My Anchor (Trio Series Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: My Anchor (Trio Series Book 1)
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The water is calm today but there is a slight breeze, perfect weather I'm told. We have a wonderful time on the lake and Shawn’s lunch is amazing. I really don't even know what it is called. It’s a cooked steak inside of some wonderful crusty bread with some cheese, onions, peppers, spinach, and probably more things I can’t name right now. Needless to say, there were no leftovers and he has won my heart when it comes to cooking. I do know if this thing between Lee and I were to last we are going to starve because neither one of us can cook. Mr. and Mrs. Takeout will be our names. Mr. And Mrs.? What? I haven't even slept with the guy yet and we’re already married off in my mind. Yuck, I'm turning into one of those girls.

When we get off the lake and dock the boat Lee asks if we want to go home or head into town. Of course, we chose the later. Turns out Shawn has a place in Big Fork, and well I do believe this man is rich. His ‘place’ is more like a mini mansion and I say mini because it only has three bedrooms in it.


We go out and have a couple drinks then end up at the ‘mini mansion’ to settle in for the night. Shawn and Rick seem to hit it off and they have been talking nonstop since we got off the boat. Good.

Needing to have my glass of water before bed I pad down to the kitchen only to find Shawn and Rick down there speaking so softly I can’t make out what they are saying. Shawn is facing my direction and Rick has his back to me so I can’t see to read his expression. I stay out of sight so they don't see me. Rick says something that has Shawn smiling and lightly tugging on the bottom of his shirt in a flirty gesture. He reaches up to maybe brush something off of Rick’s brow then strokes his cheek on the way down. Then all of a sudden before I know it Shawn leans in and kisses Rick then pulls back quickly as if to gauge his reaction. It must be a good one because Rick brings his mouth back down onto Shawn’s and the kiss intensifies. Now I feel as though I'm intruding so I turn back around and make my way back upstairs to my man. Ha! That sounded weird.


Getting to our room I shut the door behind me then decide to be bold, I'm not sure what it is but I'm going to blame the hot kiss I just witnessed downstairs. I take off the tee shirt I borrowed from Shana, this has me in just my panties. Lee must be in the en suite because he isn't in the room. So I just stand there and wait. I don't stand there for too long before he walks out wet from his shower and wearing only a towel. That man is just perfection.

“Hey, have a nice shower?” He jerks his head up toward me when I speak. Then his eyes glaze over with lust.

“What do you think you are doing screamer?” I slowly walk toward him taking my time to sway.

“Hopefully going to be doing some of that screaming you are always talking about soon.” When I reach him he seems to be frozen in place. I take advantage of this giving his towel a tug so it drops from his waist. Shit. He is hard. I place my hands on his chest and lightly drag my nails down over his hard stomach and to his hips where I drop down to my knees.

He is still unmoving and I'm taking full advantage of the moment. Putting my hands on his legs I trail them up his thighs and tease him with my touch. His cock is long thick and hard. The tip already dripping with come. Wetting my lips first I lean forward and give him one long lick from root to tip. He lets out an animistic groan that has me taking him all the way in my mouth and as far back to my throat as I can go until eyes water. That look on his face is so worth it. I'm down here on my knees and yet I feel like I have all the power in the world. He whispers something under his breath I can’t make out and threads his hands into my hair pulling slightly. He starts to control the movements with his hips and his hands in my hair. It’s so fucking hot that it shocks me when he suddenly pulls out and steps away.

“Shit you are so fucking amazing woman, but I can’t come in your mouth the first time. Come here.” He says holding out his hand to help me off of the floor. Then he is kissing me hard like I hold the key to his salvation. We start moving toward the bed, me going backward. The backs of my legs hit the bed and in one fluid motion, I'm laid down on top of the bed with one very sexy Lee hovering above me.

He starts trailing his kisses down my body pausing to suck and bite my nipples. He has me squirming all over the place I can hardly keep still. He doesn't seem to mind though he just continues his journey down until he gets to the place I need him most. Wasting no more time teasing he flattens his tongue and gives me one long lick from my slit to my clit. I arch my back and push myself to his mouth more which he gladly takes flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub then without warning two fingers are roughly pushed into me causing me to moan even louder than I have been. He starts to fuck me with those two damn fingers of his while sucking my clit into his mouth and I coming within seconds.

When my head finally clears I see him kneeling above me with a look I can’t read in his face. “What?” I ask him.

“I want you so god damn bad it’s fucking with my head.”

“Please, I need you don't stop now.” He swipes his hand down his face.

“You sure about this? Once we start I'm not going to stop.”

“I know, I don't want you to.” He shakes his head.

“Not what I mean babe. I mean if we do this, you are mine I'm not giving you up. We are together for the long run, cause once I have you, I'm only going to want more.” He grabs a condom from his wallet on the nightstand. Ripping it open with his teeth he looks at me. “You ready to be mine screamer?”

And that is how I turn into a puddle of nothing. “Yes Lee, I'm ready. I'm yours.” That must be all he needs because he has that condom wrapped around his dick and is pushing into me before I even have a chance to take a breath. He slides in fast at first but then slows down as if he is savoring the moment. Grabbing my legs he wraps them tightly around his waist then brings his hands to his favorite spot in my hair on the back of my head and kisses me hard. Our tongues dance together clashing of teeth and biting of lips as he starts to pick up his pace. I can tell that this isn't going to last long, already feeling my orgasm start to come on strong.

Before I even realize what it's happening I arch up even more and come so hard I think the neighbors can hear me scream his name. “Fuck yes, that’s my screamer.” He pants out and slams into me harder then finds his release with the sexiest growl I’ve ever heard.







