Nailed (Black Mountain Bears Book 3) (9 page)

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Authors: Ophelia Bell,Amelie Hunt

BOOK: Nailed (Black Mountain Bears Book 3)
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“What? Are you guys taking turns now?” she asked.

“Pretty much,” he said, wiping his mouth. “We have an informal chore list, and have to fight over the ‘give Jade an orgasm’ part of it.”

Jade laughed. “What are their chores?”

“Probably pretending to find food but fucking each other in the woods instead.”

“That sounds about right for them. Have you done that yet?”

“I asserted my dominance and willingness to fuck either of them into submission for the honor of having you to myself regularly. They seem to revere me, which I don’t really understand, and so were willing to offer their asses up to me. Orrick gave me lip, but Sten was happy enough to turn over and drop his pants. You chose well.”

“Oh, those poor guys,” she said, unable to contain her laughter. “We need more moments like the first one together, I think. With all of you inside me.”

“And you’ll have them, but we shouldn’t stay here for the duration of your estrous. It should be a quick trip down to the Stonetree lodge. Two days, at most. You should spend the rest of the time in a real bed, not this piece of shit I threw together when I believed my life was over and I didn’t deserve more.”

Apprehension instantly gripped Jade at the idea of returning to the lodge. Her brother was gone and her cousin wrapped up with her burgeoning pregnancy and her new mates.

“I love your bed,” she said, though as she shifted onto her side, she couldn’t avoid wincing at a particularly irritating lump that had been digging into her hip all morning.

“You’ve barely left it in four days. I’m not surprised you’re attached, but I want a chance to fuck you in
bed for a change.”

Jade sighed and agreed, sitting up and looking for her clothes. Her body ached and she let out a groan as she stood and stretched her limbs. She smiled privately at the way she ached deep between her legs, too, and not in the painful, empty way she did when her estrous had hold of her.

“Feeling all right?” Aidan asked. He smiled slyly at her when she glanced at him.

Jade’s cheeks warmed. “Better than I’ve ever felt, but it’ll be nice to get a hike in before . . . ”
Before the next wave hits
, she thought bitterly, wishing the entire ordeal weren’t so debilitating for her.

“Before the three of us need to fuck you silly again?”

“Yes, that. And I do kind of want to rub it in my mother’s face that my trip didn’t exactly go according to

“You did mate them,” Aidan pointed out.

“But only so I could have you,” she said soberly, then bit her lip, suppressing the surge of emotion that filled her chest at the thought of how amazing all three of them made her feel.

When she pulled her shirt over her head, Aidan was in front of her and cupped her cheek gently.

“I know you say that, but it’s okay if you love them, too. Most ursa males don’t expect exclusivity, and there will be times I need to turn to them for an outlet, which I plan to take advantage of.”

Jade frowned down at the laces of her hiking boots. She was self-conscious enough about how deep the intimacy ran between Orrick and Sten. The idea of Aidan having that with someone else bothered her.

“They’ll never replace you, Jade,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “You and I belong together. All four of us belong together. I think once we get back, you need to spend some time alone with each of them, though. And they need a break from each other.”

“And while I’m with one of them, you’ll be with the other?” she asked.

“Asserting my dominance, of course.” He grinned at her.

Jade laughed and reached up to thread her fingers through his hair. “I love it when you do that with me.”

Chapter Eleven

n the way down the mountain, they took an easier, more straightforward path that didn’t afford them the spectacular views and waterfalls Jade had seen on the way up. Still, the journey would take them two full days to complete, particularly when a fresh wave of need would fill her every four hours like clockwork.

She grew impatient with the interruptions, but the men were happily accommodating. The first time it hit, Aidan murmured something to the other two while Jade sat atop her hiking pack and poured her entire canteen of water over her head to try to cool herself off.

A moment later, she watched in confusion as Aidan and Sten continued down the path while Orrick came and stood before her.

