My Children Are More Precious Than Gold (23 page)

Read My Children Are More Precious Than Gold Online

Authors: Fay Risner

Tags: #children, #family, #historical, #virginia, #blue ridge, #riner

BOOK: My Children Are More Precious Than Gold
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Is it jest me, or is that
there scarf a sight longer than it was afore?” Teased

Don’t start, Lue,” Nannie
cautioned. “This is Christmas.”

Of course, Mama,” said
Lue, with a good natured grin on his face.

Say ain’t this here where
we started last Christmas with Bess’s scarf fer Pap?” Asked

Sure is, and that scarf
is a good reminder of what we have to be thankful fer this
Christmas,” Nannie stated, looking lovingly at her brood as the
firelight flickered across their faces. “That scarf heped to save
Pap’s life last winter soens we’re all together this Christmas. We
need to be happy with the blessings we have right now which is each
other. Right?”

The children smiled at their mother,
nodding their heads in agreement. In the face of each of her
offsprings, she saw the relief they felt that Nannie seemed to be
feeling better. They had missed having her up and about with

Kin we finish openen the
presents now, Mama? I’m getten sleepy,” Dillard

Of course ya kin,” Nannie
agreed with a nod at Sid.

The next morning, Bess peeked in the
bedroom to see if Nannie had finished her breakfast so Cass could
wash her dishes. Her mother was dozing.

Nannie still looked weak. Bess
supposed she was worn out from being up for quite a while the night
before. Nannie’s cheeks were paler than last night when she was
filled with the excitement of Christmas, but somehow, a peaceful
look was on her face and about her. Nannie looked as though she had
come to terms with the recent loss of her baby.

Carefully, Bess reached over to pick
up the plate off the bed beside Nannie, trying not to wake her.
Nannie had informed the familyshe intended to be at the table for
the Christmas meal that day so Bess wanted her to rest as long as
she could.

Beside the empty, egg smeared plate
lay the family bible open to the record page. Bess looked down the
list of her siblings names and saw at the bottom of the list Nannie
had added the latest and what would be the last baby’s name --
Richard Jacob. She fought back the tears filling her eyes when she
read what Nannie had scrolled below the list. “All my children are
more precious than all the gold.”


About The Author


I wrote this historical and mostly fictional
account of my grandmother's family in Virginia, because I thought
it was interesting how life was lived in the late 1800's. My
grandmother shared with me the procedures used in this book that
kept her family working all the time. From the oldest to the
youngest, the eleven children had jobs to do. I'm so glad I asked.
Everyone should know about their ancestors and what their lives
were like.

I do write other types of stories and a list of
them next. Changing genres gives me flexibility as a writer. All my
books are designed to offer some humor along with the serious
moments. I write in 12 font to make my books reader friendly, and
all my stories are suitable for any age group.

My husband and I live on an acreage with
chickens, rabbits and cats. We enjoy raising a large garden and
flowers. For fun, we go fishing in the summer and read a lot of
books in the winter.

If you have time to write a review for any of
my books, please do that so other readers will know you liked the


Fay Risner Books


Nurse Hal Among The Amish Series

A Promise Is A Promise Doubting

The Rainbow’s End Hal’s Worldly

As Her Name Is So Is Redbird Emma’s Gossamer

The Courting Buggy


Amazing Gracie Historical Mystery

Neighbor Watchers Poor Defenseless

Specious Nephew Will O Wisp

The Country Seat Killer The Chance Of A

Moser Mansion Ghosts Locked Rock, Iowa Hatchet



Stringbean Hooper Westerns Tread Lightly

The Dark Wind Howls Over Mary The Blue

Small Feet’s Many Moon Journey A Coffin To Lie

Ella Mayfield's Pawpaw Militia-Civil

Christmas books

Christmas Traditions - An Amish Love

Christmas With Hover Hill

Leona’s Christmas Bucket List


Listen To Me Honey – novella Robot Grandma -


Children Books

Spooks In Claiborne Mansion My Children Are
More Precious Than Gold

Mr. Quacker the odd duck


Nonfiction about Alzheimer’s

Open A Window - Caregiver Handbook

Hello Alzheimer’s Goodbye Dad-author’s true



Midwest Favorite Lamb Recipes

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