Nailed (Marked For Love #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Nailed (Marked For Love #1)
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"That's it."

That was enough.


Julie slept most of the drive, waking up in time to see the mid-morning sun bounce off the Dallas skyscrapers. She gave him a sleepy smile, peeked over the back seat at Clyde and stretched.

"He's been awful quiet back there."

"Cars traumatize him into a mushy puddle of 'fraidy cat," she muttered, clearing her voice. "Where exactly are we going?"

"We're here. Just a few more minutes north."

"What about John?"

"He's behind us." He caught the unhappy look on her fact. "Listen, I don't like it anymore than you do, but we've got to keep him with us until this is over."

"We should have brought Tara to distract him."

Chuckling, Wynn reached over and took her hand, giving it a nice squeeze. At least here, in Dallas, there were fewer unknowns for him to deal with, but like Julie, he almost wished Tara were with them, too.

At this time of the morning I-75 was a breeze, not like it'd be late in the evening with rush hour traffic. In no time at all they pulled into Wynn's driveway, the garage door sliding open ahead of them. His BMW was parked in one stall and there was just enough room for the Blazer. He'd ditch it as soon as he could, just in case anyone back in Cielo connected the two of them and gave the Feds a description of his truck. Better yet, he'd let John take care of it since this mess was pretty much his fault.

He pulled to a stop just short of the garage and helped Julie get all her stuff out, pressing the house key into her hand. "Wait on the porch until I get there to disengage the alarm."

She chuckled, a low rusty sound caused from stress and lack of sleep. "I can't think of the last time I walked into a house and had to think about things like alarms."

Once he had Julie settled in his bedroom, Wynn let Clyde out and ran to the store for food, cat litter and a litter box. He came through the back door, his arms full of bags, to find John sitting at the kitchen table, doing his best to ignore Danielle, who sat across from him yakking his ear. She was dressed in a causal but expensive yellow track suit, her pale blonde hair gahtered haphazardly on top of her head in a style that had probably taken her hours to achieve.

"There's more out in the car." Wynn set the bags on the countertop, wondering what was on John's mind or if Dani had just talked him numb. He crossed the kitchen and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "What are you doing here?"

She gave him a smirk, then put her fingers to her ear, imitating a phone. "Yo, Dani, gonna be gone a while. Get my mail. Love ya."

For the first time in a long time his older brother actually looked ruffled, but then, driving all night could do that to you. "That woman Jeanette was wanted for kidnapping."

"What woman?" Dani asked. "What's going on? John what did you do?"

"And you know this because?" Wynn asked, ignoring Dani for now.

"Because her fucking picture is on the FBI website!" John stood up and headed out the back door for the rest of the groceries, slamming it behind him.

While he waited for his brother's return, Wynn unloaded the bags, stashing milk in the 'fridge and meat in the freezer.

"Wynnie," Dani coaxed, "what's going on? John's never this quiet. And he said something about you getting involved with a woman...a what do you call it?
A job?
Do you think it's safe, getting involved with her?"

He fixed up the litter box for Clyde while he talked. "I care about her. A lot. She's...a good person. She put herself at risk to help someone else. Hell, she took me down with a bat." He grinned to himself at the memory.

"Sounds like a real trooper."

"I think you'll like her."

"When do I get to meet her?" Dani asked.

"Soon as she wakes up." He ripped open the bag of cat food, and Clyde magically appeared on the countertop. "Hey, boy. You know if Dad finds out you're in the middle of this..."

"I'll tell him it's John's fault."

"I heard that, runt." John set the last five bags on the counter.

"Just because Jeanette was a wanted woman doesn't make her a bad person."

"She was wanted for kidnapping her kids." John started unloading them, slamming canned goods on the countertop.

kids, John.
Her kids!
And just in case you didn't get the memo, things aren't always black and white. It's not like she kills people for a living, and you're not an FBI agent anymore."

"And I haven't been for a long time."

"You're supposed to stay under their radar. Under

"She was wanted for kidnapping. You and your code," John spat. "
I don't hurt real people
. Whatever. You think that makes you a saint or something?"

