Mystic Park (15 page)

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Authors: Regina Hart

BOOK: Mystic Park
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She smiled at him. “I keep telling you we make a great team.”
“I know you don't like being the disciplinarian.” Vaughn leaned against the stage. “Although you're good at it.”
“We can't have
yelling at the actors.” Benita crossed to the audience seats and settled onto one. “You won't build loyalty that way.”
“You're right.”
“People have always liked you, though.” Her lips curved into a smile. “They were more wary of me.”
“And you never gave a damn.” Vaughn jerked his chin toward the auditorium doors through which their cast had left. “Who do you think will back out?”
“No one.” Benita stood, collecting her jacket and purse. “Are you ready to go?”
“What about Ginny?” Vaughn straightened from the stage. He grabbed his coat from one of the folding audience chairs. “She's going on vacation.”
of taking a vacation.” Benita fell into step beside Vaughn as they left the auditorium. It felt good to have his tall, lean body beside her. “Ginny tested us and failed.”
“CeCe's not comfortable with the schedule.”
“She's dating Stan.” Benita attempted to shrug into her jacket.
“So?” Vaughn reached behind Benita to assist her with her coat. Benita wanted to linger over the moment. His body was warm behind her. His soap and cedar scent wrapped around her.
What was his question?
“Stan's not worried about the schedule.” She led Vaughn down the narrow staircase from the second floor to the main lobby. “He'll reassure CeCe that the schedule's feasible. Don't worry, Vaughn. You won't have to suffer through another round of auditions.”
“I hope you're right.” Vaughn slipped into his jacket with an all-too-brief shrug of his muscles.
By this time, they were outside. It was well after nine
. The campus was almost eerily silent. Benita walked beside Vaughn to the university parking lot across the street. They followed the lampposts that weaved around the campus Oval, cutting a path through the inky darkness.
Benita inhaled the late spring breeze, crisp and sweet. “Are you ready for Opal's interview tomorrow?”
Opal Gutierrez was the newest reporter with
The Trinity Falls Monitor
. Darius was her boss. He'd assigned Opal to interview Benita and Vaughn about the musical.
“Why do I have to be interviewed?” Vaughn's question was querulous.
“Do you want people to actually attend the musical?”
“Of course I do.” Vaughn gave her a look. Even in the shadows, she could see the glint of annoyance in his dark eyes.
“Then unless you want to go knocking door to door, I'd suggest you do the newspaper interview.”
Vaughn's scowl deepened. “Why don't
do the interview?”
Benita chuckled. “It's not my play.”
“You've read the script.”
“You wrote it. You're the best person to discuss it.” Benita paused at the curb, looking left, then right before crossing the street. “But I'll be there with you.”
Vaughn was silent for several steps. Benita could feel his mind turning over plots and ideas.
“Why do we have to do the interview if we're running an ad?” Vaughn asked.
“Do I need to give you a quick lesson in public relations and promotion?”
Vaughn grunted. “No.”
“You'll be fine.” Benita kept her gaze on the parking lot coming into view ahead of them. “I still think you should let me send your script to the producer I know in L.A.”
“I'm sure you do, but that's not going to happen, Benny.”
“Why not, Vaughn?” She barely kept the exasperation from her tone. “It's a great script. The music is strong. The lyrics are beautiful. Why don't you want it to reach a wider audience?”
Vaughn was silent for several long seconds. “I told you, I'm not interested in flying all over the country, setting up performances.”
“Other people could do that for you.”
“I'm a teacher.” Vaughn stopped and captured her gaze. “That's who I am and what I do. I'm not interested in becoming a playwright or a director. I just want to teach. Can you understand that?”
No, not really.
But she knew he loved teaching and that he was good at it.
Benita's sigh lifted her shoulders. “So you don't want me to send it to the producer?”
Vaughn shook his head slowly. “No, I really don't.”
Uh, oh. Too late.
“All right.”
Vaughn smiled. “I appreciate your respecting my wishes.” He turned to continue on to the parking lot.
With a heavy heart, Benita fell into step beside him. She'd already sent a copy of Vaughn's script to a theater producer, asking him to contact her as soon as he'd had a chance to read it. She didn't feel good about doing this behind Vaughn's back. But she felt certain she was doing the right thing in making this opportunity for him. She swallowed yet another sigh. This was a classic case of doing what needed to be done and asking for forgiveness later. She hoped he'd be in the mood to grant it.
Benita considered Opal Gutierrez as
The Trinity Falls Monitor
reporter flirted openly with Vaughn in his office Thursday afternoon. Opal had curled up on the other gray guest chair in front of Vaughn's desk. Wasn't this supposed to be a newspaper interview? It seemed more like a speed dating session. The younger woman was entirely focused on Vaughn. Opal hadn't even glanced Benita's way since she'd arrived.
Does she even realize I'm here?
Benita checked her Movado wristwatch. It was almost a quarter after four o'clock in the afternoon. The reporter had been flirting with Vaughn steadily for almost fifteen minutes.
