My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (91 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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ll admit, at first you were making really good time, but the
as I knew it woul
the heat and humidity got to you and you slowed down. It was
t hard to catch up to you once that happened
Kate shook her head in disbelief.

So why did
t the heat affect you
Lucas laughed and took her hand, pulling her in the direction toward the parked car.

Because City Girl, this is my outback.
m a local, remember
Kate nodded silently, too focused on the sparks that were traveling up her arm and making her heart palpitate from his touch. They walked in silence for a while, neither letting go of the othe
s hand even though both of their palms were slick with sweat. After a while, the car came into view and Lucas turned to her as they approached.

You never did answer me
He said, pausing in front of the truck. Kate frowned in confusion and looked over at him, reluctant to let go of his hand but knowing that she needed to in order to get into the car.

Answer you
Lucas chuckled and nodded.

Are you glad to see me
He asked again, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. Kate laughed until she doubled over. Catching her breath she turned to him and nodded, tears forming in her eyes again.

Yes, Lucas.
m very glad to see you


They rode back to the city in silence, but this time it was
t filled with animosity. Lucas looked over at her sleeping figure and sighed. He had been so scared when he heard the snakes and saw her standing there defeated. The terrified look on her face and acceptance  of her fate was one of the worst things he had ever seen and he hated that he was the one to allow her to get into such a situation. He reached out and ran the back of his fingers along her arm and she shifted in her sleep, curling up even more. He smiled to himself and focused back on the road. It had been stupid of her to get out of the car, that was for sure, but he respected a woman with that kind of pride. It was stupid and nearly got her killed, but he respected her for it all the same. She slept the three hour drive back to the city and when he pulled into the parking lot in front of the store he looked down at her again and almost did
t want to wake her up. Sensing a change in the motion of the vehicle, she stirred and sat up.

Her hair was messed and her ponytail was sideways with stray hairs sticking out. Her eyes were heavy with sleep and she blinked a few times to wake herself up. Lucas stared at her and he felt like the world around him come to a stop. She was so breathtakingly beautiful with her messy hair and tear stains down her red cheeks that he could barely breathe. She turned toward him and he was positive his heart stopped, too.

Where are we
She asked. Lucas smiled at her and gestured toward the store.

Back at your car
he said simply. Kate looked around and focused on her rental still sitting in the same spot she had left it in earlier that morning. She rubbed her face and groaned. Sh
d never felt so exhausted in her life. She sighed and let her hands drop back down to her lap. She turned to Lucas and gave him a small smile.

Thank yo
for everything
she said, opening her door to climb out. She reached back in to grab her backpack and paused before closing the door.

You were right.
m sorry for doubting or questioning you. You know what you are doing out there and I should have trusted you
she admitted. Luca
s mouth dropped open and he was speechless as she closed the door and walked off. He waited until she was in her car before driving off. He looked in his rearview mirror as she pulled out of the store parking lot and turned the opposite direction. Lucas tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel as he debated back and forth with himself. H
d never contemplated doing what he was considering before, and it could cost him his job with the Tour Guides if he was wrong. He chewed the inside of his cheek before flipping a wide u-turn.

Screw it
he said, driving back to the store. He parked up front and strode into the store, looking around for Mrs. Peterman. The store was empty and he shook his head. Why was he not surprised? That woman was never at her desk.

Mrs. Peterman
He called out, walking up to her desk and waiting. He heard shuffling in the back room and a surprised squeak before she appeared, icing smeared across her lips.

Oh Lucas. I did
t expect to see you again today. Is everything alright
She asked, sitting down. Lucas cleared his throat and dabbed his cheek in the same spot that she had some icing and the little old woman jumped and grabbed a tissue to wipe it away.

Everything is fine except the reporter left her notebook in my car. Do you have her hotel information so I can take it to her
He asked, trying to sound as neutral as possible.

Oh yes of course! The poor dear will definitely be needing that
she said, clicking through her computer to pull up Kat
s file. She straightened her glasses and squinted at the screen.

Looks like sh
s staying at the inn off of Hammerton
She said, looking back up at Lucas. His heart pounded in his chest and excitement coursed through him but he did his best not to show it. He gave her a nod, a smile then spun on his heels to leave.

t forget to bring the notebook when you go to see her
Mrs. Peterson called after him. Lucas paused in the doorway and glanced back at her and she gave him a knowing smile.

m no fool, Mr. Johnston. No woman has ever left her notebook in your car before. Things must have gone very well on your trip today
she said, her eyes twinkling. Lucas laughed and pushed the door open, leaving Mrs. Peterman to her snack.


