My Angel (17 page)

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Authors: Christine Young

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Historical

BOOK: My Angel
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The youngster's eyes grew wider and darker. He looked interested and a little bolder. Yet he didn't answer. His little pink tongue darted out to moisten his lips in anticipation. All afternoon she'd watched him and tried to entice him with the sweet. Finally he nodded.


Angela pulled the confection from her pocket and held it in front of him in silent invitation. She gave the red-and-white-striped stick a gentle wave, making sure it passed directly in front of the boy's nose. His face screwed up tightly.


The little boy's fingers twitched.


"Say yes and it's yours," she said, wondering how the little boy felt, embarking on such an adventure. Probably the same way she did, excited and frightened all at the same time. She wanted to be wherever they were going, but she didn't want the trip to end.


Alexi had promised to show her
. They would sail the Mediterranean and pass by Constantinople, then into the
Black Sea


The little boy's mouth moved, either in his eagerness for the stick of candy or with his effort to say the one word she wanted to hear. Four grubby fingers with four equally dirty, ragged fingernails showed themselves on the back of the chair. She could see his mouth now and his soot-stained neck. He looked as if he'd been rolling around in ashes.


He was mischief and little boy all tied into one adorable bundle.


Angela smiled encouragement and held the treat closer. He reached out for it, tentatively at first, his frayed jacket sleeve
coming only halfway down his forearm, his fingers almost closing around the sweet.


Just before his fingers grasped the peppermint stick, Alexi appeared, striding with his head held high down the aisle of the train. He tipped his hat and the ladies all nodded at the handsome gentleman. All the while he acted as if he owned the car they rode in. He sat down next to her then turned his attention to the little boy.


"You'd best be wary of this lady. She could steal your heart just as she has stolen mine." His eyes were warm and alight with mischief while he watched Angela. His hand rested possessively across her back.


The boy's eyes closed and his shoulders shook. He ducked down beneath the seat.


"Shame on you," Angela said, brushing Alexi's hand aside. "You frightened him. It took me hours to coax him that far, and you ruined my progress in less time than it takes to snap one's fingers."


"Temptress..." he countered, the word warm and teasing, his eyes twinkling in silent mirth. "My little
all ready to ply your charms on unsuspecting males. I will have to be stem with you."


"I am not a temptress or a tease. I meant to give him the candy. What's an


"You will give him his reward only after you exacted your price. And an
is someone who would give me my heart's desire. Will you, my angel? My brave, incorrigible angel."


She ignored the barb and his pointed questions, so she could bend over the seat and find the little boy who had disappeared almost the very instant Alexi sat down beside her.


"Need any help?" His hand rested possessively just below the small of her back. She moved her hips, trying halfheartedly to dislodge his hand, while she successfully gave the boy the candy. Alexi moved his hand lower, squeezing gently.


"No." She gasped, sitting back indignantly after giving Alexi a warning scowl. His hand sneaked around her waist, then higher, until she felt the warmth of his fingers below the rounded curve of her breasts. He caressed the underside slowly. She jerked with the sensation.


"Alexi!" She panicked.


"I want to taste you right here," he whispered, his ringer touching her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. "You'll taste better than strawberries and cream."


The warmth of his words and his touch engulfed her, simmered deep inside. She wanted him to deliver on his promise. "Devil," she whispered, then poked his chest with her forefinger. "I shall scream."


He shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Ah, but you love my attentions." Beneath her jacket, his thumb passed over her nipple, once, twice. "And, my darling, you wouldn't want me arrested, because then you'd have to do without me."


She did love his attentions--and everything else about him--and that was the crux of the matter. They'd arrived in
only to find that his personal rail car had been demolished two weeks earlier by an engine that had raced out of control. The promises of sensual bliss he'd made to her as they rode during the day and slept chastely in each other's arms on the ground during the night could not be fulfilled.


Ever since the bad news, he'd been alternately in a foul mood then a teasing one.


One minute he couldn't keep his hands away from her, the next she'd find herself alone and Alexi off pacing somewhere.


