My Son

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: My Son
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My Son




Marie Kelly

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.


My Son

Special Kindle Edition

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Marie Kelly


Other tittles


Blackmailed For The Billionaire’s Pleasure


Kidnapped The Wrong Sister


The Wedding Deal

Blackmailed For Vengeance

The Unwilling Mistress

Chapter One

The ringing doorbell
had caused Kelly to start, the paintbrush in her hand jumping from the canvas before her.  Stifling a curse which never made it to her soft red lips she had given a small laugh at herself, scolding herself for the way she always jumped when disturbed at her work.  Rising quickly from her desk on which was scattered an assortment of brushes and paint pots she had half ran to answer the door.

“What did you forget this time” she
had exclaimed with a laugh in her voice, knowing that her friend Claire was always forgetting something, as she had opened the door with a flourish and a wide smile on her lovely face.

However, the smile
had frozen on her lips as she had seen who actually now stood on the doorstep, her eyes staring incredulously at him.

The man was tall
  well over 6 feet, dark haired and breathtakingly handsome and Kelly had recognised him instantly.  Staring, her heart had seemed to drop coldly within her stomach, as she had clung to the door, her legs starting to shake, feeling as though they might buckle under her at any moment.

The man
had taken in her panic and smiled coolly down at her. 

“Miss Brown” he drawled

“My name is Marc De Santo…” he began, before she had finally managed to speak

“I know who you are Mr De Santo” she
had mustered, her voice cold and unfriendly

Marc De Santo
had frowned in return, his dark eyes taking on a harder glint as he had fixed her with as equally a cold look

“Then..” he
had said walking past her into the flat “You’ll know why I am here”, momentarily stopping to look down into her large blue eyes

“I believe you hav
e my child” he had stated flatly, before walking on.

Kelly was aware of clos
ing the door as in panic she had watched him move lithely down the small hall way into her living room, and her mind was transported to two weeks previously.  

Sitting in the
lawyer’s office she had listened as the will of her friend had been read.  Kelly had held back the tears at the loss of Trudy, killed the previous week in a terrible car accident caused by the driver of the car she was a passenger in.  Her eyes had grown hard knowing that the driver had escaped with hardly a scratch while her poor friend and cousin, Trudy had been killed instantly.  She remembered grimly how the driver had been more worried about his car than he had at having caused a person’s death, or having left a child motherless.  Her blood had turned cold remembering how he had tried to blame Trudy for the accident claiming that she had grabbed the wheel “for no reason”, with little satisfaction knowing that the police had proven that he was 3 times over the limit for driving and had been assured that he would face serious charges with the death of his passenger.  She had looked down sadly at her hands thinking how Trudy had no luck with her choice of men and wishing that things were different.

ow with regard to Max” the lawyer had read, Kelly’s head snapping up, pulled out of her melancholic thoughts.  This was the part she was most interested in.  Trudy had no real assets and owed more than she had in the bank.  However, Max was by far her greatest treasure

“It is my most ardent wish that my son Max be brought up by my
next of kin, cousin and friend Kelly Brown.  She has been more of a mother to him than I have ever been, and it is my wish that he stay with the person who will give him the happiest and most stable upbringing”

remembered placing her hand to her mouth in a sob full of relief, and how finally the tears had started to roll down her cheek unchecked.  Poor, poor Trudy she had cried while promising herself that she would bring up her young son to know his mother.

She had remembered smiling with relief at her lawyer as she had asked him

“Does that mean that Max will stay with me” the smile disappearing as he had shifted uneasily in his chair, Kelly knowing that there was a problem

Erm…well….” he had said uneasily

“While your cousin is very clear about her wishes for her son, there is a natural father who needs to be contacted”

Kelly had looked at him a note of disdain in her voice

“I don’t think that we have to worry about the father” she had said

“He doesn’t really care about Max, never has”

“Never the less” the lawyer had continued

“He will still have to be informed”.  The elderly gentleman had smiled more gently at her and quietly added

Until then he will continue to reside with you and if as you say the father is not interested will then permanently live with you”

Kelly had felt uncomfortable about having to inform
him,  she had known that Max was the son of the renowned playboy Marc De Santo, but whenever she had tried to bring up the subject to her cousin she had been told

“He knows………he isn’t interested”
by Trudy, who would then always change the subject, Kelly feeling sorry for her and the pain she must have felt knowing this, shocked and saddened as she had wondered sadly how anybody could not be interested in their own flesh and blood, especially a child like Max. 

She had met
Marc on one brief occasion, but while she was sure that he would not have remembered her, she had never forgotten him, remembering how he had dominated the room and laughed easily while his breathtakingly beautiful date had clung on to him, as he worked the room.

Thinking about Marc De Santo
had made her angry and she had grown to despise the man who had abandoned her friend and his child, but knowing that he would be contacted about Trudy’s death had made her uneasy.  However, as the weeks had slipped away, her uneasiness had disappeared and it was therefore with shock that she now found herself staring in disbelief at his back as he moved further into her home. 