He gave her a hesitant smile. “You don’t look happy,” he said. He turned to look in the direction of Jade’s perplexed stare. “Aidan suggested we take turns, at least during the day. I think he’s right. They’re hiking ahead and will have camp set up by the time we get there.”

“Oh,” was all she could say before another spasm wracked her body.

Through the haze of need, she saw Orrick crouch down in front of her and begin untying her boots. He paused to massage her feet before tugging her sweaty t-shirt over her head and unfastening her bra.

“Do we have time for this?” she asked through her daze.

“I have time,” he said. “At least, I intend to
time. I know all you really need is a quick orgasm from one of us to make it through the next few hours, but I’m not wasting a chance to show you that I
give you exactly what you want without you having to ask for it. Now stand up.”

Once she was naked, he extracted his sleeping roll from his pack and spread it out in the middle of the path. He stood and stripped, then without a word, pulled her into his arms and kissed her just as sweetly and thoroughly as he had that first time.

Neither of them said a thing, and he made love to her with even more intensity than he’d done in her dreams, those nights of camping with him and Sten. She gazed up into his blue eyes that never once left her face and knew without a doubt how he felt about her. Silently, she thanked Aidan for this gift, but cried out Orrick’s name when she came.

The next day, it was Sten who stayed behind, but he seemed nervous as he spread out the blanket. Sensing his hesitance, Jade grabbed him by the belt and pulled him to her. He laughed and happily wrapped her in his arms, kissing her eagerly.

“You like being bossed around, don’t you?” Jade said.

“You have me all figured out,” he answered, his fingers toying with the hem of her shirt.

“Take off your clothes,” she said, then stripped, relishing the cool air on her heated skin. She pushed him down onto his back and straddled his hips, taking his thick length deep and simply holding him inside her for a moment, enjoying the pressure of being filled before she started moving.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” Sten said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her. He captured a nipple between his lips and sucked, then released her and tilted his head back to look into her eyes. “I love you,” he said in such a fervent tone, her entire body responded. She shook from the climax that lingered through the steady pulse of his cock as he spilled his semen into her.

Each time a wave would hit, she could see a glimmer of disappointment in Sten and Orrick’s eyes, but something closer to relief in Aidan’s. If the waves ceased, that would be the surest sign that she’d conceived.

She only wished that if she did become pregnant during the next month, that Aidan had a chance of being the baby’s father. Her love for Orrick and Sten was honest and pure, but she couldn’t deny what she felt for Aidan ran deeper. Whoever the child’s father was, she had no doubt they would all love the baby equally, but after hearing Aidan’s story of losing his and Autumn’s daughter, Jade wanted so much to be able to give that back to him.

The morning of the third day the four of them finally trudged up the path to the front of the lodge, exhausted. Jade’s stomach was in turmoil, anticipating a confrontation to explain the infertile male she’d mated and brought home.

The first person to exit the lodge was the last person she expected to see, however.

“Gunnar?” she said when the tall, white-haired male came through the door with a wide grin on his face.

Behind him were two unfamiliar females, who looked as old as her aunt Maia, and who wore dresses of rough, handwoven cloth in deep reds and golds.

Aidan let out a soft curse, but Jade was too excited to acknowledge it. She ran and hugged Gunnar tightly. “What the hell are you doing here? I thought you’d be with Autumn.”

“I’m going back soon,” he said. “I’m here to petition my mother to grant your brother Windchaser status. He’ll be able to come back for your birthday and visit. Lucky for me, all the clan leaders are here now, so I don’t have to take the time to travel to Windchaser territory to do it.”

He glanced up and frowned when he saw Aidan behind her, flanked by the other two males. Gunnar nodded a greeting. “Aidan,” he said softly. “You’ll be happy to know that Autumn is pregnant. Both she and Jasper are safe and doing well.”

Aidan moved up to Jade’s side and clasped her hand in his. “Thank you, Gunnar. You’ve grown into an honorable male. Someone I don’t dispute is worthy of her.”

