My Husband's Boss (Tempt Me Harder Book 1)

BOOK: My Husband's Boss (Tempt Me Harder Book 1)
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Also by Kellie Mason


Master of His Craft




For J.C. – my favorite boss.


This book is a work of fiction.


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Version 2015.05.19


Cover font is printed in Fally Pin by Nicole Fally, and Tehuti by T. Christopher White


Cover photograph is provided by Daniel Nanescu at SplitShire


I gripped the leather handle on the backdoor of my husband’s Lexus, digging my 5 inch stiletto heel more firmly into the floor. I felt one of the seat buckles digging into my knee, but I didn’t care – I was too busy being fucked.

Andrew was gripping the waist of my Donna Karan gown, his cock drilling harder and faster into my dripping slit with each thrust. His fingers clenched the silky fabric, digging it into my waist as he took me.

I felt his hand leave my gown, the fabric pooling beneath me as he laced his fingers deep into my long chestnut curls, gripping the locks at the base of my neck and pulling my head back. My throat curved back, lean and open, and I let out a guttural moan as his fingers tightened their grip.

Andrew’s panting increased, and I knew he was close. Letting go of the handle, I snaked my free hand between my legs, finding my clit and pressing hard against it. As I braced myself against the door with one hand and the floor with my heel, I pressed back against my husband, bringing myself to orgasm.

Andrew grunted, releasing my hair and gripping my hips as he pushed himself deeper, filling me with his pulsing cock. With each spurt of come he let loose, he gave another thrust, ramming into me. I cried out, my clit and pussy pulsing as he came, our moans filling the car.

At last he pulled out, his thick cock semi-erect and slick. Reaching under the seat, I grasped a small packet of tissues, wiping the come from between my legs as it slid down my thigh.

I tossed Andrew a tissue before collapsing back on the leather seats, legs askew and gown still over my hips as I caught my breath, feeling my heart race within my chest.

Andrew wiped the mixture of our juices from his shaft before stuffing his tissue and mine in an empty Starbucks cup at the console.

“That’s disgusting, you know,” I said, still panting.

“No more disgusting than what you and I just did, darling,” he replied. I watched as he too slumped back in the seat, slipping his now soft cock back inside his trousers and zipping up.

I watched as he removed his tie, unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling them up. Despite the fact that he had just fucked me, I felt myself wanting him to take me again – the man had a hell of a way of cleaning himself up post-coitus.

“Is that what you think of our lovemaking?” I asked, “Disgusting?”

Andrew chuckled, reaching out to grip my thigh in one firm hand.

“Only when we’re doing it in the parking garage at The Civic Theatre, and only when we’re finishing an evening at the ballet.”

“Mmmm,” I purred. “It is a little bit disgusting then, isn’t it?” I slide across the seats and curled up beside him, stroking a hand across Andrew’s muscular chest.

“Delightfully disgusting,” he said, wrapping an arm around me.

“You know Andrew,” I said, sliding a hand between his legs. “As much as I love what you do with this cock, we should really talk about that little proposition I made to you last week.”

I felt my husband smile.

“And which proposition was that?” Andrew slid his hand across my chest, cupping one large breast in his hand.

“Oh, you know,” I said, leaning up and throwing a leg over his thigh. “The proposal to fill a second hole for me.” I ran my finger over his lip and down his chin, tracing the fine stubble that had accumulated over the day.

Andrew gripped my ass, pulling me tight against him. A car was remotely unlocked, and we heard doors open and close.

“And did you have a plan for this… new addition?” Andrew asked, smirking at me.

“Do I ever not have a plan?” I asked. “I’ve already picked up several new toys that I want use to start using. Maybe one day I’ll even convince you to wear a strap-on and fuck me in both holes at once.” I kissed him smartly on the mouth before opening the door and sliding out into the parking lot. Andrew followed.

“You kiss your husband with that mouth?” he asked me, pressing me against the door. I could feel his erection through his trousers, and knew we were both ready for a second round.

“No,” I said. “I suck my husband’s cock with this mouth.”

Andrew leaned in, kissing me before biting my lower lip. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid in, pulling my gown behind me as he shut the door.