Benita unclenched her teeth. “I suppose we should start the interview.”
“Of course.” Opal laughed lightly as she bent forward to rummage through her tote bag. The emerald bodice of her figure-hugging dress fell away from her cleavage.
Benita shot a look at Vaughn to see if he'd noticed. Luckily for him, he hadn't. Instead, he caught her eye, sending her a questioning look. Benita shook her head and made an effort to relax. It was the last day of April. It would help her nerves some if the weather actually warmed up. She was used to Southern California climes. These chilly days were making her tense.
Opal reached forward and set an audio recorder on Vaughn's desk. “I don't like using these things, but Darius insists I record my interviews. And, well, he's my boss.”
“I think it's a good idea.” Benita came to Darius's defense. “You can have more of a conversation this way.”
“It's a little intimidating for the person being interviewed, though.” Vaughn regarded the recorder with discomfort. “It's unnerving to know that your every word is being recorded.”
Opal pressed her right hand to her bosom. “That's what I said to Darius.”
Why was Vaughn agreeing with the reporter? Benita wanted to pinch him. Really hard.
“Isn't that better than being misquoted?” Benita tried for a smile. Did it look as insincere as it felt? “Let's get started. We don't want to take too much more of your time, Opal.”
Opal blinked and looked at Benita as though finally registering that she was in the room. Benita set her teeth.
The newspaper reporter pressed a couple of buttons on the recorder, then settled back on her chair. “The title of your musical is
Mystic Park
. What's it about?”
Benita considered Opal as she reclined in the chair beside her. Her long legs were crossed. Her hands were folded on her lap. She looked more like she was on a coffee break than interviewing someone for a serious article. Why should that bother her? Benita shrugged off her irritation. Opal could sit in Vaughn's office wearing a bikini as long as she wrote a decent article, promoting his musical. She looked at the other woman again. On second thought, nix the bikini. More like a turtleneck sweater and Mom jeans regardless of the temperature.

Mystic Park
is based on Caribbean folklore.” Vaughn seemed comfortable with that question, much to Benita's relief. “A farmer falls in love with a water fairy, but a jealous water nymph is determined to keep them apart.”
Opal hummed noncommittally. “On which island does the story take place?”
Why wasn't Opal taking notes? The reporter had activated a recorder. But Benita was certain Darius would still take notes, regardless of the recorder. Why wasn't Opal?
“Stories of the water nymph are most popular on Trinidad.” Vaughn became more relaxed as he talked about his play. “The water nymph is known as Mama D'Leau. She's part woman, part anaconda.”
“Sounds scary.” Opal pretended to shiver.
Benita lowered her head and rolled her eyes. “Mama D'Leau is considered the protector of the rivers and waters.”
“She punishes men who hurt the environment, especially the waters.” Vaughn straightened in his chair. It was as though he'd forgotten that he was supposed to be irritated about the newspaper interview.
Benita hoped his good mood continued when the newspaper's photographer arrived to take his picture for the article. He looked very handsome. His bronze shirt made his nutmeg skin look warmer, richer. The material stretched across his broad I-can-rock-your-world shoulders.
“Why did you want to do a story featuring Caribbean folklore?” Opal asked.
“My parents were from Trinidad. They're both dead now.” There was love and a touch of heartache in Vaughn's voice. “But they told my brothers and me some of these stories.”
Benita had great memories of Vaughn's parents. There was a lot of love and laughter in the Brooks household, with Vaughn's parents, Jerome and Geneviève; his older brother, Benjamin; Vaughn; and his younger brother, Zachariah.
Vaughn's mother had been as beautiful as a silver screen movie star and his father was sinfully handsome. The Brooks brothers took after their parents in looks. When Benita had been in high school, all the young women in Trinity Falls felt they owed a debt of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks for bringing such handsome young men into their community.
“As a talent manager for famous celebrities, what did you think of the auditions?” Opal's question for Benita brought her back to the present.
“There's a lot of natural talent in Trinity Falls. I was very impressed. I'm confident
Mystic Park
is going to be a great performance. And that it will raise a lot of money for the Guiding Light Community Center.” Benita glanced at Vaughn. The musical would be the realization of one of his fondest dreams and it wouldn't be a disappointment. She'd make sure of that.
The interview lasted several long minutes more. Benita grudgingly gave Opal due credit. The reporter asked good questions, including a few about the Guiding Light Community Center and how the performance would benefit it. Still, Benita wasn't disappointed when the leggy reporter packed up her recorder and left.
“What was that about?” Vaughn turned from his closed office door after wishing Opal a pleasant evening.
Benita didn't pretend not to understand Vaughn's question. “She was flirting with you—”
“No, she wasn't.”
“—and you didn't stop her.”
Vaughn regarded her in silence for several tense seconds. “Benny, what are we doing? You act as though all we have is a hookup, but you talk as though we have a serious, committed relationship. Which one is it?”
“I've asked you to move to L.A. with me.”
“You're not happy in Los Angeles. Why don't you come home?”