Gunnar’s eyes dropped to their hands for a second and a slow smile spread across his lips. “It’s no small thing to learn that you’re worthy of a woman’s love,” he said. “The best we can hope for is that we’ve truly earned it.” He leaned toward them and in a lower voice, said, “I know you have. Thank you for that.”

He clapped Aidan on the shoulder and greeted Sten and Orrick with soft congratulations before heading back inside.

“How does he know?” Jade asked, glancing up at Aidan.

One of the women that had moved up to them answered before Aidan could speak. “Mated males carry themselves differently,” the woman said. “They’re more self-satisfied than unmated males, for one thing. And these three look so exhausted, but happy—they had to be doing more than simply servicing you. You must be Jade,” she added, smiling warmly and holding out her hands.

Jade glanced once at Aidan with raised eyebrows before accepting the woman’s hands.

“Jade, meet the Sundance clan leader, Brigit,” Aidan said, his voice carrying an icy chill.

Jade’s eyes widened, “You mean your mother?”

“Formerly,” he said, his jaw clenching. “She disowned me, remember?”

Jade’s lips pressed together and she snatched her hands back, shooting a glare at Brigit. “You’re a cruel woman, you know that? I want you to undo what you did to Aidan.”

“My dear, only one woman in the world can give him back what was taken, and it appears you already have. He has a name again—your name, and he has his power back, if the presence of the new life inside you is any indication.”

Jade’s stomach took a flip and she nearly lost her breakfast. Her hands clamped to her midsection. “How can you tell? It’s only been a few hours since the last wave of my estrous. Aidan . . . ” She stopped and stared at Aidan, who was busy glaring at his mother. He had been the one to make love to her that morning when the need became unbearable to her. Sten and Orrick took their turn making breakfast and packing up their gear before joining in near the end, but only Aidan had come inside her.

“Don’t fuck with us, Mother,” he said.

Brigit gave him a frigid smile. “Don’t you think I’d recognize the power of my own grandchild? I never intended to neuter you permanently, but I honestly didn’t believe a female of Jade’s caliber would ever love you. Does she know how reckless you were with Tessa’s daughter?”

The taller woman at Brigit’s side raised a hand and placed it on Brigit’s shoulder. “I believe our children have paid enough, Brigit. Be happy for them both that they’ve found love and are expecting. I don’t begrudge my daughter her happiness. At least grant your son the same gift.”

“I have no son,” Brigit said and turned to walk back into the lodge without a backward glance.

Aidan visibly sagged and the tight grip he had on Jade’s hand relaxed. She studied the quiet, auburn-haired woman in front of her.

“You’re Autumn’s mother, aren’t you?”

“Tessa Sundance,” the woman said, nodding at her. “I apologize for the less than pleasant introduction to Aidan’s mother.”

“You heard her,” Aidan said bitterly. “I have no mother.”

Tessa waved her hand dismissively. “Like your lack of fertility, it’s reversible. It’s still a raw wound, but one that will heal in time and with the right person’s magic.” She wagged her fingers in front of them and leafy twigs sprouted from the tips and bloomed into tiny flowers. Tessa’s eyes twinkled when she looked back over her shoulder at the retreating Sundance clan leader.

Jade detected deep fondness in the woman’s gaze and wondered about the extent of their connection. Aidan had explained that Autumn’s fathers didn’t live with her mother, and nor did his father, who was a Rainsong male and guardian outside the southernmost portal of the Sanctuary.

Tessa turned back and touched Jade’s chin lightly with one finger, pushing her mouth closed. “It’s exactly what you think, sweetheart. When females get to be our age and lose our ability to conceive, sometimes the males we chose will move onto other things. Brigit and I find comfort and enjoyment with each other. At least, when she’s not being a royal bitch and complaining about her cub, that is. Believe me, she does still love you, Aidan. Give her time.”

“You’re not mad about Autumn the way she is about Aidan,” Jade said. “Seems like a terrible double-standard, if you ask me. Why be so lenient on her, yet so harsh with Aidan?”

