Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) (18 page)

Read Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Shelley Springfield

BOOK: Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4)
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“She stays locked in one of the extra rooms until Doc can see her. He can tell us if she’s really pregnant.” Trix nods to the table, where the pregnancy test is laying. “She was telling everyone about her sister having a baby just a week or two ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if that bitch got her to piss on the stick.”

“What if she is?” Gidget asks, for the first time sounding not so sure.

Trix looks at her, not even blinking. “The club will pay for an abortion. If she doesn’t want one, she will be moved to a house and taken care of. After the baby is born, a paternity test will be taken. Then, it’s up to her and the father about what happens.”

If there is a baby, I know it isn’t mine, not unless the fucking condom broke. I ignore the possibility and pull Gidget into my lap. “Babe, you having my back was hot as fuck, you going after some bitch for me. My dick is hard as fuck right now.”

I grind my cock into her ass, showing her the proof. She jerks away from me before huffing out a breath and moving back to her seat. “I don’t give a shit about how hard your dick is.”

Boz gets up from the table and grabs Trix’s hand. “You may not care how hard his dick is, but I care about mine.”

He turns to Trix and takes the hand he’s holding and places it on the front of his pants. “I love when you play biker bitch.”

Trix doesn’t hesitate from pulling him from the room, and I can’t hold back my laughter. Hopefully, Gidget will do the same after she calms the fuck down. At this point, I wouldn’t mind taking her on while she’s pissed.

“What the hell are you laughing at?” she asks, crossing her arms over her luscious tits. “We’ve just found our way back to each other, and now all this shit happens. I don’t see anything funny about it.”

Her talking about us being back together forces me to adjust my aching cock. “There’s no doubt in my mind that she saw us together. It pissed her off, and this bullshit was the only thing she could think of to get us apart.”

“How in the hell can you be so sure?” she asks, her voice starting to calm.

“There’ve been a few club whores to try this shit before. Not one has ended up being true, unless a brother admitted not suiting up.”

She lets out a breath and shrugs. “I guess time will tell.”

I lean forward and brush my lips over hers. “She was drunk as fuck one night, slobbering all over me. She kept trying to convince me not to wear a condom. Told me I didn’t need one because she has an IUD.”

“She could’ve been lying,” Gidget says with a nervous shake of her head. “She could’ve just been trying to get pregnant.”

Fuck, this shit is worrying her. It’s the last damn thing we need right now. I’m not stupid enough to think all our problems are over, and this can only make shit worse.

“Lisa used to run all the club girls. She took care of everything, including medical. As soon as the bitch told me all her shit, I went to Lisa. She confirmed Violet had an IUD because she kept forgetting to take her pills. Still, that didn’t stop me from grabbing a condom every time I went anywhere near her.”

She lets out a relieved breath, and I can tell immediately that my words make her feel better. “Okay, I’ll let it go for now.”

“Does that mean we can go take care of my little problem?” I ask with a smile, motioning my hand over my cock.

She looks down and smiles. “I don’t see anything little about you, Layton.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Again, the sounds of motorcycles wake me up. Growing up with my Dad, I should be immune to the sounds, but I’m not. Lifting Layton’s arm off of me, I lean up and glance at the clock on the dresser. It’s only a little after eight, but I know Parker is either already up or will be soon.

I stretch my aching muscles as I swing my naked legs over the bed. Without my clothes on, I can see the remnants of the beating Torch gave me. It’s just fading bruises now. All my injuries are nearly healed, but they still bother me in the morning. Also, my body is getting used to having sex again. Richard hadn’t touched me for nearly four months before he filed for divorce. All those long unused muscles are definitely getting a workout now.

Just as I’m about to stand up, Layton reaches out and pulls me back against his nude body. “Where the hell are you going?”

“I have to go get Parker. I can’t expect Addy or Lettie to get him breakfast every morning, not when I’m capable of doing it myself,” I say, trying to wiggle out of his arms.

“Let me hold you for a few more minutes and make sure that you are okay. You still seemed a bit distracted before you fell asleep last night,” he says, before turning me so he can look at my face when I answer.