Closing the door, she had q
uickly caught up with him, reaching him as he had moved into her small sunny living room with light flooding in from the large bay windows.

had watched as his eyes moved around the room, taking in everything from the small shabby couch covered in bright cheerful throws to the many toys which littered the floor thrown there by eager little fingers, before his eyes had finally settled on her.  She saw how they had slid over her, openly admiring her slender form. 

Inwardly Kelly had
shivered as those dark eyes had bored into hers and held hers captive, remembering how Trudy had often spoken of how alluring Marc had been. Faced once more with him she once again felt the same quickening response as she had on their first meeting.  He was the most perfect man she had ever seen.  His wide shoulders tapered down to a slim waist, dressed in a suit which must have cost more money than she could make in a month, several months.  However, he wore it with the air of somebody who was used to the better things in life, as indeed he was. 

His shining black hair
was fashionably cut and tapered down neatly at the back of his neck, and she had swallowed uncomfortably aware of a quickening of her pulse as some of his fringe had fallen slightly over his eye giving him a boyish look which belied his true preditary nature.   It was however, his eyes which had her holding her breath, the darkest eyes she had ever seen, framed with long lashes which seemed to glow dangerously, as he had looked around himself.  Marc De Santo exuded power and wealth, which made her shiver slightly with an emotion she didn’t fully understand and she had once more thought that he was not a man who could ever be missed in any room.

Kelly had
become aware that she had been staring at him and that he was now watching her too, his eyes holding hers unblinkingly, and she had flushed as she saw the knowing smile on his lips and the mocking look in his eyes.

“Well Miss Brown w
here is my son” he had said, his voice dangerously low.

had looked around the room in panic, relieved that Max was not there, as she had prayed that her friend would not have forgotten anything, prayed that she would not return please, please, please dear God she had prayed silently.

I’m waiting” he had continued a note of impatience creeping into his tone

He… he isn’t here right now “Kelly had stammered softly, watching as Marc De Santo had moved over to an armchair and seated himself upon it. 

“And when will h
e be here” he had asked her calmly.

“I don’t know” she
lied, looking nervously at the man before her.

Dark eyes
had penetrated hers; cold ruthless eyes which she knew would be dangerous to those who crossed him.

“You don’t know?” he
sneered, his voice cold and brittle

“Miss Brown”, he
had punctuated each word with contempt “I was contacted by your lawyer to say that an old……...friend”, she had bristled at the way he had said the word

“Trudy Brown had been killed.
”  He paused for a moment to take in the way her body had suddenly stiffened

“And that she had a son… son” he stated still watching her with darkly hooded eyes which portrayed nothing of what he was thinking

Kelly had nodded her head

here was a car accident….” She began before he had cut through her words

y son, a son I never knew I had”

had looked at him in disbelief, remembering how Trudy had informed him that she was pregnant and had been told that it had nothing to do with him leaving her to raise her child alone.

Before she could open her mouth he
had risen quickly to his feet and stood before her his eyes now blazing down at her

don’t take kindly to people passing off their children as mine” he had said in a low dark tone

“Then I can only wonder why you are here at all” she
had bitten back, anger finally taking hold of her

e only reason I am here” he had stated “was because I knew Trudy and wanted to find out for myself.  However, if this is some kind of attempt to get money then you will be one very sorry girl” he had finished coldly

had felt shaken by his words and confused.  How could he deny that he did not know of Max,  Trudy had promised her that she had informed him, not understanding his anger, or words of ignorance with regard to his son.

“I don’t need your money Mr De Santo”
she had shouted back at him

“I would rather that you just left
now and left me and Max to get on with our lives”

had stood silently for a few seconds his brow furrowed before in a cooler voice asking

hen why did I get a letter from your lawyer”

still inwardly shaking had sighed

“As the named father on m
ax’s birth certificate you had to be informed” she had stated, raising her small chin in defiance

ut we don’t need anything from you”

Marc De Santo
had looked at her for a long while, his eyes openly moving over her, taking in every detail from her honey gold hair which she had twisted into a bun and which was held firmly to her head by what looked like a pencil to her graceful slender neck. His eyes had flitted over her slim but curvatious figure, taking in the way that her young body stood rigid with anger, remembering her from the first time they had met.  When she had first opened the door to him it had taken a great deal of self control to keep the surprised look from his face, and he was once more struck by how beautiful she looked.

had flushed feeling self conscious and hating the fact that she was wearing an old t-shirt which clung to every part of her body along with old leggings which were covered in paint.  She had tried to tell herself that she didn’t care if she looked to him as though she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards; however, something inside her had cringed as he had racked her contemptuously with those dark eyes, and raising her chin she had met his gaze.

“Show me
this birth certificate” he had finally stated, as silently with a last glare back at him, Kelly had turned and moved into her bedroom to retrieve a copy of Max’s birth certificate.

“How do
I know if this child is mine…” a voice behind her had began, as she had gasped, not aware that Marc had followed her into her room, turning abruptly at the sound of his voice.

To her surprise h
e was stood transfixed at the door staring at a picture on the wall, a picture of a small boy who had the same dark eyes, dark hair and features of the man before her. 

had moved closer to better examine the picture in greater detail, before finally speaking, his voice a little cracked

“Who is this” he asked quietly
his back to her, his body rigid, hands balled at his side

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