Now was not the time to pick a fight with his brother, but John, of all people, should know that. Wynn scrubbed at his face, fatigue settling into his bones. "No, hell no. But whatever fucked up code
live by has put us all in jeopardy, John."

"Your little girlfriend did when she decided to help that woman."

"John," Dani scolded, "that's just wrong."

"You know if those Feds follow us, and we end up having to go underground, Dad'll be pissed."

"What if Julie didn't bring whatever we're looking for? Did you think about that, ace?" He turned around to face John, who was studying Clyde.

"Oh, I think she brought it."

Chapter Twenty-Five

I woke up and showered in Wynn's bathroom, reveling in having five shower heads instead of just one and not bumping my elbows against the walls as I washed my hair. The bathroom, like the rest of the house, was a soothing combination of old and new, with black and white check tile on the walls and floors, and a pedestal sink with antique faucets.

The bedroom was moss green, with white crown moldings and refinished wood floors. An oriental rug muffled the sound of my footsteps as I crossed to my bag and dug out some clean clothes and my toiletries. Once I gathered my hair in a ponytail and brushed my teeth, I set out to find Wynn...and John.  

From the hall I could see the kitchen, a few more doors and an arched doorway. It opened onto a living room painted a pale, muted green that coordinated with his bedroom. The furniture was expensive but not fancy: a beige couch and matching chair with boldly patterned throw pillows, a flat-panel television, another oriental rug. I crossed to the picture window, drawn in by the sight of a tree in Wynn's front yard with huge white blossoms on it. The yard was perfectly manicured and all the houses that I could see appeared just as nice, and as old as Wynn's.

"Wynn's got chicken on the grill."

I spun around in shock, a shot of adrenaline coursing through me causing my fingertips to tingle. Other than the clock ticking quietly on the mantle, I hadn't heard a thing. How John had managed to stay so quiet on these hardwood floors was anyone's guess, but I suppose that was his job. "Thanks."

"Get some rest?" he asked, turning toward the kitchen.

"Yeah." I followed. My head was fuzzy as I tried to absorb the events of the last forty-eight hours.

We only had a few days left, and we were still no closer to finding what Sunset Pharmaceuticals was after than we had been when we started. "How's Clyde?"

"Seems fine," John said, pointing to the kitchen counter.

Clyde was sprawled out on the cool granite countertop, only inches from a bowl of food. Something spicy smelling was cooking on the stove and my stomach rumbled, reminding me of how long it had been since I'd eaten.

"Wynn's gonna regret letting him get up there."

John harrumphed and silently led the way outside where Wynn stood at the grill, flipping chicken breasts and sipping a Corona. A slender blonde in a stylishly track suit sat at the table.

"There's beer in the 'fridge." She gave me a friendly smile, the type that said 'I'm totally not threatened by you'. "And since my brother's are too rude to introduce me, I'm Danielle."

"Thanks, but no beer for me. I think I need to wake up first." I shook her hand and settled in a padded lawn chair.

Feet curled under me, I listened to the sound of cars, the faint beep of someone blowing their horn, and studied what looked suspiciously like smog on the horizon. Somewhere nearby a garage door slid up, or closed, squealing slightly in its tracks.

A siren wailed.

The sounds of humanity, of hustle and bustle and a big city. Excitement warred with fear over what my future held. I had to hang onto every penny, so a shopping spree at Neiman's was out, but I couldn't resist a smile at the thought.

"What are you smiling about?" John asked from the chair beside me.

"You wouldn't understand."

Wynn chuckled, as if he knew exactly why I'd been smiling, and Danielle giggled.

I curled up a little tighter in the chair and just enjoyed watching him work for a while, wondering when Danielle had shown up. Wynn had napped beside me, the dent in his pillow confirmed it, but I'd been so tired I'd barely moved when he slipped out of bed. After driving all night he must be bushed. "You get some rest?"


"If you two are done cooing, we need to talk."

"I wasn't cooing," I said, shifting to face John so I could scowl at him. "I don't coo."

