MY STEP (Billionaire Taboo Steamy Romance)

BOOK: MY STEP (Billionaire Taboo Steamy Romance)
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(Taboo Steamy Bareback Billionaire Romance)



Nikki Wild

Copyright 2015 Nikki Wild

All Rights Reserved



Although I hold the copyright to this naughty story, this ebook is completely
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–Nikki Wild





(Taboo Steamy Bareback Billionaire Romance)

21-year-old Amiee Nolin is definitely not in a good mood. Her fiancé, Jake, has just left her for another woman, meaning she has nowhere to go except for the big work party being thrown by
her BILLIONAIRE stepfather.
But when she gets there, Amiee quickly realizes she’s going to need more than martini’s to keep her mind off Jake.


When she spots a hot looking waiter he’s hired for his party, she realizes there might be a chance to solve her problem with some nice hard cock... Little does she know that
her daddy
is watching her attempt to get a little action.


And he wants her
to himself…


You know what happens next… Her billionaire daddy is going to fuck her
without protection…


This story contains a naughty 21-year-old being fucked hard and without protection by her infuriatingly sexy BILLIONAIRE stepfather.


Turn the page, and let me sweep you away into a world of dirty fantasy… - Nikki


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“You should come home with me... You look like you need a good hard fuck...”


Amiee Nolin rolled her eyes so hard she was afraid they’d pop out of her head and into her martini glass. She wasn’t sure if that would have made the drink better or worse. She was a connoisseur of fine martinis, and this cheap swill was anything but. It was a pity. After a day like today, she could have used a good, stiff drink.


She had no idea why she’d even agreed to come to her stepfather’s celebratory work party in the first place. Sure, it was an important day for good old Daddy, he’d finished a merger that would make him
billion dollars, but after a certain point did it even matter? She hardly knew anyone there, and when she’d originally agreed to mingle here, it was because she’d wanted to introduce her daddy to her then-fiancé, Jake Hammond. Now there was no need. Jake was gone.


The asshole…


So why was she here?


She supposed that it was because she really had no other place to go. Her mother was on the other side of the country. She’d expected to spend some time with Jake, but now that he’d left her—and for another woman, no less—his family’s home in the Hamptons was out of the question. He was probably there with
right now, sipping
martinis and letting her suck his dick while he flashed his big, stupid smile on his shitty, perfect face.


Stop thinking about it. You’re only making it worse…
She thought to herself.


So, no—Amiee literally had nowhere else to go. Not unless she wanted to run home to her apartment and spend the night in crushing solitude, anyway.


She shot a sideways glance at the drunken idiot trying to hit on her. He probably had no idea who she was. She hadn’t a clue who he was either—somebody working under her stepfather, obviously. He was completely soused, three sheets to the wind and about to add a fourth. She could tell by the lazy smirk on his face and the way he slurred his words that he feeling pretty confident in himself right now. It was all she could do not to get his name and ensure he didn’t have a job tomorrow.


“No,” she said. “Thank you.”


She spun away, trying to ignore his stinky breath and leering gaze. At least the party was nice. They had decorated the sixty-third floor wall-to-wall in glamour. Half the men here had more money than God ever intended, and half the women had followed suit with their unnatural breast sizes. Through the crowd, she could see the man of the hour. Mr. Nolan walked confidently about, shaking hands and toasting with champagne that cost more than most people made in a year.


He was tall and slim, with a muscular build that didn’t at all match her childhood vision of what a father was supposed to look like. Her biological father had let himself go a long time ago, growing fat and ugly as the years went by. Mr. Nolan was different, his strong body clad in a twelve thousand dollar suit. Even though she’d come to appreciate him as a man, and accept him as her stepfather, her twenty-one-year-old vision couldn’t help but approve of his sexy and well-kept looks.


She sighed wistfully, knocking back another long sip of her martini. Maybe this whole Jake thing was getting to her. There was no reason to be looking at her stepdaddy like that. There had to be someone else here that could help take her mind off the awful things that had happened these last few weeks…


The drunk guy beside her wasn’t giving up so easily, it seemed. He snorted and rattled his Manhattan around in his glass and he said, “C’mon, it’s a party. You could at least act like you’re having fun!”


“I’ve got standards,” Amiee hissed, “I’m not going to sleep with a drunken asshole..”


“What if I’m the real deal?” the drunken menace asked. “Do you even know what I’m worth, little girl? I could buy you.”


She sighed, turning to face him. In her heels, she towered over the man, but she was sure that even in bare feet, she’d have been at least an inch taller. She folded her arms, making herself look even more imposing.


It worked. He withered and began to slink away. In no time at all, she was alone again at the bar. Strangely, it wasn’t much of a victory. She felt empty.


Amiee shook her head, trying to calm her nerves. Did she want Jake to return? No, he was worthless. He’d proven that already, and the ache she felt when she said his name didn’t come from regret, only the loneliness she felt now that he was gone.


She tried again. Did she want a new boyfriend? Well… not really. She was vulnerable and bitter, a bad combination. No, she needed time to get over what Jake had done to her before she could move on with anyone else.


A one-night stand, however…


Amiee gave it some consideration. She’d done it before, and in its own way, it had proven cathartic. Maybe she needed to flush Jake from her system with someone unattached and deliciously anonymous. Not some drunken sleazeball, but if there were someone else…


She looked around the room, scanning for the right man to fill the need already building inside her. It wasn’t long before her eyes fell on one of the waiters. If anyone here tonight was anonymous, it was certainly him. Her lips curled into a small smile as she studied his form beneath his newly pressed tuxedo, noting how broad his shoulders were, how his biceps bulged under the fabric. He wasn’t one of the crowd, and he certainly wouldn’t know who she really was…


Maybe that drunken louse had been right. Maybe getting fucked was
what she should be doing right now.


