Mystical Love (2 page)

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Authors: Rachel James

BOOK: Mystical Love
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“Pa-tew … pa-tew.”

Janice looked over in amusement.

“Whatever are you doing, you silly bear?”

“I'm spittin'.”

“I can see that. But why?”

“Aunt Bibi says I'm the spittin' image of you, Mama.”

A choking laugh bubbled out before Janice could stop it. What a delightful ragamuffin she and Jimmy had produced. And so infinitely precious. Yet her sister's comment was true. She and Sarah were unmistakably related. She swished her paintbrush into the water jar, stealing a peek at the appealing face now displaying Janice's own familiar signs of thoughtfulness. Their faces were identical delicately carved facial bones, both blessed with the Mignon family trait of a full-bodied lower lip.

Scanning the young features, Janice sensed the face so pink with eagerness at the moment would eventually showcase high, exotic cheekbones like her own. As for their hair, Sarah's was bright red, too, but not quite so crackling red as her own. She decided they were as alike as two peas in a pod — except for the eyes. Sarah had extraordinary blue eyes, as blue as the Aspen summer sky, while her own eyes gleamed emerald, like deep green ice.

There was another difference between them. But as of yet Janice couldn't bring herself to discuss it with anyone, not even her sister. She knew without question Sarah did not possess second sight. She would hold no psychic tremors in the coming years. And that relieved Janice immensely. Not that she would have changed things for herself. But she was glad Sarah's carefree nature would not be hindered, her eyes lose their sparkle when carrying the weight of the gift.

She looked at those eyes now, twinkling with untold mischief, and she heard the giggle, unmistakably Sarah's own. Responding, Janice made a sudden dive for the workbench. Sarah screeched in delight and vaulted from the bench. She hit the floor running, and Janice marveled at her fleet-footedness. Was she raising a future track and field star? Perhaps not, since in the next instant Sarah collided with a pair of long, tanned legs. Janice's sister, Bibi, glass in hand, reared back to absorb the unexpected impact, and Janice heard her call out sharply.

“Hey, slow down! I'm carrying a full glass.”

Sarah's giggles echoed louder as she grabbed Bibi's knees, using the tall, sturdy body as a shield.

“Mama's gonna tickle me, Aunt Bibi. Don't let her.”

“Have you been teasing her while she's painting, you naughty munchkin?” She attempted to shake Sarah loose of her leg, but the motion only managed to slosh water over the rim of the glass. Seeing the juggling act, Janice sank onto the workbench in convulsive laughter. Across the space, Bibi prodded Sarah more sternly.

“Sarah Anne Kelly, you let go of my leg this instant! Your mother and I need to talk. Go help Peter out of his snowsuit this minute.” She gave a last shake of her leg, and Janice heard her say even more sharply, “Go!”

Janice caught a brief flash of yellow as Sarah bounded out on the landing and tripped down the hallway. Her sing-song call to Peter echoed back gaily.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

Bibi entered the loft, her face finally turning up in the smile she'd fought from showing.

“She's a sunny little thing, Jan. She reminds me a lot of Anna sometimes.”

Janice propped herself on the bench, swiping at her eyes.


Her sister came forward, offering Janice the glass of water plus two aspirin tablets in her palm.

“Oh, she's you through and through, but she has a tiny little imp inside her that jumps out every now and again. Like Anna.”

Janice took the tablets and glass with a nod and tossing the tablets to the back of her tongue, she swallowed them down quickly. Wiping her mouth, she handed the glass back with a sigh.

“Her temperament resembles Anna's, too. She accepts things so easily. She pouts but never frets.”

“Or throws a nasty temper tantrum like you know who.”

A bemused smile trembled on Janice's lips.

“Peter has his good qualities, Bibi.”

“Yes, he does.” Her voice became tender, almost a murmur. “I'm lucky to have him, aren't I? Dr. Walsh said I wouldn't carry to term, being the old broad I am. But I proved him wrong.”

“Dr. Walsh meant well, Bibi. Truly. Having your first baby in your forties is risky. Of course, he didn't know you as well as I do. There was never any doubt of miscarriage.”

At her words, Bibi spun around and plunked the half-empty glass onto the worktable behind her.

