My Boyfriend's Daddy (Humiliation Cuckolding Erotica)

BOOK: My Boyfriend's Daddy (Humiliation Cuckolding Erotica)
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My Boyfriend's Daddy (Humiliation Cuckolding Erotica)
Kyra Keeley
Sedutive Shivers (2013)









Mary Keeley




This is a work of fiction that contains adult situations between consenting adults. All semblances to persons or places, living or dead, are entirely coincidental. 

My boyfrie
nd of three years Dean, his step dad Mr. Warren, and myself were all looking forward to spending the summer together before we all parted ways.

Dean and I just graduated from high school and were going
to different parts of the country to embark on our adult lives at college.

It’s weird that I want to spend just as much time with
Mr. Warren, Dean’s dad, but he has been such a big part of our lives. He was always there to help us out. He was also the laid back parent, the one you could actually could go to with your problems.

Another thing about Dean’s dad
, is that he looks really good for his age. Ever since I laid eyes on him, I’ve had kind of a secret crush on him. He is pretty much like Dean, but just more wise, mature, and even a little funnier. Embarrassing to admit, but his wide manly physique was also more attractive. Also, from what I have been able to tell, um, I don’t know how to say this—he is very hung. On many occasions, I’ve had to pull my eyes away from his midsection before getting caught.

To kick off
the summer, and fully embrace our freedom, Dean and I decided to go to a big music festival eight hours away in Chicago. We bought the tickets months ago in anticipation of seeing our favorite bands, having a few nights away from our boring old hometown, and visiting a big city we had never been too.

Then it turns out that some old school band that Dean’s Dad loved when he was a kid
was headlining the festival. So, it was only natural to let him come along. Like I said, he is so chill that you don’t have to worry about him judging you. Hell, he was the first person to buy us alcohol and the first pot we smoked came from his dresser.

While waiting
, with graduation and all, the time flew by and it was finally the night before. We all enthusiastically packed our bags.  Dean and I furiously texted each other back and forth about how excited we were.

We set out on a Friday
morning.  We were going to spend three nights listening to music, getting high, sleeping in a tent, and basically just unabashedly taking in life. And do this we did.

It was so hot
, I was wearing a bikini top the whole weekend surrounded by thousands of people. I danced half naked for hours in a sea of people enjoying every second. The music was good, and so loud, that I probably won’t be able to hear until fall. Dean and I slept in the same sleeping bag every night, slowly and quietly fucking ourselves to sleep next to his dad. Luckily, Mr. Warren did not seem to notice, or if he did, he did not really mind it.

All good things come to an end,
and after the headliner of the last night we had to say so long to the good times.

Or did we?

Mr. Warren had to work the Monday after the festival, absolutely no way around it, so we had to come home that night despite how tired we all were. Dean and I were okay with that, because, we both really wanted him to go and this was the exception we had to make. So, Dean and I made the pledge to drive the eight hours home while he slept for work.

We all had a great time
and we’re kind of delirious from the all the heat and dancing earlier that day. However, we stuck to our plan and piled into the car with our game plan for staying awake in mind. Dean had his “driving music,” and several cans of an energy drink called Electrocute ready to go, and I had a book light and my crossword puzzles. Unfortunately, I promised to keep Dean awake, so I have to stay alert and make sure we all get home safe and sound.

Even after the
first can of Electrocute, about a half hour away from the festival grounds, Dean was looking very sleepy while Dean’s Dad and I were still running on post festival adrenaline. I was yelling out my cross word questions over Dean’s blaring music and Mr. Warren racked his brain to help.

I was getting so into
figuring them out, that while sitting in the center of the back seat, I pulled my legs up to my chest, so I could better scribble in the answers that Mr. Warren and I were coming up with. After fifteen minutes, I looked up and caught Dean’s dad glancing at my private mound obscured beneath the stretched fabric of my tiny panties as I excitedly rocked back and forth. When he stopped looking, I took the chance to reach down adjusting the elastic just to make sure I was all covered.