“To hell with it,” she muttered as some kind of warped toast to her own depravity. She downed the rest of her martini and set the empty glass on a nearby tray, tousling her long blonde hair for the waiter’s benefit. She wanted that “just been rolling around in bed” look, a preview of coming attractions, she hoped. Even if she hadn’t been with anyone besides Jake in three years, she still knew how to snag a man—she hoped.


She strutted across the room toward the attractive waiter and the almost comically large tray he was carrying around, with large glasses delicately arranged atop it. This kind of work definitely wasn’t befitting a man of his looks. The closer she got, the more she realized this man should be a model, not a food service worker.


Or maybe that was just the Martini talking…


If she knew her stepfather, he’d spared no expense. That waiter was probably one of the best in the business, hired by some exclusive and ultra expensive catering company that only handled high net-worth events. Undoubtedly, he was being paid well to stand around and look sexy for the wives of the billionaires in attendance.


She flashed the waiter a sultry smile. He was doing what he could to stay focused on his task, even as she approached. One of the older women grabbed a glass from his tray and gave him a light smack on the ass, laughing.


Billionaires… They always felt like they were above society’s rules. They could do what they want, abuse who they want. After all, at the end of the day, they could afford it. Here was a man being paid to preen about the room serving drinks to horny trophy wives, and he did it without complaint because of the big fat check they would deposit in his bank account. She found it insufferable, the ease with which people sold themselves into this kind of wage slavery, but then again, she hadn’t been born into money. This was all relatively new to her, and she was probably more sensitive than most…


It was all for show, of course. This whole thing, every drink, every piece of food, and every person in attendance, they were all there to make her stepfather look just that much better. It was almost sad.


Everyone else seemed to love the lengths her stepfather went to in order to secure himself a position as one of the most enviable men in the city. His parties were always packed with guests, most of them people he didn’t even really know. That didn’t matter, though. What mattered was that they all saw what he had, and that they left wanting it. If he’d accomplished that, then the evening had been a success. She took a quick glance around, making sure her stepfather was nowhere to be seen as she closed the final distance between herself and the sexy waiter.


Her stepfather’s relentless pursuit for envy didn’t matter. Tonight, she needed to direct all her attention to this hot waiter and his utterly sexy body. As much as she craved anonymity tonight, she’d already decided to give him her number after they’d sealed the deal. Maybe this didn’t have to be a one-night fling…


“Hello miss, can I interest you in a drink?” he asked, smiling politely.


She smiled, doing her best to smolder as she reached out and grabbed a glass, one hand carelessly brushing up against his thigh, sweeping up toward his crotch. He jerked upright as though he hadn’t been expecting her to, shifting and clearing his throat.


“I think you could interest me in more than a drink,” she whispered, pulling in closer, her hand bumping up against something that was large and rapidly getting larger down one leg of his slacks.


She knew she was laying it on thick, but this was a fling at a work party, and she didn’t have time to cultivate his interest. She needed him to want one thing from her and one thing only: her body.


As she adjusted her grip, Mr. Hot Waiter nervously glanced at her cleavage. Though he tried not to look back at it, he always failed.


“I… Yes… That would be nice…”


Amiee grinned. “Oh, I was hoping you’d say that,” she purred, brazenly running her fingers over his cock, shielding the view from the rest of the crowd with her body. “Why don’t you meet me in one of those offices over there in five minutes?”


Hot Waiter was floundering now, trying to figure out what exactly to say. A few of the guests were staring at them now, but Amiee ignored them. She was completely focused on her goal, even if he seemed way more nervous than she’d anticipated he’d be.


“Well, uh…” he began, his gaze flicking to her tits once more. “Yeah. Five minutes.”


Amiee leaned back just enough to look into his face. She bit her lip, wriggling her hips and giving him a little stroke through his pants before letting him go. She heard him let out just the softest of grunts as she did so. “Hurry, will you?”


She pouted for effect, pausing long enough to gauge his reaction. She felt it more than saw it. His dick was straining, and it would be interesting to see how he managed to get through the crowd without drawing attention with that raging erection.


“Looks like you’re going to have a hard time getting there. Maybe I can help you with that…”


Hot waiter’s cock surged upwardly as she stepped in front of him, shielding things from view and letting her hand slip quickly into his pants, shifting his shaft up and leaving it trapped behind his belt. It was throbbing so hard that she could feel the tip pulsing as she gave him the quick adjustment. It wanted out. It wanted release. Good. That meant she had him right where she wanted him.


He wet his lips, his blue eyes looking over her shoulder and his face freezing in fear. As she pulled her hand free, her whole body tense and a feeling of dread rolling over her, she heard the voice drifting over her right shoulder.


“Amiee, I… What are you doing?”


With just those words, her stomach plummeted toward her feet, crashing into the ground below and splattering over the tile. Her eyes widened and her throat dried up, forcing her to choke. She spun quietly, tongue stumbling as a word left her mouth.


“D… Daddy?”


As soon as she’d heard his voice, she knew, but seeing him standing over her made it all the worse.


“I…” he began again, but she stepped away, hand over her mouth as her eyes fell on the huge tent in his own impeccable slacks. He immediately shifted to try to hide it, but it was all she could look at now. Her stepfather must have watched her trying to pick up the waiter, and he’d been turned on! The whole scene was shocking, and yet, instead of wanting desperately to run away, it was getting her so wet that her panties were clinging to her.


“Oh God,” she said, cutting him off before he could say another word. “I’m sorry...”


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