My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #agents, #fbi, #erotica, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #capture, #non consent, #italian mafia

BOOK: My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 4 Poisoned
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Marita A. Hansen

Like a television series,
My Masters’ Nightmare
is broken up into seasons and episodes. A new
episode will be published approximately every 3 weeks until a
season has ended. There will be fifteen episodes per



1 Alberto


3 Alberto


About the Author and

Other Books By Marita A.




Masters’ Nightmare

1, Episode 4


Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 © Marita A. Hansen

by John Hudspith

design © Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

Cover Photography by Konrad B

and sourced from


rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means
whatsoever without the written permission of the author, nor
circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which
it is published. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this
author. For subsidiary rights inquiries email:
[email protected]

characters, names, places, and incidents in this book are either
the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously,
and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

In Episode 3 “Betrayed”

discovered how Alberto had
conspired with the Donatelli to take over his household and to
kidnap Jagger. After being thrown into a cell with Rita, who he now
knows is an FBI agent, he is forced into sexual situations he does
not want.

takes revenge on Frano, but
after he is injured by the Donatelli, she sides with him, though
she soon learns that he isn’t the only one who has been betrayed.
She discovers that Matt, her husband, is in fact the grandson of
the Donatelli don and an FBI infiltrator, someone who had been
using her.

After Rita and Frano are knocked unconscious, they are
separated, both waking up days later in different places. Frano
does not remember what has happened, his amnesia allowing Alberto
to continue his deception, while Rita finds herself in a brothel,
remembering everything. Jagger is brought to her, his injuries
showing he has been used and abused by the
and Alberto. When Bianca,
Alberto’s wife, visits, he manipulates her into poisoning

Episode 4 “Poisoned” begins...





Frano was resisting, but I knew he
would, that was just who he was. My brother didn’t know how to
relinquish control, and no matter what the situation was he would
still demand things—even if he had a gun to his head, the bandage
around his head proof of that. I steered him toward the main
staircase as he tried to veer off in the direction of his

He yanked his arm free from my hand.
“I have work to do.”

I will take care of it,”
I said, “and if I
had just woken from a coma, I would be lying back and resting, not
being a thick-headed mule still trying to work.”

He glared at me. I could see he wanted to
shout in response, but for once he was keeping his voice down, my
brother obviously in pain. I was furious with the Donatelli for
hurting him, which they would pay for, but I was even more furious
with the FBI bitch, what she had done to my brother sickening.
Matteo had shown me the video from the cell where Frano and the
bitch had been held. She’d knocked him out, then tied him to the
bed and raped him with her fingers as well as biting his nipples,
taking joy in hurting my brother. The hypocrite had yelled and
screamed at Frano for raping her, then had done it back to him,
denying it was the same. But the camera had shown her lies, because
the lust on her face was unmistakable. Maybe I couldn’t judge her
after all the things I had done, still did, but unlike her I was
brought up with this life, seen people taken and killed before my
eyes from a young age, told it was their lot in life, but this
bitch hadn’t. She was FBI, someone who was supposed to prevent
unspeakable crimes, not commit them. Although, I was starting to
wonder whether this talk of her being a Salvi was true, because no
normal female would act like her.

Frano muttered something I didn’t catch,
probably curse words knowing him. He turned and took to the
staircase. I followed him, making sure he wasn’t playing me for a
fool, waiting until I turned my back before taking off to his
office. I’d managed to iron out some business matters while he’d
been in a coma, as well as transferring the leadership into my
hands without him knowing. I also needed to contact the Black
Russian, but not just yet, because I had to arrange a few things
first, so that the Donatelli would take the full brunt of the
Russian’s anger when he discovered what had happened to his

Frano headed into his room and started
stripping off the pajamas my wife had bought him for his
thirty-first birthday. I averted my eyes, not comfortable with
seeing my brother naked, like all those years ago when he’d
stripped off to take a skinny dip in the lake. I was twelve at the
time and mortified that I had grown hard at the sight of him diving
into the water. Ashamed of my thoughts, I had pushed my feelings
down the best I could, because there were lines that even I didn’t
dare cross, brotherhood being one of them.

Frano muttered something, making me look
up. He was lying under the covers, telling me to go away. I smiled
at his brusque tone, finding it amusing, plus I was happy he was
finally listening to me.

I let myself out of his room and
quickly headed for Jagger’s cells, needing to talk to the slave
called Honey. The blue-eyed guard opened the door for me, the
Donatelli’s eyes and ears everywhere.

