My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 15 "Finale"

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 15 "Finale"
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A. Hansen




Like a television series,
Masters’ Nightmare
is broken up into episodes. There are fifteen episodes in
Season 1. After Season 1 is finished, some of the surviving characters will be
moving to The Santini Brothers series.
RICARDO (The Santini Brothers #1)
continues directly on from Episode 11, while
Brando (The Santini Brothers
continues on from Episode 15.







of Episode 14








Frano’s Epilogue

Jagger’s Epilogue

Other Books by Marita A. Hansen

About the Author

A Special Note from the Author





Masters’ Nightmare

1, Episode 15



2014 © Marita A. Hansen

design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

Photography by Artranq

and sourced from

All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means whatsoever without the written
permission of the author, nor circulated in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of
this author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email: [email protected]

All characters, names,
places, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events,
locales, or real persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



I would like to say a big
you to my beta reading team for this



Noara Rahman

Your help is greatly



of Episode 14

continues to search for
. With the help of the Orsini
, he finds her brother, who tells him that she’s been kidnapped by
Christo. As a result, Frano phones Christo, bartering his life for hers.

arrives at the barn where Rita is being held, he finds her naked, beaten, and
tied up. He discovers that the Rossos have been collaborating with the
Donatelli to get revenge on him. He is then tied up and whipped by Don Rosso’s
son until he falls unconscious.

fights for Camila’s life after the Landi soldiers are
ordered to bring her to their Don to be executed. He kills the three remaining Landi
soldiers, but is captured by FBI agents when they storm his home.

gets a phone call from her uncle, leading her to believe that
Christo will kill Frano.

15 begins...






Camila started talking rapidly into
the phone, yelling at Christo not to kill Frano. A second later she went
silent, her panicked features softening. After a few moments of listening, she hung
up and held out the phone for the head FBI agent to take.

He took it. “What was that about?” he
asked, his accent American. He looked a mixture of African-American and Hispanic,
his dusky olive complexion only a couple of shades darker than mine, my family
having some Moorish heritage.

Camila answered his question, “My
uncle was going to kill Frano D’Angelo, but your agent changed his mind by
telling him she’s the Black Russian’s lover—”

“She’s not. She’ll just be buying
your Don some time.”

“No, that makes sense,” I cut in. I
was still sitting on the lounge floor next to Camila and Teodora, the FBI
agents not allowing us to move. They were surrounding us, holding their guns at
the ready.

The head agent turned to me, his
expression dubious. “Why do you think she’s the Black Russian’s lover?”

“I suspected she was working for him
when she first came here.” I hesitated for a second, realizing I’d just
confirmed I knew her, then resumed talking, “She came willingly. I thought she was
one of his assassins or spies, but didn’t say anything to my Don because I
wasn’t sure. Then she told me she was an FBI agent and that she wanted to take the
Black Russian down. However, she’s told me so many lies I wouldn’t be surprised
if she is his lover. After all, her father used to work for him.”

The man frowned. “When?”

“Several years ago.”

“How do you know?”

“I used to be her boyfriend when we
were teenagers. She was known as Sophia Salvi back then.”

“Yes, she did mention she’s a Salvi.”
His eyes moved to the staircase as two men headed down it.

A grim-faced man with a buzz cut stopped
in front of him. “There are three dead men upstairs, all shot.”

“Landi soldiers,” I said. “They
tried to kill Camila for being a Donatelli. One of the men shot at her. His
colleague took the bullet when I pushed Camila out of the way. I shot him in
self-defense, same as the third man. I had no choice.”

The head FBI agent grimaced. “I
don’t hold your word very highly.”

“It’s true,” Camila piped up. “They
were going to kill me, like they did to my sister and will do to my brother if
you don’t help him.”

“You have to help us first.”

“I have.”

“Not enough.” He held out his phone
for her to take. “I need you to ring your uncle again and confirm he’s coming

She took it and phoned through to
Christo. “
,” she said, calling him uncle, “when are you coming to the
D’Angelo house?” She frowned. “But you’re supposed to help me get Andriena and
the others back. No, you said ... No! Don’t you dare try to back out.” She started
yelling, “You are the Don, so start acting like one. No! Get your
the D’Angelo house now, so we can work out a way to save them, along with Nino.
He’s been captured by the Landi.” Her eyes widened. “But, he’s your nephew, you
have to help him, they’ll kill him if you don’t.” Her face turned vicious. “You
piece of
! You and your sick brother have ruined our
You both deserve to burn in Hell!” She hung up and thrust the phone out for the
agent to take. “The
refuses to come.”

