Naked Time-Out

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #kelsey charisma daddy daughter sex adult erotica timeout

BOOK: Naked Time-Out
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Naked Time-Out



Kelsey Charisma






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Naked Time-Out

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma



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This book is for sale to ADULT
AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes
and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some
Please note that if a warning is
on the cover, then the following material is pseudo-incest between
either a former or present stepfather and stepdaughter or
stepbrother and stepsister.
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All sexually active characters in this work
are 18 years of age or older.



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Seth has a breeding
kink, and when a positive pregnancy test appears, he makes sure no
good deed goes unpunished.





Other Titles by Kelsey


























“What the,” Cynthia whispered when she came
back into her room. She had run across the hall late at night to
use the restroom, and when she returned, all her blankets and
pillows were missing. Not even a sheet remained to cover her body.
She stood at the foot of the bed in her bra and panties while
looking around. There wasn’t time to search for her bedding,
because suddenly her stepdad jumped from her closet. She screamed
when he pounced. But then he tackled her, plowing her onto the bed,
and once he had her under him in a one man dog pile, he began to
laugh. After going from absolute fear to relief in seconds, she
laughed loudly—although she sounded nervous. “Dad you scared the
crap out of me.”

“I was just playing around.” He grinned, and
by his cocky expression she knew damn well that coming into her
room to
play around
meant something else entirely than
hiding her bedding. He wanted sex, and Seth was a hard man to

He was gorgeous, and she had always thought
so. Long before her mom dated him, and long after they divorced,
Cynthia was infatuated with him and his good looks. There was also
a goofy side to him that made her laugh, which she found
irresistible. It was his ability to make her laugh that charmed her
right into his bed. Having fun was all Cynthia cared about, and
life was always better with laughter. Seth simply fulfilled her
desire to always feel good.

The only trouble was, Seth had a breeding
kink and refused to wear condoms. Not that she was too worried
about getting pregnant, or she’d get on birth control, but most
days she felt too young still. Despite occasionally feeling
worried, she knew he was going to impregnate her, and before she
even turned nineteen. Tonight however, the idea was scary, and she
tried shoving him off her. However, he was too heavy, and she
couldn’t make him budge. He chuckled after of her dismal attempt.
“You can’t really want me off you if that’s all you got.”

“I just don’t want sex. I’m really close to
ovulating,” she said.

“I know.” He grinned wider. “And I think
that is
hot. I swear your skin glows around this time
of the month. It’s like your body is begging for me. You’ve made
yourself irresistible.” She grinned. She loved it when he voiced
his desires for her. Deep down, she even loved his yearning to
impregnate her; she just wished she was older and could be excited
about the idea.

He leaned down and began to kiss along her
neck. He knew that drove her wild. An inch below her ear was her
weak spot. Licking or nibbling her skin in that very place rendered
her silent and on occasion, instantly wet her panties. Tonight her
dad was taking it a step further. The moment he moistened her skin
with his lips, he began to rock over her. And like that, Cynthia
knew it was all over.

She fucked him enough times in the past to
know his intentions and what would soon unfold. He’d use her leg to
stroke his cock until he was hard, then he’d shift until snug
between her legs. He’d rub against her panties until she was hot
and ready. Then, at one point, when he had her thoroughly
distracted with his lips on her neck, he’d slide her panties to the
side and slip himself inside. It didn’t matter how resolute she was
to not have him, he’d wear her down with pleasure and when he was
sure she wouldn’t refuse, he’d strike.

And striking was the correct description.
Seth wasn’t a type of lover to gently rock his partner until she
was so relaxed she could fall asleep. He was wild, insatiable, and
satisfying. Just thinking about their sex could make her climax.
Seth, in a word, was incredible. Top that off with a generous sized
dick, a libido that seemed impossibly active, and a need to
continually strive to have her, and she was hooked on him. He had
her wrapped so tightly around his finger that he was going to get
her pregnant in no time, and deep down, she knew she wanted his
baby. She could tell him no all day long, but once his dick was
hard and he was kissing her neck, there was no point resisting. She
couldn’t stick to her guns.

“Come on, baby, what does a dad have to do
around here to get laid?”

She laughed, when not long ago they both
struggled with the taboo situation they found themselves in. After
one drunken night in a hot tub however there was no turning back.
And since then, they made small jokes about their
stepfather-stepdaughter roles until it became comfortable and they
no longer cared.

A dad
has to wait until I’m not so
close to ovulating.”