As I watched my husband walk around the car to his side, I couldn’t help but think about the deliciously carnal life I had built up for myself. It had taken years of dedication, but I had finally clawed my way to the level of society that I had always dreamed of living at.

It pays to marry one of the most prestigious divorce attorneys in the entire Washington Metropolitan area – in more ways than one.


“You’ve already read over the briefings, so we can make this short. Miller is on his way to completing his fourth divorce, and he’s banking on it being the most profitable one yet.”

Andrew leaned back in the conference chair at his law firm, his mind in two places at once. He was listening to his boss, a partner at Howell, Mason, and Kline go over the basics of their newest client – but he was also thinking about the black lace thong I had slipped into his jacket pocket that morning.

My husband has been a junior partner at HM&K for nearly 4 years now. Rumor has it that he’s been tapped as Mason’s replacement, which would make
Mrs. Howell, Lakey, and Kline. Obviously we’d have to accept some serious changes with him taking on the role of partner – the extra hours, the long nights at the office, and me playing dutiful housewife, anxiously waiting for my husband to come home and ravish me.

Or, alternatively, going to the office to ravish

HM&K is known for being a fierce team of divorce attorneys – but they’re also known for being some of the most gorgeous lawyers in the area. The H at the front? That’s for Davis Howell. It’s his firm, and he’s the most gorgeous of all of them. Older, in his mid-50s, with silvering hair and piercing grey eyes. He made a living for years as a champion rower, and his body still shows it. Not only would I not mind ravishing Andrew at work – but I can’t say I would be all that embarrassed if we were caught by the boss.

“Andrew!” snapped Davis.

“Yeah,” coughed my husband. “Sorry. Late night with Fiona, and just… my mind is wandering a bit is all.”

Davis gave a coy smirk. “Can’t say I’m too surprised to hear that. She can’t have been too happy that I dragged your ass in here on a Saturday.”

Andrew laughed. “She’ll get over it. In fact,” he looked around the office, eying the floor to ceiling glass walls that held the main conference room. He slid a hand into his pocket and pulled out my thong. “I can guarantee that she already has.” He waved my panties around like a victory flag.

Davis gave a snicker. “You’re a lucky man, Lakey. It’s women like Fi who have me thinking I’ve got my whole view of marriage wrong.”

Andrew grinned like a school boy, stuffing my thong back into his jacket.

“You know,” Davis murmured, leaning back into his conference chair. “Fi might actually be a bit of an asset to us in this case.”

Andrew cocked an eyebrow. “Fiona? How on earth could she help with Miller?”

“Well, Miller’s trying to give us the runaround on this one. I can’t figure out what his deal is – he’s been through the damn court system three times now, you’d think he had a handle on it.”

Davis leaned over the table, giving Andrew a raised eyebrow. “If you ask me, the poor man’s actually worried he might not make out on this one. Thinks the newest addition to his trophy case might actually come out on top.”

Andrew snorted. “As if that’s ever happened in a case you fought against.”

Davis threw his hands up. “That’s what I’ve been telling him. You don’t get a perfect streak by sucking judges off, that’s for damn sure.” He stood up, walking around and leaning over his chair.

“Anyway. Fi would be a distraction. Bring her to dinner next week when we meet with Miller – she’ll make the mood less formal, get Miller to ease up a bit. He wants us to start with the big guns but I can’t convince him that you end with those bad boys.”

Andrew nodded. “Let him know we’re serious, but that he’s worried for nothing.”

Davis shaped his fingers into a gun and pointed it at Andrew. “Bingo.”

Slapping the back of the chair, Davis Howell walked around to where my husband was sitting. Andrew stood and the two men shook hands.

“You know, she’s had her eye on you,” said Andrew.

“No shit,” said Davis, crossing his arms over his chest. “When did that start?”

“About the same time I joined up here,” my husband said slyly. “If you don’t believe me, try making a move at dinner. She has a hell of a way of showing a man she’s interested.”

“And you’re telling me this… why?”

“Let’s just say that she and I have a more…alternative idea about what a marriage should be,” said Andrew. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out my thong.

“You take this,” he said, stuffing the black lace into Davis’s hand. “Give them to her at dinner. She’ll know what they mean.”

Davis closed his hand over the lace, eyeing my husband with a skeptical look that said he was more than just curious.

