My Life in Heavy Metal (22 page)

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Authors: Steve Almond

BOOK: My Life in Heavy Metal
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What I wanted was a body, a female body, lifted off its feet and set down again, an entirely new back and chest and ass and ribs. But I was uniquely unqualified to find one. I spent my days lecturing toothsome and pimpled teenagers and my evenings alone, grading papers, taking on the editing necessary to make adjunct work sustainable. And masturbating.

There were no sparks or colors when I hung out with Ling, not even the trill of an exercised pulse. There were, instead, indications. Indications of a possible arrangement.

* * *

“Beyond Seven,” Ling said. “Those are the best.”

“Never heard of them,” I said.

“They're the best,” she said.

“How do you know?”

“How do you think?”

“That makes a difference, does it?”

Ling laughed in a way suggesting my pitiful ignorance. Not for the first time in dealing with her, I felt the gap in our ages. She had grown up in late Reagan America and come of age sexually at the height of the AIDS epidemic. To her, the protocol of condoms was second nature, assumed. I still viewed them as somehow illicit.

“Of course it does. It's inside you, David. It's right up against you.”

Ling took a drag on her cigarette. She was a vegetarian on moral grounds but smoked Camel Lights, because they had the most taste. Her lips were fat but nicely shaped. They sat on her face like rain-puffed blossoms.

There was the night of the Scrabble and of the Jack Daniels, which she brought over to my place. We had exchanged emails regarding drinking rules. Any word over 50 points earned a shot, a seven-letter word meant two shots, and so on. These were unnecessary. We were both eager to drink and be drunk and then she was on the floor with her back turned, looking at one of my CDs, that band of perfectly hairless skin visible. My hands moved to her shoulders.

There is that moment of suspense—will the pass be turned away?—and then, once that is over, there is the delicious question
of how undressing will proceed. It was she who let out a little noise, a guttural sound, and said, “Let's go lie down.”

From the beginning our sexual coupling was marked by a ferocious intensity and endurance. That first night we screwed for an hour, stopped, started again. This went on until morning. We moved with such ardor that we had to pause to catch our breath. First with her on top, sliding down and nodding quickly as I clutched the meat of her hips. Then flipping, her knees holstering my hips, and a long testing of angles, velocities. She hoisted her legs up and flopped on her belly. In the course of all this tangling, we stumbled on to a position in which we scissored our legs, our pelvises swung into unhindered union. We were both stunned and, afterwards, lay together trying to make sense of this force, thinking and sometimes saying things like

I am not speaking here of any unusual prowess. It was only a stunning alignment of nerve endings and needs. I had met someone, at last, as purely greedy for sensation, as gluttonous for attainable pleasure.

On Thanksgiving our friend Pam visited, with some other friends. Ling advised that we say nothing about our arrangement. There was no reason, she said. We both knew what this was. Telling Pam would only complicate things. I agreed. “It's not like we make each other weak in the knees,” she said, and I ignored the edge of contempt in her tone.

Oh, we thought we were such sly dogs, teasing each other with gropes and lecherous gestures, acting out a formality that amused us, made us feel empowered by our naughty secret. When all the guests
cleared out, we tore at one another. Afterward, naked and tingling and briny-smelling, we pretended that Pam stood in the doorway.

“It slipped in,” I said and Ling said “a few hundred times” and I said “it just slipped—you know how things slip?” and Ling said “it kept slipping harder and harder” and I said “you didn't tell me Ling was such a wet girl” and she said, “you should have mentioned David's condition” and I said, “do all your friends suck like that?” and she said “it's all I can do to get him to soften up for a minute” and I said “are all your friends so multiply orgasmic?” and she said “slippage, major-league slippage” and I began to hum “Slip Slidin' Away.”

As I moved into her, Ling would suck at one of my lips. She told me she felt the urge to bite. She liked rough behavior, liked me to grab her breasts and squeeze hard enough to leave bruises. Her nipples budded out from a chest that was nearly flat. They were keenly sensitive, and slightly larger at the tip than the base, like Frankenstein's bolts. She enjoyed having them bitten at. She liked for me to slam into her at unpredicted intervals, liked the aggression, the jolt, maybe even the sense of violation, and sometimes braced her hands against the wall above her head. She wanted to be rubbed, every place and hard. Anything was just fine, really, though she favored positions that allowed her mouth to suck and bite at mine.

