My Lord Vampire (18 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Ivy

BOOK: My Lord Vampire
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Gathering her courage Simone moved toward him, even allowing him to lead her to the large bed so that they could perch upon the edge of the mattress.
Uncertain what was to come next she was startled when he made no motion to touch her beyond stroking a hand softly over her hair.
“What is it, Gideon?” she demanded, wondering if she was supposed to do something.
“You have told me that you love me.”
His fingers moved to touch her cheek. “Already we share much of each other. You can sense when I am near and what I am feeling.”
Her eyes widened in shock at his words. “How did you know?”
“You are just as deeply branded within me.”
She gave a slow shake of her head. She had barely allowed herself to acknowledge just how aware she was of Gideon. Not only the sense when he was near, but the unmistakable realization that his emotions were irrevocably enwrapped with her own.
“It is so strange. I have never experienced this before.”
He smiled at her wondering tone. “It is a gift known only to vampires.”
“But I am not a vampire,” she ridiculously retorted.
“No, but you wear a powerful artifact of my people. It has already altered you in many ways.”
Simone’s hand instinctively rose to touch the golden amulet. It was true that she had noted the subtle changes in herself. Her heightened senses and even being able to see more clearly in the dark. It was not precisely frightening, but, to actually consider that she was being altered ...
“Good heavens,” she breathed.
“Do not fear,” he gently comforted, those distracting fingers continuing to send pleasurable tingles through her body. “It will not harm you.”
“No, I suppose not.”
He paused before he tilted her chin upward so that she was forced to meet his searching gaze. “Simone?”
“Do you trust me?” he demanded.
She blinked at the odd question. “You know that I do.”
“Enough to place your future in my hands?”
The very air seemed to thicken with tension as she studied his pale features. Was it possible that he did not intend to leave her? That he would remain in London with her?
It was what she desired more than anything in the world, but she was frightened to allow her hopes to be raised.
“Are ... are you asking me to wed you, Gideon?” she asked in cautious tones.
He frowned, as if he were startled by her question. “Of course I intend to wed you,” he retorted, seemingly unaware that he had just made her dearest dream come true. “But what I ask of you is to join your very soul with my own.”
Simone attempted to think through the cloud of joy that filled her thoughts.
He wanted to marry her.
Sally Jenkins.
Not Lady Gilbert. Not the “Wicked Temptress.”
But the insignificant daughter of a governess.
It did not seem possible.
But even as she grew dizzy from shocked delight, she realized he was awaiting her response.
What had he said?
Join their souls?
She gave a faint frown as she attempted to consider what he might possibly mean.
“Is that possible?”
“Yes, but it would mean that we are truly a part of one another.” He gently cupped her face in his hands, his dark eyes boring deep into her own. “Our thoughts, our emotions, the very beat of our hearts. We would be bonded for all eternity.”
She carefully considered his words, knowing that this was far more important to Gideon than any marriage ceremony.
The thought of being so closely connected with the man she loved did not frighten her. She very much desired to be one with him. But something in his words made her hesitate.
For all that she had accepted who he was, she could not forget that they were very different. As a vampire he was immortal. What would happen to him when she eventually died?
“Gideon, I do not have an eternity,” she reminded him sadly.
His hands tightened upon her face. “Who is to say? With the Medallion anything is possible.”
She gave a reluctant laugh at his familiar words. “You are very fond of telling me that.”
“Because it is the truth.” His expression softened with a longing that tugged at her heart. “Simone, I wish to have you as my true mate. Will you?”
She could have denied him nothing at that moment. All the love and need she had tried to deny for so long flooded through her as she gave a nod of her head.
“What must I do?”
“Nothing but trust me,” he said in low tones.
She met his gaze squarely. “I do.”
Moving slowly, as if afraid that he might startle her into flight, Gideon lowered his hands so that he could sweep her long curls over her shoulders. Then just as slowly he lowered his head, angling it so that he could approach the bare skin of her neck.
Just for a moment Simone instinctively tensed, unsure what was about to happen. The satin blackness of his hair brushed her chin, the scent of spices filling her senses. Of their own accord her hands raised to grasp his shoulders.
She felt the warm brush of his breath upon her skin, then shockingly the sharp points of his fangs.
Panic threatened to rise as there was the faintest prick upon her neck, but before she could give in to fear a warm rush of sensation relaxed her taut muscles.
There was no pain, just the sense of being enfolded in a comforting embrace. Her head tilted backward, allowing him to gently taste of her blood.
It lasted only a moment before he offered a lingering kiss and pulled away.
He did not speak, however, and holding her bemused gaze he lifted his hand and turning it over he bit the inner skin of his wrist. Blood instantly welled and he lifted it to softly place it against her lips.
