My Ranger Weekend (18 page)

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Authors: J.D. Lowrance

BOOK: My Ranger Weekend
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No more disappearing?

Never again,

He said as he Eskimo kissed me.
I closed my eyes when
his forehead came to rest on mine.

I couldn

t even if I wanted to . . . because . . . because . . . I
fell in love with you.

My eyes opened to find
his eyes so filled with love looking back at me.

I fell pretty hard too

Flint picked me up and twirled me around and around. I laughed
as I threw my arms out enjoying the feeling of weightlessness as he spun me
around. As he came to a stop I circled my arms around his neck hugging him to
me. He hugged me back before releasing me.

Ready to go home?

I asked, liking how
right it felt.

Lovely, I

m already there.


One year later



Oh God, don

t stop,

Ryan sobbed as I twirled  my tongue around her clit. I
latched my lips around her nub and sucked hard as she rode my face; the orgasm
ripped through her body. I added one finger than another to draw out her
ecstasy. She shuddered as her body grew boneless. Her legs fell open releasing
my head. I laid a soft kiss on her clit before kissing up her body, stopping to
pay extra attention on her twin peaks.
M. I. N. E. Mine!

Hey Ranger,

she cooed as my lips found hers. I rubbed my rock hard cock
against her entrance finding it wet and ready for me as I slid into her velvet
channel. I swallowed her cries of pleasure as I dove deeper and deeper into
her. My pace only increased as I felt her pussy squeeze me signaling that Ryan
was close to another orgasm. I lifted up to my hands as I pounded into her.


m so close,

Ryan panted.

Not yet,

I commanded as my balls tightened. I rolled my hips changing
the angle in which we met so that I rubbed her clit in just the right way. Her
pussy became a vise around my dick, rewarding my effort.

Yes, Flint. Oh. My.
God. Yes,

screamed Ryan as her orgasm crashed into her, pulling me
under with her. My body went rigid with my release. I kissed her lips, then her
cheeks, and finally her nose before her beautiful solar-eclipsed eyes opened
shining their light on me.

Hey lovely,

I said as I rolled over and out of Ryan. I pulled her with me
so that her head rested on my chest, running my fingers through her hair.

We lay like this for some time as we caught our breath
enjoying the sound of the surf and the absolute perfect quiet that rested
between us.

I am going to jump in
the shower,

said Ryan as she lifted her head and looked at me.

I don

t want to make us late
for dinner. Want to join me?

If I do then we will
definitely be late for dinner,

I only half teased.

s laughter followed her
into the bathroom as she closed the door. Once I heard the shower start I
jumped out of bed and went to my suitcase. I rummaged through the weeks

worth of clothes to find the Tiffany box I hid when we packed
a few days ago. I fixed the delicate, white bow that hugged the box before
slipping it into the inside breast pocket of my suit jacket.

Tonight was our one year anniversary and I was taking Ryan to
one of the best restaurants in Nantucket. This trip was a surprise and I wanted
it to be special; just like she did for me when she surprised me with Dallas
Cowboy tickets this past Thanksgiving. Hell, I wanted every moment of Ryan

s life to be special
but I wanted more for this moment. I wanted perfection.

The shower turned off telling me I needed to put my game face



I was so excited. Flint surprised me with a week-long trip to
Nantucket for our one year anniversary. I cannot believe it has been one year
since he walked back into my life. I thought when I woke up alone the morning
he left that we were over. I would have never guessed that I could be so happy
with this beautiful man one year later. I was never so happy to be wrong before
in my life.

Dinner was amazing and very romantic. We had a view of the
ocean. There was candles and music, and the food was delicious. Everything was
perfect. Flint even got me a beautiful sterling silver Tiffany

s bracelet with a heart
tag on it.