“What are you talking about? We had sex right before I fell asleep. That’s probably why I looked distracted. It’s called being in a pleasure induced daze.” I laugh, trying again to get him to let me go.

“Hold on a minute. You know what I mean. Something was bothering you, and I’m not letting you up until you tell me what it was.”

I know he means what he says; he won’t let it go until he thinks it’s all straightened out, so I huff out my answer. “I was still a little worried out about the whole Violet thing.”

He tightens his hold on me. “I told you the bitch isn’t having my kid. She’s probably not even pregnant.”

“It’s not about the pregnancy. I feel a little better about that after we talked. It’s more the fact of knowing you slept with her right before I got here. It’s petty of me, but I hate that you were with someone like her.”

“She was just an easy piece of ass. I could get what I wanted from her without pretending that I cared. She was willing to do anything I wanted as long as I left a little money behind when I was done.” I can tell by the look on his face that he didn’t mean to say all of that to me.

“What do you mean, she was willing to do anything you wanted?” He brought it up, and now I’m curious about what he’s talking about.

Layton sits up in the bed and pulls me up beside him. Running a hand through his disheveled hair, he lets out an aggravated groan. “Fuck! Are you sure you want to know all this shit? I can tell you right now, I never want to know what happened between you and your ex.”

“For some reason, I feel like I need to know.” I nod my head, hoping his answer isn’t gonna hurt me too much.

“Me and a few of the boys used to double team her. Sometimes, we’d just sit back and watch, while the others fucked her. More often than not, she’d give one of us head while the other fucked her. With Hack, we’d do her at the same time.”

My eyes widen involuntarily, and my breath starts coming in pants. I should be disgusted by what he did, but I’m not. Instead, I’m imagining the big and burly Hack fucking me at the same time as Layton. Just the image of it in my mind has my core heating up.

“Don’t even think about it,” he growls, rolling me over to my back and positioning his body above mine. “There’s no way in hell anyone else is gonna see you naked, much less get their dick anywhere near you. You’re mine, all mine, and no one else’s.”

Heat rushes to my face as I nod. “Of course not.”

“If you get off on that shit, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to watch people fuck around the clubhouse. Hell, I’ll even get a few of the boys to put on a show for you. After they get done, I’ll bring you back here and show you how it’s done properly,” he whispers against my neck, grinding his hard cock against my exposed pussy.

“I’ve never done anything like that before. Richard could be described as vanilla to the bone,” I explain, hoping he understands that I want more than what I had with my ex.

His cock slides up and down my damp folds. “Maybe, tonight, I’ll tie you up. I may even blindfold you then pull out a few toys. You can fuck yourself with one while I’m buried deep in the hot little ass of yours.”

All I can do is nod my response. That alone is enough to make him smile. “Do you want to get nasty, baby?”

“Uh huh,” I moan, lifting my hips, in need of more friction.

“You want me to tie you up and fuck your ass?” he asks, his voice husky with need. “You want me to pull out and come all over your back? You want me to use my cum to mark you as mine?”

Before I can respond, Parker and Addy’s voices reach my ears. By the way Layton’s body stills, I know he hears it, too. They don’t stop at the door, just pass on by as they talk about what they are going to have for breakfast.

“I want you thinking about tonight all fucking day,” he says, giving me a quick kiss and rolling off me. “Right now, you need to feed Parker, and I have some shit to do for Boz.”

I stay quiet as he climbs from the bed and starts getting dressed. He is pulling on his boxers by the time I crawl from the bed. He lets out a groan as he forces his hard cock into his jeans, and a quiet laugh escapes my lips.

He smiles at me as he zips his pants then walks over and places another kiss on my lips. “About the whole Violet shit, I’ll call Doc and see how quickly he can get here. I’m sure Trix has done a home pregnancy test, but Doc will have to see her before we cut her loose. If she is carrying a brother’s baby, we need to know.”

“What will you do if she is pregnant?” I ask, pulling a shirt over my head. “You aren’t just going to throw a pregnant woman out on the street, are you?”

He shakes his head. “No, the club will set her up in a house until the kid is born. Then, everyone she has fucked will go in for a test. The father will take care of his kid; you don’t have to worry about that.”

