Nasty Girls (19 page)

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Authors: Erick S. Gray

BOOK: Nasty Girls
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I thought about Officer Reese a few times, having his card hidden away so James wouldn't come across it. And I was tempted to call him a few times, but I changed my mind. I was willing to work things out with James. I didn't want to end it with him so easy, especially since we had four years together.

I went into the kitchen and started cooking up breakfast for
myself. I scrambled some eggs, began boiling some water for some grits, and placed a few pieces of bread in the toaster.

I heard James come in. I looked up at the clock and saw that it was a quarter to eleven. James didn't say a word to me. He rushed past the kitchen and headed straight for the bathroom.

“James!” I called out. I followed him to the bathroom, and the door was closed. I knocked on it and asked, “James, you a'ight?”

“I'm good. I'm about to jump in the shower,” he shouted through the door.

“You want some breakfast? I'm cookin' grits and eggs.”

“Nah. I'm good.”

I didn't say anything else. I went back into the kitchen to continue with breakfast. After breakfast was done, James was still taking a long shower. And I ain't gonna lie, a bitch was horny. Last night, hearing that rain and wind outside my bedroom window made me think of James, and how he would throw down in the bedroom during nights like last night. We would have the radio playing in the background, and he'd be grinding between my legs, fucking the shit out of me.

I took a few bites from my plate, and then got up and walked to the bathroom, stripping off my clothing on the way, leaving a trail of bedtime garments from the kitchen to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door gently. “James, hey, baby.”

He didn't answer, so I took it upon myself to make the first move, and luckily for me, he left the bathroom door unlocked.

I casually walked in and went straight for the shower. The mist from the running hot water saturated the mirrors and lingered in the bathroom, making me unable to see my reflection in the glass. I pulled the glass shower door back, seeing James's
thick, strapping young body drenched with the steaming warm water flowing from the shower head above.

James turned and looked at me, as I stood naked in front of him. My nipples were stiff, and I was in need for some dick. No words were spoken. I hopped into the shower with him and gripped his dripping, rock-hard body and started kissing him all over. I heard him moan, as my tongue danced across his chest. I gripped his dick in my fist, stroking him gracefully.

“Fuck me, baby!” I cried out passionately, with the water cascading off our skins like a human waterfall. James said nothing, he turned me around, bent me the fuck over, and shoved his big black dick into me. My hands clasped the shower walls, as I tried to hold on and screamed out his name with so much obsession. He gripped my ass and continued to fuck the shit out of me. I came within minutes, and he did next, pulling me closer and grabbing my titties as he exploded into me.

Our actions continued on from the bathroom to the bedroom. James tossed me on the bed and began devouring my pussy. He gripped my legs strongly, with his lips and tongue doing a sista so fucking right. Of course, after an episode like that, I had to go down on my man, and tried deep-throating the huge erection that he had up again. After that, I straddled him and rode his dick till a bitch came again. Afterwards, I collapsed against his chest, breathing kinda hard—dick done did me justice.

I didn't even question him about last night and his whereabouts. I got so caught up in our crazy sexual escapade and having three fucking orgasms in one morning that I let it be.

James took a quick nap, with me still rested by his side. I was worn out too. So I closed my eyes and napped right along next to him.

My quick nap ended an hour and a half later, and I didn't realize that I was still so damn tired. I looked over, and James wasn't by my side. But I heard him in the bathroom. I was sprawled out across my bed, feeling the sun's radiant rays casting down on my nude body from my opened bedroom window. Outside seemed nice, but NY1 said that temperatures would reach a high of forty-five degrees and being a bit chilly, which meant my thickest leather and my boots.

James finally came out the bathroom, and he had on his jeans and his beige Timberlands. I looked at him, surprised that he was getting dressed.

“Nigga, I know you ain't goin' out again,” I barked. I wanted him to spend some time home with me, and do us for a while.

“I'll be back,” he said. He buckled his belt.

“What? James, you come in here after ten in the goddamn morning, and now you're leaving here again! Why can't you stay your ass home?” I shouted, jumping out of bed and reaching for my robe.

