Naked Disclosure (4 page)

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Authors: Michele Bardsley

BOOK: Naked Disclosure
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Adam was on his feet in two seconds flat. He withdrew a condom from his front pocket then unzipped his jeans and pushed them and the black-silk boxers off his hips. She watched him roll on the condom, her wide gaze not quite as confident as before, and yelped when he picked her up and slammed her against the wall.

Her erratic breathing told him she was either scared or turned-on. He sucked in a breath, trying to gain some control, but all he could feel was the sensual press of her body against his. His heart pounded furiously and his blood raged. God. The tang of her sex was still in his mouth tormenting him as he waited for her decision.

Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her legs tightened around his waist. Almost too softly to hear, she said, “Please…please.”

He was too far gone to play nice. He plunged inside her and nearly died from the tight, warm feel of her flesh around his. Shit, shit, shit. Sucking in a steadying breath, he pinned her to the wall, his fingers digging into her thighs, and took her again and again. He wanted to make it last, but damn it, he was too turned-on and she felt too good.

“I’m going to—Oh God!” Adam moaned loudly as the orgasm shuddered through him. He held onto to T tightly as his seed spurted, meeting the resistance of the condom. Finally, he was completely spent and he slumped forward, pinning his blonde prize to the wall. “I’m sorry. It’s been a really long time.”

“We’re only getting started,” she murmured, her fingers dancing along his shoulders.

The hard points of her nipples pierced his chest; he groaned in erotic anguish. He had plans for those beautiful beasts. Hell, he had plans for this beautiful woman. She smelled like honeysuckle and her skin was as soft as flower petals. A memory of last night skittered…soft laughter…hot mouth…cold snow.

He wanted to know his partner’s name. Would she tell him? Should he tell her his identity? Maybe exchanging personal information was against the rules of Cupid Club.

“I’ll need some recovery time,” he said.


Not sure what “hmmm” meant, Adam released T, who wandered toward the bed. He went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom, clean himself off, and take off the rest of his clothes. He hoped by night’s end, T would be comfortable enough to reveal her identity.

When he reentered the playroom, he stumbled to a stop.

T was on the bed lying on her back. She had shed everything but her mask and those incredibly sexy white boots. His gaze lingered on her breasts. God, they were beautiful. The most gorgeous pair he’d ever seen. Big as grapefruits with nipples pink and juicy, he wanted to taste them properly. Worship them as they deserved. As she deserved. His goddess.

Adam kneeled on the bed and eased himself between her legs, until he was at prime breast-worshipping level. He leaned down and lavished attention. Oh, yeah. He was a breast man, through and through. Eagerly, Adam kissed the puckered flesh around her nipples, tracing the crinkles with his tongue.

Apparently, T liked the attention. She moved restlessly beneath him, her fingertips sliding across his back, her sex already dripping and rubbing against his cock.

Adam scraped his teeth along one nub then he lightly nipped the other peak. A low moan escaped T’s throat. That erotic sound sent lust zinging straight to his balls.

He gave up his playful torture in favor of an all-out sensual assault on T’s gorgeous breasts. As he suckled and pinched and squeezed, he got hotter and hornier. And he kept sucking and pinching and squeezing until T was breathless, squirming, and begging him for relief.

He was only at half-mast, not quite ready for another round, so he adjusted himself so that his mouth covered one nipple, lightly sucking, while his fingers played with other breast. Then he reached between her legs, his fingers sliding through her swollen flesh to flick at the tight bud of her clit.

Her nipples went hard and tight; he tugged them as she gave herself over to the orgasm. She sighed in utter satisfaction. Adam flopped onto his back and watched her wiggle off the white boots. When she was done, he said, “C’mere.” And opened his arms.

“What’s this? Snuggling?” She sounded amused and, if he was mistaken, a little surprised.

“What’s wrong with snuggling?”

“I thought it broke some kind of man code.”

“If you prefer, I can demand a home-cooked meal and a foot rub later. I’ll also call you ‘woman’ to an annoying degree and growl a lot.”

T laughed. Then she wrapped one leg around his, her arm sliding along his waist. Relaxed and happy, they both drifted into sleep.


