My Beloved (21 page)

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Authors: T.M. Mendes

BOOK: My Beloved
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Wendy was confused as to why Vincent’s thinking would be such a big deal. He nodded though and looked back down at Wendy. “Yes, I know.” He paused as he took Wendy’s hand in his. “It means someone in the commission is a traitor.”

Darcy shook his head and muttered to himself.

“What if you’re wrong?” Wendy asked hesitantly. It seemed to be a big deal to accuse these men of any sort of treachery. Vincent looked at her, not saying a word.

Darcy, however, spoke up. “If we’re wrong, it means we would have pissed off two hundred plus vampires who won’t hesitate to kill any of us.”











Chapter 21





She felt sick to her stomach at this new revelation. Will she ever be safe? Who was trying to hurt her? Shaking her head, she lay back and tried to process everything.

Anya let out a dry chuckle. "You are just little Miss Popular, aren't you?" she joked, but all she got was silence. "Tough room," she muttered before going out into the hall.

Vincent stroked the side of Wendy’s face for comfort.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but if we are going to do this, then we need to be smart about it," Darcy spoke up from across the room, looking down at the ground, frowning in concentration.

Vincent scoffed and stood up. "You think I'm so callous to just waltz in there and accuse at will? I'm not suicidal."

Darcy put his hands up in surrender. "I never said you will. I was just thinking out loud."

Wendy felt like at any moment she could snap. She was so tightly strung. That nightmare, whatever it was, had her muscles aching for release, but she couldn't relax. She could still feel the heat, and the pain the fire caused. Not as badly but it was still there. Still heard the laughter of whoever made her go through it.

"I need a bath," she muttered, the hot water sounding more appealing by the second.

Vincent shook his head. "I can't be away from you right now, not even in the next room. After what just happened, my instincts are to keep you by my side. At least for right now until I've calmed down. Here, I'll give you a massage."

Wendy thought over what he just said. Normally she would be angry from being told no, but the latter option sounded even more appealing than a tub of hot water. She shyly nodded her head.

"That's my cue to leave. I'm going to go talk to Anya and brainstorm what we can do. Hopefully she doesn't stake me again," Darcy said as he walked out.

Vincent nudged Wendy to roll over onto her stomach with her back facing him. She sighed deeply when his fingers started to gently dig into her skin. Groaning, she closed her eyes in bliss, making him chuckle above her. He was straddling her back in a provocative way that normally would have her shivering, but she was in nirvana with his skilled hands.

He worked out a knot that had her hissing slightly. "You're so tense," he murmured and bent over to kiss her back.

She did something that shocked both of them when her hands reached back and lifted her shirt so she can really feel the massage. "Sorry, the shirt was getting in the way," she muttered, slightly embarrassed by her brazen behavior.

He didn't say anything for a moment and she was afraid she over-stepped but she had to gasp when she felt his lips graze across her now bare back. "Relax, Firefly. I am certainly not complaining."

Somehow, without even looking, she knew he was smirking.

"What's going to happen, Vince? It seems like every time we have a good moment, something else happens," she murmured, her eyes getting a little droopy, but she wouldn't let herself fall asleep. She knew whoever it was that burned her was waiting for that. It was her gut that told her so.

The room flickered around her, making her tense up. Vincent's voice sounded muffled like she was under water or something. When she tried to move, she found she couldn't! "Vincent?! Help!" she cried out in alarm. The room was pitch black all of a sudden. She couldn't hear or see anything. She could feel like she wasn't on the bed anymore. In fact, she was on her back now. Feeling around, her breathing increased when she felt like she was in a small enclosed box.

"Let me out! Help!"

Her fists pounded above her in fright. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm down. When she opened them, she gasped when she was back in the room under Vincent, with him still on top of her back.

"Firefly? Are you okay? What were you going to say?" he asked with concern as he felt her tremble beneath him in fear.

She turned around abruptly and clung herself to him. He rubbed her back soothingly as her shirt fell back into place. "D-Did I fall asleep?" she stuttered with tears falling down.