The face becomes new in sex. A face like Ling's, which was flat, a bit bland, takes on a wondrous animation. The Asian face appears less expressive to Caucasians because it has fewer angles and hollows and shadows. Less drama. But, of course, it is no less expressive.

Ling's cheeks were plump and squarish. Her large jaw operated at a slight underbite, which made her look fish-mouthed. Her eyes were set shallow, and half hidden by folds of skin. Her eyebrows were rectangular and poorly defined. Even her ears were ungainly; they looked chewed on and oversized—the ears of an old man mistakenly latched onto a young woman's skull.

But the transformation of this face: Her eyes widened and blurred. The tiny patch of skin between her eyebrows knit. Her lips pooched seductively. Blood worked to the surface of her clammy skin and crept up her neck and across her cheeks in red swaths. Sometimes, I would catch sight of her nose, from below, and marvel at the perfect roundness of her nostrils. The entirety of her face conveyed tremendous concentration, a determined labor toward surrender. In these moments, everything blunt and indelicate became preciously unhinged. She looked like a very young girl, overcome by the capabilities of her body, simultaneously thrilled and terrified, her wide mouth made panicky. I could not listen to her noises without losing control of my heartbeat, just as I cannot think of them at this moment without growing hard and lonesome.

Ling's entire physique suggested a dichotomy, a dull beauty and its more alluring underside. Her hair was thick and long and coarse in the way of Asians. It hung wild and helped feminize her, certainly, and was a terrific sexual prop, though it fell out in clumps, and caused little bald spots about which she was disturbingly frank.

She was clumsy. Her waist was slung low and poorly defined; her belly sprawled. Her arms were thick and muscled, her shoulders as broad as my own. But you had only to witness the way she focused this power, torquing furiously, rising and falling, nimble and newly taut, to understand that her body found an almost perfect
grace in bed. Her sex, too, was lovely, hidden deep in an intricate, pink-purple pattern that reminded me of the way cream introduces itself to coffee.

It was the imperfections that captured me, finally, because these required some special effort at tolerance, which, after a time, matured into an unexpected and indelible affection. Her pubic hair: patchy, tufted, an undoing of the loveliness below. Her feet: flat and rough, like thin spades. Her fingernails: ragged, bitten, like mine, to the nubs.

Ling called herself “a big aggressive Asian girl” and boasted to me that she could never find clothing that fit when she went to visit her family in China. She burped and cracked her knuckles. She enjoyed getting blotto to the point where she could act on her sloppier impulses. A week after we'd first slept together she called me at one in the morning, from a bar. “Hey,” she said. “Hey.”

I had been sleeping.

“I'm not going home alone,” she said. “Are you going to pick me up?”

And yet, when she was safely in my apartment, the frat-boy swagger dissolved into a hopeful sway. She wanted her lover man, her new lover man, and she wanted her clothes off and tugged at them without much success and when I led her into the bedroom she was shy and grateful.

That night, as on others, there came a moment when we looked at one another, our swollen fulsome bodies, and tried to figure out how it could feel so good and right and natural in this one uncontainable way. We knew we were engaged in an arrangement,
that expedience hung around the proceedings. But with our bodies there, negotiating for us, our flags of skin unfurled, a certain holiness took hold, and we had to look away from one another's faces, and sink our teeth into the cream of necks and shoulders.

What I mean to say is that beneath all the orgasmic pyrotechnics, the calibrated hedonism, there was a tenderness. Sometimes, after we were finished, I would lie atop her, my body incoherent with bliss. In time, her breath grew labored, and I would tense, knowing I was crushing her, and she would lace her arms around me and murmur
not quite yet
and we would lie there yet a while, touching as much of each other as we could.

But then, always, there was the life beyond the mattress, and the long, uncertain evenings waiting, like children trapped at the grown-up table, till we could be excused to the pursuit of one another's bodies. We suffered the regular disappointment of facing each other, across some restaurant table, with little to say.

