Naked Lies (32 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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"You're still
in league with Den, aren't you?" I asked, rubbing her swollen

"No, of course
I'm not!" she sobbed.

"I'll thrash
the truth out of you, Lisa. You might as well own up and save
yourself from..."

"I am not in
league with Den!"

"It seems odd
that you want to know where I'm going this evening, who I'm going
with. And odder still that you want to come along. I suppose your
plan was to discover where I'm going, and who with, so that you
could tell Den."

"No! Why would
I want to do that?"

"You tell

"That wasn't
my plan! I just wanted to be with you because... I've had nothing
to do with Den since..."

"You're lying,
Lisa. Lying little girls deserve a good thrashing."

"Please, I'm
not lying!"

"I'll cane
your bottom until you tell the truth!"

Resuming the
thrashing, I watched gleefully as her buttocks turned a fire-red.
The glistening cucumber shooting out of her cunt like a bullet as
her muscles tightened, I didn't stop, bringing the bamboo cane down
again and again with deafening cracks. Ignoring her screamed
protests, her pleas for mercy, I continued to lash her burning
buttocks until my arm ached.

"You'll have
some more in a minute," I hissed, dropping the cane to the floor
and rubbing my arm.

please!" she sobbed. "I'm not in league with Den!"

"Who was the
man Den brought here?"

"I don't know.
You've asked me before and I've told you, I know nothing about
another man."

"You don't
seem to know much. Considering that you're Den's accomplice, you
don't know much at all."

"I am not his

"I really
thought we had something together, Lisa. I thought that we might
even end up together, living together as a couple."

"That's what I
wanted, too."

"Then why ruin

"I did not
ruin it!"

I was a damned
good liar, and so was Mat - but Lisa? She was too inexperienced to
lie. But I had to be sure. I wasn't going to be taken in, to be
made a fool of by the girl. Another twenty or so cracks of the cane
across her scarlet buttocks, and I might believe her.

Retrieving the
cane I resumed the gruelling thrashing, landing one stinging blow
after another across her bucking bottom orbs. She screamed and
screamed, begged for me to stop, offered me anything and everything
in return for her freedom - but I continued the beating until the
cane snapped in two. The cucumber gliding out of her anal duct as
her muscles spasmed, I focused on her inflamed holes, her sex milk
streaming from her gaping cunt.

behind the sobbing girl, I licked the full length of her yawning
cunt slit, lapping up her flowing honeydew, drinking from her
burning duct. The squelching and lapping sounds of lesbian lust
filled the room. I wanted her tongue lapping between my swollen
love lips, licking my pulsating clitoris. But there was plenty of
time for her to reciprocate, I reflected.

Parting her
outer sex lips, I pressed my mouth against the hot, pink flesh
forming a cone around her open hole and sucked out her juices. Her
sobs becoming whimpers of pleasure, I decided to take her to
orgasm, to lick and mouth on her clitoris and allow her some
satisfaction after her thrashing. I might thrash her again, should
the fancy take me.

"That's nice!"
she gasped as I parted her vaginal lips as wide as I could and
sucked her swollen clitoris into my hot mouth. My nose almost up
her cunt, I repeatedly swept my tongue over the sensitive tip of
her pleasure button, taking her ever closer to her desperately
needed release. "Don't stop!" she gasped, her lust juices flowing
in torrents from her sex duct, flooding my face.

Her orgasm
finally erupting, her bottom bucking, her naked body shaking
violently, she screamed out in her coming. Again and again I swept
my tongue over her pulsating clitoris, sustaining her climax as her
cunt milk spewed from her open hole and ran down my face in
torrents. Her orgasmic juices spurting from her cunt like spunk
jetting from a knob, never had I known such a copious flow of come.
As she cried out, her orgasm obviously peaking, I drove a finger
deep into her tight bottom-hole, taking her higher to her sexual
heaven. "More, more!" she gasped as I pistoned my finger in and out
of her spasming rectal sheath, her muscles gripping me like a vice.
"Don't stop!"

fingering her hot bottom-hole, I lapped at her throbbing clitoris
until her trembling body began to calm. She was almost done, her
orgasm gently relinquishing her sated body. Her climax finally
over, I slid my mouth up to her open hole and sucked out her sex
milk, swallowing her creamy offering as her body relaxed, leaving
her serene.

