Brooke wrinkles her nose and licks her orange fingers. “We're fourth-grade girls, not cavemen. Sparkles are a
part of who we are.”
“A few sparkles would be okay,” Jenna says, reaching for a cherry whip. Her fake diamond
swings and sparkles on its silver chain.
“See?” Brooke says. “Jenna agrees with me.”
“Actually, we won't be fourth-grade girls for very much longer,” I point out.
Jolene nods. “Fifth grade, here we come.”
“And then middle school,” Meeka adds. “Do they even allow you to wear tiaras there?”
“I bet not,” Jolene says. “I don't think they allow you to wear anything sparkly when you get that old.”
“Agreed,” Brooke says. “That's why we should make this place really
while we have the chance.”
“We could sew a quilt and hang it on the wall,” Stacey says, looking up from the square of cloth she's stitching. “A friendship quilt, with our names sewn on it in sparkly thread!”
“I don't need to sew a bunch of names on a quilt to remember who my friends are,” Brooke says. “Besides, Stacey, do you know how much work that would be? To make a
quilt by ourselves? Ugh. I'd rather
Joey Carpenter!”
We all laugh.
“I'd rather marry you too, Brookey!” someone shouts from outside.
We gasp.
And rush to the window.
And gasp again.
Joey Carpenter is smiling up at us.
So is Rusty.
And Tom.
And Dominic and Quinn.
“It's me!” Joey hollers to Brooke. “Your Romeo!” He falls to his knees and spreads his arms wide.
“And me!” Rusty adds. “Your
eo!” He falls to his knees too.
Brooke growls like a bear. “Go
!” she shouts. “Girls
!” She throws a Choco Chunk at them. But not very hard.
“Listen to Brooke,” Jenna chimes in. “This is
tree house!” She lets an acorn fly.
Quinn yelps.
Sticks. Twigs. Cheese puffs. Choco Chunks. We throw it all out the window.
The boys duck and laugh and dive. Then they scramble to their feet and crash through the trees, scratching their armpits and screeching like monkeys.
Meeka peers through the branches. “Thank goodness. They're gone.”
Jenna smirks. “I bet they'll come back.”
I nod. “They always do.”
When we get bored with sewing, we climb down the ladder and plant the rest of Jenna's flowers under the tree house.
Then I get out the rocks I collected at Lake Pepin.
We put them in a circle around the flowers.
Seven rocks all together.
I hope they last forever, plus two days.