He pulled her back to look at her in confusion. "Wendy, you were just going on about possibly taking our relationship to the next level, which by the way threw me for a moment, considering you were so brazen about it-"

She cut him off as she jumped away from his arms as she started to shake.

"Vincent, I never talked about that. I thought I was asleep and being attacked again!"

Vincent now looked more confused and alarmed. He stood up and walked to her. "You were just talking to me though. What did you 'dream' about?" he asked urgently.

She relayed to him what happened, making him curse out loud. Wendy felt like someone poured cold water on her with the way her frame was vibrating. Her heart pounded in her chest as her mind kept replaying over and over the feeling of being trapped in that small box. She never thought she was claustrophobic, but she was just proven wrong. "H-How was I talking to you when I was experiencing that?" she asked with fear in her voice.

"I need you to calm down, okay? Darcy!" he called out, making Wendy wince.

"How can I calm down?! I was burned in my dream not long ago, and then I have some sort of out of body experience, while whoever the hell was talking was trying to talk you into sex! And you want me to calm down?!"

Darcy chose that moment to walk in with a slight hiss. "Oh, you never tell a woman to calm down." He winced when he saw how hysterical Wendy was.

"Not. Now, I think Wendy was just possessed," Vincent said through gritted teeth.

Wendy jumped from that news. "What?!" she cried out, feeling shivers of disgust run through her.

Darcy snapped his fingers. "Wait a minute! What about that one vampire on the commission who had that affair with you way back when? She's certainly vindictive enough and has the ability to briefly take control of someone if she tries hard enough. What was her name?" Darcy trailed off with furrowed eyebrows.

Wendy's eyes narrowed as she looked at Vincent. "If this is all about some stupid vampire who is jealous, I'm going to be so pissed," she uttered with a disgusted shake of her head. Vincent sighed and tried to comfort her but she took a step back. "I really don't want to be held right now. My skin feels creepy-crawly," she explained, looking now at the ground.

"Her name is Megara," Vincent answered Darcy's question and looked away from Wendy's downturned face.

Darcy winced when it appeared he remembered. "Man, she was something else. Could make you guard your man bits with one look," he said with a shiver. "Definitely a major step up with you, darling." Darcy finished with a saucy wink to Wendy who had to let a small smile slip through.

"Do you know what can help?" Vincent asked, wanting to make sure Wendy was as safe as she could be at this point. His friend nodded but was looking at Wendy with a calculating look.

"What?" she asked, looking at herself.

"How do you feel about needles?" Vincent asked. That one word had Wendy's heart kick start and caused her to gulp loudly.

Darcy nodded to himself. "I see. Well, I'm going to go get this kit I got soon after you were put into the ground. You need to make sure she doesn't pass out. I need her coherent."

Wendy looked at Vincent with wide eyes who started to walk to her but she backed up.

"No way! I am not getting stabbed with God knows what! Vincent, please! I'm terrified of needles!" She could tell her plea hurt him.

"I'm sorry, but I trust Darcy. He knows this, whatever it is, will work."

Wendy felt like a baby but she did start to cry. She couldn't help it! She was completely terrified of needles. Fire and needles are her worst nightmares. When she was little, she got stuck by a stray needle on the ground while playing outside. It was rusty and made her foot swell. Her parents were scared because her foot almost got amputated. She and needles just didn't mix.

Vincent wrapped his arms around her for comfort. "It will be okay. Just breathe, alright?"

She nuzzled her face into his shirt trying to calm down. 'Why me?' she asked, wanting to throw a very immature hissy fit, but knew that probably wouldn't be too attractive. Just as she was getting calm, Darcy walked in with a very old-looking box. Her heart started to race again. By this point she'll have a heart attack! Her fingers curled into the fabric of Vincent's shirt, almost trying in vain to cling herself to him, but knowing he could easily part with her. She felt his lips on the top of her head.

"Bring her over here, and hold her down," Darcy commanded.

Immediately she tried to run but Vincent held her fast to him and carried her to the bed.

