My Best Friend's Brother (27 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother
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Our eyes widen immediately. We had only been given what looked like Barbie's honeymoon suit.


"Oh my... It is very..." Hope begins, but I finish. "Pink"


"And fluffy." She adds, pointing to the large heart shaped bed in the center of the room, which was covered by a very bright pink fluffy throw.


"Um yeah." I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck noticing only one bed.


"I saw a store around the corner from here. Why don't you get a shower and I'll go to the store and buy a change of clothes for us and some snacks." I tell her, hoping to avoid the bed talk for a while longer.


She seems too engrossed in the room to answer in too much detail, so just grunts a yes, making me smile.


"Ok, I'll try and not be too long. Lock the door and I'll knock when I'm back." I tell her.


She nods and walks over to the bed, whilst I head out of the door.


As soon as I close the door I hear a gasp, forward by a loud laugh and then Hope speaking to herself.


I shake my head in amusement and head to the store I saw only a few minutes earlier.


I was happy to see the store was a lot bigger inside than it looked.


It may have not been the type of place I would normal buys clothes from, but they were only really for sleeping in.


I would stop off at a different store tomorrow and buy her a proper outfit.


I made my way to the stores small clothes selection and picked out an extra large men's t-shirt and a pair of panties for Hope to sleep in and another t-shirt and a pair of boxers for me.


I would normally sleep in the nude of boxers, but I couldn't this time.


I didn't want Hope to think I was expecting anything, because I honestly wasn't.


When I set out on this trip this morning I didn't even think about the time the drive would take.


That only came into my mind when I received a text message from Matt asking where I was off to.


As I picked out the items and placed them into the basket and made my way to the food section, I was not oblivious to the eyes that were following me around the store.


I pick out a large bottle of soda and a carton of fresh orange juice and several other items, before making my way to the checkout.


There was only one person in front of me.


She was a woman in her mid twenties by the looks of it, talking and laughing with the woman on the till, who looked around the same age.


The woman took a long time to finish paying and I was getting impatient and neither seemed to notice my presence as they continued to laugh and joke about 'doing' some guy they just met.


"Well we can always share him." The woman with the shopping bag said.


The one behind the till nodded. "Yeah, it's not like we haven't done that before."


I had to cover my mouth to stop myself for being sick.


'What whores.' I thought to myself.


If Matt or Ricky even was here they would probably love it, but I really am not that kind of man.


I couldn't take it anymore.


I sighed and then cleared my thought loudly, getting both their attentions.


I glared at them, whilst they both looked at me surprised for a second before facing each other again and smirking.


They turned back to me again with flirty smiles.


"Hiya sexy, my name Texas and this is Hallie." The woman behind the till said pointing to her friend.


I shrugged, watching and waiting as she put the items through the scanner, not even looking at what she was grabbing.


Hallie and Texas both continued to stare at me the whole time, until the final item was scanned and bagged.


"That'll be just $25." Texas’ annoyingly high pinched voice said.


I hand her my card and she leans over more than needed until her chest was almost falling out.


She feds to through the machine and hands me the receipt to sign.


I hand her it back, she makes sure both times to brush her hand across mine.


Only making me dislike her desperate attempts more.


"So..." she paused and looked at my card and handed it back to me "...Nathan, you staying at the Moonslone motel or just driving through?"


"None of your business." I said coldly grabbing my bags.


I started to walk away, but was stopped by a hand grabbing my arm tightly.


I turn and quickly knock it off.


"Don't be like that sexy; we three could have some fun later. Call me." Hallie said lowly in an attempt to sound sexy, but failing miserably.


She slides a piece of paper with her name and number into my bag and I walk away mumbling. "Don't hold your breath"


Once outside I fish the paper out of the bag, not wanting Hope to find it and get the wrong idea.


I walked over to the closest bin and dumped it in, before finally heading back to the motel room.


I don't hear any sound as I approach the door.


"Probably in the shower still." I say to myself.


I look at my watch and notice I had been gone a little over an hour.


So much for a short trip, no thanks to the two bimbos at the store.