“I hate it when you go all psychic on me, Jan. You know I have no defense against your damn second sight.”

“Does my being a psychic bother you after all these years?”

“Hell, no. I'd love you if you had two heads and fourteen arms. And as for your psychic powers, they awe me.” She broke off abruptly, and Janice saw her lift a photo frame from the worktable. “Lord, Jan, I didn't know you still had this photo.”

Janice dipped her head.

“Ummm, next to Sarah, it's my most treasured possession.”

Bibi caressed the glass, and Janice heard a wistful sigh.

“God, we were a trio back then, weren't we? How old was Anna?”


“That's right. I remember now.” She raised her chin, and Janice saw a faraway glaze cloud her eyes. “You were a funny little twit then, Jan. You'd stand in the corner of your crib and stare and stare at Anna, who couldn't help crying out in pain while Mama forced her lifeless legs to exercise. You'd stare as if sending her some kind of healing thought. And she'd be better. No one could see it outwardly, but I could. I knew you were gifted and special even back then.”

Janice crinkled up her face, determined not to cry. She hated that she always got teary-eyed when reminiscing about Anna.

“I don't seem to remember that time clearly, Bibi.” she remarked. “Sometimes it seems so important that I do.”

Bibi replaced the photo quickly and moved away from the table.

“Hell, you were only Sarah's age at the time — three or four — how could you? But you'd stand by her bed. And she'd be better … no, I swear it! Mama didn't believe it, of course. She never believed anything she couldn't taste, touch, or see.”

“Now, that I DO remember. “ Janice replied, sliding to the edge of the bench and hoisting herself up. Moving back to the easel, she ran a finger across the canvas. Was there now a hint of red streaks clogging the pores? She felt a warm presence beside her.

“You've changed the painting again, Jan. I like what you've done.”

“Do you?”

“Yes, don't you?”

“I don't know. I don't remember repainting it.”

Distressed, Janice turned from the canvas. She wasn't going to breakdown and blubber. Not over a stupid painting.

“You're scaring me, Jan.”

She whirled back at the sound of her sister's stricken tones.

“I'm being stupid. I'm sure I made the changes to the painting. I just don't remember doing it.”

“That's exactly why you should cancel this trip to Maine tomorrow. You're burned out, and this memory lapse proves it. Why don't you let me call Lloyd and tell him you're too exhausted to attend this seminar?”

“Because I gave Lloyd my word I'd be there. I can't renege now. I'll be back in four days and rest then. Besides, Sarah and I have plans.”

“That's why she's a giggling idiot.”

“She's the dearest, most precious thing in the world and don't you dare criticize her!” Bibi grinned broadly at her, causing Janice to let out a long, audible breath. “When I come back, I'm going to stay put for a very long time. Enjoy Sarah's company.” She reached out her hand to Bibi, who took it readily. “I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there after Jimmy walked out on us.”

Bibi flushed, and for once Janice realized she had caught her sister completely off-guard.

“Hell, Jan, I'd walk through fire for you and Sarah.”

She would too, Janice knew, through hell and back again. They exchanged warm smiles.

“Hearing her constant giggles thrills me, Bibi. She's such a silly little bear, happy and alive.”

“And she teases you on purpose. She certainly knows which buttons to push on you.” Bibi's face sobered again. “Anyone interesting going to be at this big seminar in Maine?”

Janice crinkled her nose.

“Well, let's see … there's Lloyd.”

“I said interesting. Not stuffy.”

“Lloyd's not stuffy … he's … ” She gave a smart ass little grin. “ … intellectually stimulating.”

“Forget the intellectual stimulation.” Bibi responded. “You need a red-blooded male with active sperm to stimulate you physically.”


“Don't sound so shocked! I know you didn't find Sarah in a cabbage patch. You've had your share of blissful nights beneath a man.”

Janice felt a warm rush steal across her cheeks and knew she was blushing.

“What's got into you today, Bibi? Have you been reading those naughty romantic novels again for pointers?”

“Nope. I got Roddy. He's all the outside stimulation I need. You want to get rid of your headache, Jan? Make love. Does the trick every time.”

Janice gave a hearty laugh, amused by her sister's foolish banter.

“Sex with a stranger is dangerous these days.”