The agent took the phone. “Then
you’re not much help to us.”

“It doesn’t matter, you still have
to take care of the Landi problem, or they’ll be down here with more soldiers
when the others don’t return. And you have to save my brother or they’ll kill

“Your brother isn’t my concern.”

“He is! I confirmed that my uncle
has your agent, so you owe me.”

“We pretty much guessed that she
was with him.”

“I did what you asked.”

He exhaled. “Okay. What’s your
brother’s name?”

“Nino Donatelli.”

He grunted, “I know him; he’s
wanted for money laundering in the US.” A second later, his face lit up. “Actually,
I’ll get a bonus if I bring him in.”

Camila went stiff, then exhaled
loudly, “In jail or dead—I choose in jail. Help him.”

The agent keyed in a number, then placed
the phone to his ear. He asked for the person on the other end of the line to
negotiate with the Landi for Nino’s release into US government custody. Once
done, he asked for someone else, frowning when he couldn’t get through to them.
He hung up. “I’ve set the ball rolling.” His attention shifted to me. “While
you, Gabriel D’Angelo, are—”

“It’s Jagger.”

“I don’t care for nicknames, what I
care about is you’re under arrest.”

“For what?”

“The kidnapping of two American

“I didn’t kidnap anyone.”

“Don’t bother lying, we have

“You’re bluffing, because you have
nothing on me.”

“One of your victims phoned us from
this house.”

“Then where is she?” I swept my
gaze around the room, exaggerating my expression. “Do you see her?”

“Obviously not, because you either
sold or killed her, you fucker.” He raised his boot and kicked me in the chest,
knocking me onto my back. Camila jumped up and went for the man. He raised his
gun, pointing it at her face. “If you attack me, lovely, you won’t have such a
pretty face anymore.”

“You’re the law!” she yelled.
“You’re supposed to protect, not attack a defenseless man. He wasn’t doing
anything to you.”

“Don’t act indignant with me, you’re
all criminals. You don’t deserve common courtesy, and get this, the only reason
I’m helping your brother is so I can lock him away. He’ll be rotting in jail
for years to come, like pretty boy down there.” He smiled at me. “I bet you’ll
make a nice prison bitch for someone. Justice in my books for all the women’s
lives you’ve destroyed.”

“Again, you have nothing on me,” I
said, wrapping an arm around Camila as she sat back down.

“Sarah Phillips’ call was traced to
this house, so we
have something.”

“I don’t know anyone by that name.”

“Blonde woman, beautiful, American,
in her early twenties.”

“No blondes here, as you can see.”

“We’ll find her and when we do,
you’re going down.”

“Not on you, fucker.”

His jaw clenched. “I’m going to
enjoy locking you away.”

“You can only dream, and I don’t
see why you’re even here. If you want Rita, pinpoint the tracking device in her

“She doesn’t have a tracker.”

“She does. She mentioned something
about it when we were being held captive at the House of Whores.”

“The House of what?”

“It’s not important where I heard
it, only that she has a tracker.”

“If she has one, I would’ve been
told about it.”

“She was willing to cut it out of
her leg to prove to Matteo she had it, but he believed her, so didn’t bother.”

“Matteo, as in Matt, her husband?”


Frowning, the agent dialed his
phone. Seconds later, he was asking someone called Dan if Rita had a tracking
device. His eyes widened. “Why the fuck did you put one of those in her?!” He
paused. “Then who did?” He listened for a few minutes, his expression darkening.
“Okay, there’s a Spinelli here, I’ll question her.” He hung up, his eyes moving
to Camila’s niece. “I remember seeing your picture in the Spinelli dossier.
What’s your first name again?”

“Teodora,” she squeaked, looking

“Have you been contacted by anyone
in the FBI over the past month?”

Her eyes flicked to Camila for a
second. “I’m just a florist.”

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