Startled, Simone instinctively dipped out her tongue to taste of the wetness staining her lips.
She was not certain what she had expected, but it was not the sudden shock of emotions that tumbled through her. Her head spun as she squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to steady herself against the onslaught.
For long moments she struggled to calm herself. She was dazed and not at all certain she could bear the shimmering sensations that threatened to consume her.
Then slowly the torrent began to subside and she was able to concentrate upon the changes within her.
There was the awareness of Gideon, of course. But it was no longer the vague knowledge that he was near. He was clearly nestled within her mind, as well as the sharp sense of concern that held him tightly gripped as he watched her. More than anything, however, she felt the steady, undeniable beauty of his love.
A smile of wonder curved her lips. “Oh.”
“Simone, are you ... well?” he husked, his hands tightly gripping her own.
“I am ... whole,” she said, still marveling at the knowledge that they were truly bound together. “I did not realize how lonely I have been all my life. Now I am complete.”
“My sweet.” He reached down to delicately touch his lips to her own. “We will be wed according to human custom. I have already procurred a special license.”
“You ... you will not return to the Veil?” she forced herself to ask the question that refused to be dismissed no matter how irrational. Her father had loved her, but he had abandoned her. She could not bear it again.
He easily knew how important his answer was to her. “Perhaps for the occasional visit, but my place now is with you.”
“Yes,” she whispered, boldly leaning forward to claim his mouth with her own.
It was the first time she had ever initiated such an intimate caress and she discovered a heady delight as she felt his instant response. Encouraged by the sudden tension that gripped his body, she daringly raised her arms to twine them about his neck, tugging the ribbon from his hair so that she could thrust her fingers into the satin strands.
Gideon gave a throaty growl as his arms wrapped about her, taking firm command as his tongue urged her lips to open.
Simone readily complied, allowing him to deepen the kiss as his hands ran an impatient path over her back. Urgent pleasure flared through her, making her arch toward his warm body with aching need.
The sensation of his own rising passion swirled through her body, heating her blood and making her heart pound. It was astonishingly erotic to have his emotions pulsing through her, and Simone gave a low groan as she impatiently pressed herself closer.
“Simone.” With a heartfelt moan he reluctantly pulled back to regard her with a tight expression. “I think I should warn you that if you continue in this manner you will never be returned to your bed.”
She allowed a wicked grin to curve her lips. “That was my intention.”
“Wench,” he chided with a glint of amusement. “If you only knew how long I have ached to possess you.”
His teasing words abruptly forced Simone to realize that she had not yet been entirely truthful. She grimaced as she forced herself to pull away from his warm grasp.
After all the lies and charades between them, she had to ensure that when they came together it was in complete honesty.
“I could not give in to my desire no matter how much I might have wished to,” she confessed in low tones. “My charade as a widow would have come to a swift end.”
He stilled as he considered her confession. “Because you are innocent?”
There was a long pause before Gideon abruptly heaved a deep sigh.
“Ah, my love, you do not know how you torture me.”
She frowned at his odd reaction. She had thought that he would be pleased that no other man had ever known her in an intimate manner.
His hand rose to cup her chin. “We will wait for our wedding night.”
“But ...”
“It is how you have always dreamed it would be, is it not?” he demanded softly.
It was impossible to lie. Her every thought was now open to him. He already knew that even through all the years of torture and degradation she had dreamed that someday she would be rescued by her knight in shining armor.
More often than not it had been a foolish dream. What knight would possibly desire a bastard without a farthing to her name? She was a drudge without friend or even family who would acknowledge her.
And yet, through it all she had battled to maintain her innocence.
Her dream would not be stolen. And when her knight came she wanted to at least give him the gift of her virginity.
Now she was fiercely proud that she could give her innocence to Gideon.
“Yes,” she at last admitted with a small smile.
Although she could feel the dreadful struggle it took to rein in his smoldering passions, Gideon merely gave an understanding nod of his head.
“Then that is how it will be. You are already mine in all the ways that truly matter.”
Wondering if her heart could burst from sheer happiness, Simone lifted her hand to touch his lips.
“I love you.”
Late the next morning Gideon was seated beside Simone on the bench in her garden. Rather ruefully he patted the special license that was safely tucked beneath his jacket.
When he had agreed to wait for Simone he had imagined they would be wed within a few days, if not hours, but as he came to study the unexpected vulnerabilities of the woman he loved he realized that she deserved more than a hurried marriage before the vicar.
All her life she had been taught to be ashamed of who she was. And while she still maintained her sister’s name, he was not about to allow her to think he wanted to hide their wedding from the world.