All in all, t
his probably had something to with why he was so enthusiastic about helping. Dean didn’t seem to mind or notice, and lacking sleep and apparently judgment neither did I.

An hour later
, Dean is totally nodding out while doing everything he can to stay awake. One minute he’s talking a mile a minute, turning the music up and down, opening and closing his window, chugging an energy drink, and telling us to tell him stories.

His judgment, clouded by a lack sleep, becomes askew as
he steers the conversation in inappropriate directions. He wants to hear all the bad stuff, like when we first masturbated, when we lost our virginity, and who we thought was really hot at the festival.

Then like a flash of lightening
, he asks if I remember that night we drove back from his cousin’s house and tells his Dad, “that it is a pretty good story.”

“Of course I do. You don’t want me to tell THAT story do you?”

“We are all so tired we will not even remember tomorrow,” Dean encourages me.

“I don’t know . . . in front of your Dad?”

“Okay, now I’m interested,” Dean’s Dad chimes in.

“It will make me stay awake, so we won’t crash and die.”

Just the mention of it seems to perk him up, so I go ahead and tell the story.

“This trip home kind of me reminds of the time Dean and I went to visit his cousin
, your nephew, when they lived a few hours away. We left late at night and he was so tired, but we decided to drive home because my parents told us we had to be back before midnight. Do you want me to go on?”

“Yeah, yeah . . . you have to,” Dean pleads.

“Anyways, as soon as Dean started to dose off, I reached inside of his pants and pulled out his you know what. I kept him right on the verge . . . of . . . uh . . . coming for nearly two hours. I would stop right when he told me to, so that he could keep the blood rushing making him wide awake. He told me it was better than a whole cooler of energy drinks from the gas station.”

“Fuck yeah.
Too bad they can’t bottle that feeling—that person would be a millionaire,” Dean confirms my accuracy.

I chuckle at Dean’s joke and glance around at the guys in the front seat who were probably wishing that story was a lot longer, or a little more in depth at least. I pay special attention to Dean’s dad’s reaction.

Applied to the present
scenario, with Mr. Warren in tow, a repeat of this story seemed pretty unlikely.

However, f
ollowing the story, after a couple of minutes of silence, Dean tells me he has an idea.

“Okay. Here’s the deal guy
s, I’m going to come clean. Having been around so many people this weekend, I’m horny as fuck from watching Mary walk around in that tiny skirt and bikini top in public. I’ve had a thousand unrequited boners this weekend. Just to get me through the night, and give something to look forward too, you have to show me something Mary. I’ll take anything,” Dean pleads.

Dad has to look away,” I say feigning modesty. I’ve known that both of them, among others, have been stealing glances at me all weekend.

Dean’s dad says to himself glancing at Dean to see his reaction.

Just make sense. We don’t want daddy sitting on a stiffy the whole way home, the old boy needs his rest,” Dean assuredly says.

, the voice of reason, but seriously you know I think she’s fucking beautiful,” Dean’s dad says testing the boundaries of the trios’ familiar bond.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Dean says glancing back ready to catch
a glimpse of my body. “You got more than an eyeful this weekend for sure.”

During this exchange, I sit in the back seat with my cheeks turning bright red, feeling like I’m literally melting from embarrassment. To think that a man of
Mr. Warren’s knowledge and handsomeness finds me beautiful, not even just cute, is good news.

Dean’s dad
reluctantly leans his head to the side and places his hand haphazardly over top of his eyes.

Dean’s rapt attention fluctuat
es between the backseat and the highway, that he is sharing with just a few semi trucks.