"Nice?" I
asked, slipping my finger out of her hot anal sheath.

"God, yes!"
she breathed as I stood behind her, eyeing her crimson bottom
cheeks, the spilled cunt milk streaming down her inner thighs.
Another thrashing? I pondered. Or should I now have her attend my
cunt, lick and suck my clitoris to orgasm?

Slipping into
the kitchen, I took a large wooden spoon from the drawer - the
nearest thing I had to a paddle. Thrashing her with the convex side
of the spoon would ensure that her beautiful bottom melons would
glow red, burn all over. Wickeder and wickeder! In the lounge, I
gazed at her rounded bottom globes, the thin weals. Her fiery
melons were asking for more, I knew.

"So, you say
that you're not in league with Den?" I pursued.

"Of course I'm

"I have to be
sure, Lisa. Ally or adversary, friend or foe - I have to know."

"I've told
you, I'm a friend."

"I'll know one
way or the other within a few minutes."

"What do you
mean? How will you know?"

The first
deafening slap of the spoon against her left buttock caused her to
yelp like a dog. Again, she yelped and screamed as the spoon
slapped her right cheek. Repeatedly slapping each crimson globe in
turn, I didn't give into her cries and pleas for mercy. Her screams
and beseeching only serving to drive me on, I continued the
beating, delighting in my debauchery as every inch of her rounded
melons glowed, burning like fire.

Jane!" she screamed as I whacked the backs of her shapely thighs as
hard as I could. "Please, stop!"

"I'll carry on
unless you tell me the truth," I panted, halting the beating.

"I have told
you the truth!" she sobbed.

"OK, I believe
you now."

"You should
have believed me in the first place!" she returned as I released
her trembling body and helped her to her feet.

"I had to be
one hundred percent sure."

"God, my bum
really hurts!"

"Here, come
and rest on the sofa."

"I don't think
I'll ever be able to sit down again!" she moaned as she gingerly
lowered her naked buttocks and reclined on the sofa, tears flooding
down her flushed cheeks as she looked up at me. "You're

"And you're
beautiful. Now, stop complaining and rest."

As I grabbed
the ropes and cucumbers, I wondered whether to allow Lisa to join
me that evening. Would I mind sharing her, her beautiful cunt? I
didn't know. Hiding the ropes in the kitchen drawer and tossing the
cucumbers into the bin, I suddenly had an idea and dashed back into
the lounge.

"Lisa, I want
you to ring Den," I said, placing the phone next to her.


"Tell him that
you've been to see me and..."

"I haven't
spoken to him for ages, Jane. I don't want to get involved in
whatever it is you're doing."

"You are
involved, like it or not."

"What about
your husband?"

"Mat? What
about him?"

"You said that
we might live together, as a couple."

"Oh, that.
It's early days, Lisa. I have no plans, I don't know what to do
about Mat, or Den."

"Come and live
with me."

"No, I don't
want to live in a flat. Look, ring Den and tell him that you want
to join him again, join in with the blackmail and sex."

"All right,

"There are no
buts. I reckon that he'll ask you to find out where I'm going this
evening. Tell him that you'll get back to him after you've spoken
to me. Dial one four one first, I don't want him to know that you
rang from here."


Eyeing her
firm breasts, her succulent nipples as she rang Den, I pondered on
my plan. If Lisa rang Den back later and told him that I was
meeting one of the college men at a pub, he'd tell Mat and... and
what? My crazy plans never seemed to go anywhere, apart from
causing confusion.

"Den, it's
Lisa," the sex-kitten purred. "Yes, I know. Look, I want to become
involved again. I can change my mind, can't I? Yes, I do need
money. Jane? What, this evening? OK, I'll ring her and find out. By
the way, she asked about a man you took to her house. Who was it?
Don't tell me, then. OK, I'll ring you back later."