Now we were taking the scenic route back to our hotel. Flint
came to a stop next to me. I turned to find him looking out over the ocean. I
curled deeper into his side absorbing his warmth as it was colder once the sun
set. The strapless golden dress I designed specifically for tonight

s dinner was not built
for cooling beach temperatures. Flint must have felt my shiver as he slipped
off his suit jacket and draped it over my shoulders before pulling me back into
his body.

Ryan Elizabeth Wethers.

The use of my full name
had me pulling back to look at him as he stepped back and went down on one

Oh my god,

I breathed as my right hand came to rest over my heart.

From the moment I saw
you walk into O

Malleys I have been falling in love with you. And I find
myself falling more and more every day. I am in awe of you. Of your beauty, of
your abilities, of your creativity, of the light in your very soul. I want to
be forever bathed in that light, to forever stare into your solar eclipsed eyes
and to forever hold you in my arms. I can never truly express the depth of how
I feel for you or how much I love you but I plan to spend the rest of my life
showing you if you will have me. Will you marry me Ryan Elizabeth Wethers and
make the luckiest man alive?

I took a deep breath as I wiped away the happy tears that
were falling from my eyes. I nodded as I said,

I promise to love you as much as you love me.

I launched myself into his arms. Flint caught me like I knew
he would, as he had been doing every day since coming back into my life.






One Republic

Counting Stars

Mike Posner

Cooler than Me

Neil Diamond

Sweet Caroline

American Authors

Best Day of My Life

Big & Rich

Ride a Horse (Save a Cowboy)



Miley Cyrus

Wrecking Ball

Bruno Mars

Locked Out of Heaven

Katy Perry


Katy Perry

Dark Horse

Aloe Blacc

The Man



(feat. Ke$ha)

John Legend

All of Me

Maroon 5


*Caged In

Green-eyed Monster

Mumford & Sons

I Will Wait


*Caged In, by J.D. Lowrance, due
out in early 2015.




s Reaper

available now

I hear the rumble of the pipes before I even saw the
motorcycles. I closed my eyes and savored the sound. I loved it and always
found myself pausing when I heard one. I fell in love with the sound when daddy
brought his bike home that first time. Other kids covered their ears and ran to
stand behind their momma's, but not me. I raced towards the sound with my arms
and eyes wide open never wanting it to stop.
Logan Jones is hiding in a small town with her sister
Campbell. Their gorgeous neighbor of the duplex they just rented is no other
than the Soul Reapers' VP Colton Murphy. Her life was too complicated to add
another layer of hot-ass biker to the mix.
She kept sneaking peeks at me from under her long lashes to see
if my attention has moved on but after having seen her I did not think it would
ever move on again.
Colton Murphy has a good life with plenty of everything
coming his way - woman, money, booze. He has plenty of time to settle down in a
few years. That is until he returns from a run to find the long-legged, auburn
beauty, Logan Jones, that has moved in next door.
***Author's note: This novel contains scenes of a sexual
nature, violent themes, and coarse language. It is intended for mature readers.





It had been a long trip and I could
not wait to get home. Long runs were good for the soul though, at least my
soul. The open wind, sun, and speed calmed the beast inside me, appeased it
even if just for a little while. My pop saw these trips as me stepping up for
the club, taking on more responsibility, but really I just could not sit still.
A piece of me was missing and the only time I found comfort was riding away
from the quiet in my life.

I am kidding?
The only quiet time was when I was
alone and the silence was deafening. So instead of finding out why, I drove
head first into club business, booze, and the endless pussy that stared me in
the face. It was all I ever knew and all I had in this life. The MC was my only
priority since I became my father

number two, the big VP. Riding and fighting were what I was raised to do and
this trip took care of both.

Tank, Knox, and Worm came with me;
my crew within the club. We all started out as prospects together for the Soul
Reapers Motorcycle Club, with me and Tank growing up in the MC.

pop, Whistler, was the MC

s Enforcer and the
toughest son-of-bitch I had ever seen. Tank made his pop proud by being just
like him. Whistler was Prez

s shadow and
Tank was stuck to me like pussy on a whore. Not that I could complain. Tank
knew me better than I knew myself and seemed to know what I was thinking even
before I did. Trigger was here as well, our token tag-along.; a pain in the ass
but a brother none-the-less.

