My Beautiful Young Sister Wife

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Authors: John E. Jay

Tags: #incest brother sister, #incest mother son

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My Beautiful Young Sister-Wife

John E. Jay

Copyright 2011 John E. Jay, all rights

Published at Smashwords


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All characters in this work
of fiction are at least eighteen years old. Nothing in this story
is intended to depict any person living or dead and any resemblance
to actual events is purely coincidental


It was just two weeks after I began the
strangest affair I had ever heard of that I began another chapter
in my sex life. I went home that Saturday afternoon because my
mother had planed a big bash for my sister Emily’s eighteenth
birthday. While I was visiting that weekend I discovered the love
of my life. It took my sister a few hours to convince me I should
believe it but almost sixty years later I know she had it right all


The strange affair I mentioned began when my
good friend and coworker, Ron Shivers invited me to dinner at his
house one Friday afternoon just before quitting time. He said his
wife was making her special Italian dinner and her spaghetti sauce
was to die for if you liked Bolognaise. I loved meat sauce and I
told him that was my favorite.

All I was expecting was a good home cooked
meal. I got that but I also got much more than food that night. I
got a lot of hot sex with his cute young wife Connie and later I
hooked up with Connie’s sister Clara for more hot sex. The two
sisters are among the most beautiful women I have ever met.

My good friend Ronald Shivers and his cute
young wife, Connie had concocted an unbelievable arrangement in
order to try to have children. They had decided that he would
invite me to their house for dinner and she would seduce me and I
would impregnate her. She was supposed to entice me with her
beautiful body and arouse me to the point that I would fuck her and
get her pregnant. All this was necessary in their way of thinking
because Ron was sterile. The plan worked well and almost
immediately I was hooked on Connie.

I was fucking her supposedly just to get her
pregnant. That was the premise they had in mind when they invited
me to dinner and she easily seduced me, but almost from the
beginning we were involved emotionally. I fucked her the first time
because she was very attractive and very willing and also because
my friend Ron approved. Before the first overnight session was
finished I was falling in love with her and she was returning my
feelings strongly.

We both knew that Ron had not intended for us
to become romantically attached. From his perspective I was just
performing the physical act necessary to impregnate her so that she
could have children and their parents could have grandchildren and
she was a passive participant. There was nothing emotional about
it. It was completely Ok with him for us to enjoy it in fact he
encouraged me to enjoy fucking his wife but I don’t think he was
expecting it to turn out the way it did.

I’m not sure he would have embarked on the
scheme if he had thought it all the way through and realized that
if the casual sexual activity he envisioned led to emotional
attraction, as it very well might, he would have to share his wife
with me over a long period of time. Of course that’s exactly what

We’re no longer regularly having sex
together. I moved away from the town where she lives and our
couplings became spaced further apart but we have continued the
affair for almost sixty years and I suppose you could say we’re
still having an affair since I fuck her whenever she comes for a
visit although that isn’t very often these days.

She’s in her late seventies and I’m in my
early eighties now. We have four children together and I think at
last count we had ten grandchildren and eight great grand children.
I’m not in close contact with Connie these day so I’m not sure
about how many grandchildren and great grandchildren we have

When I started fucking Connie I had no idea
that it might turn into a long term affair. I was completely
willing to fuck her under the arrangement Connie explained to me or
whatever arrangement they came up with for however long it took to
for me to get her pregnant, as long as Ron was Ok with it. The sex
was indescribably good and we were totally compatible both sexually
and emotionally right from the start.

We greatly enjoyed each other sexually and
decided to continue our new found relationship after she became
pregnant. Connie had decided to lay down the law and reluctantly
Ron had agreed to her demand that she be allowed to spend time with
me whenever she wanted me to fuck her. I continued to fuck her
regularly. That story is told in “My Friend’s Cute Young Wife”
which you may want to read if you like this story.


Anyway, after the third Friday overnight with
Connie I left her earlier than I had the previous Saturdays. I had
to go home to visit my mother because my sister was celebrating her
eighteenth birthday that Saturday. My mother and sisters lived near
a town about eighty miles away from the town where Connie and I
were living.

After the birthday celebration was over and
all Emily’s friends had left. The assembled relatives and friends
were settling down to a quiet after party in the living room. I
told the crowd that I was very tired and needed to rest. I said
that even though it was only eight-thirty, I wanted to go to my old
room and retire for the night.

My mother said, “Oh Danny I don’t want you to
do that. I’m sorry I haven’t cleaned your room recently. You should
sleep in my bed you would be a lot more comfortable.” I knew what
that meant and under normal circumstances would have eagerly taken
her to bed and fucked her all night. We had been in a sexual
relationship since about three months before my father died when I
was barely eighteen. That was six years ago and we were still
having sex together fairly regularly. I would fuck her whenever she
wanted it when I came to visit. She usually wanted me to spend at
least one night in her bed when I came home for a visit.