The morning after. Something that always sucks, you are trying to get out of bed without waking the other person you went in there with the night before. Hoping that they don't wake up and you have to make false promises of calling or maybe saying a friendly ‘good game’ before ducking out. Name it I’ve probably done it, but this here, laying in bed with Lee is something I have never done before. I am snuggled into his side with my hand on his chest and it feels peaceful like I could stay here forever.

“You sleep well?” Oh, I didn't know he was awake.

“Yes, you?” Propping myself up on my elbow to get a better look at his face. He looks damn good the morning after and I can’t help but want many more.

“Not sure, this smoking hot chick was screaming some guy’s name in my ear all night. Something like ‘yeah Lee right there’ ‘oh, don't stop Lee’ this Lee guy is one lucky bastard if you ask me.” I giggle like a little school girl at him. Then remember that there were other people in the house last night, oh shit. I cover my face.

“Do you think Rick and Shawn heard? Oh, my god, I'm so embarrassed!”

“I hope they heard, hell I hope the whole state heard. You’re mine and I want everyone to know it. Don't be embarrassed your screaming is sexy especially when you scream my name.” He says wiggling his eyebrows up and down, cocky bastard. We only had sex two more times last night but probably would have more if we didn't run out of condoms. That’s definitely something I'm going to carry around in surplus from now on.

“I'm going to go and take a shower, want to join me?” he asks while getting out of bed. He’s still naked and all I can do is stare at that perfect ass of his. “Linn, you coming?” He snaps me out of my daydream.

“Oh, yeah I could use a shower.” Hoping out of bed I shed off the tee shirt I was wearing, throwing it, not caring where it lands. He has the water going when I get in the bathroom and is stepping in not waiting. I watch him tilt his face up into the spray of the water scrubbing it in his hands. He turns his head toward the door searching for me, smiling when he finds me at standing there watching him. He doesn't say anything just jerks his head telling me to join him.

Stepping into the spray I wet my hair first then scrub the sleep off my face. Wrapping his arms around me he holds me tight to him and kisses my forehead, my cheek, then my lips. Pulling back to look in my eyes for a beat then dives back in and kissed me harder. When he is done plundering my mouth he slowly turns me around and I hear a bottle open then his hands are in my hair lathering it with shampoo. After rinsing it he finger combs the conditioner through to the ends then starts washing me with some fruity smelling body wash. His movements aren't sexual just comforting, loving. This feeling right now is something I haven't felt since before my mom died and at this moment I dare to enjoy it.

When he is done washing me I do the same for him taking my time.

“What is the date for?” I break the silence and ask about his tattoo. He is quiet for a moment and I think he may not tell me but he answers. “Just a date. A reminder.”

“A good date? Because it doesn't seem like a good one.”

“No, not a good one.”

“Why would you get it etched permanently on your skin then?” Why indeed?

“Torment I suppose. To never let me forget no matter how much you may love someone and trust them they still have the power to tear your heart out.” That’s deep. I suppose I may be able to relate.

“What did she do to you?”

“Not to me.” He kisses me. “Water is starting to get cold.” With that, he shuts it off and gets out wrapping a towel around himself. Handing me one when I step out. I guess I'm not the only one with secrets I don't want to share. “Gotta get back, stuff to do today.” He says gruffly then walks out of the bathroom leaving me to wonder who the hell broke this man’s heart.


The ride home is quiet, well except for the wind. When we get home he drops me off first. What the hell?

“I’ll call you, okay babe?” So much for the whole ‘you’re mine’ speech he gave me last night. I almost say don't bother but I can’t get the words out. I just smile and give him a quick kiss then I'm on my way into my apartment where I find a sad Cristal.

“So how did your date go?” the first date with art class guy went good enough that she agreed to a second one. The look on her face has me thinking this one didn't go as well. That guy had better not be the reason she is sad or so help me I will take out a contract on him. Well maybe not to that extreme, maybe.

“It was good, we went to some Italian place, nice place. The food was good conversation was good then I saw him.”



“Dez? What was he doing there? That’s weird.”

“He was a waiter, our waiter. He didn't let on that we knew each other but Ron, my date, was so rude. He took one look at his tattoos and piercings and starting putting him down.” This guy sounds like a tool.

“So what happened?” I prompt her to tell more.

“He asked for another person to wait on us. Can you believe that? How rude can a person be?”

“What did Dez say?”

“That they were short staffed and that was why he was filling in and if we wanted another waiter that the Olive Garden was across town. Then turned around a left, but not before giving me a look like ‘this guy? Really?’ I was so embarrassed, I asked Ron to take me home. I text Dez this morning and told him I was sorry for the way Ron acted, he filially responded with don't fucking worry about it I'm just so shocked that he would say that to me. He was so nice when I got my tattoo and when we went hiking, granted I didn't really talk to him then.” So she admits she got one, I need to keep that knowledge and use it for later, right now isn't the time.

“Ron sounds like a dick and I hope you never see him again. Give Dez some time to cool off he likes you I know that otherwise, he wouldn't have given you his number. I know you took it by the way.” I say the last part with a wink. “Where is Shane?” I notice that the bad cop isn't here, only the good one.

“Oh she is doing something with her dad, came and picked her up yesterday after you left. I think they went to Seattle or something. I'm so happy for her, she deserves to have at least one good parent.” That she does.

“I'm glad you’re nice enough to share your’s with me or I wouldn't have one at all.” I try to laugh at that but it comes out forced.

“I am more than happy to.” She gives me a sweet smile, the same one her mom has, they really do look so much alike you would think they were sisters instead of mother and daughter.

“So how did your day go yesterday?” She shifts the conversation.

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