My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: My Brother's Best Friend (Crazy in Love Book 1)
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As Colin pulls his shirt off, I hold myself back from attacking him and licking every single one of his stomach muscles. His toned body always has my attention. But when he brushes his hair back from his face and smiles at me sweetly with his deep brown eyes, I feel every part of me open up to him in ways that scare the hell out of me.

As he walks over and gently pulls off my dress, I know that this is one of those moments he wants to take his time with me. He picks me and sits me in his lap while he runs his hands first over my shoulders and down my back before caressing me from hips to feet.

Impatiently, I want him inside of me, but I know that he can’t be rushed. “Beautiful, do you want me to touch you now?” Eagerly, I nod but can’t find words to say that won’t sound demanding. Lightly, he runs his finger over my stomach and lower before pushing my thong aside.

He stops and caresses me then slowly slides a finger inside. Even with this, he’s gentle and careful when I want him to move faster. He tilts my face to his and asks me tenderly, “Do you want more, sweetheart.” “Yes, please,” I breathe out.

He slides another finger inside and starts a rhythm that drives me crazy and keeps me on the brink for what feels like eternity. “I could watch you react to me touching you for forever, Reagan. You’re so damn gorgeous and soft like this,” he tells me with love in his eyes.

But I’m past the point of enjoying this moment, I need him inside of me. “Colin, I need you now, desperately. I want to feel you filling me up, please, you’ve teased me enough.”

He pulls his fingers out and slides himself into me, and my body tenses up in relief and pleasure. Nothing feels like this. Colin inside of me is the closest I’ll ever get to heaven, and I know it.

His breathing has already changes, and I know it won’t be long now for either of us. He groans out, “How can anything feel this damn good, this fucking amazing? Reagan, everything about you is my own personal miracle.” All I can get out as I feel myself letting go is, “I know, I know!” He yells as I cry out, “Colin.”

And I feel all the worry and stress of the night slowly seep away from us. This is what we need and crave. Always time together like this gives us everything and restores ourselves. It sometimes scares me how much we need each other, but at least we both suffer from the same sickness. We’re mutually obsessed, and I’ve learned to live with it.

An hour later, we get ourselves together and head back down to the party. Wallace challenges us to more shots, and we convince even Anna to take two. The party gets wilder, and Colin and I drink even more.

We laugh at each other until a senior, Jonathan Lasset, from the basketball team bumps into the back of me and accidentally brushes my ass. Colin sees and yells, “Fuck that, you don’t need to touch my girl ever.” Jonathan doesn’t back down cause everyone’s watching but also I can tell that he doesn’t want to fight, “Look, Colin, all of us know how you are, and I would never touch your girl. Reagan’s beyond sexy, but everyone knows that you’re a damn madman when it comes to her. You’re not going to hold on to her by making sure that she has no contact with any guys outside your friends and her brother. There will come a time where you can’t be with her every second, and then she’ll do what she wants. I don’t want to fight you, but stop acting like a damn maniac. You can’t control every damn thought that we have about her. And if you’re so jealous, maybe you should date a normal girl, and not someone that looks like a fucking model. Just a thought.”

Jonathan stalks off, and Colin goes to follow him when I grab his arm. Colin turns to me and says, “Baby, I can’t let him spout off shit like that without punching him. He pisses me off.”

I give him a sharp look, “He didn’t mean to grab my ass, and even if he did, I know how to take care of myself. Don’t you think you should trust me a little more? You’re always thinking I’m going to leave you, and that’s not true. I love you, Colin, and I tell you that I love you. What’s your problem?”

He looks dumbfounded before saying, “This is why I hate drinking. None of this makes sense. I know I trust you, but I can’t explain exactly why I’m so nervous that I’m going to lose you. I think you’re the only person that’s ever really been mine. And you’re more beautiful and perfect than I could ever dream so I can’t lose you, Reagan, ever. I’ll do anything that it takes so I don’t.”

I nod in understanding before leading him to where Blaine and my brother are sitting with their beers. I know he deals with jealousy, and I can’t even pretend that I hate it all the time. It’s nice to see sometimes that he cares, but I want him to be more sure of me. I love him, and I know that won’t ever change. But I don’t know how to ever make him see that.

“Hey, guys, where’s Anna?” I ask. My brother looks up at me with slightly glassy eyes, “I think she went to the bathroom.” He starts to get up, and I gesture him to sit back down. “No, don’t get up. I’ll go check on her. Just get Colin a drink.”

Colin looks apologetically at me, and I shrug to let him know that I’m not mad. As I walk away, I see Wallace hand him a beer and know that he’ll forget all about his doubts in a few minutes as he relaxes with his boys. I check both bathrooms on the first floor and can’t find Anna anywhere, but I don’t get worried cause there are three bathrooms upstairs too.

When I hear a screechy voice though I pick up my pace, I reach the top of the stairs and see Brittany, Laurel, and Eva towering over petite Anna who’s trying to hold back the tears that are shining in her eyes. “You’re a new experience for him, that’s all. Do you think he’d ever really date someone that works in a diner, please, you’ve been deluding yourself. You see how Reagan looks and dresses? We’re the type of girl that he’ll end up with, someone who only wears designer and looks good in everything. You’re a phase that I can see is already getting old.”

I break in before any more damage can be done, “What the hell are you talking about, Brittany? You’ve got no idea what my brother likes or doesn’t. You couldn’t even convince him to date you. You were hookup buddies at best or a pity fuck at worst. You know he cares for Anna, and that’s why you’re trying to ruin them. But she’s smarter than you, and she’s been through way worse than you can throw at her. She’s stronger than you’ll ever be.”