I lean back building suspense
. Spreading my legs, I let my short skirt fall around my hips revealing my pink thong that hugs my young pussy before cascading into in a thin line that reveals my round ass pushed against the fabric of the seat. I make eye contact with Dean in the mirror, letting him know to keep his eyes on me. When I do this, he reaches down and charts the course of his erection. I reach a hand down my shirt. I grasps my more than a handful C cup and lift upwards while I pull my top down with the other hand. I massage my breast upward, ending by pulling my pink nipple. Closing my eyes, I do this a few more times and resist the urge to reach my hand down my panties and rub my dampening slit.

This is the first time I’ve ever had my breast out in
a public place, and it’s really a thrill. I would love to take my exposure a little further and let some of the weary passerby’s glimpse my young body.

Fuuuccckkk,” Dean’s dad says, unable to resist, turning around and glancing at my exposed tit. “I’m so sorry. I thought it was over.”

“Dad, you are such a cheater. I would have told when the coast was clear.”

“Ah, I have to admit I’ve thought about seeing Mary’s breast more than once . . .okay . . . well every time she bent over this weekend I was looking down her top just waiting to see what I’m seeing right now, but hell, my imagination did not do them justice,” Dean’s dad admits.

I don’t know why I don’t cover myself up. I guess I really like having Dean’s Dad staring at my chest. It feels so wrong because I have his full attention, while Dean can only steal glimpses.

“Dude, you’re not even supposed to be looking. Those are fucking mine,” Dean lightheartedly snaps.

With both of these guys looking
, I can feel my whole body flushing and overwhelmed.

Something comes over me forcing me
to take things a little further. I reach my hand down my panties and start rubbing my moistening lips underneath the thin cotton. 

Both men are enraptured.
Dean’s dad turns almost completely around in his seat and Dean is trying to drive while taking in the back seat sights. With both of them looking at me, doing what I have only done in private a few times is a complete turn on.

, I feel a little embarrassed, I pull my hand up and decide that we have a long way to go and I need to pace myself. However, I do decide keep my long term boyfriend and his dad wide awake, so, I go ahead and undo the latch of my swimsuit top holding in my beautiful natural breast. I pull my top off exposing the mesmerizing heft of my chest.

Torturing them both, again pulling my knees up to my chest, but not covering my breast I go back to crossword puzzles
topless in the back seat.

“I’m fucking wide awake now for sure,” Dean says.

“Err, I second that,” Mr. Warren adds.

, trying to remain part of the temporarily interrupted show, turns on the overhead lights of the car letting the light shimmer across my white skin that shimmers with a golden hue from the weekend spent in the sun.

Completely gushing at the thought of having my eighteen year old breast viewable to anyone that drives by
, I pull at my tight panties that are glued to my wet pussy. Sitting in a mess of my inner warmth, I know before long something is going to have to be done about this.

A couple hours in
to the drive, we are still cloaked in darkness of the middle of the night. Dean’s dad and I are still wide awake, pretending to be occupied, while we steal glances at each other.

Ever since Dean’s dare, when my top came off, his Dad has been rock hard.
I’m absolutely mesmerized by the hugeness of the outline of his dick uncomfortably shoved half way down his thigh. He might be older, but no need for Viagra I guess.

Dean and I have a lot of sex and I really enjoy it, but it has been three years and has
become pretty standard at this point. This makes sitting topless in the back of his car, while being eye fucked by his father, who looks to be packing a 16 ounce beer can in his jeans, exactly what I need. The cool night air feels electrified like never before.

is oblivious to the visual foreplay taking place between me and his dad. Dean has slipped into the monotonous drive, looking straight ahead with tired determination.

I take advantage of his singular focus and put one leg down and aim the darkening fabric of my panties in
his dad’s direction. Mr. Warren takes notice, glancing back at me trying not to draw Dean’s attention. I then use one hand to go back to rubbing my breasts, pushing them upward while squeezing my nipples all the while imagining Mr. Warren’s rough grip and his suckling mouth all over me while Dean watches. Almost subconsciously, I slip my other hand down my panties and start to massage my clit in a circular motion.  With every fifth round, I plunge my middle finger downward and pull my wetness upward.

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