Naked Edge (20 page)

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Authors: Charli Webb

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Naked Edge
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“Nope. Still soft.” I grab my junk and give it a jiggle.
“Come here.”

She gets out of bed, buck naked, and walks towards me like a cat stalking a mouse. But I’m no fucking mouse. I put my hands on her shoulders and apply downward pressure. “On your knees.”

“Wh…what?” She blinks at me, as if she doesn’t know what I’m suggesting. But the way she’s staring at my crotch and licking her lips gives her away.

“Do it.”

“I love it when you take charge like this.” She sinks to her knees and kisses me through my jeans.

I need to get her to talk about her sick scheme. I grab her head and guide it closer to my pocket. “I may be a sick motherfucker for admitting this, but thinking about what you’re willing to do to steal me from Skylar is sort of turning me on. I get why girls like guys to fight over them.”

“I’d do anything for you, Rowdy.” Anna drags my zipper down. “I’d even die for you.”

The first word to pop into my head is,
But I don’t say it out loud. “Would you kill for me?”

She nods.

Fuck. I need her to say it. I also need to give her some proof that talking about her attack is turning me on.

I close my eyes and think of Skylar. I try to imagine the fingers digging through my boxer briefs are Skylar’s, but Anna’s grappling is so different from Sky’s gentle touch. I try another tactic and ignore what’s going on below and focus on my memories of Skylar. I picture her hazel eyes gazing up at me with adoration and amazement after she came.

My dick swells to half-mast.

Anna’s breathing picks up.

No. Don’t think about her. Think about Skylar.

Anna whimpers then tugs my pants lower.

Shit. I grab them and pull them back up around my hips. “I want to come in my jeans.”

“Really?” Anna’s voice rises at the end of the word.

I hope the phone didn’t pick up my weird, and completely false, statement. “Tell me what you did to Skylar. Make me hard.”

“I smashed her phone so she couldn’t call for help if she regained consciousness.”

But is that enough to exonerate Skylar? I won’t get another chance. I thrust against Anna’s hand. “And?”

“When she started to come around, I hit her in the head with a rock.”

I’ve never wanted to hurt a woman before, but I have to fist my hands to keep from wrapping them around Anna’s throat and squeezing the life out of her.

“Weren’t you afraid of killing her?”

“I wanted her to die.”

That should do it. As long as the phone picked up the confession. I need to check it. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Right now?” The whiney edge in Anna’s voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

“I’ll be right back.”

Anna smiles and slinks over to the bed. “Hurry up, okay?”

I dash out of my room and run into the house. Wade, Cherri and Derek are huddled on the couch. They all jump to their feet.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and hit play. “Listen to this and tell me if you think it’s good enough to get Skylar off.”

Derek grins. “That’s what she said.”

Cherri punches his shoulder, saving him from the blow I want to deliver. “Shut up. This is important.”

It worked even better than I thought it would. You can hear everything we both said, including my remark about coming in my jeans. But if it keeps Skylar out of jail, I don’t care who hears it.

Derek shakes his head. “Telling Anna that her confession was turning you on might be considered entrapment. You were bribing her with sex to get her to confess.”

“Shit. Really?”

“Afraid so.”

“What about the evidence we gathered?”

Derek’s eyes widen. “Please tell me you didn’t tamper with a crime scene.”

Wade and I share a look. If I look anything like he does, our guilt is obvious.

Derek groans. “What did you do?”

His expression darkens as I tell him about all the shit in my pack. “You and Wade could go to jail for that.”

“Fuck.” I look at Wade and watch all the color drain from his face. “I’ll take full responsibility and say that I gathered the evidence while you were taking care of the patient. You had no idea what I was doing.”

Wade shakes his head. “I think it’ll be more convincing with two witnesses instead of one.”

Derek clears his throat. “The evidence is contaminated. It’s not admissible in a court of law.”

“What about the knife? Anna took it with her so it’s contaminated, too.”

Derek makes a face, as if he’s in pain. “That’s a little different. Since Anna was allegedly attacked, she can claim she needed the knife for self-defense. Whether or not it’ll be admissible evidence is up to the judge. I’d say there’s a fifty-fifty chance it could go either way.”