As we entered town, the guys pulled
off one-by-one as we passed their streets. All of us needed a shower and a

sleep in a bed instead of the desert floor. Tank was the only one that stayed,
protecting my flank as we turned onto my street.



I heard the rumble of the pipes
before I even saw the motorcycles. I closed my eyes and savored the sound. I
loved it and always found myself pausing when I heard one. I fell in love with
the sound when daddy brought his bike home that first time. Other kids covered
their ears and ran to stand behind their mommas, but not me. I raced toward the
sound with my arms and eyes wide open, never wanting it to stop.

Campbell came running out of the
front door of the furnished duplex we just rented not wanting to miss the
potential drive-by either. We were still unpacking the Beetle of the few things
we had time to grab. Daddy

s warning was so
short we did not leave with anything other than the bags that were already
packed. I hated leaving behind any clothes, as we had so little to start.
Campbell seemed to be taking it better this time though. All smiles and shit
talk as we drove into Camden City.
smile was contagious as she joined me leaning against the faded yellow Volkswagen,
both of us savoring the moment.

As the rumble grew closer I
straightened and turned towards the start of our street to find two hogs. I was
full-on drooling at the sight. I was a junkie for a leather-clad rider sporting
snug jeans and shit-kickers. I acted without thinking as I only wanted to get
closer to the bikes. I was at the back of Beetle before I knew it so I turned
to grab whatever was left, trying not to show my excitement over the bikes and
their owners. My life was too complicated without adding a layer of bad-ass
biker to the mix.

Of course, the last bag rolled all
the way to the back of the trunk and I had to bend in half practically climbing
in to reach it. My cheeks reddened as I felt the slight breeze under my
cut-offs letting me know that I was showing off my assets to the two riders.

What am I thinking?
was trying not to be noticed and found that I was doing just the opposite.
The rumble was now an idle roar.
Oh God!
I wanted to finish
climbing in and shut the trunk until the riders were long gone but obviously
that was not an option as the quiet clued me in that the pipes were laid to



I was instantly hard seeing that
sweet butt shoving her ass in the air for me to see. She had the longest legs I
had ever seen and an ass that was perfect for spanking. I could not wait to
hear the sounds she made in that position when I was ramming into her - - hard.
We pulled into my driveway and shut off the bikes. I adjusted my semi-hard cock
as I dismounted. It had been a few days of hard riding but that would not stop
me from filling her from behind. Tank was right behind me as we walked across
the yard to the two sweet butts.


sense calling them what they were to their face. They did not have to know they
were sweet butts just yet.


strawberry blonde said as she bit her bottom lip and pulled on a strand of hair
twisting it around her finger. Her cat-like eyes were the deepest brown I had
ever seen, like pools of dark chocolate with gold flecks throughout them. I saw
Tank adjust himself out of the corner of my eye.
No shit buddy.

And hello to

said to Long Legs as she joined us, giving her all of my attention. I slowly
worked my way up her amazing body starting at her Barbie pink toenail polish.
Her legs, even longer than I thought, were tanned and toned. Her cut-off denim
shorts hung off her hips so that her belly button played peek-a-boo under the
bottom of her long-sleeve t-shirt. She must have liked my perusal because her
nipples pebbled as I spent a little extra time on them, envisioning myself
grabbing two handfuls.

Hello, eyes up

hissed placing one hand on her hip and waving the other one at me to lift my
head. My gaze reluctantly followed as I adjusted myself, AGAIN.

I opened my mouth with a flirty
comeback but froze, speechless as I stared into a pair of sapphires that shared
the same cat-like shape as the blonde. A slight breeze brought an errant strand
of hair from her ponytail across her cheek. I stuffed my hands into my jean
pockets to keep from reaching out to push it behind her ear.