With considerable sacrifice he had ordered his staff to begin preparations for a lavish ceremony in St. George’s Square that would include the entire Ton.
If neither of them were quite whom society presumed them to be it did not matter.
Simone would have her day to shine brightly and he would at last have her at his side.
And just as importantly, a dark voice whispered in the back of his mind, in his bed.
Shifting uncomfortably as his body stirred in anticipation, Gideon choked back a groan of frustration. For all his logic, there was no controlling the endless need he felt for this woman.
Perfectly aware of his scandalous thoughts, Simone glanced up to flash him a wicked smile. The minx was becoming quite adept at driving him mad.
“Well?” she said in those sultry tones that made his blood heat to a near boiling point.
“Well what?” he demanded as he considered dragging her into his arms and reducing her to his own state of discomfort.
She held up the sketch she had been diligently working on for the past few hours.
“It is my wedding gown.”
Gideon obligingly studied the smooth charcoal lines drawn upon the pad then gave a decisive shake of his head.
“Absolutely not.”
She blinked in surprise at his firm tones. “But it is lovely.”
“It may be lovely but there are far too many buttons.”
Taking the sketch pad from her hands he tossed it onto the bench and roughly drew her into his arms.
“I have waited too long for you. I will not devote half the evening attempting to wrestle you out of your gown.”
“Really, Gideon,” she attempted to chastise only to give a laugh as he planted desperate kisses down the length of her neck.
“One ribbon,” he conceded, continuing the fascinating discovery of the satin skin of her throat. “Perhaps two.”
Her hands lifted to clutch at his shoulders, her heart racing in a gratifying manner.
“I see you are to be a tyrant,” she complained in unsteady tones.
“Only when it comes to buttons,” he assured her, his tongue reaching out to lightly taste of her. “I wish to bed my wife without battling folderols.”
“Mmm.” Her head obligingly tipped back to allow him access to the vast amount of skin exposed by her plunging neckline. “Ribbons, then. Definitely ribbons.”
His mouth sought ever lower, pausing over the rapid beat of her heart.
“I knew you would be a sensible wife.”
“How very charming.”
The unexpected sound of a voice in the center of the garden had both Gideon and Simone jerking apart in surprise. With lethal swiftness he was on his feet and facing the intruder.
Only when he noted the old gypsy woman smiling in an oddly contented fashion did he relax his guard.
“Nefri,” he murmured, offering the powerful vampire a bow as he felt Simone rise to her feet to stand beside him.
“Good morning, Gideon, Lady Gilbert.” She moved slowly forward, her numerous bracelets and necklaces jangling with every step. “I see all went well last evening.”
Gideon grimaced, knowing it would take some time to heal the wound of Tristan’s death. For now he still battled the wretched sense of waste.
“No, not well,” he corrected in harsh tones. “Tristan has been destroyed.”
Nefri gave a slow nod of her head, her expression one of regret, but with no surprise at his revelation.
“Unfortunate, but I feared it would come to such a fate.”
“He was obsessed beyond reason,” Gideon agreed.
“Yes.” Nefri paused, a thoughtful air settling about her. “And oddly certain he would succeed.”
Gideon swiftly followed her unspoken implication.
It echoed precisely the unease he had felt last evening.
“Such a thought struck me as well.” His gaze narrowed. “How do Sebastian and Lucien go on?”
Nefri’s smile abruptly returned, more mysterious than ever.
“Well enough.”
“Will they need my assistance?” he demanded, feeling Simone stiffen at his side but knowing he could not allow his friends to suffer even if it meant endangering himself.
Nefri gave a sudden chuckle. “I do not believe they would appreciate interference.”
Considering the two vampires who were every inch as arrogant as he, Gideon gave a wry smile. He would have been offended had either attempted to press their assistance upon him.
“No, I do not suppose they would.”
The vampire tilted her head to one side, eying him in an intent manner.
“I might, however, call upon you later.”
Gideon stilled at her words. Nefri would not seek his help if it were not out of dire need.
“You expect further troubles?”
She paused before giving an irritated shake of her head. “There is more to this than I fully understand at the moment. It is quite vexing.”
“I will, of course, come whenever you have need,” he promised.
“Thank you.” Abruptly turning her head Nefri regarded the silent Simone with a searching gaze. “My dear, you have my gratitude. You have been forced to face great danger to help us.”
Surprisingly Simone flushed with embarrassment at the vampire’s sincere appreciation.
“I am only relieved that it is all over,” she murmured, clearly uncertain how to behave toward the older woman.
“Not truly over, I fear,” Nefri softly warned. “You remain the guardian of the Medallion.”
Simone’s hand rose to touch the amulet at her neck. “Yes.”