I protested saying, “That’s Ok mom my bed
will be fine. I don’t mind if the room is a little dusty.” I was
letting her know that I wasn’t up for our usual all night sexual

She said, “I haven’t gotten around to
changing the sheets or cleaning up the room so I don’t want you to
sleep there. I want you to be comfortable. You can use my bed
tonight.” She was telling me that she was going to have her way
with me so I should quit arguing. “You’ll be much more comfortable
in my bed in my room where it’ll be much quieter.”

I knew what she really meant was that she
wanted me to fuck her in her own bed and wasn’t going to take ‘no’
for an answer. I decided to give in gracefully so I said, “Alright
mom but I really need to get some sleep so I want to go to bed
right away.”

She said, “It will only take a minute to
change the sheets on my bed and you can sleep there. I’ll clean up
your room and change the sheets on your bed and I’ll sleep there
tonight. I’ll change the sheets again in the morning so you can
sleep there if you want to stay over tomorrow night.” I knew that
meant she was expecting me to fuck her again tomorrow night. I
wasn’t at all unhappy about that. I thought I’d be recharged by

I had intended to go back to my condo
tomorrow and maybe invite Connie over for the night but I couldn’t
refuse my mother. She had done so much for me including introducing
me to sex and teaching me almost all of what I knew about how to
please a woman sexually. That instruction was what enabled my
robust and very happy sex life. I’d never had a complaint from any
woman I’d fucked.

Besides all that she was my mother and I
wanted to make her happy. I never refused to do whatever she wanted
if I was able to do it. It also helped that she was still a very
beautiful MILF with a terrific body and a wonderfully tight pussy
that I loved to fuck.

I knew I was lucky that she wanted me to fuck
her. She could have had any number of men if she had chosen to make
herself available, but she preferred having me fuck her. I was
flattered that she wanted me and proud of the fact that I had been
her only sexual partner for the past six years. That had to mean
that I had satisfied her sexually.


I thought about the first time that I had
fucked her. She had gone without sex for nearly a year after my
father got sick with terminal cancer before she came to my room
late one night―technically it was very early in the morning around
three o’clock―and turned on the light. She had waited until she
thought my sister Emily who was twelve at the time would be sound

I awakened suddenly to find my mother
standing in the door to my bedroom. She was wearing a beautiful
robe that came down to about mid thigh showing off a lot of her
beautiful legs. It opened slightly as she sat down on the edge of
my bed and I could see that she wasn’t wearing much under it. She
had on just a bra and some very skimpy panties.

I was very excited. I had never seen her
naked body before even though I had tried many times to catch her
coming out of the bathroom. She had always been careful to avoid
showing herself to me. She always put on at least a robe in the
bath room before she came out. I thought that I would see her naked
before long and that thought made my cock really hard.

I had been really wanting to fuck my mother
for the past three years and I had slipped into her room and jerked
off in her dirty underwear many times. In fact earlier that same
day she came to me, I had been in her room and had jerked off twice
using a pair of her soiled panties that smelled like her pussy and
got a lot of my cum on them. I had carefully buried the panties in
the laundry hamper like I always did when I finished.

She asked me to hold her in my arms and soon
she began kissing me. She wasn’t kissing me like a mother kisses
her child, not like she had kissed me before. She was kissing me
the way I kissed the girls I tried to seduce only better. She was
kissing me passionately, hungrily. She was arousing me more than
any of the girls I had kissed ever had. Her lips were soft and
yielding and her tongue was in my mouth demanding that my tongue
play with it.

When she stopped kissing me she told me that
she needed me to help her. She said she needed me to satisfy her
sexual appetite. She said she hadn’t had sex for over ten months
since my father had been too sick to fuck her and that she couldn’t
stand it any longer. Now that I was eighteen, she said, she had
decided I was old enough to fuck her and she wanted it very much.
She said that she was sure that I wanted to fuck her too.

I was a little surprised that she said she
was sure I wanted to fuck her. I thought I had always been careful.
She may have noticed that I was looking at her legs when she wore
short-shorts, and she may have caught me looking down her front
when she had a loose low cut top on, but I didn’t think I had been
so obvious that she would know I wanted to fuck her.

A little uncertainly but very sincerely, I
said sure I’ll be happy to fuck you but that surely she could find
plenty of men who would fuck her and probably marry her when my
father died, but she said no I want you, I know I can trust you and
it’s safer. I don’t want any complications. That had made me very
happy. The thought that she thought I could satisfy her sexually
was intoxicating. I vowed to myself that I would please her or kill
myself trying.

She took off her robe and stood in front of
me in her bra and panties. I know I must have had a shit eating
grin on my face. I didn’t know what to say. She said, “I want you
to take my bra off and play with my breasts Danny. I know you like
my under wear and I thought you’d like to take it off and play with
my tits and my pussy before you fuck me.

I must have looked at her funny because she
said, “Oh Danny Don’t look like you’re so shocked. I’ve been
washing the bras and panties you’ve used the jack off for years
now. I know you’d like to play with my body instead of having to
settle for the underwear that covered the parts you wanted to play

“I’ve noticed that you usually picked panties
that had a lot my pussy juice in the crotch. I guess you liked the
smell. I’m sure that knowing what was on the panties came out of my
pussy turned you on. It made your cock get hard didn’t it

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