“Because I knew my daughter’s fate all along. I also knew Aidan’s fate, and there was only one path for him to take to find you. Trust me, when I tell you that your little . . .
. . . was meant to be. Sometimes you have to travel a harder road to find true happiness.”

Tessa stepped forward and rested her hands against the sides of Jade’s head, thumbs stroking gently over her cheeks. Her skin was cool and papery and she smelled of fresh apple pie. Jade watched her intently, her heart rate picking up when Tessa’s eyes began to swirl with colors. Jade had to drop her gaze when a wave of dizziness overtook her.

After a moment, Tessa smiled and pulled back. “You will be blessed, all three of you,” she said to the three males who stood around Jade. “Each of you will sire a child with your lovely Jade. One of you will sire twins.”

Tessa’s eyes glinted and she looked at Aidan for a second longer, then placed her palms over Jade’s womb. “You will never be lonely again, my dear,” she said. “And the boy and girl growing inside you at this moment will be loved beyond measure, as will their sisters. You have truly blessed us by being here. Now, come inside and rest. There’s a banquet planned tomorrow in yours and Emma’s honor. Autumn and Jasper I’m sure will be here in spirit, thanks to Gunnar.”

Once in her room, Jade fell onto the bed and sighed. “
she said, not quite believing what she’d heard. Aidan slid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tight against him and nuzzling her shoulder. His hand strayed up beneath her shirt, cupping her breast through the fabric of her bra. His other hand rested on her belly, just below her navel.

“I put two babies in you today,” he said, then bit down on her shoulder, making her shiver with pleasure.

“How is that even possible?” she said, craning her head around to look into his eyes. “Did she lie to you about taking away your mojo?”

His expression darkened. “She didn’t lie to me. I could feel it when it was gone, like an emptiness. My best guess is that making love to you above the falls did it, or maybe your mark . . . ” He reached back and scratched idly at the scars she knew graced is muscular shoulders and back.

Jade reached behind her, sliding her hand between them and cupped his package gently. His cock swelled and twitched beneath the fabric of his shorts. “How do you feel now?” she asked.

,” he said, moving his hand around to fumble with the clasp of her bra.

“I think it was Jade’s magic vagina that fixed you,” Sten said, kicking off his boots and climbing up next to her. Orrick tugged Jade’s boots off her feet, then worked on Aidan’s while Aidan and Sten made quick work of her clothes followed by their own.

“Three daughters and a son,” Aidan said, settling down beside her again after stripping off his pants. His skin slid against hers, gloriously warm and soft. She reached up and brought his head down to her lips, sighing into his kiss.

Sten’s lips brushed down her exposed throat, his goatee tickling as he moved. “One for each of us,” he said.

Jade tangled her fingers in his long hair when his mouth reached her breasts and he began to tease her nipples with his tongue.

Behind her, Aidan’s hard length slipped between her thighs and he lifted her leg for access. She draped her thigh over his and sighed as his cock sank into her.

“Hmm, yes. Magical,” he whispered into her ear.

Sten’s lips found hers again, and his fingers slipped down to her clit. Jade gasped and dug her fingernails into his hip. A larger hand gripped hers, fingers entwining tightly with hers. She opened her eyes when Sten let out a soft grunt and met Orrick’s gaze over Sten’s shoulder.

Orrick’s eyes were hazy with pleasure and she cast her gaze down their bodies, enthralled by the tight thrust of his hips against Sten’s backside. Sten clutched at her head, pulling her back into a desperate kiss.

“I need to be inside you,” he murmured.

Without a word, Aidan slid out and urged her to slip her thigh over Sten’s. Between them, Aidan gripped Sten’s cock and positioned it for him to slide in. Aidan’s slick fingers moved back, anointing her ass with her abundant, slick juices before pressing his cock in between.

Jade’s entire body thrummed with pleasure already. The prospect of being filled again so fully made her cling tighter to Orrick’s hand and attack Sten’s mouth with a fierce kiss that made him grunt in surprise.

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