I walk right through the stunned girls who were trying to bully Anna for being different. They all look embarrassed that I caught them and Brittany even attempts to act sorry for what she was saying. But the charade of being friends is over for me since they openly attacked Anna.

“We’re done. You can’t try to mess up my brother’s relationship and flirt with my boyfriend and think I’ll still be friends with you. Don’t sit at our table anymore or come to any more of our parties. If you can’t attempt to be nice to Anna, I don’t know you.”

Brittany looks bitter that I’ve drawn a line like this and stares at me and Anna for a minute before finally speaking, “If that’s the way you want it, Reagan, then fine. But I don’t think you understand that you’d much rather have me as a friend than an enemy. You’ll regret choosing her over us, believe me.”

Confidently, I smile at all three of them before saying, “I’ll take my chances, thanks, at least now I don’t have to always wonder which one of you is going to stab me in the back. I could never trust any of you anyway.” As they head back down the stairs, I finish with, “Hey, you’re not welcome here anymore either. Blaine’s house is like my own. So if I don’t want you here, he won’t either. Please leave the premises altogether.”

Laurel starts to protest, and I know her and Blaine must be sleeping together. But I don’t have any doubt who he would choose. His loyalty is always to Wallace and I first so I shoot her a challenging look, and she quickly looks away. As they stomp ungracefully down the stairs, I turn to see how Anna is.

She looks pitiful as the tears start to fall down her face, and her head goes down in shame after I look at her. I pull her to me and hug her close before telling her, “You were amazing, Anna. Those three are bitches, and it looked like you were holding your own with them.”

She tilts her head back and says, “I was trying to hold my own for Wallace, but I was just about to burst into tears and run away when you broke into the argument. Thanks, Reagan, for defending me so strongly. I know those were your friends, and I wasn’t trying to cause any trouble.”

Affectionately, I pat her head and tell her, “Those aren’t really my friends. They were just the girls I hung out with since I only have guys that I’m close to. But I’d much rather have a real friendship with you than a fake friendship with them. You’re so good for my brother too, Anna.”

Anna blushes at that and doesn’t say much more about, but I can see that she was relieved that I came when I did. She’s the sweetest girl, and I can’t understand why Brittany would feel the need to attack her at all except because of jealousy.

“Do you know why the three of them cornered you like that, Anna?” She looks down at the floor uncertainly before explaining, “I overheard them talking right outside the bathroom about how Eva was going to sleep with Colin and Brittany was going to get Wallace back. I walked out and told them that they shouldn’t be trying to take other girls boyfriends. I didn’t say it nicely, and Brittany got in my face after that and tried to put me in my place when you walked up.”

She looked down at her lap and back up again before timidly saying, “I’ve dealt with girls like them all my life, and I’m a little scared of how determined they are, Reagan. Girls like that don’t give up. They might not be able to have Wallace or Colin, but they’d rather mess it up so nobody has them.”

Not wanting her to be worried, I strive to make her feel better. “Now, they won’t hang out or be in our group at all. They won’t even have anytime to make any trouble with us and our men. Please, don’t stress about it, Anna. They’re not worth it.”

Anna nods in agreement as we start to walk down the stairs. “No, they’re not worth our time, Reagan, but from my experience with foul people, they’re too determined to make other lives miserable. They’re usually successful at it. When you’ve got so much hate, it’s easy to cause others pain and enjoy it. Be careful, that’s all I’m saying.”

I nod at Anna and try to prove I’m listening by the intensity of my tone, “I’m going to watch them, don’t worry. I’ll pay attention to anything they try to do.”



































Chapter 8


My girl was in a crazy mood tonight. She kept rubbing all over me but wouldn’t let me take her anywhere to do anything about it. She’d kicked Brittany, Eva, and Laurel out of the house and told Wallace and I that they weren’t a part of our group anymore.

Glancing at Wallace, I could tell that he was as relieved about this news as I was. We both couldn’t stand those girls but had put up with them for Reagan’s sake. I could tell that Blaine wasn’t quite as pleased with the news, but he’d been screwing Laurel. I don t think he cared about her, but it was inconvenient for him to find another easy hook up buddy.

As I watched Reagan dancing and laughing with Anna, I knew why I reacted so insanely when anyone else touched her. As her face lit up, she danced confidently around the room; I knew that no one would ever make me feel the way she did. Just watching her was enough for me to never be bored. She set my body on fire every time she touched me, and I couldn’t imagine living without that.

All the sudden I felt a hard hit and clutched my shoulder as it started throbbing in pain. “Ow, man, what the hell was that for?” I asked Wallace who I knew immediately was the only one that could hit me that damn hard. “You’ve been following my sister’s every move all night. You look like a serial killer, man. Either talk to me for a little while or go upstairs. You’re the worst company right now.”

Grinning at him, I explain, “I can’t help it, man; she’s got me wrapped. All I can ever think about is her. You know I’m obsessed and make no apologies for it.” “Well, at least put an end to the longing stares for the night. I feel like you don’t know that she’s already your girlfriend.”

Serious, I try to tell him, “That could all change though. You and I go away next year, and what if Reagan meets someone else. I’ve never had the best luck until I met the two of you. I’m still fucking terrified that it could all be taken away in a second, Wal.”

“I know, sometimes I feel like that with Anna too. But know that no matter what happens with you and Reagan, you’ll always be my brother, man.” I clap him on the shoulder before looking back where Reagan is dancing.

Stanton has started moving closer to her space and shoots me a raised eyebrow asking permission to dance with her. Threateningly, I shake my head at him, but he shrugs it and starts dancing with her. Without saying a word, I get up and head straight for them.

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