“Damn! You're right. Guess your only hope
aspirin.” They broke into shared laughter again until Bibi prodded. “Go on. Who else will be at the seminar?”

“Jasper and Muriel Grisomb. She did the television series
Dream Robbers
a few seasons back. Her husband is a Lutheran minister.”

“Ummm … go on.”

“Adrian Magus … ”

“Aaahhh!” Bibi's squeal was ear-splitting as she bolted upright on the bench. “You can't mean that gorgeous hunk Roddy and I saw perform in Las Vegas last year?”

“Yep.” Janice dropped alongside her, gesturing for her to scoot over. “Was he as good as you said he was … as the papers say he is?”

Bibi shifted on the bench, and Janice saw her expression grow wistful.

“Are you kidding? He was incredible. And lord, what a bod!”

Janice took a swipe at Bibi who ducked.

“Will you stop already! If anyone's hormones need adjusting, it's yours!”

Laughing, Bibi hoisted herself up from the bench and struck a dramatic pose. Grinding her hips, she ran her fingers suggestively over her body.

“Well, if you don't
that gorgeous hunk, danger or no danger … ” Janice snickered loudly. Bibi would never change. She would always be outrageously outrageous. At her snicker, Bibi dropped her pose. “Don't think he won't ask. That red hair of yours is like a magnetic flame. One look and they burn!”

“Burn out, you mean.”

Disgusted, Bibi took a swat at her arm.

“Don't joke. I mean it. You need a man, Jan. Sarah needs a father.”

“She has a father.”

“Balderdash! I mean a father, not an asshole.”

“Bibi!” Janice's voice turned brittle.

“All right, alright! I won't harp on Jimmy.”

“Thank you.”

“Peter's ready, Aunt Bibi.”

The shrill voice held a rasp of excitement, and both women turned simultaneously. An astonished shriek rent the air as Bibi bolted to her feet. Janice's hand flew to her mouth, attempting to stem a ripple of laughter as she spotted her near-naked nephew poised in the doorway, clinging to Sarah's hand.

“Sarah Anne Kelly!” Her sister flew across the space, and with a swift tug, scooped Peter up from the carpet and rubbed his goose-caked arms. “Stop laughing, Jan. It's not funny. You know how delicate Peter is.”

Janice made an effort to contain her laughter by sitting upright. She knew Bibi was right. Peter's health was fragile. However, one look at Sarah's impish face, and she found herself dissolving into laughter again. Sarah joined in, all girlish giggle. Swiftly, she sailed in through the doorway and pounced onto the bench into Janice's arms. Together, they studied Bibi, who Janice saw was alternating between keeping a straight face and trying to look outraged. Finally, she tore into the dimpling pair.

“You are naughty, Sarah Anne Kelly. Just like your mother.” She caught Janice's eye. “And I hope you get snowed in at Carrington House with no one to make love to!” Janice's laughter pealed again, and she began tickling the flesh wrapped in her arms. “Jan?” She looked up quickly. “Seriously, Jan, have you remembered to pack everything? Anna's compass?”

Janice tilted Sarah and reached into her slack pocket. Withdrawing the small object, she held it up for Bibi's inspection.

“Never leave home without it.”

Bibi nodded, clucked to the bundle in her arms once, and disappeared into the hall landing. Watching her go, Janice felt a tremendous surge of pride well within her. Bibi was right. She had been blessed. Only Bibi didn't realize that she, Roddy, and Peter were the blessing. Feeling grasping fingers on hers, Janice released the compass into Sarah's tiny palm.

“What's this for, Mama?”

She peered down at the small face intently studying the arrow wheel pointing to a big red “N.”

“It helps people who go away to come back safe and sound.”

Sarah mulled that thought over for a few seconds, and then to Janice's surprise, she bent her tousled head and kissed the plastic face. Janice reached out and brushed through a stray curl, touched by the gesture. Sarah had such an innocent abandon about her. She envied her that innocence. Cradling her closer, she placed her cheek atop Sarah's head.

“I'll be back in four days, sweetie. And then we'll go to Hollow Lake.”

“And you'll teach me to skate, Mama, right?”

“That's right.”

“When I grow up I'm gonna be the bestest skater in the ekopades.”

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