lied as she squeezed him tightly. “Just hold me.”
His warm embrace did nothing to ease her heart, and as they made their way back into their bedroom, her senses were on full alert. Every little noise made the hairs on the back of her neck stand tall. “I'm going to get Tre,” she said. “I want him in here with us tonight.”
Prince lay back in their bed and mumbled an okay as Aries left the room. She peeked in on their son and then bypassed his room momentarily so that she could check the rest of the house.
It was pitch black in the Caribbean home, and she turned on no lights. She knew her house better than anyone else, so if someone was inside of it, the darkness would work to her advantage. She no longer owned a gun, and made a mental note to purchase one as soon as possible.
Aries crept to the kitchen and reached into her knife block, running her hands over the many knives until she located the large chef's knife. She paused in silence as she listened to the sounds of her house. She heard many sounds. The creak of the air conditioning as it turned on, the sound of the wind causing her white picket fence to open and close on its own: These were all sounds that were familiar to her. She was trying to decipher anything that sounded out of place.
When she was sure that nothing was moving inside, she turned on the lights. She went from room to room with the knife ready, but found nothing. She sighed in relief.
I'm tripping,
she thought.
No one is here.
She retreated to the second floor and grabbed her son out of his bed. She took him into her bedroom, where Prince was snoring loudly. He slept so comfortably, completely oblivious to the sudden threat that had entered their lives.
She tucked the knife beneath her mattress and lay down with her son in her arms. She kept him near as her eyes scanned the room. She couldn't relax, not when she knew that her enemies were so close.
She had to make this problem disappear, and she knew that it meant returning to L.A. to repay a debt to her old friend Case.
Chapter Four
Aries watched Prince dress for work and dreaded what she was about to do. She was tired of lying just to survive. No matter how hard she tried to live her life the right way, wrong had a way of finding her. In order to keep up one lie, she had to tell another lie, and another and another. It was all too much to remember, but at this point there was no turning things around. Aries was so far removed from the truth that not even she knew what it was anymore.
Aries smiled as she watched the love of her life struggle with his tie, and she stood up to help him. Her short silk robe hugged her wide hips as she walked over and reached up to adjust it for him.
“What would I do without you?” he asked playfully as he stood tall while she dressed him. She tied his tie and then grabbed his jacket, holding it out for him so that he could slip his arms inside.
“You'll never have to think about that,” she replied, hoping that it was true.
“I think I need to go back to the States for a while, Prince,” she said, throwing out the bait.
“For what? You just came back, Rachel. We may as well move back there you're back and forth so much,” he stated with displeasure.
“It's my mother. She's not getting any better, and she needs me. It won't be too long. The doctor says she won't live long, and I just want to be there with her. No one should have to die alone, Prince. Besides, I'm her daughter. I just need to go be with her,” Aries said, pleading her case so convincingly that her eyes pooled with emotion. Little did Prince know Aries had been a motherless child since she was a young girl.
Prince sighed as he felt sympathy for his wife. “How long will you be gone?” he asked.
“I'm not sure. As long as it takes,” she responded. “Hopefully she will go peacefully and in a few weeks I'll be back home. I wish that I could take you with me, but you have work and I don't want Tre to see her like that.”
“It's not like she'll want to see either of us anyway. She never approved of our marriage from the beginning,” Prince stated. “Now you want to go away to her aid without telling me when you will be back. That's a lot to ask for a woman I've never met.”
Aries had told Prince that she and her mother had never seen eye to eye. He was under the impression that her mother disapproved of their relationship. “What type of mother is she? She doesn't even want to meet your husband and child,” he snapped.
“She's the only mother I've got,” Aries defended. She sighed and wrapped her arms around Prince's neck and then kissed his neck sensually. “Please, baby. I promise you that after this trip I will be all yours. You and Tre will be my only priority after I handle this last thing.”
Prince couldn't resist his woman and easily gave in. “Okay. We'll be here waiting for you. Just make sure you don't let another man have any of what's mine,” he said as he put his finger in her mouth and then toyed between her thighs.