"What is it?" Vincent asked out of curiosity and to make sure it was okay.

Darcy got into the large bed and faced them with his back against the headboard. "After you were cursed into the ground, I went everywhere trying to find you a way to get out. I stumbled across this enchantress who worked for a past King. She didn't have anything, only this." He held up the box. "When I asked her what it was, she said it helps keep anyone at bay who wishes to control another by their mind. She has continued to help me throughout the years so I have no reason to doubt her sincerity. She lives on through the blood line of her ancestors. That's the only way she could survive for so long. It's quite remarkable-"

Vincent cut him off. "Can we get this going?" he asked impatiently.

"No! Vincent, if you betray me like this, I'll never kiss you again!" she tried to threaten in a weak voice.

He looked into her eyes as he lay her down next to Darcy who was sitting up, box in hand. He caressed her face lovingly. "If you don't do this, you won't be in charge of who you kiss. Megara will be. Please, just try and relax."

Looking into his imploring eyes, she really did try, at least until Darcy opened the box and took out an extremely large syringe that was easily four inches long. Black liquid was in the vile part, making her try and escape again.

"Oh no you don't! Vincent? A little help!" Darcy muttered.

Wendy felt her face being grabbed since she couldn't tear her eyes away from the giant needle. "Is this going to hurt?" she asked just before Vincent made her turn away to look up at him. He was bent over her to capture her attention.

"Not at first," Darcy muttered before sticking her with it. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly from the slight sting. When he pulled away, she opened her eyes and looked down.

"Oh, that wasn't so-ah!" She broke off screaming and trying to claw at her arm.

"Hold her down!" Darcy ordered as Vincent covered her body with his.

Wendy was in agony. Plain and simple. It felt like every millimeter of the tissue in her arm was trying to claw free of her. Her eyes looked down through her screams and she saw black ink-like substance seeping up her arm. Where the pain was, the ink was also. "Oh God! Get it out! Please get it out!" she screamed just as Anya walked in with Asher.

"Whoa, is she having a baby or something?" Asher joked but was staying back as far as he could.

"Breathe, Wendy, breathe!" Vincent tried to soothe her, but this was too much. She started to pass out but Darcy slapped her face hard enough to keep her awake but soft enough not to hurt.

"No! She needs to stay awake. If she passes out, it gives Megara a free pass at her. Wendy needs to be the dominant soul in her body," Darcy explained when Vincent growled at him for hitting his Firefly.

She thrashed her head back and forth in absolute pain, trying to get at the arm that was throbbing. She wanted to tear it off. At this point, her neck was now in pain also. It seemed this black liquid was triggering her need for Vincent's bite. "My neck!" she cried out and tried to touch it but Vincent held her hands. It was becoming too much. The black swirls were traveling at a slow pace up her arm and she didn't know when it would stop!

"How much longer?" Vincent asked. She could hear the desperation in his voice. Sweat was coating her body from the struggling to get out from underneath him.

"Only another minute or so."

Although it wouldn't seem long, that 'minute or so' felt like hours to Wendy as she thrashed underneath Vincent and screamed until her throat was raw. Her neck was throbbing in time with her heart beat, which was very fast. Luckily though, the pain in her neck was livable while her arm was another story. Her body arched upward as a terrible spike ran through her. When the spike dissipated, the pain left her all at once. Except for the now dull throb in her neck. Her body slumped downward again, exhausted beyond belief.

"What is that?" Vincent asked, making Wendy begrudgingly open her heavy eyes and look to where his eyes were. Over her shoulder, there was a black mark. Nothing special looking about it. It was the size of a dime and just as circular. It was completely black and from a distance it looks like a birthmark whereas close up it looks like a tattoo.

"What the hell?" she muttered before her head felt too heavy and she was forced to lay it back down the pillow.

"Relax. You're going to feel pretty tired for the next few hours. Don't worry about sleeping. She can't get you until that thing fades. It protects from all supernatural beings," Darcy said when he got up from the bed to make room for Vincent to lay next to her.

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