WHEN VICTORIA AWOKE from the short nap, she looked at the digital clock on the nightstand. 12:30 a.m. Her gaze coasted down the still sleeping man next to her.

She had expected great sex. Their attraction was nigh on combustible. And truthfully, she had expected that she would like Adam Redmont. He was funny and sexy and looked damned good naked.

But she hadn’t expected the gooey, sweet emotion warming her like a just-baked batch of chocolate-chip cookies. She’d felt this way once or twice in her life, but never this quickly. And with a man she had, well, lied to...not that he’d cared to press too hard about who she really was before he bedded her.

What would he do once he found out about her identity? That she was Victoria Hunton, owner and operator of Hunny Do, his only competitor? And she was kicking his ass, too. She knew it.

She hadn’t expected to feel guilty for her duplicity. She wanted to have some fun with Adam. After all, he’d been the one to topple her into the snow and kiss her.

He might never talk to her again once she told him the truth. But for now…

Victoria rose onto her side. Leaning forward, she kissed his naked chest. His skin was taut, all muscled curves and ridges. She feasted on his pectorals, peppering kisses on every centimeter of flesh. She laved his tiny brown nipples into hardness then flicked her tongue across each nub until a soft, low groan issued. Glancing up at his face, she saw his eyes were opened.

“Hello,” he said in a whiskey voice.

“Hi.” She licked the space between his pecs, tasting the faint musk of his skin. Moving upward to his neck, she traced patterns from collarbone to ear. “You taste good.”

“Better than lemon juice pops?”

She grinned. As she explored his body with fingers and lips, his hands were restless on her back, her shoulders, her buttocks.

Her engine got revved all over again. And, apparently, so had Adam’s. Before she could take her next breath, Adam looped his hands under her arms and pulled her forward so his mouth could ravage her breasts.

Zings traveled from nipples to core as he tugged one peak, then the other, between his teeth and flicked his tongue rapidly against the turgid points. The need built; an ache that bloomed between her thighs, a heat that engulfed her whole body.

“You have the most beautiful breasts,” he said.

“And here I thought you liked me for my keen intelligence and acerbic wit.”

He grinned, obviously unrepentant about his love of boobs. Just to mess with him, she wiggled her chest.

Adam took that as an invitation to cup her breasts once more. The feel of his strong, warm fingers against her aching flesh made her squirm. He pinched the nipples into hardness and she felt the buds tighten almost painfully. He kept pulling and tugging and she kept moaning and squirming. It was like he’d plucked a string that connected to her nipples to her nerve endings. She shivered with liquid desire.

When he let her go, she scooted down and rubbed her nipples over his chest. He hand snaked around her neck and brought her down so he could nibble on her throat. As he occupied himself with teasing the sensitive spot behind her ear, Victoria’s hand drifted down his thigh and snuck between their bodies.

She squeezed his hard-on then caressed it; she loved the stone-wrapped-in-silk feel of his cock. His moan zapped the pit of her stomach.

Then Adam kissed her. It was a slow melding of the lips that made her breath hitch and heart pound. His tongue slipped into her mouth and danced with hers. He tasted like mints and like need. He released her mouth then licked the seam of her mouth. Her pulse leapt at the unexpected eroticism of such an act.

She rose to her knees then planted herself on either side of his hips. She rubbed her slick inner folds on his shaft.

Adam’s hands fisted in the covers and groaned.

She took a moment to get a condom from the bowl of them on the nightstand. She unwrapped the tiny square with trembling fingers and then rolled the thin rubber onto Adam’s hard length. She resumed her place on top of him.

Reaching down, Victoria guided Adam into her tight sheath.

Their breathing was harsh, shallow. Their gazes held, mirroring passion. Then Adam’s fingernails dug into her hips. He thrust upward and she followed his eager movements. His calculated strokes drove her mad. An ache stole across her, made her belly tight with need, made her core spiral with pleasure.

He released her hips and played with her breasts, pulling on her sensitive nipples, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

Then she felt his thumb stroking her clit and she squeezed her vaginal muscles as she fucked him, over and over, until he stiffened and shoved his cock deep inside. As he came, his stroking thumbs never stopped.

The bliss sparked, trembled…then…oh then…

She shattered into million sharp pieces that shredded her ability to think. She cried out, a name, his name, then … for an endless moment she was only light and sound and feeling.