I catch myself rubbing my arms and clench my fists. “I’m not trusting Skylar’s fate to a coin toss. What are our other options?”

Derek sighs. “Keep in mind I’m not a lawyer yet. And even if I were, I could lose my license for recommending you break more laws.”

“Pretend this is an episode of some TV crime drama. If you were writing it, what would my character do to protect Skylar’s character?”

Derek rolls his eyes. “This fictional character would probably try to get the villain to make a more damning confession on video, then use it to blackmail her into turning over the knife and leaving the state.”

“I need more time to set this up. Anna’s already suspicious. Shit. I need to get back up there.” I shudder and wipe the sweat off my clammy brow.

Cherri smiles sympathetically. “Go ahead. I’ll wait five minutes then come pound on your door in dire need of comfort.”


“Wade and I broke up. I need you to console me.”

“I thought things were progressing.” Derek pumps his fist over his index finger in a lewd gesture.

Wade’s face turns crimson.

Cherri rolls her eyes. “We didn’t break up, numb nuts. It’s just an excuse to keep Rowdy from having to fuck Anna.”

Wade cringes.

“Don’t wait longer than three minutes. Anna’s already naked and waiting in my bed.”


I grab a couple glasses and a bottle of cheap wine then trudge back to my room. I tuck the bottle under my arm to open the door. Anna’s sprawled across my bed as if posing for a nude portrait. I barely suppress the urge to roll my eyes. I’ve been with a lot of different girls, but none of them have ever done that.

“What took you so long?” She rolls over onto her stomach and gives me what’s supposed to be a seductive smile.

I want to vomit. I hold the wine glasses up instead. “I thought we’d celebrate the beginning of our new relationship.”

Tears fill her eyes as she clasps her hands under her chin. A few days ago, that would have cracked a chip in my heart. But Anna killed the last shred of brotherly affection I ever had for her when she tried to kill Skylar.

I pour the wine and swirl it around in my glass, like they do on TV. I have no idea why people do that but it works as a stalling technique.

I hear Cherri sobbing before she’s even half way across the yard.

Anna goes to the window and peeks outside. “What’s her problem?”

“I hope she’s okay.”

“She’s fine. Whatever it is, Wade can handle it.”

“Row-deee.” Cherri wails as she pounds on my door.

Anna bares her teeth like a wild animal. “Ignore her.”

“I can’t do that.” I nod at the bed. “Cover yourself.”

Anna puts one hand on her hip and glares at me over her wine glass.

“I’m opening the door.”

“Go ahead.”

With Anna’s total lack of modesty, there’s no way she’s a virgin. Not that I care. I jerk the door open. Cherri falls into my arms and buries her face in my shoulder.

I pat her back. “What’s wrong?”

“Wade broke up with me.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Anna sighs, loudly. “You two weren’t compatible anyway. Go cry on Derek’s shoulder. Rowdy and I are busy.”

“Anna.” I give her scathing look. “Show a little compassion.”

She purses her lips and studies my face then hands Cherri her glass of wine. “Here. This should make you feel better.”

Something in her twisted mind must have decided that it’s in her best interest to pretend she has a soul. I can’t believe I was so blind for so long. The second Anna turned eighteen, her own mother moved back to Mexico to get away from her.

Anna’s face turns puce when I guide Cherri to the bed and sit beside her. I cradle her head on my shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Noooo.” Cherri wails the word. It’s a little over the top, but still believable. “Just hold me.”

“Oh for christ’s sake.” Anna takes Cherri’s glass and sets it on my nightstand, next to an unopened condom. Something about the package looks a little off. I lean over and pick it up. There’s a small indentation on one side and a matching peak on the other. A tiny hole in the middle. Holy fuck. Anna sabotaged the condom. It’s not enough to blackmail me into fucking her. She’s planning on trapping me with a kid.

Anna snatches the foil packet out of my hand. “I think this one’s defective. You should probably take the whole box back and return it.”

I’m speechless. All I can do is shake my head.

Cherri gradually shifts from sobbing to sniffling and eventually to talking.