Nefri’s smile once again reappeared. “I believe, however, that the gifts you will receive from the artifact will be worth any sacrifice you might be required to make.”
Concerned that the vampire’s words might once again frighten Simone with the thought of wearing the Medallion, Gideon turned his head to discover her watching him with love shining in her eyes.
“It has already given me more than I ever dared hope for.”
“So I can see,” Nefri murmured with obvious amusement. Then, when it became evident that Simone and Gideon were lost in one another, she discreetly waved her hand toward them in a practiced manner. “Be well and happy,” she murmured as she blessed their union and silently disappeared.
It was the loud squeak from the hedges that forced Gideon to turn his fascinated attention from the woman at his side, and abruptly shifting he discovered a young scamp running toward him full speed.
“Cor, did you see her?” the urchin demanded as he skidded to a halt directly before Gideon. “She disappeared. Right before me very eyes.”
“What the devil are you doing here?” Gideon demanded, his hands planted on his hips.
Unrepentant the lad scrubbed the end of his nose as he conjured his most engaging grin.
“Well, you did say as to watch the lady.”
He heard Simone’s sniff of disapproval but his gaze never wavered from the thin, grimy face.
“Not when I am here.”
“Not ever,” Simone intruded, her eyes flashing in a dangerous manner.
“Now, my sweet, they did help me to find you when you had been kidnapped,” he argued in reasonable tones.
“That’s right. And frightened off more than one persistent nob what wanted to try to slip in without alerting the servants,” the lad added in proud tones.
Simone’s eyes widened. “What?”
The urchin shrugged with an air of worldly wisdom. “There are always gents that hope to catch a lady unawares like. Disgusting buggers, if you ask me.”
“Good heavens,” she breathed in shock.
Gideon placed an arm about her shoulders, knowing he would soon be paying a call upon the mysterious nobs. They would soon learn the dangers of even glancing in Simone’s direction.
“So you see, me services are invaluable,” the lad prompted with a cheeky grin.
Gideon could not help but chuckle at the boy’s audacity. “He does make sense, my sweet.”
Simone regarded him with raised brows. “I will not allow young boys to spy upon me. For one thing they could be hurt.”
“Fah. ’Tis a great deal safer here than on the streets,” the boy hurriedly pointed out.
“No,” Simone retorted in firm tones. Then, as the boy’s face crumpled with disappointment she heaved a sigh. “I suppose I could use a page boy,” she reluctantly conceded.
The urchin wrinkled his nose. “A page boy? I would have to stay inside and wear a uniform?”
“Yes,” Gideon told him, his own expression firm. “And no stealing.”
“Cor, you drive a hard bargain, guv,” the lad complained.
“Take it or not,” Gideon retorted in tones that defied argument.
“Can I bring the others?”
Simone stepped forward. “Others? How many others?”
The urchin gave a piercing whistle and without warning half a dozen boys, just as grubby as the first, tumbled from the hedges.
Gideon tilted back his head to laugh with rich amusement. He only halted when Simone sharply thrust her elbow into his side.
“Well, you did ask,” he told her in unsteady tones.
She glared at him in exasperation. “This is all your fault. What are we to do with six boys from the street?”
“We could always send them back to the stews,” he suggested.
She tossed up her hands in defeat. “Oh, go inside and find my housekeeper. Tell her that I said she is to give each of you a bath and feed you.”
There was a loud cheer that utterly disturbed the peace of the garden.
“And mind your manners,” Gideon warned with a look that promised dire retributions if he were not obeyed.
“Right, guv.” The leader of the band of urchins offered a pert salute, then moving forward he eyed Gideon in a knowing manner. “The woman did disappear. I seen it.”
“Unless you wish to be tossed out on your ear, I would suggest you forget what you think you might have seen,” Gideon retorted in smooth tones.
There was a small pause before the lad gave a nod of his head. He was still young enough to accept that there were things in the world that could not be readily explained.
“Me memory has always given me trouble. A terrible thing it is,” the boy retorted, offering Simone an awkward bow before hurrying after the other children into the house.
Turning, he met Simone’s speaking glance.
“I do hope you realize my staff will be in mutiny by the end of the day,” she informed him.
He gathered her in his arms. “What does it matter? We shall soon be wed and we shall have a new staff if we desire.”
“Complete with six page boys?” she said wryly, although she willingly allowed herself to snuggle close to him.
“Six page boys, a vampire and the Guardian of the Medallion. It should be quite an interesting household,” he teased, his hands stroking the satin of her hair.
She gave a small chuckle, her arms rising to wrap about his neck.
“As long as we are together.”
He leaned downward to press his lips to her own.
“For eternity, my sweet.”

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