Kate sighed and rubbed the towel over her hair to dry it. She meandered over to her bed and slumped down on it, continuing to dry her hair. Her mind kept drifting back to Lucas and she tried to put all of the da
s events in order. He had been so rude and snarky at first, quite unpleasant really, then he turned all angry and serious. As she replayed his earlier behaviour over and over in her mind she still felt lost when she compared it to his behaviour after the snakes. He was still snarky, still teasing, but kinder. Maybe it had been her perception. Maybe he had
t changed at all and she just finally understood his humour because she was so glad to see him. She paused and considered that.
That would explain his comment about me thinking I knew everything
she concluded. A knock sounded at her door, breaking her out of her reverie. Sighing, she straightened her robe and went to answer the door.

She asked politely, swinging the door open just enough to see who was on the other side. Her stomach flipped and she took a step back, opening the door wider to make sure her eyes were
t deceiving her. Lucas gave her a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck uncertainly. 

Um, you left this in my car
he said lamely, producing a black notebook. Kate smiled down at the notebook which looked nothing like hers and grabbed it. She flipped through the blank pages and looked up at him amusedly. Lucas shrugged and smiled.

Are you at least going to invite me in? I did just buy you a new notebook not to mention that whole saving your life thing
Kate laughed and nodded, stepping back and allowing him to enter. Lucas took a deep breath as she closed the door behind him and couldn't help but notice the curve of her hips through the robe. He cleared his throat and looked around the simple room, trying to take his mind off of his inappropriate thoughts.

This is nice
he said, turning back to her. Kate nodded, still smiling at him with knowing eyes. Lucas bit the inside of his cheek and wished she would say something to make this easier. He could tell in her eyes that she already knew why he was here but she was too stubborn to make it simple for him. She tapped the notebook he gave her against her palm and set it on the dresser.

Yes it is. So is this all you came for? To give me a notebook
She asked, smirking at him. Lucas rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Leave it to her to cut right to the chase. Reporters
he thought.

No, I would also like to take you to dinner
he said, fixing her with his dark gaze. Kat
s breath hitched and elation filled her. She nodded and took a step toward him.

d like that. Let me get dressed and we can go
she said, moving to walk past him. He stiffened as she brushed past him and Kate could feel him shudder at her slight touch. Stopping, she turned to him and gazed up into his eyes. She put her hands on his chest and tilted her face toward him. Lucas eased his face down until he was a breath away from her. Kate stared into his eyes and slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around the back of his neck. Lucas smiled at her and gently brushed his lips against hers. Kate gasped and he dipped his tongue into her mouth, pulling her closer against him. Kate moaned and moulded herself against his chest. His hands wrapped around her, clutching onto the cloth of her robe as their kiss became more passionate. She reached up and removed his hat, tossing it to the side before untying his hair. Once his dark locks were loose about his face, she entwined her fingers in it, pulling him closer to her. Lucas groaned and reached down to squeeze her ass.

Kate moaned and her robe slipped open as he tugged on the fabric. They broke the kiss and Lucas began to place soft kisses along her neck. Kate tilted her head back and sighed at the sensation of his warm mouth leaving a blazing trail along her skin. Lucas glanced up at her and met her passion-glazed eyes before yanking her robe open completely. He became instantly hard at the sight of her beautiful body and he gently slid his hands along her naked waist. Kate moaned as he took one of her nipples into his mouth and she slid her hands under his shirt so that she could feel his muscular chest. She yanked at the fabric and Lucas pulled his mouth away from her flesh just long enough for her to pull it over his head. His hands glided lower as his mouth favoured her breasts and he slipped a finger inside her. Kate cried out and clutched onto his shoulder to steady herself.

she moaned. He growled at the sound of his name on her breathy lips and bit her gently.

Lucas, I want you
she begged, her hands working on the button of his pants. Groaning, Lucas pulled back and kicked off his boots so that he could pull his pants off. Kate let her robe fall the rest of the way to the floor and once they were both free from their clothing, Lucas pulled her to him, both aching with desire. Lucas rolled on top of Kate and brushed her damp hair off her face. He leant down and kissed her softly as her legs wrapped around his hips. His tongue danced with hers as he eased himself inside her, relishing in the sensation of her wrapped around him. Kate let out a soft cry when he filled her completely and she began to rock her hips against his. Lucas pulled out and thrust back in, filling her again and again, going deeper with each thrust. Kate cried out as her pleasure built and he brought her to the edge and then pushed her over. She dug her fingers into his shoulders as her orgasm flooded her, making her see stars. Lucas gave another thrust and then found his own release as he spilled inside her. Panting, he collapsed beside her and wrapped her in his arms.

s one way to work up an appetite
he joked, stroking her back. Kate laughed and curled into him.

m not hungry quite yet
she said mischievously. Lucas laughed and kissed her deeply.

Well then, I guess we better kept working until you are
he said, lifting her on top of him. 

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