My Italian Stallion

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Authors: Sasha Collins

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My Italian




Sasha Collins


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© Sasha Collins 2012




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People were wandering all over the banquet room gabbing, laughing, and getting a bit loopy from the alcohol. The company Kiara worked for had quarterly dinner parties. Tonight’s party wasn’t much different than the rest. She sat with her usual group of 10 women coworkers talking about boyfriends or
, who’s-new-this year, sex, and office gossip. Most of the women were all gaga about this new ad-man recently added to the team.

Her curiosity was piqued by the girls’ discussion. “…and yeah, this guy is tall, his eyes are so dark they look black, he has the sexiest dimples, he’s got a great ass, I have to restrain myself from touching his beautiful chest; and he has thick black, slightly curly hair, that’s just long enough—I can so imagine my fingers all tangled as he kisses me, and his smile—oh my GOD I just want to ram my mouth on to his and taste him! But the best part is when he opens his mouth to talk; he’s got the sexiest voice; deep, husky, and it just coos in your ear in a really thick Italian accent. He opens doors, he smells like heaven, and is such a gentleman.” Katie gushed.

Kiara swore Katie was going to cum right there….’Jeezus, this guy is either really that hot or she is just exaggerating.’ Kiara thought.

Kiara asked, “So what is this guy’s name and how did you run into him?” Kiara asked.

You all have me running around so much for you that I run into him all the time. Dana and Sherry know who he is. He works in the creative department. His name is Gianni.” Katie said excitedly as Dana and Sherry nodded with dreamy looks in their eyes.

Good grief, I think I’m spending way too much time glued to my computer screen, sounds like I have to go get a look at this guy!” Kiara laughed. Just as she said that there was a gasp at the table. She looked in that direction and all the women’s eyes were looking hungrily behind her. She furrowed her brow as she followed their gaze. Her eyes scanned the area and there was this gorgeous guy…the term,
tall, dark, and handsome
had to be invented for this guy. ‘Oh my god! No wonder Katie was so eager to discuss her deepest desires about this guy!’ she thought.

Ooooo, girl….I could seriously fuck that guy to death!” Kiara blurted out without even thinking. Realizing what she had just let slip she turned back to the ladies, her mouth hung open in surprise and all of them burst out laughing.

Holy shit Kiara, you have NEVER talked that way! This guy must really
push your button
…ahem, no puss…er…pun intended!” Dana said through uncontrollable laughter.

Oh, you just shut up girl! I’m a woman too and have fantasies and needs just like all of you only I don’t dish them up on a platter…except for now!” Kiara revealed laughing herself while turning her head back to get another glimpse. ‘Damn, this guy is making me wet just standing there! Collect yourself Kiara, you have more dignity than this, what the hell?’ she thought as she shifted in her chair.

Just when Kiara thought she was finally regaining her composure Shelly said in an excited voice, “Oh no, oh my god, oh shit…he saw Katie and he’s walking this way!!! Oooooooh, here he comes, girls.” All of them shifted in their chairs, adjusted their shirts discretely, grabbed their drinks and tried very hard to act normal. Kiara was so nervous she suddenly had to pee.

He got to their table and stood between Kiara and Shelly’s chairs and said, “Buona sera signore. Come stai questa sera?” The ladies all gave each other puzzled looks; some of them blushed, while a couple of them squirmed in their seats. As if the girls had it all planned out they let out nervous giggles. Katie looked at him and said, “Oh Gianni, your words are so lovely but I don’t think any of us know what you just said. Would you please say them in English so the ladies can hear your sexy accent?” Gianni laughed at this and said, “Katie, you are so naughty, but yes, I will. I said,
Good evening ladies. How are you tonight
?” All of them fumbled over their words and were only able to blurt out the words,
fine, fabulous,
a little tipsy.

Kiara couldn’t get anything to come out of her mouth. Her head was racing with thoughts, ‘Oh good gracious this man smells
! That accent is fabulous! Does he have this effect on every woman he meets? Why is my pussy so wet, did I pee myself? Why do I suddenly want to have sex right on this effing table?’

Gianni put his hand on Kiara’s and Shelly’s shoulders and said as his gaze rested on Kiara, “Hello Shelly, I have seen you a number of times but I don’t believe I have ever met this lovely woman.” His hand squeeze Kiara’s shoulder ever-so-slightly as he said those words causing her to look up into his dark black eyes. She suddenly felt very woozy and mesmerized by this mysterious man at her side but somehow managed to hold out her hand and say, “Ahh, hello Gianni, I’m Kiara. It’s um…very nice to finally meet the man the girls have been talking about all night.”