You guys moving

asked as he shouldered me from behind trying to get me to snap out of it. I
gave a sheepish grin but could not look away.


Tank and this is Colton.

and the blonde, I think her name was Campbell, were talking while I memorized
the beauty before me. She kept sneaking peeks at me from under her long lashes
to see if my attention had moved on but after having seen her I did not think
it would ever move on again.

Tank, Colton, I

m Logan,

auburn-haired goddess before me said.



What the hell
was that Logan?

turned on me the minute the front door was closed.

I have no idea.

put my hands up in mock surrender after throwing down the bag.

Logan, did you
hear him call you beautiful when we said good-bye?

He was just
trying to earn some brownie points after blatantly checking me out,


Well both of
those guys were so fucking hot. It was love at first sight. Did you see how

black hair curled right above his cut? So hot! His eyes are like oil pits and I
bet they catch fire when he is hot for a chick.

fanned herself as she walked back into the kitchen.

Cam, you know I
hate when you curse.

knew she was rolling her eyes at me.

am serious. You are too pretty and too young to have a foul-mouth.

I turn 18 in one

typical argument and answer to everything.

And that is why
we are driving to the public library first thing tomorrow morning so we can
look into what it would take to get your GED.

I hated that we could not put her in the local high school to finish. She only
needed two more months but there was no way we could register her and give them
her social security number. That was the easiest way to track someone and we
planned on staying under the radar.

Not this again.
I don

need a GED to work at Denny

s or whatever
the hell name a diner takes in this podunk town.

came back into the room chewing on a cold McDonald

french fry.

Yes, you do. We
need every advantage we can get and that is one of them.

Ok, enough about

s get back to the
eye-fucking that just occurred outside between you and Hottie McHotterson.

leaned onto the side of the couch.

It was nothing.

ignored the language as I tried to ignore her. Frankly, I could not get that
image of Colton out of my head; all leather-clad, snug-jean wearing, ass-kicker
that he was. The danger just rolled off him in waves. He wore his cut to
perfection with those broad shoulders and narrow waist. His over six foot frame
was defined by long, lean muscle that pulled his white t-shirt when his body
shifted under his cut. I counted three tattoos that were visible on his arms.
The first was a phrase that was written on the inside of his right arm. It was
too small to read and was covered mostly by his shirt. The second was what
looked like the bottom of a skull on the outside of his right arm. The last one
was a red nautical star in gray contrast on his left foreman.

What really sold me were his stone
gray eyes that looked right through me while keeping everything inside locked
up tight. They never left my body, my face, me the entire time we talked. Every
now and again he would clench his square jaw and a flicker of emotion would
cross his eyes but was gone before I could read it. I could tell he was an
expert at hiding everything behind that stone gray wall he erected. I could
still feel his eyes on me like a caress to my skin.

If I let my wild imagination out of
its cage, I could imagine what his thick stubble felt like brushing against my
neck, my breast, my inner thighs.
Oh my!
His silhouette permanently
burned into my mind

s eye as he and Tank
walked back across his lawn.


exclaimed at she threw herself onto the couch next to me.

on, admit that he was hot.



He is hot. Gorgeous

They both were.
Can you believe that Colton lives next door? I can

believe that we are sharing a duplex with a bike god,


I might even share a wall with him.
That is so hot.

Oh my goodness
Campbell. Can we move. . .?

interrupted asking,

Did you see they had
matching cuts? And that Colton

s said Vice
President on it?

turned to look at me. I noticed not only that but the intimating winged reaper
on his back carrying its scythe. A shiver ran through me.

I noticed,

as I took a deep breath,

and that is why we
should try to stay away from them.

We should try,
but no way.

Campbell. We don

t know what is going on
with dad and we don

t need to draw
attention to ourselves,

said as I put my arm around her giving a slight squeeze.

those types of guys only want one thing.

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