"I love your attentions only when you're nice." She breathed deeply, willing sanity to return.


"I'm always nice." He moved closer, his body shielding her from any eyes that might be directed their way. He tossed his greatcoat around her shoulders, hiding her from any lingering eyes. "Let's go for a walk. I know just the place."


She looked into his eyes, and the heat and the desire she saw there swamped her. Moistening her lips, all she could do was nod. He pulled her to her feet and let her pass in front of him. His hands resting on her shoulder, he guided her to the end of the car and outside, where the wind whistled and the iron wheels roared as sparks flew heavenward. They were alone,
isolated from the rows of sleeping passengers. Only the endless miles of empty prairie surrounded them.


In less than a second she was in his arms, his cloak around them shielding them from any prying eyes. His mouth crushed down on hers, his tongue prodding, searching for entrance. She allowed it, desired him more than life itself. All the while, his free hand languidly slid up her dress and across her bare thigh. His callused fingers were abrasive against her inner leg. The caresses was practiced and intimate. The contact promised so much.


"Alexi." She squirmed and tried to dislodge his hand. She had not dreamed that he would be so daring. He wouldn't be denied.


"Hush. There is no one here except the two of us."


"But Alexi..."


Nor, it seemed, would he allow her to run from him. "I want to pleasure you."


"Alexi…" She couldn't think. "This isn't a good idea," she finally got out.


As he taunted and teased her--and as the evening darkened--his caresses became bolder. He would have his way; she knew that. She' d given up trying to control him or command dominance. Yet she often spoke her mind. .He would scowl then he would soothe his anger at her outspokenness with passion.


"Ah, sweet concubine," he drawled softly next to her ear. "Allow a starving man a few comforts of home and let me see to your pleasure." His hand moved upon her stomach, making her shudder and want him more than anything she could imagine.


"Please... Alexi, there are people just inside that door. They could come out here just as we have done." Her heart pounded and she could barely breathe. "Everyone can see us."


"No one will step through that door. I will not allow it. It is dark and you are completely hidden from anyone's view, even mine." His eyes smoldered with sensual promise. "Close your eyes and pretend my mouth is here, where my hands are. I'll do that to you soon. I'll kiss you right here." His hand
moved inches, delved intimately. "And here." His lips touched her ear; his breath, hot and erotic, feathered across her neck. Adept fingers flicked open buttons on her shirt then the ribbons of her camisole. Sensually, flesh against flesh, he stroked the valley between her breasts, teased and taunted in ever smaller circles without touching the hard, budding crests.


The moon shone in all its splendor through a scattering of clouds, and the stars twinkled brightly. The world was asleep.


"I can't think... Alexi!" She breathed his name, the words short and staccato. She couldn't tell him she wanted him to stop. She couldn't lie to him.


One of his hands teased the crest of one breast, the other caressed feminine secrets beneath her skirt. She could not deny him.


"Open your eyes," he said. "Touch me. Feel my passion for you." He set her hand against his arousal.


For a few long seconds she could not respond. Her head fell limp against his shoulder. Her eyes were closed and she instantly obeyed.


"Now think of my mouth here"--and he touched her--"and here. You're hot and crying for me." With masculine command and arrogance, he stroked her and made her writhe against him, her attempts to control her response to him feeble.


"You want me." Two fingers slid deeply inside her. "I'm one with you now. Not like I will be, I promise you that. Tell me how much you want me."


Her words were said softly and into his chest. "Alexi--you can't..." But she didn't sound at all sincere, and she felt the rumble of his laughter against her cheek.


"Tell me you want me," he repeated, his fingers sliding ever deeper. "Tell me, angel."


"I want you."


She didn't want him to ever stop loving her. Her fingers closed around his arms, nails biting into his flesh, her breaths coming in tiny little pants. Her face buried against him, she tried hard not to let her impassioned sounds echo in the roar of the night.


"Alexi!" Every muscle in her body pulsed and tensed and
shuddered. She clung to Alexi, her lover and friend. He held her tight while she climaxed in his arms, the thunder of the train exploding in her head, the sparks of light and heat shattering her reverie.

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