Even after all his assurances that the kid cannot be his, I’m still scared. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I couldn’t hold it against him if she was carrying his kid. It happened before we got back together, and I have a kid of my own. Still, I can’t imagine having to share a child with that woman.

I nod my head, wanting to change the subject to something that doesn’t make my stomach roll. “If you’re not busy later, I’d like to make dinner for us. It’ll just be you, Parker, and me. Do you think you’ll have some free time tonight?” I don’t know why I’m so nervous while I wait for his answer.

“What were you thinking about making?” he asks, a skeptical look on his face.

His reaction makes absolutely no sense to me. “How about spaghetti? Do you still like spaghetti and meat sauce?”

“Yeah, I like spaghetti. Are you sure you know how to make it?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not gonna turn out like your fried chicken, is it? I love you, baby, but not enough to suffer through that shit again.”

Suddenly, the memory of the first meal I ever cooked fills my mind. I was only fourteen at the time, and Mom was trying to teach me to cook. In the middle of my lesson, her sister called, and I was left to finish the chicken on my own. By the time she was done, the chicken was golden brown and Mom was sure it was perfect. Of course, Layton just happened to come over for supper that night. My golden brown chicken ended up being bright pink on the inside.

A smile crosses my face. “I’m not fourteen anymore, Layton. I have a child of my own now, and he doesn’t eat peanut butter and jelly all the time. Although, he’d like to.”

He still looks just as skeptical but finally nods. “Okay, we’ll give it a try. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll order pizza.”

Offended, I put a hand on my hip and narrow my eyes. “Thank you for having so much faith in me, honey.”

“You’re welcome.” He places another kiss on my lips and turns to walk out of the room. He doesn’t even turn around to see me salute him with my middle finger.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I scoop another bite of spaghetti into my mouth and smile at the slurping sounds coming from Parker. The kid is covered in sauce, and it doesn’t seem to bother him a damn bit. He reminds me so much of my little sister, Shelia. She always wore just as much food on her face as what made it into her mouth.

Just as I reach out for another piece of garlic bread, Boz walks into the kitchen and lifts his chin. “In my office, now.”

He turns around, but not before I get a glance at his face. His lips were held in a firm line, letting me know he’s pissed way the fuck off. I’m not sure what the hell is wrong, but whatever it is, I can tell the shit is bad. Fuck, can we not have one damn day without something fucking it up?

“I need to talk to Boz. Stay here with Parker and finish your dinner.” I push up from my chair, holding my hand out to keep Gidget in her seat. “I’ll see you as soon as I can. If I’m not back, go on to bed without me.”

Before I can take a step, Parker bounces out of his chair and runs around the table. “Can I go with you, Smoke?”

For the past two days, Parker has been my shadow. He’s followed me everywhere around the club. The kid is smart as a fucking tack, picking up everything I do with ease. He’s definitely got an affinity for bikes. He absorbed everything I said and did as I worked on Dad’s bike. Hell, with his quick mind and even quicker hands, I’ll have him rebuilding motors by the time he’s eight at this rate.

I squat down and lay my hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, buddy. I need you to stay with Mom this time.”

He pushes out his bottom lip but doesn’t complain. “Okay, but don’t forget we’re gonna watch Scooby Doo later.”

The look on Boz’s face flashes through my mind. Whatever he wants to talk about isn’t gonna be good. It could also call for me hitting the road. If I make a promise to Parker, I want to be able to keep it.

“I may have to work. If I’m not back in time, you go ahead and watch it with your mom. We’ll watch it again as soon as I have a night off,” I say, hoping he understands even though he is so young.

He cocks his head to the side, staring into my eyes. “You won’t forget?”

“How could I forget something so important?” Straightening up, I ruffle his hair. “See you soon, buddy.”

Leaving them behind, I head to the Pres’ office. By the time I get there, Hack is already sitting across from Boz’s desk, while our Pres paces back and forth across the floor. The air in the room is heavy with tension as I shut the door.

“What the fuck happened this time?” I ask, while walking over to Boz’s desk and leaning against it and crossing my ankles. “Please tell me it’s not gonna keep me from going to bed with my woman tonight.”

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