“Jade—,” he started, but his cell phone went off, catching his attention. He opened the phone and said, “Yeah . . . what up?”

I glared at him. He had the phone pressed against his right ear and his shoulder, and he threw on his button-down navy blue Rocawear shirt. Nah, I wasn't having this. He wasn't gonna come home, get himself some quick pussy, having me throw it at him while he was in the shower, and then leave me in this apartment out to dry. Fuck that! I scurried around the room and started getting dressed too.

He paused his conversation on the phone and finally paid attention to me, saying, “Jade, what the fuck you doin'?”

“I'm comin' wit' you.”

“No, you're not. You stayin' the fuck here,” he said, and then returned back to his conversation over the phone.

I wasn't having that. I didn't care what the fuck he said. I continued getting dressed, ignoring his statement. But by the time I was almost done, James was damn near out the door already.

I rushed up to him, pulling him by his leather and trying to pull his ass back into the apartment. James jerked his arm free from my pathetic grip, saying, “Jade, get the fuck off me! I don't need you babysittin' me today.”

“What? Are you serious, James?” I asked. I was about to tear up. I felt he was dissing me right now.

“I'll be back,” he said. He gave me a cold-face look and proceeded to the elevator.

“James!” I exclaimed from the apartment door, watching him wait for the elevator. “James! James! James!” But the nigga ignored me, like I wasn't even standing there. I continued to call his name out. The elevator came to the floor, and he walked in like I was nothing.

What the fuck!
I thought. This nigga done flipped the script on me.
Fuck that!
I threw on my leather jacket, grabbed my purse and a few personal things, and rushed out the door a few seconds after he left. I rushed down the pissy, foul-smelling staircase because I didn't want to wait too long for the elevator.

When I made it out of the building, I saw James walking down the block. His truck was parked across the street, and he didn't even bother to get in. That meant his journey was nearby. I tried to be inconspicuous, and followed him the best I could. He walked down about three blocks, not even looking back to see if he was being followed. But knowing James, he probably
was so fucking stupid and arrogant, that he thought he had this game of his down pat. He probably thought that I stayed my ass in the apartment like I was told.

James pulled out his cell phone, called up a number, and then he began talking. I was about a block away from him. I kept my eyes glued to him like he was magnetized. James finally stopped trekking it down the street and stopped in front of one of the project buildings.

I stood hidden from James's view, watching this ignorant muthafucka and waiting to see what he had going on. I couldn't help it, but my heart began to beat faster and faster. I began to feel envious about seeing him with some new pretty bitch he hooked up with recently and dissing me for her. I tried to hold my own, thinking about Camille and hearing her mouth, talking some shit like, “Jade, you followed that nigga? Why? He ain't worth the trip. You need to leave that nigga alone. Fuck him!”

At first, I wanted my girlfriends to love him like I did. I wanted Camille and Shy to be jealous of me—it was fucked up, but I was young. James was so fine that I wanted to be the envy of all Jamaica housing and all of Queens. I wanted to praise James, and have bitches wishing they could be me for snagging up my boyfriend. I felt and thought I was the lucky one. But truth be told, I was really the unlucky one. The trials and tribulations, along with the heartaches and pain I've been through with this man for so long, was definitely having its toll on me.

I watched and waited for about five minutes. I gawked at James standing in front of the building lobby with his hands placed in the pockets of his leather jacket. After watching and waiting, I caught the surprise of my life. My mouth dropped,
and my attitude flared up, when I saw Tasha walking out of the building and going up to James giving him a strong hug and then kissing him on his fucking lips. The shit was a joke. No, this nigga didn't. Nah, he ain't just leave out the crib with me, after he just fucked me, and then caught an attitude with me about him leaving to run outside in the cold to see this dumb dirty-bird bitch. He must be smoking or using that crack he was pushing—Nah, Lord, this ain't happening. He swore that Tasha wasn't his type and he wasn't fucking her. But now I'm seeing him hugged up on her outside in the cold, out in the open, where people could see and then later on talk. And then when I beef about it to him, his excuse always was, everybody spreading rumors about him and trying to break us apart. Fucking bullshit!

