Nashville Flirt (6 page)

Read Nashville Flirt Online

Authors: Bethany Michaels

Tags: #nashville, #rock star, #country music, #free romance, #celebrity romance, #bargain romance, #short reads

BOOK: Nashville Flirt
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He raised his head.

She opened her eyes and looked down at
him. His eyes were dark, his lips wet. She had a big handsome man
between her thighs and she was thinking about her sister? Maybe
he’d been right. Maybe she was uptight. Maybe this one night was
exactly what she needed to let all the crap with Charles go and
reboot her life.

OK,” she whispered. The
moment she made the decision, she felt the tension drain from her
muscles, felt her face relax and her jaw unclench.

With a low growl, Bo pushed her thighs
further apart and this time his mouth went straight for her

Desire, so sharp it was edged in pain,
shot through her, making her swear. She gripped his hair, not sure
if she wanted him to stop the torment or increase his

Lay back, Sarah. I want
to taste you.”

No argument this time. Sarah lay back
across the small hotel writing desk, hardly feeling the lumpy mass
of her journals, laptop and purse digging into her back.

Bo arranged her legs over his
shoulders and spread her, baring her completely to him.

You’re beautiful, Sarah.
So damn sexy I can’t think straight.”

He touched her, then, stroking her
with fingers and tongue and lips until she was writhing beneath
him. He eased one finger inside her and she could feel her body
clench around him, wanting more. Needing him inside her, filling

Bo,” she said. “Please.
I…I need you.”

Without missing a beat, Bo got to his
feet and scooped her up against him. “Just the invitation I was
looking for.” His mouth moved over hers and she could taste her own
arousal on his lips.

Bo laid her on the bed almost
reverently, set her glasses on the nightstand, then covered her
with his big body. She splayed her thighs, inviting him closer,
wishing he was already filling her. She was needy and desperate and
wanted to claw at him until her itch was scratched.

She fumbled with his belt,

Off,” she

Bo chuckled and captured both of her
hands in one of his, pinning them over her head.

Not yet.”

He nibbled at her neck

You’re torturing

You like it,” he said
into her ear and bit lightly into her shoulder.

No, I don’t.”

Do you always talk so
much during sex.”

Sarah bit her lip. “Yes?”

Then I’m not doing my

Bo pulled back and got off the bed. He
tugged his shirt over his head, toed his boots and socks off, and
peeled his jeans down his long legs, before kicking them away,

Sarah got to her elbows and simply
stared at him. He was simply male perfection. Muscled calves and
thighs, flat belly with just a hint of abs, broad chest, defined


Her gaze dropped to his boxer-briefs,
where his hard-on was testing the limits of the elastic.

Really daunting.” She
swallowed, feeling self-conscious again. His body was, well,
perfect. Hers wasn’t. And what if she was a bad lay and didn’t even
know it?

Your turn, he said,
reaching for the tie on her robe.

Panic gripped her all of a sudden.
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

This is a great idea. The
best I’ve ever had.”

He pushed her hands away and untied
her robe, peeling back the edges. She was sure her smallish breasts
weren’t what Bo was used to. And her belly was soft, her hips wider
than those of the supermodels he no doubt bedded regularly. She had
to be a disappointment to a man used to seeing so many perfect

All Sarah wanted to do was pull her
robe closed and forget the whole thing.

Sarah,” Bo said with a
gasp. “I don’t think this is going to work—”

He moved off the bed.

It’s ok if you’ve changed
your mind,” she said, interrupting him. Even facing all their
friends in the department who knew Charles had been cheating on her
hadn’t been this embarrassing. Sarah couldn’t look Bo in the eye.
She couldn’t bear to see his disappointment.

He bent to pick up his jeans. He was

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, hoping
this was all one big nightmare. Maybe she was asleep and dreaming.
Maybe he’d never come here at all and this was her fevered
imagination’s way of—

The bed sank beneath his weight. He
nudged her thighs apart and settled his hips—his naked hips—against
her pelvis. A condom. He’d been going for a condom, not

He kissed her breasts, tugging gently
at the nipples with his lips.

I’m sorry,” he said
against her lips, looking into her eyes. “I don’t think this is
going to work like I planned. I’m not going to last long. You’re
too damn sexy. But I’ll make it up to you. I swear.”

He thrust inside her then, robbing her
of any response. He filled her completely, and she welcomed the
sensation of fullness, wrapping her legs around him, pulling him
even deeper.

Yes,” she let out on a
sigh and let her eyes drift closed.

Bo pressed hot kisses to her face, her
lips, her eyelids. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his
face in her hair as he thrust harder. “You’re so tight, so wet. And
the way you move…you’re making me crazy.”

Pressure built inside her. Sarah felt
hot all over. She dug her fingernails into the muscles of his

Harder,” she grunted.
“Harder. Almost there.”

He grasped one of her thighs, hiking
it up to allow him to drive all the way home.

Sensation burst over her all at once.
A rush of pleasure flowed over her like warm, liquid silk, robbing
her of breath and thought. Her skin tingled, her head swam and
still she clenched him inside her, milking every last drop of
pleasure he offered.

Bo thrust twice more before he
stiffened over her. He let out a deep groan and collapsed. She
welcomed his weight. She had never felt so protected, so satisfied.
So beautiful. With Bo, she’d been able to let all her worries go,
all her inhibitions, all her thoughts about work and school and
bills and not being as beautiful as Bo…everything. Bo had chased
all the worries away, just as he’d promised.

It might be for just one night, but it
was one night she would never forget.