Replacing the
receiver she looked up at me, a slight grin furling her full red
lips. At least I was now sure that she knew nothing about Mat's
involvement. "He seemed to believe me," she sighed. "He wants me to
find out what you're up to, where you're going and who with."

"Good. We'll
wait for ten minutes and then you can ring him back. Tell him that
I'm going to meet the college men and..."

"Who are the
college men?"

"It doesn't
matter who they are. Tell him that I'm meeting them on the common,
Broadridge Common, at eight o'clock."

"OK, but I
don't see the point."

"Neither do I,
yet. You'd better dress in case Mat makes one of his untimely
appearances. I'll go and make some coffee."

Filling the
kettle, I felt that, whatever it was, my plan was coming together
nicely. Lisa would tell Den where I was going, he'd tell Mat, and
Mat would... Sadness enveloped me as I thought of Mat, the time
before it had all begun. Why had he done it? Why had he treated me
as a sex object, used and abused me, had me whipped and fucked by
other men? Perhaps Lisa could discover his so-called ultimate

Lisa - what
the hell was I doing with her? She was like a little girl, needing
mothering, looking after. There was an angelic innocence in her
dark eyes, the way she pouted her full lips. Live together as a
couple? She had no money, no job, and lived in a rented flat above
a shop. What did the future hold for her? I wondered, pouring the
coffee. Or me, for that matter!

"Shall I ring
him now?" she asked as she appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Yes, I'll
bring the coffee through," I replied, pouring milk into the cups.
"Right, let's go."

"Where are you
really going this evening?" she asked as I followed her into the
lounge, my eyes transfixed on her rounded buttocks billowing her
short skirt.

"I'll tell you
later. Ask Den what his ultimate goal is."


"Yes, ask him
what this is all leading up to, what he hopes the blackmail will
result in. Right, make the call, and don't forget to dial one four
one first."

Placing the
cups on the coffee table as she sat on the sofa and grabbed the
phone, I glimpsed her wet vaginal crack. The more I thought about
her, the more I wanted her, but... Could I live with her? I
pondered. Could we live as a couple? The notion intrigued me. She'd
make a good partner, in bed as well as for company. My thoughts
began whispering to me. Did I love her?

"Den, it's
me," she purred, breaking my reverie. "Yes, I rang her. She's going
to Broadridge Common at eight o'clock. To meet some college men,
whoever they are. Yes, she believes that I'm her friend. Yes, I
will. Den, where will this blackmail end, what's the point?"

She listened
intently for a while, her dark eyes catching mine now and then as I
sipped my coffee. Was Den spilling the beans? I wondered. Would he
tell her about Mat? I doubted it very much. He'd not trust her, I
was sure. As she said goodbye and hung up, I was beside myself with

"Well?" I
finally asked.

"The ultimate
goal is to transform you into a nymphomaniac," she declared.


"So that you
want sex, group sex, lesbian sex, all the time. He reckons that the
time will come when there'll be no need to blackmail you because
you'll be willing to have sex with anyone and everyone, including
the other man, whoever he might be."

As she took
her coffee from the table, I paced the floor, pondering on her
words. So, Mat had come up with a plan to transform me, to heighten
my libido to the extent that I'd perform lesbian shows for him,
enjoy group sex with him, so that he and Den could both enjoy
fucking me without having to blackmail me. The plan had certainly
worked well, I had to admit!

How they
intended to bring Mat into the games, I didn't know. Perhaps Mat
was going to walk in and find Den fucking me, and I'd be in such a
state of arousal that I wouldn't mind my husband joining in.
Henceforth, there'd be no need for blackmail - I'd willingly
participate with Den and Mat, and whoever else came along.

"You've done
well, Lisa," I smiled as she finished her coffee. "What I want you
to do now is go home. I'll ring you when I'm ready."

"What about
this evening?"

"You can't
come with me. I have something very important to do and I can't
have you with me."


"Trust me,
Lisa. I'll ring you, don't worry."

"If you say
so," she replied sullenly, depositing her cup on the table.

"I do say so.
When you go, try not to let Den see you. Sneak out into the street,

"OK, I'll wait
to hear from you."

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