My Werewolf Husband (Domenico and Misty): A Hot BBW Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (5 page)

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She jerked, realizing belatedly she had zonked out in front of Ed. “S-sorry,” she stammered.

The middle-aged man gave her a worried look. “You look really stressed out. Is the work too much?” His voice took an anxious note. “I’m truly sorry I got you out here. I know it’s far from your duties as a housekeeper—”

Misty tried not to grimace as she listened to Ed’s words.
A housekeeper
. She had swapped her boring job as a technical proofreader for that of a housekeeper. There went her dreams of being a go-getter. Obviously, once a wimp, always a wimp. Apparently, in this world it was
up to her to change herself.

“—but hopefully, the double pay will make up for it.” Ed looked behind his back when something crashed, wincing when he saw a huge, expensive looking flower-shaped crystal had been accidentally shoved off its marbled pedestal. “Oh dear, Mrs. Moretti will kill me—”

Misty whitened and she quickly grabbed hold of Ed before he could leave. “Mrs. Moretti?” Oh my God, Domenico was married to another woman in this world? That jinn really had it out for her. Misty didn’t think she had it in her to be an adulteress.

Ed nodded fearfully. “She’s only just bought that for this party, too. Her sons are going to kill me.”

She repeated faintly, “Her sons?” It just kept getting worse and worse.

“Prince Danilo would of course reprimand me for allowing Prince Domenico to throw a party like this, but it’s not as if I can really control the young master. And then of course Prince Domenico would be furious with me, for letting such guests get out of hand, but then they’re all drunk and it’s not like they’d listen to someone like me, will they?”

Misty’s head was whirling. Danilo…Danilo…surely, it couldn’t be…

“When you said Mrs. Moretti, do you mean the mother of Domenico and…” She swallowed. “Danilo Moretti?”

Ed looked at her blankly. “Who else would I have been talking about?”

She said slowly, “Nothing. I’ll g-go to the kitchen now and get, umm, new drinks out.” She hurried away, leaving behind Ed, who was shaking his head at her. She badly needed time to process what she had just learned. In the real world, Danilo – Domenico’s older brother and twin – had died when they were in their teens. But he was alive here. Why? And what did it mean for her?

Inside the kitchen, a harried-looking staff member told her there were no more new glasses left. “They just about broke it all,” the woman muttered irritably. She was tall and slim, her black hair tied back and her dark brown eyes hidden behind large steel-framed glasses. Shaking her head, she grumbled, “And those were expensive ones, too.”

“I’ll wash them then,” Misty offered right away.

The woman appeared surprised. “Really? You will? Your snotty crew usually doesn’t want to do anything that could break their nails.”

Misty admitted sheepishly, “I’m actually the housekeeper and I’m just lending them an extra hand.” Or at least that was what Ed had told her.

“Oh, so that’s why. You really don’t look like them even when you’re all killing yourselves in those heels. For one thing, you’ve got a ton less makeup than they do.” The woman pointed to the sink. “That’s where we wash the glasses. I’ll help you to make it quicker.”

Around them, the rest of the kitchen staff was just as busy, working and gossiping at the same time. Misty started paying attention when she realized that they were talking about Domenico.

Did you see the woman he had with him at the awards night?

She’s married to that oil baron, isn’t she? I bet seeing her eye-fucking him in public had Prince Danilo angry again. He’s always after his younger brother about the family reputation.

A giggle followed the words.
One of us should really tell Prince Danilo that the reputation is safe as far as the length of their cocks are concerned.

Oh my God! You’ve seen the prince’s cock?

Both of them,
was the smug reply.
They sleep naked—

“Which prince are you in love with?”

Misty almost broke the shot glass she was rinsing but managed to catch it in time. Thankfully, too, since the woman next to her had a scary look on her face.

“I’m, umm—”

“Don’t bother. I can see the look on your face.” The woman was smiling at her, but Misty sensed the other woman’s disapproval.

She hedged, “It’s really nothing—”

“Who is it?”

Shick, that look was too scary to refuse. She said weakly, “Domenico?” The look of relief that crossed the woman’s face made Misty gasp. “Oh my God, you like Da—”

“Sssh!” She placed a hand over Misty’s lips.

She said against the hand, “Sho you weely rike—”

The woman glared at her.

Misty threw her hands up.

“I can’t believe you saw through me. I’ve been working here for years and no one knew.” Shaking her head, she offered her hand to Misty. “I’m Avery, by the way.”

Misty frowned. Something about the name was familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Taking the other woman’s hand, they both smiled as they gave each other a soapy shake. “Misty,” she said. “Are you directly working for Prince…Danilo?”

Avery nodded. “Since I was eighteen.” Her smile turned wry. “So about nine years already.”

Misty’s eyes widened. “Wow. That’s…” Did that mean Avery had also been in love with Danilo Moretti for the same number of years?

Avery laughed. “I can almost hear you asking the same question, and unfortunately the answer’s no. I’ve been in this state far longer than nine years.”

“And he never noticed?” Misty gasped.

“Nope. He’s too busy being responsible and worrying over his siblings.

Misty’s brows furrowed. “That’s what I don’t get. Everyone here’s saying bad things about him—” Avery’s laugh cut her off.