Shut the door behind me,”
I said to him, not wanting the guard to hear my conversation with

He did as he was told, the man
looking bored. I headed for the slave, who let out a high-pitched
scream. Honey leapt off the bed and darted into the bathroom,
slamming the door shut, which was pointless considering it didn’t
have a lock. She probably thought I was going to rape her again,
but I didn’t need to prove anything so she was safe in that
respect. My monster of a father was gone, Frano couldn’t do a
thing, while the Donatelli didn’t hold the same prejudices as
. Being gay to them wasn’t a weakness; it wasn’t even
something to be considered, it was just a part of life. To them,
preferring cock over pussy, or the other way round, was no
different from liking redheads more than brunettes or picking
raven-haired beauties—like Jagger, over blondes such as

I put a shoulder to the
bathroom door and shoved it open, t
he blonde slave screaming again as she was
shunted back. I grabbed her by the shoulders, slamming her hard
against the wall. She grunted, then cried out for Jagger. I slapped
her hard across the face, stopping her from calling for him again,
even though it wouldn’t have done her any good, since he was still
being held at the House of Whores, something I would change as soon
as I could.

The slave’s
-colored cheek reddened, Jagger rather unoriginal with
naming her. She was a beautiful woman, reminding me of a young
Anita Ekberg, no, that actress was rippling with raw sexuality,
whereas Honey was sweet and innocent-looking, more of a Norma Jean
before she became Marilyn Monroe. Her blonde hair was wavy and
long—luscious like her curvy figure, while her eyes were bright
blue, the all-American sweetie-pie. But it was wasted on me.
Instead, I wanted to be holding Jagger’s neck, feeling his strength
and muscles tense beneath my grip while I looked into his
golden-brown eyes. I also wanted to press my body up against his
muscled but slim physique, feeling his cock touching mine. Just
thinking about Jagger got me hard, making me wonder whether I could
fuck this bitch if I turned her around. I could close my eyes and
pretend she was Jagger like I normally did when I fucked anyone but
him. No. I didn’t want to, because her ass didn’t fit me like
Jagger’s. His ass was so fucking tight and muscled, almost breaking
my cock in two when I fucked him, the squeeze pure heaven. I
groaned, imagining it, which only made the bitch start

I’m not going to rape you,” I
said. I could see she didn’t believe me, probably because I was
hard, or maybe because I’d already raped her a few times. “I don’t
find you attractive, male ass my preference, so believe me when I
say I won’t ever fuck you again. Instead, I have something else in
mind for you.”

Worry colored her eyes.

I want you to seduce my

She blinked at me as though she didn’t
understand my words.

I want you to make Frano fall
in love with you,” I said, making myself clearer. I wanted my
brother to end up with someone I could control, and not only that,
I wanted him to find a nice woman unlike the ball-busters he
normally went for, the same ones who always hurt him, those bitches
that made him hard for nasty cunt. Which meant that Honey would
have to act like a bitch at the beginning to attract Frano’s
attention, otherwise he wouldn’t rise to the bait no matter how
beautiful she was. And after he fell for her, then she would treat
him well, like he deserved.

I don’t want your
brother,” Honey said, “I love Jagger.” She cried out as I slapped
her, because there was no way in hell she was ever touching Jagger

Jagger isn’t made for
women,” I snarled, “he’s made for my cock.”

Honey stared at me in shock, her hand
trembling on her cheek. The pathetic bitch didn’t deserve Jagger.
Unlike her, he fought back, never stopping even though it hurt him
more. I respected that, not this trembling shit this bitch was

I leaned my face closer to hers. “He
is no longer your master, he’s my slave. I own him and you will
never touch what is mine again.”

No! He loves me!” She flinched,
her hands instantly moving to her cheeks as if I was going to slap
her again.

I grabbed her hands and yanked them down,
taking great satisfaction in correcting her. “He never loved you,
he was playing you, you stupid cunt. Everything he said to you was
lies, just a means to manipulate you into doing what he wanted. And
now it’s my turn to manipulate his pretty soul, making him love me
as I love him.”

He will never love

I let go of her hands and grabbed her
neck. “He will!”

Honey started sobbing, making me wonder
whether she was up to the job of seducing Frano, because he hated
weak bitches. But I could only work with what resources I had,
especially since the Donatelli had cleaned out all of Mario’s slave
cells, leaving me with nothing, other than returning Honey when I
had asked for one slave back. They had intercepted Honey on the way
to the airport, the real reason why she wasn’t in Spain, which had
caused me a great deal of stress trying to calm the Spanish client
down, who’d already paid for her. Luckily I had bought some time by
offering him three slaves in return for Honey, which I would get
once I took over the Donatelli household.

My brother is a fine piece of
ass, not someone to cry over,” I said to the stupid slave, who
wouldn’t have gotten anyone better than Frano, let alone Jagger.
“You’ll learn to love Frano, and you will make him love you too.
You two will be happy together, and you will be much happier with
him than where you would’ve gone. The Spaniard is a sadist, my
brother is not.”

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