Bo woke up slowly, feeling great.
Exhausted, but great. He opened one eye. It wasn’t even dawn yet,
but the bedside light revealed Sarah was still asleep, her dark
lashes fanning her cheeks, dark auburn hair spread out across her
pillow. And she was nude. Gloriously nude.

He smiled and snuggled closer to her.
Running a fingertip down the slope of her bare arm, Bo marveled at
the silky smooth texture of her skin. Unlike a lot of the girls he
spent his time with, she wasn’t spray tanned or teased or injected
with fillers of any kind. She was a real woman. And it wasn’t just
skin deep. Sarah was funny, smart, and he sensed there were
untapped depths lurking behind her dark, sometimes sad eyes. He got
the sense that he could spend hours exploring everything that made
up Sarah. Weeks, even. Maybe years.

Which is why this had to be a one-off.
Bo had no right to get involved with a woman like Sarah. Not now,
when he was finally free of all the obligations that had shackled
him his whole life. Now was his time to do what he wanted, and what
he wanted was to make music and go on the road with no tethers to
bind him.

Sarah shifted and blinked her eyes

Hey, beautiful,” Bo said,
kissing her lips lightly.

She looked confused for a moment, then
her eyes went wide. She sat up, gathering the sheet to her bare
breasts. “What time is it? Did Emily come back?”

No, but she texted you
after you fell asleep. She stayed at Sean’s.”

Sarah reached for her glasses on the
nightstand, still clutching the sheet to her chest. Her modesty,
after all the dirty things they’d done to each other all night,
made Bo want to ravish her all over again.

Maybe, if he was very persuasive,
they’d have time to—

You have to get out.
Right now.”

Bo glanced at the window. “It’s still
pitch dark outside.”

Emily is an early riser.
She’s one of those health nuts who hits the pavement and runs five
miles before breakfast. She’ll be back any minute.”

Sarah got up, pulling the sheet along
with her and leaving Bo completely nude.

He rolled to his side and grinned at
her, making sure his hard-on was on full display. “Are you

Yes,” Sarah said, trying
to recover her robe from the pile of their clothing on the floor,
while keeping the sheet wrapped around her.

You know I’ve seen
everything, right? Several times. Even that tiny little mole on the
back of your thigh.

I don’t have a mole—”
Sarah’s eyes widened when her gaze focused on Bo and his boner.

Morning wood. Only one
thing can cure it.”

He patted the bed next to

Sarah chewed her lip and for a second
Bo thought she might give in, but then the look of panic returned.
“No, you have to get out of here. Right now.”

Bo sighed and heaved himself out of

Can I at least

No. Sorry.” Sarah had
gathered up all of Bo’s clothes and shoved them at him. “Get
dressed. Emily cannot know you were here.”

Why?” Bo asked, pulling
on his jeans. “She got lucky last night, too.”

Because.” Sarah got on
top of the bed and pulled his t-shirt over his head, as if she was
dressing a child.

Socks…where is your other

Bo heard the note of panic in her
voice and realized she was serious.

Usually I’m the one
hustling a woman out the door in the morning,” he said, more to
himself that to Sarah. “I’m not sure I like this.”

Consider it payback on
the behalf of all the women who’ve been booted out of your bed
before breakfast.”

Bo shoved his feet in his boots and
bucked his belt. “Lesson learned.”

Sarah grabbed his hat off of Emily’s
bed and handed it him, pushing him towards the door.

Thanks. It was fun.”
Sarah gave him a tight smile and didn’t quite meet his

Bo reached for the doorknob. He felt
like he wanted to say something, to let her know that last night
had meant something to him. Instead, he grabbed Sarah and pressed
her against the wall. He kissed her, wanting that kiss to say
everything he couldn’t express in words Even though he’d probably
never see her again, he didn’t want her to forget him.

When he felt her turn to jelly in his
arms, he pulled back.

Take care,

Bo slipped out the door, letting it
latch behind him.

It had been more than fun. It had been
amazing. There had been a connection that he hadn’t shared with
another woman in years…and one he couldn’t afford to explore now.
No, his life was heading in exactly the direction he wanted it to.
Sarah was like one of those scenic over-looks up the in the
Smokeys. It was a nice place to stop, snap a picture and admire the
view, but it wasn’t the top of the mountain. And the top was where
he wanted to be. Needed to be. Nothing else mattered.

Not even Sarah.

Bo settled his hat on his head and
strutted down the dimmed hallway towards the elevators.


Six Weeks Later


Sarah sat on Emily's bed watching her
pack. “Will you quit smiling? It’s getting creepy.”

Can’t. Do you realize I’m
going to be in Tennessee in less than eight hours?”

I still can’t believe you
finally fell in love with a real guy. Not a guy in a movie or on a
stage somewhere.”

I know,” Emily said. “And
he's even better than any of those guys could ever hope to

Sarah was glad she had a weekend off
from her studies so she could fly to Chicago and see Emily off on
her new adventure. Emily and Sean had talked and texted and Skyped
every day they’d been apart and just couldn't stand to be in
separate states any longer. Emily had been able to transfer to the
Nashville branch of her company pretty easily and was planning to
live there on a trial basis. And while she was moving to be with
Sean, Emily had gotten her own apartment, saying she didn’t want to
rush things. Sarah found that pretty hilarious, since Emily and
Sean had known each other less than two months and she was packing
up and moving almost 500 miles to be close to him. Sarah knew it
wasn’t a temporary move. It was permanent. And she was going to
miss her sister.

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