"Yes you do."


"John, quit being a bully," Danielle said.

"John has a theory," Wynn interrupted me before John and I could end up in World War Three.


John gave me an enigmatic smile that sent shivers down my back. "Clyde."

Chapter Twenty-Six

"What about Clyde?" Julie's voice sounded thin and strained, as if John was the last person she wanted focusing on my sister's cat.

"Hear him out." Wynn set down the tongs he'd been flipping chicken with and walked over to squeeze her shoulder.

He got Julie a beer from the mini-fridge he kept on the back porch, twisted off the top and handed it to her.

"I think it's in the cat," John said.

"Actually—" Dani raised her fingers, wiggling them in the air, "—it was my idea."

"What's in the cat? The...
?" Julie glanced at Danielle, a worried expression on her face.

"I know everything," Danielle said. "Anyway, last year my cat got lost."

John sipped his own beer, the expression on his face serious, contemplative. "After she found him, the vet put a chip in his neck in case he ever got lost again. Karen said you had the evidence with you. You've checked everywhere
the cat. So, logic dictates, it's

The idea had merit but… "I still don't understand how the hell we're going to find out if there's a chip or whatever in the cat?"

"We cut him open." John grinned at both women, as if he was pleased with himself for coming up with such an ingenious idea. Or just enjoyed being a complete asshole. If he hadn't been so far away, Wynn would have smacked him upside the head.

"Ew, John! You
need therapy, big brother." Danielle tossed a chip at him and it bounced off his chest.

"Don't even think about killing my cat, you asshole." Julie set her beer down and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you really think it's in Clyde?"

 "That's a fucked up name for a cat, by the way." John snorted.

 "Thank you for your unsolicited opinion, asshole."

"Whoa!" Wynn held out both hands. "Please don't start you two. And Dani, no more throwing food. We've all had a long couple of days. Let's just take it easy, okay?"

"We can't kill the cat," Wynn sighed. As much as Julie disliked that cat, there was no way she'd let them, and there was no way Wynn would have any part of anything like that. "We'll have to find a vet to do an x-ray or a sonogram or something. At this point I'm game for anything."

"Oh. My. God," a wide-eyed Danielle stared at each of them in turn. "Do y'all watch

Wynn pressed his lips together to keep from laughing at his sister. Julie and John both denied any direct or current knowledge of

"Okay—" Danielle's arms were flapping so much she almost knocked the beer from Wynn's hand, "—there was this one episode in season two or three,
have been four, I can't remember which. But anyway Scully, she's this FBI agent—"

"Get to the point," John barked.

Danielle sighed in frustration and rolled her eyes in Julie's direction. "I'm telling the story, John, now quit interrupting! They took this alien chip out of Scully's neck! Then she goes to the grocery store—"

That was all it took, and Wynn was doubled over with laughter. Even John broke into a rusty chuckle. Finally, Wynn recovered, took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, grinning at Julie who'd spilled a bit of beer on the front of her shirt.

"What?" Danielle looked at all three of them in obvious confusion. "
She did!"

"She went grocery shopping after they took a chip out of her neck?" Julie snickered and sipped her beer, her green eyes twinkling.

"Yeah! But eventually they had to put it back in because Scully got—"

"Dani," John barked a warning, his lips twitching. "Get to the point."

"I'm not sure I want to." Danielle crossed her arms over her chest, waiting until they were all finally calm.

, continue," Wynn said. With Danielle, you definitely got more flies with honey.

"She scanned the chip and the cash register went nuts!" One last arm wave sent her bottle of beer flying. It clattered to the deck, spewing foam everywhere. "I'm so sorry, Wynnie."

"It's okay. I'll hose it off tomorrow," he reassured her, leaning over to pick it up.

 "What exactly are you planning?" Julie countered, her shoulders shaking, her face scrunched up while she tried to talk around the laughter about to spill over. "You gonna sneak Clyde into the grocery store and scan him?"

Danielle was bouncing again. "That's a great idea. We can go late at night and—"

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