My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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“You haven't answered my calls.” She states trying to look past the door I'm sill am holding open, not letting her in. She is standing there in a Jackie O looking outfit and high heels. Yeah, mom, you aren't fooling anyone. Her pristine blond hair with not a strand out of place hanging to her shoulders.

“Hello to you too mother,” I say.

“Can I come in?”

“No, not now. Karter is sleeping and I don't want any loud noises to wake him, he’s a light sleeper.” I say the last part in a whisper.

“Oh yes, Karter. Your father told me you named him that.” What?

“You talked to dad?” she laughs her damned evil laugh.

“Dad, is it now? Oh how far that man has come.”

“Is there something you wanted, has to be a reason why you are here.” She fluffs her hair.

“Your father and I are having an anniversary party and want you to attend.” Must mean the stepfather, I hate it when she refers to him as my father. “He has some friends at the firm that would love to meet you, probably overlook the whole baby ordeal. You can’t possibly be a single parent the rest of your life.” And that is all it takes. This woman has the ability to shut me down in .7 seconds no problem. I hate it. I stand there at a loss for words when I feel a warm body tuck itself behind me taking the door from my hand and opening it just a tad wider.

“She is a damn fine single parent, and if anyone can do it she sure as hell can, but she ain't alone. She has her family with her, which sure as hell isn't you. Now if you would kindly leave and not come back.” He goes to Thur the door but pauses to add “And if I ever hear you talk down to her again like that, you sure as fuck wish you had listened and stayed away.” She huffs, stunned written all over her face.

“I don't know who you think you are but…” is all she gets out before Row backs the both of us up and shuts the door in her face. She says a few choice words the finally leaves, stomping her way down the hall in her expensive ass shoes. I still won't talk, not even after Row told her off. I just turn to leave, going to the safety of my room.

“Dove.” Row says to my retreating back. “Dove.” He tries once more before I get to the door and shut it behind me. I quietly lay down on my bed and stare at the crib by the wall holding my whole word in it. Row must not seem to care that I shut the door because he walks right into my room. Not saying a word he lies down on the bed beside me. Then ever so softly snakes his arms around me pulling me close and tight to his body. I let out silent sobs, but he says nothing, just holds me.


I must have fallen asleep because now I'm waking up on my bed with a blanket draped over me. Getting up I see that Karter isn't in his crib and I panic. Running out into the living room I don't see him either and no Row. What the hell is going on? I check his room and Cris’s but still no one is here, and I start really freaking out. Just when I am about to call the police the door opens and in comes Row wearing my baby carrier with Karter strapped to him. He is carrying a basket with him.

“Jesus fuck, you scared the hell out of me Row,” I say going to him and taking my baby boy off of his chest.

“You’re awake. Sorry you were sleeping hard and I needed to get some laundry done, Little Man woke up so I took him with me. Hope that was okay.”

“Okay? Seriously. I don't need a daddy for him so stop acting like one.” I say.

“Just thought I was helping, you don't have to be such a bitch about it.” With that, he rips off the carrier and tosses it onto the table. Grabbing his basket full of clothes and stomping off to his room.


I don't see Row for a couple days after that. He makes sure to avoid me at all costs, sneaking out during the night and sneaking back in the afternoon. I do my best to stay out of his way too. What I said to him was mean. I know he was just trying to help, but in my panicked state I lashed out. And really, if I'm being honest, I don't need a daddy for my child. The way he has been acting warms my heart but I want it to stop at the same time. The man is a playboy and will be gone before I know it. I, we, don't need to get attached. Nothing good can come out of it.

Today Karter and I are going to Linn and Lee’s place for dinner, Rick and his boyfriend are going too. It’s going to suck without Cris there, she still hasn't come back yet and when I talk to her the conversations are short. My heart breaks for her. When I see Dez again I am going to beat his ass. Linn said she was going to make some calls, whatever that means. I'm getting ready in the bathroom when I hear the front door open. Crap I thought I would be gone before he got back from, well, where ever he was. Not so lucky this time.

“I called you a bitch.” His voice startles me from behind. I turn to see a sad Row standing in the doorway of my bathroom.

“You did, and I said some mean things too,” I confess to him.

“You were being a bitch.” I roll my eyes.

“Yes, I got that part.” He walks closer to me, so close. I get goosebumps all over my skin even though it is still hot in here from my shower. He takes his index finger and runs it down my arm.

“I know you don't need a daddy for him, but you can accept help every now and then. I'm not an asshole, I help out if I can.”

“I know, I was just panicked and emotional.” I sigh, still tingling from his brief touch. “You got plans? I'm going over to Linn’s for a cook out, you want to come?” I ask hoping to break the ice.

“They cook meat?” that is a weird question.

“Yes, this is Montana.”

“Well, the tofu chick I was with last night…” I hold up my hand.

“No don't want to hear about tofu chick. Hopefully, she wasn't married this time.” I say. His bruise has gone away by now just a slight yellowing is all you can see, barely, though.