She was wet and more than willing to please him, but he was running late. He sighed, knowing that he couldn't stop to put his woman to bed. He had a very important meeting to get to and pulled away from her. “I'ma handle that when I get home. When do you need to leave?” he asked her.
“As soon as possible. I'll probably book the first flight leaving out tomorrow morning,” she answered.
Prince shook his head, not really wanting to see her go, and said, “Handle everything that you need to handle, Rachel. I want you home with me and our son. No more trips overseas after this. After you bury your mother, bury all of the baggage that keeps pulling you back there.”
“Okay,” she answered. Aries had no intention of leaving things undone this time around. She was going back for the last time. She was going to make sure of it.
Chapter Five
Macy Sigel waved at the crowd of people as he stepped off of the stage. His tailored suit and diamond cufflinks added to his natural charm and attractive appearance. The people loved him, and he had the hearts of the entire city. Little did they know that he was once one of the most successful drug lords that Los Angeles had ever seen. The event was held in the convention center and the place was jam-packed. He had just delivered a speech and received a standing ovation from the community's patrons. The rally was held to stop the violence and growing drug problem in the city. Macy's bodyguards waited for him at the bottom of the steps, all of them draped in all black with black shades.
“The car is waiting for you in the back, sir,” one of the bodyguards said as they made their way through the crowd and toward the back exit.
Macy waved as he disappeared into the back. As soon as he got out of view of the public, his smile turned into a serious glare, and one of his bodyguards handed him one of his Cuban cigars, his favorite. Macy lit it up and took a drag. He loosened his tie and dipped into the limo that was waiting near the back door.
He was accompanied by five bodyguards; all of them were strapped liked the al-Qaeda and ready to pop off at any suspicious person who ran up. Macy's past life made him a moving target, and he knew that security was a must. At one point, Macy was deep in the drug game, and a lot of people felt that he owed them something. Macy understood that and took extreme precaution in protecting himself and his family.
He looked down at his Rolex and noticed that it was nearing six o' clock. It was his fifteen-year anniversary, and he had a special dinner planned for his wife and himself. He instructed the driver to head to the private venue where the party was being held, and just like that, they were on their way.
Fatima Sigel smiled as she watched her husband and his entourage enter the ballroom. Macy's close friends and some of his business associates filled the room along with Fatima's friends and family. They were all there to celebrate their anniversary, and the place was extravagant, to say the least. Champagne- and gold-colored décor laced the venue, and the sound of smooth R&B pumped out of the speakers. Expensive champagne flowed into fluted glasses as the waiters kept no hand empty. It was a great mood for what was to be a joyous celebration.
Macy and Fatima locked eyes as Macy made his way over to her table. Along the way, Macy was stopped by various people giving him handshakes and small talk, but he quickly made his way to his beautiful wife.
“Happy anniversary, sweetheart,” Macy said in his low baritone as he bent over and kissed Fatima on her forehead.
“Hey, baby,” she said as she smiled and watched him as he took a seat next to her.
“I didn't see Boomer. Where is he?” Macy said, referring to their eighteen-year-old son.
“I don't know,” Fatima answered as she looked down at her watch. “He definitely should be here by now. He promised me that he would come. I don't know about that boy sometimes,” Fatima said as she shook her head and was noticeably disappointed.
“Look, don't worry about that. Let's dance,” Macy suggested as he tried to take her mind off of their son not showing up to the event. He smiled and stood up as he extended his hand for her.
“Sure. I would love to,” Fatima accepted as she grabbed his hand and headed for the dance floor.
Macy held his wife close, and he could smell her sweet perfume as he pulled her close. He looked at her with his piercing eyes and released a warm smile.
“How was the rally?” Fatima asked as she wrapped her arms around Macy's neck and slowly two-stepped to the sounds of R. Kelly.
“It was okay. The house was packed,” Macy said as he shrugged his shoulders. He opened his mouth to say something else, but the sounds of the door being opened got his attention.
In walked Boomer with his best friend, Fruit. They were obviously out of place, and the overbearing smell of marijuana followed them. It was a black tie affair, but Boomer had taken it upon himself to wear baggy street clothes and gaudy jewelry. He and his friend came in laughing loudly, and they stuck out like two sore thumbs as all eyes seemed to drift to them.