My husband smirked, giving his boss a sly grin. “I can guarantee you, she’ll surprise you with what that – and more – without me breathing a word.”

Davis gave my husband a wink as he swung open the conference door.

“That’s exactly what I’m counting on, Lakey. All that, and more.”


Davis was right. All I needed to hear was that I was tagging along for a dinner at Bâtiment Rouge with Andrew and his boss – the rest I left up to my imagination.

Sitting at my vanity, I ran a heavy plum lip crayon over my lips. My eyes were already lined with a violet shadow, sharp black wings extending out from my lashes. My long chestnut hair was down, fat bouncy curls just kissing my shoulders.

I’d dressed in my favorite purple gown – a halter neck with a plunging V-neck, floor length and decked out in sequins. It would be perfect for dinner, and I was sure I’d land the attention of all three men at my table.

As we arrived at Bâtiment Rouge, I was pleased to see that Davis was dressed the part as well. Both he and Andrew were in immaculately tailored suits – Davis in navy and Andrew in charcoal grey. Crisp white shirts and sleek ties peeked out. As I stepped from the passenger seat, Davis took my hand, gripping it firmly in his own as he helped me from the seat.

“Mrs. Lakey,” he said, brushing his lips along my knuckles. I felt him press something into my hand and peeked between my fingers to see a hint of black lace – my panties. I felt a shiver fly up my arm, down my torso, and end between my legs.

“Mr. Howell,” I responded, nodding my head down and clenching my thong in my fingers. “Always a delight to see you – and might I say, you look impeccable tonight.”

Davis let out a warm laugh, biting his lower lip. “That compliment should have been for you, Fi. You look positively,” he paused for a moment, finding the right word, “positively

I blushed, gently pulling my hand from his as Andrew joined us. He passed the keys to the valet before turning back to us. I slid my thong into my clutch without a word.

“Shall we?” he asked. He looped his arm around my waist, pulling me towards the entrance to Rouge.

Checking our coats, I felt a hand brush my ass as Andrew took our tickets. Davis was right behind me, gently cradling my right cheek as we turned away from the check. I felt my flesh heat up, and my nipples harden as we made our way to the table always reserved by HM&K. Davis ordered a round of cocktails which were set before us just as Miller arrived.

Dinner, I can only imagine, went beyond well. Miller couldn’t take his eyes off me – and neither, I noticed, could Davis. Andrew did a stunning job of reassuring the client of all that HM&K would be taking care of. Miller seemed to wave these issues off, issues which apparently ceased to exist once my cleavage joined the party.

As we finished the final course, I listened to Miller and my husband go over the plan of action one final time. Sipping my chardonnay, I felt the toe of a leather saddle shoe nudge up my gown. At the circular table, Andrew was to my left, Miller to my right, and Davis directly across from me. I patted my lips with my linen napkin, raising my eyes across the table to Davis’s. He gave me a swift wink, his toe sliding along my calf.

I felt my pulse quicken, the beating of which was emanating directly between my legs. Setting down my napkin, I took another sip of my wine, keeping my eyes locked onto Davis’s steely grey ones. Up and down his foot stroked, never leaving my skin.

“You all will have to excuse me,” I said. Davis’s toe dropped, and all three men stood as I rose from the table. “I’d like to make a little visit to the lady’s room before we move on to coffee. Please, keep on with your discussion.” I planted a kiss on Andrew’s cheek before stepping away, weaving between the other tables.

Behind me, I heard Davis. “You wrap this up Lakey. I’m going to go see the chef about a special desert menu. I think Mr. Miller would enjoy something a little sweet to end his night on.”

Reaching the rest rooms, I turned towards the Women’s but looped back to the front lobby. The coat check was empty, with a small sign out front asking guests to ring a bell for service.

Checking around me, I slid an arm over the counter and unlatched the half door, swinging it out towards me and stepping behind it.

Silently, I stepped through the coats, the brush of wool and fur tantalizing my naked arms. As I turned to go around the next rack, I heard a voice behind me.

“Fi,” he said. Davis.

I turned, taking in Davis Howell.