I knock at the door and wait for her to answer.


Leaning against the wall beside the door I wait whilst the sound of the lock turning gets my attention.


"Nate?" Her sweet voice calls through the door before opening.


"Yep Sweet pea, it's me" I call back.


The door clicks and then opens, to reveal a very wet Hope standing in just a towel.


My eyes widen and my throat dyes up, as I look over her hot body.


Hope gives me a pointed look.


My face heats up at being caught checking her out.


She turns and walks back inside with me following close behind.


I drop the bags on the ground once inside and close the door, before going back to watching Hope walk into the bathroom.


"You are so hot." I say, losing all control of my brain and vocal cords.


Hope turns and blushes. "Ummm, thank you I guess" She said shyly, but not before adding, "You are pretty hot yourself" she said stepping back into the bathroom and closing the door.


Lord knows how I was going to survive these next couple of days.


It was bad enough when I saw her dressed, but now...


God only knows.











While Nate was at the store I decided to call Ricky.


"Hello?" His voice questioned.


"Didn't you look at the caller ID? It could be anyone."


"Hope!" He exclaimed. "Where the hell are you? When are you coming back? Do I need to beat that bas...idiot's butt?" He corrected himself.


"We are at a motel. We will probably be back the day after tomorrow." Before he could say anything I quickly added, "Don't worry, Nate is buying me some clothes so I don't have to sleep in the nude.”


Probably not the best time to joke something like that.


"That's it! I am coming to get you. Tell me where you are!" I heard what sounded like Matt laughing in the background and telling him to calm down.


"Don't tell me to calm down!" His muffled voice replied. "Your brother is going to take advantage of my sister."


"He isn't going to do anything. He loves her too much. I think if she asked him to wait until they were married, he would." I heard Matt tell him.


"Good idea." Ricky mumbled before returning his attention to me.


"You will tell Nate you want to wait until you are married to do anything sexual with him." He ordered me.


I roll my eyes. "Ricky, Nate isn't going to do anything with or too me without my say so."


I guess I didn't word it right because he started up on a rant about ladies giving it away like it was biscuits. I couldn't help but laugh and Matt was no better.


"Stop laughing. This is serious." He scolded us, mainly me.


"Alright daddy." I say, trying to calm myself down.


"Hope!" He warned.


"I know." I took a deep breath. "I promise I will come back home with all my biscuits and I will call you if Nate tries to take any." I promised.


"And you will both call me tomorrow and answer my texts."


Sometimes Ricky takes the over protective brother a little bit too far, but that is one of the reasons I love him.


"Alright, I promise."


He went on to tell me that Dean was still doing well, but was bored and he and Matt had been hanging out at the hospital a lot with him.


Maybe this could be the thing to finally make Dean and Matt friends, as well as brothers. OK, probably not. But it might help.


Soon I was finished on the phone and decided to go for a bath.


I had only been in the large Jacuzzi bath for a few seconds when I heard a knock at the door.


Nate had been gone for more than an hour, so I was certain it would be him.


I jumped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around me quickly.


I hurried to the door being careful not to slip on my way.


"Nate?" I called through the door to make sure it was


"Yep Sweet pea, it's me." the familiar sexy voice called back.


Unlocking the door, it clicks as I open it.


Nate is standing leaning against a nearby wall, with shopping bags in his hands.


I notice his eyes widen as he look over my almost naked body.


I look at him with a pointed look as I watch him openly checking me out.


Turning around, I walk back inside with Nate following close behind.


I heard the sound of the bags hitting the floor of the room, as he walks inside and I walk into the bathroom.


"You are so hot." I hear his lust filled voice say.


I turn face bright with blush, to make sure I heard correct "Ummm, thank you I guess." I said shyly, before adding "You are pretty hot yourself" Before walking back into the bathroom and closing the door.


I removed my towel, stepped back and sink into the bubble filled bath.


Closing my eyes, I couldn't help but let my mind drift to places they don't normally.


But having Nate just sat outside the door was something new and whilst I was in here I couldn't help but wish he was here too.

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