Macy instantly shook his head as he knew that Boomer was about to embarrass him in front of all of his colleagues. Macy clenched his jaws tightly as he watched Boomer make his way toward them, slightly staggering.
“Oh God,” Fatima whispered as she looked in her son's eyes, noticing that they were bloodshot red. She dropped her head in shame seeing her only son that way. The tips of Boomer's nostrils were also red, signaling that he was high off more than weed.
Quiet mumbles and whispers began to fill the room as the guests chatted about the hoodlum who had just entered the party. Macy acted quickly and headed toward Boomer, trying to stop him before he reached his mother. This was her day, and Macy wasn't going to let anyone bring her down on their anniversary.
The closer Macy got to Boomer, the stronger the weed aroma grew. Macy looked into Boomer's eyes and knew that he was high as a kite. He had been around long enough to know that Boomer was flying off of more than just a little weed, however.
“Let's go. Don't let your mother see you like this,” Macy said as he threw his arm around Boomer and smiled, trying to not make a scene. He turned Boomer toward the door and began to walk him out, but Boomer had other plans.
“Get yo' hands off of me!” Boomer yelled as he snatched away from Macy.
Macy quickly fixed his tie and checked his cufflinks as he smoothly played it off, still having a smile on his face. Boomer's friend Fruit, a skinny kid, stepped to the side and found everything to be funny. He smiled as the drama unfolded before his eyes.
“Do not do this to your mother, Boom. Today is a special day for her,” Macy said in almost a whisper. However, the sternness was still evident in his voice.
“What the fuck you mean? What? You embarrassed?” Boomer asked as he threw his arms up, causing a scene. “You don't want everyone to know that your son is a street nigga?” Boomer said as he got louder with each word.
At that point, the DJ had cut the music and everybody's attention was on the spectacle that was about to unfold. The two men locked eyes, and it was undeniable tension between the two of them.
“This is neither the place nor time for your bullshit,” Macy said, keeping his voice low, but never breaking the piercing stare he had on the young man who stood in front of him.
“Well, when is the right time, huh? Don't want everybody to know that your family isn't perfect, huh?” Boomer said as he saw Macy's bodyguards begin to make their way toward him.
“I see this isn't going anywhere,” Macy said as he turned his back and pulled out the cigar that was in his top pocket. He placed it in his mouth and shook his head in disgust. Boomer and he had reached a boiling point, and the mutual dislike for one another finally came to the surface.
Macy always resented Boomer because he knew that he wasn't his biological child. Fatima never admitted that Boomer wasn't his, but Macy knew the truth. Maybe it was the light-skinned complexion of Boomer, or maybe even the lack of ambition that Boomer had, which was totally opposite of Macy's sharklike demeanor. They never spoke on it, and Macy never questioned his wife openly out of respect. Nevertheless, deep in Macy's heart, he knew the truth about the situation. He never pressed the issue, not wanting to dig deep into something that would eventually cause his family heartache.
Boomer also had a deep hatred for Macy. He expected things to be handed to him, and Macy wasn't having it. Macy never gave Boomer anything for free. Macy was only trying to prepare Boomer for the real world, but Boomer took it as Macy not loving him. Boomer was what you call a wannabe. He wanted to be the next street kingpin. He desired to live the fast life, and he wanted that title “kingpin” to be handed to him.
He had heard about how Macy was big in the streets, and he wanted to be what Macy once was. Macy never took Boomer down that road, for fear of the potential outcome. He already knew that Boomer wasn't built for the drug game. To be honest, Macy thought Boomer was too foolish to move drugs, so he never introduced it to him. And for that reason, Boomer hated his so-called father.
“Fuck you, Macy Sigel. You ain't nobody's mayor. You a goon just like me! All of those fancy suits and bodyguards can't hide who you really are, playboy,” Boomer yelled as he breathed heavily and twisted his face up.