Gianni’s eyes bore into her, his face serious while his mouth turned up in a small smile. He took her hand and kissed it as all the ladies looked on. Kiara could not take her eyes off this dashing fellow who had swept her off her feet in one fell swoop. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sweet Kiara. I have never seen you at the office before, are you new?”

Laughing nervously she said, “Oh no, I’ve worked for this company for many years. My nose is usually buried in my computer all day working on banners and websites. You know, once those creative juices start to flow you can’t seem to pull yourself away.”

Gianni chuckled and said, “Your
must be flowing all the time. I would like to see you in action. However, I am very glad they stopped long enough for you to attend tonight’s dinner.”

Kiara blushed feeling her whole body heat up from his words. She looked around the table at the others thinking, ‘Oh my juices are flowing now!’ Gianni turned his attention to the rest of the women and met all of them but he didn’t remove his hand from Kiara’s shoulder.

He stayed for a few minutes making small talk and then said, “Well ladies, it was a great pleasure to stand in the company of such beautiful women. I must excuse myself to go schmooze some more.” With that, his hand moved down Kiara’s arm to her hand, he raised it to his mouth once again, softly kissed her fingers and said, “And you Sweet Kiara, I do hope we will see each other more often now,” and walked away.

He’s so fucking hot for you girl? I think you had the same effect on him that he’s got on all of us.” Katie said with a bit of sarcasm. All Kiara could say was “I have to go to the bathroom.” The table roared with laughter again as she swaggered out of her chair.

When she opened the door to leave the bathroom Gianni stepped into her path. He was inches from her face staring into her eyes and said with a smirk, “Sweet Kiara, I did not want to embarrass you too much more in front of your friends but I would very much like it if you would accompany me to dinner next week.”

She started to decline and then stopped herself and said, “I would like that very much Gianni.”

Gianni beamed showing that beautiful smile and those irresistible dimples. Kiara wanted to plant a deep kiss on him right there. He said, “Oh Kiara that is wonderful. How is Saturday evening, say, around 6 o’clock? I will pick you up at your home and we will go.”

That sounds absolutely perfect Gianni. I will give you my address and phone number at work on Monday and we will discuss the details more during the week, is that ok?” she asked.

Perfect, just like you, I cannot wait!” as he grabbed her hand again and looked into her eyes as he kissed her fingers. Then he was gone.

That night Kiara was really sexually frustrated. She tossed and turned in bed and finally settled. Her hand found her pussy and began to massage her clitoris. She needed some relief. Her other hand grabbed her tits and she closed her eyes and imagined Gianni’s hands were on her. She came within five minutes and then again and again..she fell asleep with on question on her mind: ‘Who is this guy that has me so worked up?’

The week took forever; Friday was finally over and she dreamt her way into Saturday. Kiara stood in front of her full length mirror sensually rubbing lotion all over her deep chocolate-toned body. She didn’t normally spend so much time preparing for a date with anyone. She was very nervous, she never dated white men although she was very attracted to them; especially those of European decent. Her family wasn’t exactly supportive of interracial relationships however she was an adult and should be able to make her own decisions.

Her shoulder-length hair was still wrapped in a towel; she carefully put body lotion on her shoulders and watched her hands glide all over her beautiful skin. She ran her lotioned hands down her chest slowly, over her tits and dark nipples; her flat stomach to her shaved pussy. She left a thin strip of hair there as a tease; her hands made their way to her toned thighs that we perfect. Her shins and calves were not large. She then turned and rubbed lotion on her very round ass and her lower back.

She put on subtle make-up, left her hair down after she worked with it to get it to lie flat and shiny. She wore a deep red silk button down shirt with fitted dress pants. Her perfect curves were accented beautifully. Her supple ass looked great in the pants she chose. She put on her heels, some perfume and hoop earrings and finished up with red lipstick and lip gloss.

Wow, it’s 5:40 already. Kiara paced around nervously waiting for Gianna. He showed up at ten minutes to six. He was dressed in black dress pants and a deep blue shirt. He was freshly shaved and had the best smelling aftershave on. His dark eyes danced with mischief and his dark hair slicked back.

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