“But that’s why I came in here. You know I
can’t do that.” To prove he needed her, he glided his hands down
her arms and brought them over her head. He locked his fingers
between hers and squeezed tight. With equal zeal, he bit her neck
which sent bursts of pressure down to her core. She moaned. After
he licked his way up to her ear, he whispered, “You even thinking
about staying in this room makes me want to strive to get you in my
bed where you belong.” He bit her earlobe and exhaled warm breath
into her canal with a soft, quiet breeze. The heat made her melt.
“You know men want what they can’t have.”

She could barely think, especially
rationally, but managed to say, “We’ll be in deep shit if I get
pregnant. And if you’re not going to think about the consequences
then I have to.” He pressed his hard erection against her panties.
He bore down with his weight, making her clit throb under the power
of his stiff dick. Her inner walls clamped down as need for him
pulsed through her.

“I have thought about it. That’s why I think
the idea is so hot. Sleeping with your daughter is an extremely hot
but taboo fantasy, but getting your daughter pregnant…the thought
makes me want to cum so hard—in you.”

Then it happened, just as she knew it would.
He distracted her with his tongue on her neck, slipped her panties
to the side, and if he wasn’t so thick she wouldn’t have noticed
him press into her. Yet his penetration was slow and slick. He
didn’t pump, only glided in with a cock so hot that his heat made
her inner walls supple. She arched her back and welcomed him in
with a moan. Instantly she conformed to his length and girth, but
after sleeping with him for months, they fit together like a glove.
“Tell me to cum in you, and get you pregnant, Cynthia. Ask me to
cum in you.”

Maybe she wanted sex after all. “Perhaps if
you wore a condom we could do this…”

“No, I’m allergic to latex.” He winked,
because they both knew damn well he wasn’t. “Give me permission,
Cynthia. Let me cum in you. Beg me for it. Then I swear I’ll give
you the ride of your life to make it worth your while. You’ll never
regret it even if you get knocked up.”

And her dad was right about having no
regrets. Their sex was dirty and fun, and they didn’t stop until
they were both exhausted and weak. She climaxed more times than she
could count, and he didn’t stop until he convinced her to let him
carry her into his room for another romp in his bed.




“Is there something you need to tell me,
Cynthia?” Seth asked as he stood in front of the television,
blocking her view. He was smugly smiling, though she didn’t know
why. She had no clue what she was supposed to tell him either.
Apparently her confusion was evident because her dad manifested a
pregnancy test from behind his back and set it on the coffee table.
The word “pregnant” filled the screen. They both stared at it, and
Cynthia looked on with disbelief.

She blinked while trying to wrap her head
around it. All she knew was the test wasn’t hers. In another
attempt to ward off Seth when she was about to ovulate, her friends
stayed over the night before so she wouldn’t get pregnant. One of
her friends must have taken the test, which meant one of her
friends was in the very situation she worried she’d find herself
in. And all she could think to say was a slew of four letter

“It looks like your dad bred you.” He looked
triumphant. She ignored his satisfaction however, and picked up the
pregnancy test, still bewildered. Which of her friends conceived?
She didn’t know any of them were dating. It was close to the end of
the year and it seemed to spark many breakups before college. “You
know what this means, don’t you?”

“Huh?” She finally looked up at Seth. She
knew he said something or maybe he asked her a question.

“It means time-out, Cynthia.”

“What?” she scoffed.

“You heard me. Time-out.” He grinned.

“You can’t be serious. You’re sending me to
my room? I thought you don’t even like me in there anymore.”

“Oh, I’m serious. But I’m not sending you
into your room. I want you in the corner.” He turned to the wall
and pointed to where he wanted her. “Right there.”

She scoffed again, and went back to looking
at the white stick and small screen, and for a moment returned to
occupying her thoughts with the question which one of her friends
tested positive. “For a second I thought you were serious there.
Get off it Seth. I’m staying right here.”

“I’m dead serious. I want you in that
corner, and if I have to strip you down naked and pin you there
myself, you’re going to time-out.”

She laughed, and rolled her eyes. “Naked
Time-out. Good one dad.” The moment she looked away, however, she
began to think the idea was actually hot, and she playfully teased,
“I bet you’ve been thinking about that for months.”

“Damn straight, which should show you I’m
determined. Now if I got you pregnant, it means you’ve been a very
naughty girl,” he came to her, leaned down, and kissed her, “and
bad girls go to time-out. So don’t make me throw you over my
shoulder and carry you over there.”

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