A good 20 years older than Andrew, Davis had hit that age where the only suitable way to describe him was a silver fox. He kept his brilliant silver hair cropped short, combing it back with a touch of wax. A small goatee lined his chin, making the firm line of his jaw stand out. His eyes were an intense grey, only made more vibrant by the silver in his hair. Darkly tanned skin from summers in the Mediterranean stood out against his stark white shirt. Inwardly, I moaned.

“Davis,” I replied. I stepped towards him, trailing my fingers along the coats on either side. “You can’t be leaving us so soon.”

He reached a hand out to me, snaking it around my waist. “Not without desert, anyway,” I said. He bent his head towards me, moving his mouth close to mine.

“Ah ah,” I said, pulling away. “This is a very noticeable lipstick I have on. I couldn’t possibly kiss you.”

His face still inches from mine, Davis pressed hard against me, the smell of his cologne flooding my nostrils. Against my thigh I felt his stiff cock, hard and demanding between our clothes.

“Oh, I think you could find somewhere to kiss me,” he said.

I ran a tongue around my lips, placing both hands flat on his chest as I sank down to my knees.

Sliding my hands in his waist band, I took his leather belt in my fingers and pulled it apart. Undoing his zipper and button, I could feel the firm outline of his cock waiting for me – long and thick. I felt the space between my legs moisten, my pussy growing hotter as I ran the back of my hand over his shaft.

Reaching inside his pants, I wrapped my fingers around his cock, pulling it out through his fly. Davis gritted his teeth, sucking in hard as I slid my hand up and down his shaft. He gripped the coats on either side of us, letting me do all the work.

Wrapping my hands around the base of his cock, I wasted no time I sliding my mouth over his head. I moaned as I tasted his salty precum, thin and sticky on my lips. Davis let out another grunt, gently humping his hips against me. Releasing his cock, I wrapped my hands around him, gripping his ass as I burrowed my face against his crotch.

The feeling of his cock filling my mouth overwhelmed me. I pulled my head back, sliding my lips over his shaft again and again, my tongue dancing along the underside of his head. He humped with each of my strokes, sliding his head over my lips and tongue, plunging it deeper into my mouth with every stroke.

I gripped the back of his waistband, moving my eyes up to find his. I locked on his penetrating gaze as I slowly slid my mouth the entire length of his shaft, the fat head of his cock filling my throat. I watched as his face contorted in pleasure, trying not to gasp as my mouth constricted and pulsed around him, a soft swallowing gesture which he felt all along his erection.

Sliding him back out of my mouth, I gripped his cock, slick with my spit in one hand, pumping my fist along his length.

“I want your come,” I said to him. “I want it all, and I want it in my throat.

Davis bit his lip, panting between his teeth.

“Oh you’ll have it,” he said. He gripped the back of my head and I released his cock, opening my mouth wide as he impaled my throat again and again, shoving his delicious cock deep into my mouth. I stayed as firm as I could, mouth wide and tongue flat as he fucked me, his cock going farther and farther past my tongue with every thrust.

Finally, he let out a strained gasp, his fingers at the back of my head as he exploded into my mouth. I dug my nails into the back of his trousers as he came, holding completely still as he pumped load after load down my throat.

Moaning, he pulled back and away from me, catching his cock in a silken handkerchief. I tilted my head back, swallowing as I ran my tongue over my lips, tasting the sweet saltiness he had given me. I placed a hand on my throat, running it down my skin and between my breasts, imagining his sticky white come sliding down into my stomach.

Breathing heavily, Davis wiped down his cock, stuffing it back in his trousers before pulling me up. He handed me the hankie, and I dabbed at my lips before handing it back, leaving the slightest trace of plum lipstick behind.

He gently pushed a lock of curls back from my face, smoothing my hair and running a finger under my lips. Holding his hand before me, he showed the tiny drop of come on his thumb. Not saying a word, I opened my mouth wide, closing it over his finger, and sucking it clean. I kept my eyes locked on his the entire time.

“I believe we have a dinner to get back to,” I said to him, straightening my dress. “There was mention of desert. Unless, of course, you’ve satisfied your appetite.”

“Oh,” breathed Davis. “My appetite isn’t even close to satisfied.” He gestured to the front of the coat check.

“Please, Mrs. Howell. After you.”

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