“Wade and I get along great, except for the fact that he refuses to have sex with me.”

“You know he’s religious, right?” I can’t help but wonder if they really are having sexual problems.

“So am I.”

“Really?” I didn’t know that. “Your church is okay with premarital sex?”

“‘Course not.” Cherri huffs. “But as long as you accept Jesus into your heart and repent after you sin, you’ll still go to Heaven.”

Any sort of discussion about religion makes my skin crawl, but it’s a great time-filler. “You really believe that?”

She nods solemnly.

Anna grabs one of my shirts out of my dresser and slips it on. She jams her arms through the sleeves then yanks the hem down past her hips. “I think religion is a bunch of bull shit. How many wars have we fought over religion? How many people have died in the name God? What sort of God let’s bad people get rich and live like kings while good, honest people die from horrible diseases and accidents.”

I want to add murder to the list, but decide to let Anna run with it. At least it’s got her mind off sex.

“Shit. What time is it?” Anna picks her jeans up off the floor then digs her phone out of the pocket. “I gotta go or I’ll be late for work.”

I avert my gaze while Anna gets dressed and whisper, “Thanks,” to Cherri.

She winks at me and mouths, “Anytime.”

Anna holds my bedroom door open and glares at Cherri. “Go find someone else to smear snot on. Rowdy’s not allowed to be alone with other women.”

Anna follows Cherri down the stairs. As soon as Anna’s car disappears from view, I run back to the house and beg a ride back to the hospital.


Cherri and Wade drop me off at Avista then head over to Eldo to pick up my truck. They offered before I had a chance to ask.

Wade says, “We’ll leave your truck in the back lot, away from the emergency room entrance so Anna won’t notice it if she decides to step outside during one of her breaks.”

“Hopefully she won’t get any breaks today.” Working as an EMT in an emergency room can be frantic or mind-numbingly boring, depending on the day. Not that I’m wishing for tragedy to strike anyone. But if it’s going to happen anyway, I hope it’s today.

I step into Skylar’s room and lean against the wall, watching her sleep. I’m not usually affected by needles, tubes and bandages, I’m a paramedic for fuck’s sake, but Skylar looks so small and vulnerable. I need to sit down. Not enough sleep and too many conflicting emotions are making me dizzy.

I’m so grateful that Sky’s safe and not under arrest, but the rage I feel for what Anna did to her, and what she’s trying to do to me, overshadows it.

I don’t want to tell Skylar that Anna’s trying to force me to fuck her, but I don’t want it hanging over our heads either.

She whimpers in her sleep then murmurs my name. A warm sensation spreads from the center of my chest outwards. God, I love this woman.

“Rowdy.” She turns her head back and forth on the pillow, grimacing. She’s in obvious pain. Her writhing is making it worse. “Don’t go.”

I cross the room in two strides and take her hand. “I’m right here, babe. And I’m not going anywhere.”

Her eyes flutter open. “Rowdy?”

I hand her the button for the morphine pump attached to her IV.

She tosses it aside and reaches for my face.

I don’t want her straining her bruised ribs so I lean in and kiss her forehead. “Don’t be afraid to use the morphine pump. It’s more effective if you stay ahead of the pain.”

“All I need is this.” She tugs my head lower and sucks my lower lip.

I groan and take over without meaning to, thrusting my tongue into her mouth.

A nurse lightly taps on her door then enters without waiting for a response.

I stand up but not before she catches me hovering over her patient. Sky’s lips are red and swollen. Her face is chafed from my stubble. Shit. That kiss must have lasted a lot longer than I thought it did. Time ceases to exist when I’m with Skylar.

I only work in the ER so I don’t know this nurse or how likely she is to throw me out for messing with her patient. I flash her my best grin.

She rolls her eyes then gives in to the smile she’s trying to suppress.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Layton. I take it you’re feeling a lot better?”

Sky bites her lower lip and nods. “Much.”

“How would you like to get out of here?”

“Right now?”

“As soon as your doctor releases you.” She taps her iPad with a stylus. “He’s making afternoon rounds right now so you can expect him in about an hour. Would you like a sponge bath before he gets here?”

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