Boomer's friend stood next to Boomer and watched, not believing that Boomer was going off like he was. Fruit already heard stories about how ruthless Macy was in the past, and honestly, Fruit began to get nervous.
Macy didn't even give him the respect to turn around and look at him. He just lightly chuckled and shook his head as he lifted a lighter to spark flame to his cigar. Boomer continued his rant.
“To tell you the truth, you's a bitch!” Boomer yelled, enunciating every word.
“Boomer!” Fatima yelled as she stood up, having seen enough. Just as Fatima was screaming her son's name, Boomer, high as a kite, threw a punch, trying to connect with the back of Macy's head.
Macy, without even seeing it coming, stepped to the side. Boomer's swing missed and sent him crashing onto the ground. Macy smoothly slid his free hand into his pocket and looked over at his approaching bodyguards.
“Escort these gentlemen out and make sure he gets home safely,” Macy said as he stepped over Boomer and walked over to Fatima, who had tears in her eyes.
The guards grabbed Boomer and Fruit and quickly guided them out. Macy looked at the DJ and nodded, signaling him to start up the music, and on cue, the sounds of smooth jazz pumped out of the subwoofers. Macy quickly wiped away Fatima's tear before it reached her cheekbone.
“Come on, let's dance, baby,” Macy asked as he smiled from ear to ear.
“I tried to raise him the best way I knew how, but he—” Fatima said before Macy gently placed his finger on her lip, hushing her.
“Don't worry about it, baby. He is just high out of his mind. He just has to sleep it off,” he whispered, trying to smooth over the tense situation. Macy didn't express it, but he knew that Boomer was going to be a problem—a real bad problem.
Boomer drove down the highway doing almost one hundred miles per hour. His eyes were bloodshot red and his temper was past his boiling point. He gripped the steering wheel tightly as he thought about how much he hated Macy.
“I can't stand that nigga,” Boomer said through his clenched teeth. He quickly dipped his head and used his nose as a vacuum, sucking up the cocaine that sat on the book in his lap. He slightly swerved, causing Fruit to get uneasy.
“Whoa! Nigga, keep your eyes on the road,” Fruit said as he gripped the door handles and braced himself.
“Relax, scary-ass nigga. I got this,” Boomer said as he wiped his nose and felt the rush of the grade-A cocaine working. Boomer kept thinking about the smug look on Macy's face, and it only enraged him more. “That nigga thinks he's untouchable. I will show him, though. Trust that!” Boomer said as he tried to think of a way to get Macy back.
Boomer and Fruit had been smoking weed and sniffing cocaine most of the day, and he had never been as high as he was at that moment. He was past high; he was on another level.
“What you going to do?” Fruit asked, halfway instigating the situation.
“I don't know, but I'm going to do something. That nigga think he better than me. You know he never let me call him Daddy. He always told me to address him as Macy. Do you know what that does to a little boy's mind? Every kid around me got to call their father Dad, but no, not me. I hate him!” Boomer said, getting more upset with each word that left his mouth.
“I can't believe you talked to Macy Sigel like that. I heard stories about that nigga. He is a hood legend. I heard that Macy shot off a nigga's finger for stealing ten dollars from him. Ten measly-ass dollars!” Fruit said, only pouring fuel on Boomer's fire.
Boomer knew that Fruit was telling the truth because Boomer was in the car when Macy rolled up on the guy who had shorted him. Macy thought Boomer was asleep, but he was playing possum and saw the whole thing. He was only nine years old at the time.
“Macy ain't shit. He ain't a real street nigga. But me, I'm a street nigga to the core. I'ma show his ass a li'l something. He want to disrespect me in front of all of those people; I'll show him,” Boomer stated as a thousand and one ideas bombarded his thoughts.
He began to think sinisterly, and he quickly began to think about the stash that Macy had hidden in a safe behind a painting on the wall. Macy used to stash his street money there back in the day, but after he began to get into politics, he let it sit. Boomer had recently begun to chip off of the stash, knowing Macy wouldn't find out. But now Boomer had a better idea. He wanted to take the whole stash. It was over a million dollars in the oversized duffle bag—all dirty money.

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