I was hurt and, at the same time, fucking furious. I caught this weird funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. My face tightened up; I clenched my fist and muttered, “A'ight!” He think he had it made?
Fuck that!

I briskly walked up to the two of 'em. They had their backs turned from me and not paying attention. I glared at Tasha. She had on a black leather coat, a miniskirt, black stockings, and some shin-high leather boots, and her weave looked decent for once. The bitch looked proper like what, one day out of the fucking year. I became even more furious, thinkin' James probably paid for all of her shit.

James finally turned around, catching me coming up to the both of 'em like a bat out of hell.

“Fuck!” I heard him mutter when he saw me coming.

That bitch Tasha turned around and twisted her ugly face at me. James released his arm from around her, knowing he was busted.

“Nigga, what the fuck is this!” I shouted.

“Jade, fuck you doin' here? I told you to be easy and stay up in the crib.”

“Nah, nigga, I thought you said you wasn't fuckin' wit' her. Why is this bitch here, huh, James?” I shouted, with my arms flaring all over the place.

“Bitch! Who the fuckin' you talkin' to, ho?” Tasha countered back.

“She fuckin' busted, James, and you dissin' me for her! Fuck is wrong wit' you! Bitch probably got AIDS or some shit.”

“What?” Tasha shouted.


“James, you don't need that bitch. Who the fuck is she! I know you ain't talkin', dumb bitch!” Tasha cursed, stepping forward.

“What bitch?” I barked. I got up in her face.

I was causing a scene and did not give a fuck. I became reckless, and wanted to hurt both of 'em bad. I was two seconds away from whipping this bitch's ass.

“Yo, Jade, chill,” James said.

“Nah, fuck you and fuck this nasty ho! She needs to find her own fuckin' man!” I screamed. I became so furious that she was with him that I spitted phlegm dead in Tasha's face.

Tasha didn't even attempt to wipe the spit that rested in between her nose and left eye as she came at me, swinging. I grabbed her jacket and punched her in her neck, and then caught her again, punching her on the side of her head. We struggled, falling against the black-ironed three-foot gate that was fenced around the building.

We tore into each other like hungry lions. I tried to grab her
hair and pull her shit out, but she pushed me off her and then charged at me again. She lunged at me like a fast discharge from a loaded gun and knocked my ass down on the concrete.

“Get the fuck off me!” I yelled. I tried to protect myself from the quick blows that she rained down on me.

A crowd gathered around, and James, this fucking asshole, just stood there and watched the whole thing, I swear, while this bitch was pressed down on top of me, striking me with punches. I sworn I saw him sneered down at me, like the situation was cute to him.

I wish my girls were here by my side, because Tasha had the advantage over me for a few seconds, scratching my face and digging her dirty nails into my skull. I was little, but I was going hard.

I don't know who separated us from each other, but I was grateful when I felt her being pulled up off me. I got back on my feet still acting a fool.

“Yeah, what bitch? What you got now!” Tasha shouted, being contained by a stout dark-skinned man with glasses.

“Fuck you, ho! You nasty! Fuck you . . . fuck you! You can have him. I'm done wit' him!” I shouted. This older bearded man held me tightly by my arm, keeping me from thrusting after her and wanting my revenge.

“Don't hate, bitch! Don't fuckin' hate! You got your ass whipped, bitch. . . . Watch, Jade . . . you think I'm playin'!” Tasha exclaimed, with her hair in disarray.

“Let that bitch go . . . let her go . . . let her the fuck go!” I screamed. I tried to jerk my arm free from this man's grip. I twisted and belligerently yanked and tried to release myself from his grip, but he wasn't having it.

“Calm down,” the man holding me said.

“Nah, fuck that!” I yelled. I was crying. I was hurt. I felt disrespected.

“Yo, what kind of man are you, having these two women fighting out here like this?” the man holding me said to James.

“Nigga, what? Mind your fuckin' business!” James said.

The guy James cursed out didn't return with a remark. He just looked at James in disgust, pretty much the way I looked at him now too.

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