When she was able to breathe again, Victoria collapsed against Adam, her tongue flicking out to taste the sweat beading his skin. Her heart pounded a trillion miles a minute and she still felt that gooey warmth. Adam wrapped his arms around her.



“What’s your real name?”

“My name?” Panicked fluttered, but she swallowed the knot of dread lodged in her throat and rose up a little to look into his eyes.

“Yes,” he said, certainty ringing in his voice. “Since you know mine, it’s only fair that I know yours.”

Chapter 5


VICTORIA HESITATED TOO long. She saw that Adam’s gaze reflected disappointment at her perceived rejection. Damn. If she took off her mask, the fun would be over. And selfish though it was, she wanted more time with him. Once he discovered that he’d been fucking his competition...well, it could go one of two ways. He’d laugh and snuggle with her. Or he’d yell at her and leave. Since men had as much pride as they had testosterone, she was guessing he’d go with Option B.

Heart pounding, Victoria splayed her fingers on his chest. “I know who you are,” she admitted. “I made some inquiries after that kiss at the Morrison’s party.”

He said nothing, and she sighed. “I guess that kiss wasn’t as memorable for you.”

“I wouldn’t have showed up if that kiss hadn’t boiled me alive.” His fingers edged along her mask. “I want to know your name. I want to see your face. I want to know your favorite color and if you like baseball and if you prefer chocolate or flowers on a first date.”

Victoria felt her heart plummet to her toes. He sounded so romantic. So eager to take steps beyond being just bed partners. And oh how she wanted it. Wanted it badly.

The mask shifted and, coward that she was, she closed her eyes as he lifted away the lace-edged plastic. For a long, terrible moment, she heard nothing.

Then he said, “You.”

The word was pure accusation. With nervousness clawing at her stomach, Victoria opened her eyes and met his gaze. He looked shocked. And betrayed.

“What did you hope to gain from this…this charade?” he asked. Already he was rolling away from her and off the bed. He searched for his clothes, pulling on the jeans he found first. “You’ve already put the squeeze on ProCare. This your way of making sure we go under? You like your men naked, don’t you, Victoria?”

His intended insult cut her like jagged glass scraped across her chest. She sat up and glared at him. “You don’t really know me. Or what kind of woman I am.”

“Oh, I think I have an idea,” he said angrily. He tugged on his shirt and found his socks and boots.

“You’re upset. You have a right to be. But I just wanted…you. I’m sorry I hurt you by not telling you who I was. But I saw the stars with you. You’ve got me twisted into knots. No other man’s done that. Not like you. We have something that we can build on.”

“Mistrust?” His gaze burned into hers and she felt tears prick at her eyes. “You can’t build anything on that kind of flimsy foundation.”

“Be honest, Adam. Would you have met me tonight if you knew I was Victoria Hunton?” she asked softly.

He was dressed now. He ran agitated fingers through his hair and then he smiled grimly at her. “Guess we’ll never know, will we?”

Adam turned and strode to the door, unlocked it, and left.

She swallowed the knot in her throat then fell back onto the bed. Damn. That had not gone well. Her chest hurt from the pain of losing something she hadn’t quite had in the first place. How could you miss what had never really been yours?

How on earth could she ever prove to Adam that she was truly, deeply sorry about her lie of omission?

She signed. Torie would never be sorry that she’d spent New Year’s night with him, and would never, ever regret the hours that she’d had Adam Redmont all to herself. Maybe, when he got over being mad, he’d realize the same thing she already knew.

“Magical,” she whispered into to the empty, lonely room. “It was magical.”


APHRODITE CROSSED HER arms and stared at the apple tree with empty limbs and crooked branches. Daphne, Eros, and Psyche stood with her. “It’s not here.”

“Nope,” said Daphne. “We’ve searched every inch of the property, every tree, every rotten apple. There’s nothing, Di. Nada.”

“Damn.” Aphrodite sighed. “Well. I supposed I should sell the apply farm to Odemina Wilson then. She’s rather cranky about the whole sex club thing. Honestly, these humans can be so prudish.”

“What do we do next?” asked Eros.

Aphrodite waved her hands. “I have no idea. We wait. We plan. We search some more.”

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