“Nope. Not this one. Promise.” He smiles making me laugh. “Yeah I can go.” He answers my question from before, then strips off his shirt, going over and turning on the shower. Then shocks me, even more, when he reaches for his pants and undoes them, sliding them to his feet. Now the damned man is standing there in his black boxer briefs and I can't move or look away. I think my mouth might be hanging open too, I really don't know. His stomach is so hard a person probably could play a game of quarters off of it. Then I make the mistake of lowering my eyes to see that isn't the only thing that is hard. A clearing of his throat gets my head to jerk up and look at the man’s face. His face that is giving me the evilest grin. He flicks his gaze down for a moment then back up to me.

“Sorry he’s an attention whore, has a mind of his own.” Then he winks, fucking winks.

“I… can… ah… finish getting ready in my room.” I quickly grab my things and take off to my room. Holy shit.

Karter was zonked out in the playpen so I left him there to take my shower. Now I'm in my room with the door shut, taking advantage of the situation and my sexually flustered state. I go to my bedside table and grab the only boyfriend I will ever need. Getting comfortable I turn on the vibration and slide it down into my now unbuttoned jean shorts. Thoughts of wet and soapy hard muscle flood my thoughts. I try and keep myself as quiet as possible but my orgasm hits me hard and I let out a small moan arching my back when I come, thinking of a certain someone with his head between my legs.

Buttoning up my shorts I turn to my door when I think I hear someone outside of it. I notice that it is opened a slight crack. It’s then I know he was eavesdropping when I hear slight chuckling fading away from my door. Crap.

Gathering myself and straightening my already straight clothes, I go about getting Karter’s diaper bag ready. Walking out of my room I try and act like I wasn't just rubbing myself off to the image of my slutty roommate. I think I'm pulling it off until I walk out to the kitchen and see him standing there fricken shirtless holding my son. Damn. When he sees me a knowing smirk spreads across his face. God, how long was he outside my door?

“Little bugger puked on me.” He laughs out. I guess that explains the missing shirt.

“Oh, yeah he does that from time to time. Were you holding him above your head?” when he nods I just laugh at him.

“Here let me take him, I gotta get him ready to go,” I say with a smile. He hands him over and I take Karter back to my room to change his clothes and diaper. I dress him in the shirt Linn got him that says ‘my aunt is the shit’ on it. She will love that. I go out to the living room, grab his car seat and buckle him in.

“You want to take my truck?” Row asks coming from his room with a fresh shirt on. His truck?

“Um, I guess that is okay. I just need to get the base for his seat in there first.”

“Yeah sure, here.” He hands me his keys. “Go ahead and do what you gotta do.” I take them and head outside. His truck is right next to my car so I don't have to go far with the base. I open his back door and have to hoist myself up into his black beast of a truck. I clip in the harnesses to the car seat anchors than kneel on top of the base to push it down more, tightening the strap. I'm kind of crazy when it comes to putting my kid in a vehicle. I hear a chuckle behind me. Cocking my head to the side I see Row with the diaper bag slung over his shoulder and Karter strapped in his seat being effortlessly held in his right hand. I’m guessing with the awkward way I'm standing I'm giving him a fine view of my ass. Frickin hell. I climb my way back out of the cab trying to pull my shorts down to cover my ass cheeks once again. I really don't have much baby weight left. I'm one of those bitches that just shrunk back to her normal size, well except for my boobs. Yeah, hate me I don’t care.

“Quite the show.” Row smiles lifting Karter up and clicking him into the base like he has done it a million times. Shit the first time I tried it I ended up sliding the thing back and forth until it finally dropped and clicked into place.

“How did you do that so easily, took me forever to figure that out,” I say getting into the front, once again having to hoist myself into the seat. “And why the hell is your truck so damned high off the ground?”

“Because fat chicks can’t jump.” He did just not fucking say that.

“Are fucking kidding me? You are such a crude asshole!” I glare at him. What a jerk.

“No. I'm kidding, I like me a good woman with some curves. Saw it on a bumper sticker once, you just played right into it.”

“Still crude.” I huff out.

“Yeah probably, I'm sorry to all the beautiful curvy women out there. May you always be welcome to riding in my truck.” He pauses for a beat. “And on my cock.” Crude.

“You are a pig. You do know that right?” he nods.

“Sure do Dove, sure do.”







“Holy mother of hotness, who are you?” Linn asks when Row walks in behind me, once again carrying Karter. “Oh my god you are the phone guy, aren't you? The bull rider.” That gets him to smile and look over at me.

“Talking about me huh Dove?” I look over at Linn and she mouths ‘Dove?’ I just shrug at her. I really don't know either but I like it.

“Well come in, and give me my baby.” She says taking the seat holding my boy and walking off into the house leaving me and Row behind. I hear her shout ‘their here’ from further in the house.

“She is a ball of fire that one.” Row says following me further into the house.

“You have no idea.” Their house is beautiful, I guess being a small claims lawyer pays off. It is a nice little three bedroom place not too far out of town with a fenced back yard for their horse of a dog they have. Hank is a great Dane mix of some kind, they adopted him from the shelter shortly after they moved in. I sure as hell wouldn't want to pick up his shit. No, I'm really not a dog person. Never had one and really never want one. Cat maybe, dog no.

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