Benita spread her arms, palms up. “I've told you. L.A. has so much more to offer than Trinity Falls, for both of us.”
“Then why aren't you happy there?” Vaughn stepped closer, shrinking the distance between them.
“I'd be happier if you were with me.” Benita held Vaughn's gaze, willing him to change his mind and join her in the Golden State.
“Suppose I move to Los Angeles and you're still unhappy?”
“We wouldn't be.” She spread her arms again. “L.A. has everything: concerts, performances, museums, palm trees.”
“The only thing Los Angeles has that I want is you. And we both belong here.”
“You're wrong.” Benita's patience snapped. She circled Vaughn and stomped toward his closed office door. “I belong in L.A.”
“And I belong here.” Vaughn turned to face her. “Where does that leave us?”
The fact Benita couldn't answer that question only made her angrier. She yanked open Vaughn's door but didn't trust herself to close it.
Stubborn man!
Why couldn't he see that she was right? Los Angeles was where they both needed to be. Everything would be fine, as long as they were together. What did she need to do to convince him of that?
Benita knocked on Darius Knight's office door Friday afternoon, the first day of May. The newspaper reporter turned managing editor looked up from his computer monitor. Benita took that as an invitation to enter.
“You've come up in the world.” She surveyed his office, taking in the myriad reference tombs on his overcrowded three-foot-by-two-foot mahogany bookcase, the announcements and production schedules pinned to his bulletin board, and the knickknacks and tchotchkes positioned on his desk and file cabinets.
“That's what Ramona said when she heard about my promotion.” Darius swiveled his chair to face her.
“Ramona's never liked me.” Benita lowered herself onto one of the two gray guest chairs facing Darius's desk. The chunky tweed-upholstered seats were probably older than she was.
“Ramona doesn't like a lot of people.” Darius shrugged. “She barely tolerates me. But my investigative reporter senses tell me you're not here to discuss Ramona.”
“Your instincts are right.” Benita tried a diplomatic approach. “I wasn't happy with the way Opal interviewed Vaughn and me yesterday.”
“What happened?” Darius's face and voice were devoid of inflection.
“She spent the entire time flirting with Vaughn.” The memory of the gorgeous newspaper reporter fawning all over her boyfriend took a toll on her diplomacy.
“Vaughn left a message on my voice mail this morning.” Darius glanced toward his phone. “He sounded happy. Thanked me again for the publicity. Never said anything about Opal being unprofessional.”
“That's because he doesn't think Opal was flirting.”
From the thick black executive chair on the other side of his desk, Darius returned Benita's regard in silence. She recognized that look in his eyes from high school. It was unsettling the way it made her think he could read her mind.
“I've read Opal's article.” Darius broke his silence. “It's good. Her best piece yet.”
“I'm sure she's a good writer. But you need to talk with her about her interviewing style. She's not just representing herself. She's representing your paper.”
“Are you sure she was flirting?” It was as though Darius hadn't heard her.
“She absolutely was.”
“Or are you jealous?”
Benita stiffened. “Of Opal?”
“She's an attractive and younger woman.”
“I'm not jealous.” And if she said it often enough, she just might believe it.
“Women seem to find Vaughn attractive.” He shrugged. “I think it's the goatee.”
Was Darius deliberately testing my temper?
“Vaughn is an intelligent, successful, handsome man.”
“Does that worry you?”
“Should it?” Benita crossed her arms and legs. It was getting harder to keep her composure as Darius picked at her as though testing a scabbed wound.
“You live almost two thousand miles away.” Darius shrugged again. The gesture seemed intended to mask how closely he was watching her. “You make it back to Trinity Falls how often—three or four times a year for a day or two?”
Benita cast her gaze around Darius's office, buying time while she breathed in her calm. The room was clean and well organized. But there was a chill in the air. The room even smelled cold.
She wrapped her arms more tightly around her torso to stay warm. “I'm just here to offer constructive criticism on one of your reporters. How did I become the focal point of this conversation?”
“Lucky, I guess.” Darius gestured toward her. “If you're that insecure about your relationship with Vaughn, why don't you move back to Trinity Falls?”
Benita stilled. How had Darius known she was feeling insecure in her long-distance relationship with Vaughn? She hadn't realized it herself until Vaughn had broken up with her. Still, she wasn't ready to give up her dreams. She could have a high-powered career and a happy personal life.
Benita uncrossed her legs and leaned forward on her seat. “Why do
have to move back to Trinity Falls? Instead ask Vaughn why
doesn't move to L.A.”
“I know the reason Vaughn won't move to Los Angeles.” Darius sounded as though he held the answer to the secret of the universe.
“What is it?” Benita held her breath.
“Trinity Falls is home.”
That old argument.
Benita dropped back against her seat. “L.A. could become his home. It's become mine.”
Darius shook his head. “No, it hasn't. And, if you were honest with yourself, you'd realize that.”
She couldn't hold Darius's gaze. Everyone kept telling her that. Worse, she was beginning to fear that everyone was right.

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