“I take it you’re new to the family? Or maybe you’ve been living in the middle of nowhere for the past decade? Misty, my dear, everything the staff’s saying about Domenico Moretti isn’t just true. It’s actually not the worst.” Avery dried her hands on the towel tied around her waist. “I get it, though. He’s not completely at fault. Their father would drive a saint mad, with the way he keeps comparing the twins. And Domenico’s too proud, so instead of trying to please his father, he just keeps doing what would make Mr. Moretti mad.”

Misty almost winced at the words. Apparently, Domenico Moretti’s hang-up remained the same in every world. As she dried the last shot glass and placed it back on the tray, Misty asked carefully, “What about Prince Danilo?”

“Oh, he likes reprimanding Prince Domenico, too, but everyone knows – and that includes Domenico – that it’s just his way of showing he cares.”

The CB radio clipped to her pants suddenly buzzed and unclipping it, Avery plugged one ear with an earphone. “What is it?” She paused. “I see.” She glanced at Misty. “Prince Domenico’s coming up and I don’t think it’s safe to unleash him to this crowd. It might get him to start drinking, and we absolutely do not want that to happen, not until after the king’s seen him at least. Do you think you could handle him and take him to somewhere private?”

“Somewhere…private?” Misty didn’t know which she felt more: giddy or nervous. Whichever it was, the emotion was making her hands perspire and her throat dry.
she reminded herself bracingly. It all boiled down to the vajayjay – or her vajayjay, for that matter.

“We have a room reserved on the floor below. A guard’s already waiting there. You up for it?” Avery’s serious face softened a bit. “If you’ve never had a chance to make him notice you, this could be it.”

Misty glanced at her wrist and only then did she notice a digital watch circling it, its display set to a 24-hour timer. Right now, it was down to 23:02.
Twenty-three hours to seduce and make Domenico Moretti fall in love with her.

Closing her eyes, Misty mentally recited a prayer. Afterwards, she asked Avery, “What do you want me to do?”


Domenico Moretti had died and gone to heaven.

That was the only thing he could think of the moment the elevator doors opened and he saw the sexiest little bunny standing in front of the elevator.

He forgot about the fact that he was here to make it to the board meeting virtually and that he had actually invited a hundred people to his penthouse suite for a celebratory party. Tonight had been his greatest coup, Domenico managing to close the biggest deal for Moretti Inc. It was his surprise that would make his father finally proud of him. Maybe this time, they could mend their fences for good. Danilo had been right, after all. None of them were getting any younger and it was time to let the past stay in the past, where it belonged.

However, all such thoughts went to the back of Domenico’s mind when he saw the woman standing in front of him. Her dark hair was held back with a band that had bunny ears, and her deliciously bountiful breasts looked like they were about to spill out of her costume any second. Although she was a tiny beauty, she had the most wondrously shaped legs, the kind that made him want to kiss every inch of it.

Before he could ask what her name was, she smiled at him. One that was both naturally coy and shy at the same time. He was enchanted.

When she stepped inside the elevator, he immediately pressed the CLOSE button. Wherever she was going, he would be following. He had to have her tonight. Right this minute, preferably. He checked his watch.
Ten minutes
, he promised himself. Ten minutes to seduce her and then he would find a way to make it to his meeting.

He looked at the woman with hooded eyes, not bothering to hide his desire for her.

Misty’s heart slammed against her chest.
Oh. My. God. That look.

“Where to?” Domenico asked huskily.

It took a while for Misty to answer. “34
.” Her voice came out all throaty, and by the way Domenico’s green gaze darkened, Misty knew he thought she was already working on seducing him. Well, that was good. At least he didn’t know her bedroom voice was because of sheer nerves. She tried her best not to stare at him, but it was hard. He was so gorgeous, but more than that, Domenico looked more…playful. Wickedly so, but still. He had none of the intimidatingly serious aura that he usually had.

Even his taste in clothes was different
, Misty mused. In their world, Domenico was usually dressed in neutral colors, but here he was very fashionable, with his silver-lined jacket, skinny jeans, and expensive leather shoes. He wore it with such incredibly arrogant flair Misty had a feeling it was another way for Domenico to get back at his father. If Dio here was the same as he was back in their world, this kind of thing would definitely get to the older Moretti.

She couldn’t stop staring at him. Did he really not remember her? She knew that was what the jinn said, but it was hard to fathom that he could forget her. She didn’t mind that the others did, but…Domenico was different. Domenico was her heart, as she was his. Couldn’t even the smallest part of him recognize her?

“You like what you see?” His purring had her swallowing.

“Y-yes?” God, it was hard not to throw herself at Domenico when he was being this…seductive.

“What’s your name?”

“Misty.” She was more than a little surprised he had to ask. She had assumed she was working for Domenico, just like how it was in their world. But apparently she wasn’t, which meant…who was she really working for?

“Misty.” Domenico savored saying her name, finding it strangely appropriate. She felt elusive to him, like a mist he wanted to own even knowing it was impossible.

She thought about asking his name but didn’t know if she could lie about not knowing it. In the end, she stayed silent, unable to decide what to do or say next. She glanced at her watch.
Over twenty-two hours still. No need to panic yet—

There was a sudden groaning sound, and the elevator shook to a stop before everything was plunged into darkness.

Misty screamed.

One firm hand grabbed hold of her, squeezing reassuringly. “I’m here.”

“W-what happened?” Misty immediately inched closer to Domenico.

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