Because of her youth, she relied on a repertoire of stories from her college days, all of which she prefaced with the phrase “Oh, this was so hilarious” and none of which were in fact hilarious, but closer to mundane, often tragically so. (I listened to the story of how she mispronounced the word
during college orientation—she emphasized the third syllable,
—at least four times.)

My own whinging could not have been any less annoying. I was, perhaps, a bit more polished. I didn't repeat my stories. But the themes were always the same: neurotic screeds against nincompoop supervisors and dim-witted students.

We played at interest, made the necessary talk, joked when we could. In this way we contrived to justify what would happen later.

* * *

In the sack, we outfoxed artifice; our charms and commonalities snuck out. Ling discussed her family, revealing a ridiculous wealth she kept assiduously hidden, the secret decadence of private cooks and exotic fruits, a deep dynastic loyalty. When she spoke Chinese, her mouth widened and her pitch leaped and her tongue moved over the words in butterfly motions.

I read to her in a soft voice and spooned her long body and warmed the caps of her tush with my newly plump belly. Sometimes she set her old man's ears against my fuzzy chest and listened to me warble like old Bob Dylan until she fell asleep. In the morning, I prepared elaborate breakfasts and brought her tea and honey, and after we had eaten, still naked, our appetites revved, we spent the morning writhing, able to see everything and freshening the bed with new commotions.

But then there would be the drive back to her apartment, during which we would find ourselves sadly reawakened to how little regard we held for one another. She was, again, a trendy, groping young woman. And I, again, an aging pedagogue with a blue streak a mile wide.

Around Christmas Ling had made an abrupt decision: we needed to set a timetable to stop sleeping together. I agreed, not because I agreed but because agreement was required to keep the Good Ship Libido seaworthy. Had I pushed then, had I questioned why limits needed to be set at all, I felt sure Ling would have pulled anchor. The date set for the kiss-off was February 14. I had suggested it, in a moment of mordant whimsy, and Ling ratified immediately. That gave us a month, upon her return from winter break.

* * *

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, ultimatum makes the heart grow feral. In bed, Ling ordered me to hold her arms down, like a captive, and I moved into her so hard I could feel the tendons in my groin strain against her pelvic bone, and sometimes heard, or imagined I heard, an ominous and thrilling snap. And when she lowered herself onto me, she ordered me to smack her lovely behind with increasing vigor, until the sound echoed off the wood beams above my bed and I felt her begin pulsing involuntarily.

The notion of safe sex—a notion she held to reflexively on paper—flew out the window. We licked one another everywhere and transferred with our frantic tongues the sweat and spit and other darkly guarded smells that mix on the sheets and come to stand for sex in our scent memory. Had we looked at this behavior in a sober light … but, you see, that's not where we were. We were in the other place. For the ten or twelve or fourteen hours in my cavelike bedroom, the only rule was gratification. Sleep was kept to a minimum, not by choice but by the exuberance of our bodies, which could not keep still or apart.

On Valentine's Day, a Friday, we climbed into bed and did not emerge until the next evening. Ling had her period, her flow unusually heavy. Long after I had driven her home I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and admired the dried blood on my midriff and smelled its sweet metal stink and picked at the clots, quietly adoring the image of a passion that left these marks and later lowering myself into a hot bath, where the water stained an excellent crimson before fading.

* * *

It is never over, and especially when the body has clear motive. We lasted ten days, two weeks, stiff in our new rules, and, when punished sufficiently, we surrendered in a plunge, closer to our loss and ashamed and more voracious than ever.

Or, I should say, Ling seemed more ashamed.

My take on the situation was more forgiving. When you have lived a longer time in your body, and suffered more the loneliness of disuse, gratitude comes cheaper. As I told her, I was only too glad to continue our arrangement, though she seemed nonplussed by this ease. The important thing, we agreed, was that we part ways gracefully, because we had this dear mutual friend, Pam, who was now considering moving to our city. And so we held fast to the bleary notion that what we did to one another sexually could be segued into a low-voltage friendship. If we were careful, considerate.

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